STR71xF Embedded Flash Programming with ADS
The purpose of this application note is to provide ARM Developer Suite (ADS) users with information to
help them program binary files to Flash memory using the software’s Flash downloader utility. This document
provides step-by-step instructions for converting an application in ELF format to simple binary format and
then downloading the resulting binary to the internal Flash memory of the STR71xF microcontroller on a
target application board.
Necessary software and hardware tools
● ARM Developer Suite version 1.2, a complete software development solution for creating
applications for ARM core-based microcontrollers that includes the AXD debugger.
● Flash downloader (flash.li) for STR71xF, the modified version of the default Flash downloader,
included with this application note, which allows the identification and programming of STR71xF
Note: The default integrator version of the Flash downloader that is used to program other standard CFI-
type Flash devices is furnished in binary format in the directory: install_directory\ADS\bin\flash.li.
You may want to keep a copy of the default version of flash.li in another directory or with another
name if you work with devices other than the STR71xF.
● STR710 Evaluation Board (STR710-EVAL) or other evaluation/application board featuring an
STR71xF microcontroller.
● ARM MULTI-ICE server and interface unit (JTAG standard interface)
Note: It is also possible to use ARM Angel Debug Monitor (running from RAM) and a serial or parallel
connection to the host PC. For more information about Angel, refer to the ARM Software
Development Toolkit User Guide.
1 Overview of Flash programming with ADS
When you invoke the Flash downloader utility (flash.li) from the AXD debugger, the debugger downloads this
utility into RAM on the target board. The microcontroller then executes the Flash programming routine,
retrieving the binary file from the host PC and then programming it to Flash memory.
The Flash downloader utility (flash.li) provided with this application note has been adapted by ST
Microelectronics to allow programming of STR71xF microcontrollers. This modified version must be used
when programming your STR71xF device, instead of the default integrator version of the Flash downloader
that is provided with ADS.
REV. 1
May 2005 1/6

STR71xF Embedded Flash Programming with ADS
2 Programming procedure
The following section takes you step by step through the process of downloading a binary file to Flash
The STR710-Eval board is used as an example to illustrate the hardware set up, however the same
fundamental procedure can be applied to other application/evaluation boards featuring ST ARM core-based
The example in this procedure also refers to ARM Multi-ICE, however it is possible to use the ARM Angel
Debug Monitor. For more information refer to the
2.1 Converting ELF image file into plain binary format
The file that you will program to internal Flash must be in plain binary format suitable for direct download into
Flash memory. You can convert your image files in Executable Linkable Format (ELF) to plain binary format
using the fromELF utility.
To convert an ELF file to a binary (.bin) file, invoke the fromELF utility using the command line as shown
fromelf -bin -o outfile.bin infile.axf
ARM Software Development Toolkit User Guide
-bin: specifies the output file format
-o outfile.bin: specifies the name of the output file
infile.axf: specifies the ELF file to be translated
For a detailed explanation of the fromELF command line and options, you can refer to the
Suite Linker and Utilities Guide
ARM Developer
2.2 Configuring and connecting to hardware
The target board should be configured to boot from RAM prior to invoking the Flash downloader utility. This
is to ensure that the memory where the Flash programming routine will be downloaded is mapped to RAM.
If you are using the STR710-Eval board, configure the boot mode as follows:
1 Configure switches SW13, SW14 and SW15 to RAM Mode (RAM mapped at 0h).
Table 1: STR710-EVAL switch configuration
Switch Description Position
• SW13 Boot mode 1:
• SW14 Boot mode 0: 1-2
• SW15 Boot mode EN: 2-3
Execute code from internal RAM
RAM mapped at 0h
Note: You can refer to STR710-Eval Board Datasheet for detailed descriptions of switch positions and
boot modes.
2 Connect the target board to your host PC via the Multi-ICE interface device and power on your
target board.