The STMicroelectronics Medium- and High-density STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx
Cortex™-M3 based microcontrollers come with 12-bit enhanced ADC sampling with a rate
up to Msamples/s. In most applications, this resolution is sufficient, but in some cases where
higher accuracy is required, the concept of oversampling and decimating the input signal
can be implemented to save the use of an external ADC solution and to reduce the
application consumption.
This application note gives two methods to improve ADC resolution. These techniques are
based on the same principle: oversampling the input signal with the maximum 1 MHz ADC
capability and decimating the input signal to enhance its resolution.
The method and the firmware given within this application note apply to both Medium- and
High-density STM32F10xxx products. Some specific hints are given at the end of the
application note to take advantage of the Medium- and High-density STM32F103xx
performance line devices and of the High-density STM32F101xx access line devices.
This application note is split into two main parts: the first one describes how oversampling
increases the ADC-specified resolution while the second describes the guidelines to
implement the different methods available and gives the firmware flowchart of their
implementation on the STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx devices.
The ADC gives a representation of an analog signal among a finite number of digital words.
Since the digital domain is represented by a finite number of words which have to present a
continuous signal, the conversion step introduces the quantization error function of the ADC
input range and resolution.
For an ideal ADC, the quantization error is between ±0.5 LSB. In the case where the input
signal is varying through many levels between samples, and the sampling rate is not
synchronized with the input frequency, the quantization error can be considered as a white
noise whose energy is uniformly spread from the DC domain to half of the sampling
frequency. Please refer to Appendix A for more details regarding the calculation of its
The SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) is the ratio of the ADC noise to the input signal power. For
an ideal ADC, it is assumed that the SNR is equal to the quantization noise (no other noise
source is considered) to the input signal. It is demonstrated that for a full-scale sinusoidal
signal, the ADC SNR is maximum and given by the following formula:
, where N is the ADC resolution.
It is can be easily noticed that when the SNR increases, the ADC effective number of bits
For a real ADC, different error sources should be considered: offset, gain, INL (integral
nonlinear) and DNL (differential nonlinear). A brief description of these errors can be found
in the STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx datasheets. They degrade the ideal ADC
resolution. In this case, we speak of real effective number of bits.
Improving the SNR involves an enhancement of the ADC effective number of bits.
The following section demonstrates that sampling the input signal with higher rates than the
Nyquist frequency improves the SNR. The Nyquist frequency is introduced in the next
AN2668Nyquist theorem and oversampling
2 Nyquist theorem and oversampling
The Nyquist theorem states that in order to be able to reconstruct the analog input signal,
the signal should be sampled at a rate f
maximum frequency component of the input signal.
Not respecting the Nyquist theorem causes aliasing effects and the analog signal cannot be
fully reconstructed from the input samples. Therefore, in most applications, a low-pass filter
is required at the ADC input to filter frequencies lower than half the sampling frequency. It is
difficult to handle the filter constraints with low sampling frequencies.
Oversampling consists in sampling the input analog signal at rates higher than the Nyquist
frequency limit, filtering the samples and reducing the sample rate by decimation. Using this
method relaxes the anti-aliasing low-pass filter constraints.
(sampling frequency) that is greater than twice the
Oversampling using white noiseAN2668
6.02N 1.76+⋅10OS R()log+=
3 Oversampling using white noise
3.1 SNR of oversampled signal with white input noise
Let us assume that the quantization noise is assimilated to white noise. Then its power
density is uniformly distributed between DC and half the Nyquist frequency. This power
density is independent of the sampling frequency.
When sampling at higher rates, the quantization noise is spread over the bandwidth of the
sampling frequency.
Figure 1.Oversampling effect on the quantization noise
Same area
- f
fS = 2.f
Input signal
Quantization error
PSD = Power signal density
- f
fS= 2.N.f
According to Figure 1, when sampling the input signal at higher rates, the same noise
power, represented by the area of the green rectangle, is spread over a bandwidth equal to
the sampling frequency which is much greater than the signal bandwidth fm. Only a
relatively small fraction of the total noise power falls in the [–fm, fm] band, and the noise
power outside the signal band can be greatly attenuated with a digital low-pass filter.
Reducing the quantization noise enhances the signal-to-noise ratio and, consequently, the
ADC effective number of bits. Oversampling the input signal OSR times faster than the
Nyquist frequency gives the following SNR
It can be concluded that each doubling of the sampling frequency will lower the in-band
noise by 3 dB, and increase the measurement resolution by 1/2 bit. Therefore, 6dB SNR
gain is required to add 1 resolution bit to the ADC.
In general, if p additional bits are required by the application then, the ADC sampling
frequency should be at least:
, where F
is the current ADC sampling frequency used.
3.2 Decimation
The conventional meaning of averaging is adding m samples and dividing the result by m.
Averaging several data from an ADC measurement is equivalent to a low-pass filter which
attenuates the signal fluctuation and noise. The average method is often used to smooth
and remove speaks from the input signal.
Note that normal averaging does not increase the resolution of the conversion because the
sum of m N-bit samples divided per m is an N-bit representation of the sample.
AN2668Oversampling using white noise
Decimation is an averaging method. When combined with oversampling, decimation
improves the ADC resolution.
In fact, adding 4
ADC N-bit samples, gives a representation of the signal on N+2p bits. In
order to have p additional effective bits, the sum is shifted to the right by p bits.
This FIR filter with equal filter coefficients enables the user to filter the oversampling
frequency by giving an output sample computed from the OSR input samples.
The oversampling method limits the maximum input frequency bandwidth. In fact, in the
case of the STM32F10xxx, signals having components up to 500 kHz can be processed by
the ADC. If for example, two additional resolution bits are required, then the maximum input
frequency that can be entered is 500 kHz/16 = 31.25 kHz when oversampling using white
3.3 When is this method efficient?
For the oversampling and decimating method to work properly, the following requirements
must be satisfied:
●There should be some noise in the input signal. This noise must approximate white
noise with a uniform power spectral density over the frequency band of interest.
●The noise amplitude must be sufficient to toggle the input signal randomly from sample
to sample by an amount of at least 1 LSB. Otherwise, the input samples would have the
same representation and the sum and average operations would not give any extra
resolution. In most applications, the internal ADC thermal noise and the input signal
noise are sufficient to use this method. In the case where the thermal noise does not
have a high-enough amplitude to toggle the input signal randomly, then artificial white
noise should be injected into the input signal. This operation is referred to as
“dithering”. Regarding this point, two questions can be raised. The first is “How to
evaluate the ADC noise and test its Gaussian criteria?” and “How to generate white
noise if needed?”
–A practical way of detecting the Gaussian criteria of the input signal noise is to see
the distribution of a clean DC signal over the ADC codes. The histogram method
can be used to verify if the input noise follows a Gaussian distribution. The
example in Figure 2 shows two possible situations.
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