Application note
EVAL6227QR demonstration board using a dual full-bridge L6227Q
for motor control applications
This application note describes the demonstration board of the DMOS dual full-bridge
L6227Q designed for motor control applications. The board implements a typical application
that can be used as a reference design to drive two-phase bipolar stepper motors with
currents up to 1A DC, multiple DC motors and a wide range of inductive loads.
Thanks to the small footprint of the L6227Q (QFN 5 x 5 mm, 32-lead) the PCB is very
compact (27 x 32 mm).
Figure 1. EVAL6227QR demonstration board
January 2009 Rev 2 1/9

Demonstration board description AN2759
1 Demonstration board description
Table 1. EVAL6227QR pin connections
Name Type Function
VS Power supply Bridge A and bridge B power supply
PGND Ground Power ground terminal
IN1A Logic input Bridge A logic input 1
IN2A Logic input Bridge A logic input 2
ENA Logic input
IN1B Logic input Bridge B logic input 1
IN2B Logic input Bridge B logic input 2
Bridge A enable (active high). When low, the power DMOSs
of bridge A are switched OFF.
ENB Logic input
DIAGA Open drain output
DIAGB Open drain output
SGND Ground Signal ground terminal
REFA Analog input Bridge A current controller reference voltage
REFB Analog input Bridge B current controller reference voltage
OUT1A Power output Bridge A output 1
OUT2A Power output Bridge A output 2
OUT1B Power output Bridge B output 1
OUT2B Power output Bridge B output 2
Bridge B enable (active high). When low, the power DMOSs
of bridge B are switched OFF.
Bridge A diagnostic pin. When low, an overcurrent or
overtemperature event of bridge A is signaled.
Bridge B diagnostic pin. When low, an overcurrent or
overtemperature event of bridge B is signaled.

AN2759 Demonstration board description
Figure 2. EVAL6227QR demonstration board description
The INx input pins drive the corresponding half-bridge. When low logic level is applied, the
low side MOS is switched on, whereas a high logic level turns on the high side MOS.
To perform the PWM current control an analog reference voltage should be provided to each
channel of the driver. A fixed reference voltage can be easily obtained through a resistive
divider from an external voltage rail and GND (can be the one supplying the microcontroller
or the rest of the application).
Otherwise a very simple way to obtain a variable voltage without using a DAC is to low-pass
filter a PWM output of a microcontroller.
Table 2 summarizes the electrical specification of the application and Figure 3 shows the
electrical schematic.
Table 2. EVAL6227QR electrical specification (recommended value)
Parameter Value
Supply voltage range (VS) 8 to 52 Vdc
RMS output current rating (OUTx) up to 1.4 A
Switching frequency up to 100 kHz
Input and enable voltage range 0 to + 5 V
Voltage reference range (REFA, REFB) 0 to + 5 V
Operating temperature range -25 to +125°C
L6227Q thermal resistance junction to ambient 42°C/W