The Power Architecture® based SPC560Px and SPC56EL60 microcontrollers are designed
for automotive safety and chassis applications.
The performance and safety features implemented in these devices offer a scalable safety
MCU platform.
Scalability in terms of application software is guaranteed by the following points:
■ SPC560Px and SPC56EL60 use the same peripherals.
■ SPC560Px core (e200z0) and SPC56EL60 core (e200z4) offer full assembler language
compatibility; the same tool chain can be used to develop applications for both devices
(execution speed differences between the two devices are to be expected).
To guarantee the maximum scalability in terms of hardware, the pin muxing of these devices
has been chosen very carefully. The result is a high level of compatibility in terms of pin
This application note describes how to reach the highest level LQFP144 pin compatibility
when designing an application with SPC560Px and SPC56EL60 devices.
To design a PCB compatible with the SPC560Px and SPC56EL60 144-pin LQFP, the PCB
designer must know the pinout differences between these two devices.
When comparing, pin per pin, the differences between the two devices, pins can be
classified in four groups:
●Identical pins
●Upward compatible pins
●Partially compatible pins
●Non-compatible pins
This application note follows this organization to show the differences between the pins of
each device and gives advice, whenever possible, on how to manage the differences.
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AN3190Pad compatibility
2 Pad compatibility
This section describes the pads which demand particular attention when either an
SPC560Px/SPC56EL60 compatible application or a compatible board is developed.
Pads which are not covered in this section are fully compatible. For a detailed description of
all SPC560Px/SPC56EL60 pads refer to Appendix A: Detailed pad list.
Even if oscillator pads and reset pads are considered compatible, additional information on
these pads is provided Section 2.4: Oscillator pads and Section 2.5: Reset pad.
2.1 Upward compatible pads
If an SPC56EL60 pad has all the functionalities of an SPC560Px pad plus additional ones, it
is an upward compatible pad.
Ta bl e 1 shows the list of all the upward compatible pads.
Table 1.List of the SPC560Px upward compatible pads
Pad numberPort name
32D[8] (A.32)
81G[8] (A.81)
85G[5] (A.85)
100B[2] (A.100)
102G[2] (A.102)
104G[3] (A.104)
106F[12] (A.106)
110B[1] (A.110)
112F[13] (A.112)
1. A full description of all these pads can be found in Appendix A: Detailed pad list.
2.2 Partially compatible pads
There are two types of partially compatible pads, according to the supported functionalities:
●Some but not all SPC560Px functions are supported on SPC56EL60 (refer to Ta ble 2)
●Some but not all SPC56EL60 functions are supported on SPC560Px
Ta bl e 3 )
Ta bl e 2 and Tabl e 3 show these pads and indicate other pads which offer compatibility on
the same function.
(refer to
Users of these devices must carefully choose the functionality of each of these pads to
obtain a fully SPC560Px/SPC56EL60 compatible application board.
a. This pad group also includes the upward compatible pads.
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Pad compatibilityAN3190
Table 2.Partially compatible pads: SPC560Px functionalities not supported on SPC56EL60
Pad No.
33 (A.33)
Functionality not
supported on SPC56EL60
FCU 0 - F[0]
For safety reasons SPC56EL60 has this function on a dedicated pad.
Compatibility on the F[0] functionality can be achieved on pad 38.
DSPI 3 - SOUTSPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
34 (A.34)DSPI 3 - SCKSPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
37 (A.37)DSPI 3 - SINSPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
GPIO[96] - G[0]Not supported by SPC56EL60
38 (A.38)
EIRQ[30]SPC56EL60 supports this functionality on pad 106.
73 (A.73)FCU - F[0]
74 (A.74)FCU - F[1]
For safety reasons SPC56EL60 supports this function on a dedicated
pad. Compatibility on the F[0] functionality can be achieved on pad 38.
For safety reasons SPC56EL60 supports this function on a dedicated
pad. Compatibility on the F[0] functionality can be achieved on pad 141.
76 (A.76)DSPI 3 - CS 0SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
78 (A.78)DSPI 3 - CS 1SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
80 (A.80)DSPI 3 - CS 0SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
82 (A.82)DSPI 3 - CS 1SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
117 (A.117)DSPI 3 - SCKSPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
119 (A.119)DSPI 3 - SOUTSPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
121 (A.121)DSPI 3 - SINSPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 81, but compatibility on this
133 (A.133)
FlexRay - DBG 0
function cannot be achieved.
This function is used for debugging purposes according to the FlexRay
DSPI 3 - CS 3SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 75. But compatibility cannot
139 (A.139)
FlexRay - DBG 3
be achieved.
This function is used for debugging purposes according to the FlexRay
DSPI 3 - CS 0SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
Table 3.Partially compatible pads: SPC56EL60 functionalities not supported on SPC560Px
Pad No.
