This application note is one of a set of application notes giving examples of how to use the
various blocks of the STM8 microcontroller family and the STM8A and STM8S firmware
libraries. It is intended to provide two practical application examples of how to perform basic
in application programming (IAP) using either the STM8 I
C and SPI peripherals
C or SPI peripherals.
The STM8A and STM8S firmware libraries make the STM8 behave like an EEPROM which
can be programmed and/or accessed by a standard EEPROM protocol via the I
interface. The examples of this application note, use the PC-based Aardvark
(on the I
The two examples provided are:
■ The Aardvark host adapter communicating with the STM8 I²C peripheral using interrupts
■ The Aardvark host adapter communicating with the STM8 SPI peripheral in polling mode.
For further information on the STM8A and STM8S family features, pinout, electrical
characteristics, mechanical data and ordering information, please refer to the STM8A and
STM8S datasheets which are available on
Further details on the Aardvark host adapter and its software can be found on
The STM8A and STM8S firmware libraries are available on
This section describes how to perform basic IAP with the STM8 I²C peripheral. The STM8
device behaves like a standard I²C EEPROM slave which can communicate with any
master. In this application note, the Aardvark PC host adapter is used as the I²C master.
1.1 Hardware description
Figure 1 shows a typical hardware connection between the Aardvark host adapter as master
and the STM8 I²C peripheral as slave.
The Aardvark host adapter and the STM8 I²C are connected together via the data (SDA)
and clock (SCL) pins.
A 4.7 kΩ pull-up resistor must be connected to both the SDA and SCL lines
Note:If the STM8/128-EVAL board is used, the pull-up resistors are present by default.
Figure 1.Hardware connection between the Ardvark host adapter the STM8 I
1.2 Firmware description
The current firmware is provided in the ZIP file attached to this AN.
It includes:
●The I²C driver that supports all basic I²C communication.
●The Flash, GPIO, I
●STM8A and STM8S firmware libraries
The firmware uses 7-bit addressing mode which has been validated at 100 kHz and 400
kHz for the I
C SCL line frequency.
The STM8 address has been set to A2h using the ‘I
register is used for read/write operation selection, the value 51h must be entered in the
Aardvark software.
C and LCD screen drivers.
C own address register’. As bit 0 of this
IAP example with I2CAN2737
The firmware implements byte, word, and block programming features offered by the STM8
Flash program memory and data EEPROM.
Block programming has to be executed from the RAM memory. Consequently, at the
beginning of the code, the Flash function section is copied to the RAM memory. To copy and
link some code to the RAM memory using the Cosmic linker, the steps below must be
●Define the section to be linked in RAM as a movable segment using the linker option ‘-
●At the begining of the code, execute the ‘_fctcpy’ function which copies the code from
the Flash to the RAM memory.
For more details about movable codes, please refer to the COSMIC “C Cross Compiler
User’s Guide for ST Microelectronics STM8” available on
1.3 Read and write command examples
The firmware allows read or write operations in the Flash program memory (from address
8000h up to 27FFFh) or in the data EEPROM (from address 4000h up to 47FFh) memory of
the STM8.
Current and random options are available for both read and write operations:
●The random command allows data to be read/writen at a specific address.
●The current command allows data to be read/writen at the current address pointer. The
default current address pointer value (after reset) is 4000h (start of the data EEPROM).
So, for example, after writing (or reading) 10 bytes to the memory, the current address
pointer value becomes 400Ah. The address is passed on 3 bytes with the most
significant bit (MSB) first.
Note:The firmware follows standard serial I²C EEPROM protocol rules.
Before starting, the firmware example must be loaded with STVD and executed using the
run command. The evaluation board LCD displays a welcome message ‘STM8 IAP-I2C
1.3.1 Packet description
The different packets composing an I2C command are:
START: Start signal which is generated by the master.
ADD SLV DEVICE-W: Slave device address which is sent by the master with the direction
bit set to write.
ACK-S: Acknowledge signal which is generated by the slave.
ACK-M: Acknowledge signal which is generated by the master.
ACKF: Acknowledge failure or ‘no acknowledge’ signal which are both generated by the
master. A ‘no acknowledge’ signal is generated by the master to notify the slave device that
the last read byte has been correctly received which marks the end of a read operation.
STOP: Stop signal which is generated by the master.
AN2737IAP example with I2C
Bytes read from STM8
1.3.2 Current read command
The current read command allows data from the Flash program memory of the STM8 to be
read, starting from the current address. This address is set to 4000h after a firmware reset.
The packet sequence to achieve a ‘current read’ is summarized in Figure 2.
Figure 2.Current read packet sequence
The following points explain how to read different bytes using the Aardvark software, starting
from the reset address (4000h):
1.Select the master tabsheet.
2. Set the bitrate to 100 kHz or 400 kHz using the ‘bitrate’ field and the ‘set’ button.
3. Set the slave address to 51h (corresponding to the firmware address A2h) in the slave
address field.
4. Uncheck the ‘10-bit addressing mode’ option because the firmware uses 7-bit
addressing mode only.
5. Uncheck the ‘no stop’ option.
6. Enter the number of bytes to be read in the ‘number of bytes’ field. A value from 1 to
255 can be entered.
7. Press the ‘master read’ button.
8. The number of bytes to be read can be changed by pressing the master read button
The read values are displayed in the transaction log window of the Aardvark software.
At the end of this command, the LCD displays the message ‘reading done’.
Figure 3 illustrates points 1 to 8 of a current read command.
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