Application note
TSH173 triple video buffer with filter for SD video
evaluation board user guidelines
This application note describes the TSH173 ev aluation bo ard, designed to help you e valu ate
the TSH173 triple video buffer.
This document includes:
■ A short description of the TSH173 video buffer, including the internal block diagram
■ A description of the evaluation board and all of its components
■ The layout of the evaluation board
About the TSH173
The TSH173 is a single supply triple video buffer featuring an internal gain of 6dB and an
internal low pass filter of 8.2MHz cut-off frequency for each channel to fit with Standard
Definition requirements for video line interfaces.
Figure 1. TSH173 evaluation board
Main features of the TSH173
– 4.5V to 5.5V single supply operation – No input capacitor required
– R-G-B, Y-Pb-Pr, Y-C-CVBS driving – Ve ry low harmonic distortion
– 3 channels with 6dB gain buffer – Each output can drive AC- or DC-coupled 150Ω loads
– 3 video reconstruction filters for SD – Tested on 5V power supply
– 3 internal input DC level shifter
January 2008 Rev 1 1/8

TSH173 description AN2705
1 TSH173 description
Figure 2. TSH173 internal block diagram
Table 1. Pin description
Name Pin number Description
IN1, IN2, IN3 1, 2, 3 Input pins
OUT1, OUT2, OUT3 8, 7, 6 Output pins
+VCC 4 Positive supply
GND 5 Ground

AN2705 Evaluation board description
2 Evaluation board description
This board is designed to be tested with a 75Ω generator and 75Ω measurement tool.
Input signal must be between 0V and 1.4V so that it is not clamped. Otherwise, you must
replace the zero ohm resistor by a 100nF capacitor in CR1, CR2, and CR3, and add a
resistor bridge to polarize the input signal at the right level as shown in Figure 3. Resistor
bridge footprints are located on the back of the PCB.
Figure 3. TSH173 input
The TSH173 output can be AC coupled by a 220nF capacitor to minimize the DC
component on the line. To do this, you must remove the R4, R11, and R18 zero ohm
resistors and solder a 220µF capacitor on C6, C8, and C10 footprints as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. TSH173 AC output