Functionality not
supported on SPC560Px
32 (A.32)eTimer 1 - ETC[4]Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 112, 128 and 143.
33 (A.33)FlexPWM 0 - FAULT[2]Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 77.
34 (A.34)FlexPWM 0 - X[3]Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 85 and 140.
37 (A.37)SWGSPC560Px does not support the SWG.
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AN3190Pad compatibility
Table 3.Partially compatible pads: SPC56EL60 functionalities not supported on SPC560Px
Pad No.
75 (A.75)FlexRay - DBG 3
76 (A.76)eTimer 0 - ETC[0]Compatibility can be achieved on pad 73.
77 (A.77)
78 (A.78)eTimer 0 - ETC[1]Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 74.
79 (A.79)
Functionality not
supported on SPC560Px
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 139, but compatibility cannot
be achieved.
This function is used for debugging purposes according to the FlexRay
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 137, but compatibility cannot
FlexRay - DBG 2
DSPI 2 - CS 3Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 82.
FlexRay - DBG 1
DSPI 1 - CS 1
be achieved.
This function is used for debugging purposes according to the FlexRay
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 135, but compatibility cannot
be achieved.
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 135, but full compatibility
cannot be achieved.
This function is used for debugging purposes according to the FlexRay
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 130, but full compatibility
cannot be achieved.
81 (A.81)
86 (A.86)GPIO[21] - B[5]Compatibility on this function cannot be achieved.
89 (A.89)GPIO[20] - B[4]Compatibility on this function cannot be achieved.
100 (A.100)eTimer 0 - ETC[5]
102 (A.102)DSPI 1 - CS 1
104 (A.104)eTimer 0 - ETC[4]Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 64, 80 and108.
105 (A.105)eTimer 0 - ETC[3]Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 92.
106 (A.106)EIRQ[30]
110 (A.110)CAN 1 - RXDCompatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 144.
112 (A.112)EIRQ[31]
FlexRay - DBG 0
DSPI 0 - CS 1
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 133, but compatibility cannot
be achieved.
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 133, but full compatibility
cannot be achieved.
This function is used for debugging purposes according to the FlexRay
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 16, but full compatibility
cannot be achieved.
Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 47 and pad
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 130, but compatibility cannot
be achieved.
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 96, but compatibility cannot be
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 141, but compatibility cannot
be achieved.
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Pad compatibilityAN3190
Table 3.Partially compatible pads: SPC56EL60 functionalities not supported on SPC560Px
Pad No.
117 (A.117)
119 (A.119)eTimer 1 - ETC[5]Compatibility can be achieved using pad 14, 129 and 144.
121 (A.121)DSPI 0 - CS 1
133 (A.133)
139 (A.139)DSPI 0 - CS6
Functionality not
supported on SPC560Px
eTimer 0 - ETC[5]Compatibility on this functionality can be achieved on pad 24 and 82.
DSPI 2 - CS 3Compatibility on this functionality can be achieved on pad 82.
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 16, but compatibility cannot be
FlexPWM 0 - A[1]Compatibility can be achieved on pad 15 and 124.
eTimer 0 - ETC[2]Compatibility on this function can be achieved on pad 84.
SPC560Px supports this function on pad 130, but compatibility cannot
be achieved.
2.3 Non-compatible pads
SPC56EL60 is more demanding in terms of power consumption than is SPC560Px; thus
certain pads which are functional on SPC560Px are used as power supply pads on
SPC56EL60. From a functional point of view the compatibility of these pads between
SPC560Px and SPC56EL60 is broken.
Pad 123, although not a power supply pad, is another pad where the functional compatibility
is broken. On SPC56EL60 this pad is dedicated to the JCOMP functionality
During the reset phase, these SPC560Px pads are in high impedance status. This means
that if these pads are not configured as output and are not used by the application a 3.3 V or
1.2 V voltage can be applied to them without risk. As a result, a certain level of compatibility
between SPC56EL60 and SPC560Px can be achieved in these pads.
Ta bl e 4 and Tabl e 5 list the non-compatible pads.
Table 4.Non-compatible pads: Functional on SPC560Px – power supply on SPC56EL60
Pad No.
16 (A.16)VDD_VH_REG
39 (A.39)VDD_LV_COR0_4
power supply
GPIO[35] - C[3]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
DSPI 0 - CS 1
eTimer - ETC[4]
LINFlex 1 - TXD
GPIO[65] - E[1]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
ADC 0 - AN[4]
SPC56EL60 supports these functions on pad 81,
but compatibility on these functions cannot be
Compatibility on this functionality can be achieved
on pad 115.
This analog channel is supported by SPC56EL60
on pad 46.
b. The JCOMP signal (dedicated input pin) is used to reset the JTAGC independent from the state of the device.
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AN3190Pad compatibility
Table 4.Non-compatible pads: Functional on SPC560Px – power supply on SPC56EL60
Pad No.
40 (A.40)VSS_LV_COR0_4
58 (A.58)VDD_HV_ADV0_ADV1
59 (A.59)VSS_HV_ADV0_ADV1
95 (A.95)VDD_HV_REG
130 (A.130)VDD_HV_REG_2
135 (A.135)VDD_LV_COR
power supply
GPIO[67] - E[3]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
ADC 0 - AN[6]
GPI0[63] - D[15]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
ADC 1 - AN[4]
GPI0[72] - E[8]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
ADC 1 - AN[6]
GPIO[61] - D[13]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
FlexPWM 0 - A[1]
DSPI 3 - CS 2SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
GPIO[40] - C[8]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
FlexPWM 0 - FAULT[2]
DSPI 1 - CS 1
DSPI 0 - CS 6
GPIO[81] - F[1]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
FlexRay - DBG 1
DSPI 3 - CS 2SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
GPIO[82] - F[2]SPC56EL60 does not support this digital IO.
This analog channel is supported by SPC56EL60
on pad 48.
SPC56EL60 supports this analog channel on pad
SPC56EL60 supports this analog channel on pad
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 15, 124
and 133. Compatibility on this function can be
achieved on pad 15 and 124.
Compatibility on this function can be achieved on
pad 74 and 122.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 33 and
77. Compatibility can be achieved using pad 77.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 79 and
102, but compatibility cannot be achieved.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 139,
but compatibility cannot be achieved.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 79, but
compatibility cannot be achieved.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 79, but
compatibility cannot be achieved.
This function is used for debugging purposes
according to the FlexRay protocol.
137 (A.137)VSS_LV_COR
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 77, but
FlexRay - DBG 2
DSPI 3 - CS 1SPC56EL60 does not include the DSPI 3.
Doc ID 17333 Rev 115/57
compatibility cannot be achieved.
This function is used for debugging purposes
according to the FlexRay protocol.
Pad compatibilityAN3190
Pin 29
Pin 30
40 MHz Clock
Pin 29
Pin 30
40 MHz Clock
Pin 29
Pin 30
40 MHz Clock
Table 5.Non-compatible pad 123: Functional on SPC560Px – JCOMP on SPC56EL60
Pad No.
123 (A.123)JCOMP
GPIO[41] - C[9]SPC56EL60 does not support this function.
FlexPWM 0 - FAULT[2]
DSPI 2 - CS 3
FlexPWM 0 - X[3]
2.4 Oscillator pads
Both devices, SPC560Px and SPC56EL60, have two pads dedicated to the internal
oscillator: pad 29 and pad 30.
The SPC560Px/SPC56EL60 compatibility depends on the configuration of the internal
If the oscillator is configured as bypass mode, the two pads are fully compatible (see
Figure 1 and Figure 2).
If the internal oscillator is working in crystal/oscillation mode (see Figure 3 and Figure 4) the
compatibility is achieved only if Rd is a 0 resistor.
Figure 1.SPC560Px XOSC circuit – bypass
mode configuration
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 33 and
77. Compatibility can be achieved using pad 77.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 77, 82,
85 and 117. Compatibility can be achieved using
pad 82.
SPC56EL60 supports this function on pad 34, 85
and 140. Compatibility can be achieved using pad
85 and 140.
Figure 2.SPC56EL60 XOSC circuit – bypass
mode configuration
1. In this mode, the analog portion of crystal oscillator (amplifier) is disabled. An external clock, compatible to CMOS levels,
can be applied at EXTAL pad.
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AN3190Pad compatibility
(0 Ohm)
Pad 29
Pad 30
Vss_HV_OSC Pad 28
(0 Ohm)
Pad 29
Pad 30
Vss_HV_OSC Pad 28
Pad 29
Pad 30
Vss_HV_OSC Pad 28
(0 Ohm)
Pad 29
Vss_HV_OSC Pad 28
Pad 30
(0 Ohm)
Pad 29
Vss_HV_OSC Pad 28
Pad 30
Figure 3.SPC560Px XOSC circuit –
crystal/oscillation mode
Figure 4.SPC56EL60 XOSC circuit –
crystal/oscillation mode
2.5 Reset pad
The negative logic reset on pad 31 differs between the two devices as follows:
●SPC560Px reset has an internal pull up.
●SPC56EL60 reset has an internal pull down.
This difference must be taken into account during the design of the external reset circuitry of
a board which must be SPC560Px/SPC56EL60 compatible.
Doc ID 17333 Rev 117/57
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