Application note
Programming the ST10F27X embedded Flash
using the ST10FLASHER tool
This document summarizes the different steps needed to program the internal Flash memory of the ST10F27x using the ST10Flasher tool.
The required steps to load a binary file (Intel Binary or Motorola S-Record files) on the ST10F27x embedded flash will be described.
A HEX file will be provided within an archived file as an example.
June 2006 Rev 1 1/8
ST10Flasher settings AN2143

1 ST10Flasher settings

This section describes the steps required for programming the ST10F27x embedded Flash using the ST10Flasher.
To use this document, the ST10Flasher must be already installed on the development host.
For more details on ST10Flasher installation, refer to the readme.txt file included in the ST10Flasher tool package.

1.1 Starting ST10Flasher

ST10Flasher runs on a PC connected to the ST10F27x target microcontroller via an RS232 interface.
Enter the standard bootstrap mode by forcing P0L.4 to 0 and P0L.5 to 1
Reset the ST10
Select Start -> Programs -> ST10-Flasher-2.4
ST10Flasher starts and the following window appears:
AN2143 ST10Flasher settings

1.2 Communication set up

If the bootstrap loader is OFF or the ST10 is not reset and you start ST10Flasher tool, you will be unable to program the ST10F27x internal flash and error messages will appear in the status window :
In this case:
Enter the bootstrap loader mode
Reset the ST10
When loading the monitor, by clicking Reload Monitor icon, the tool performs an auto-
device detection. The device is then displayed in the interface indicating that you are connected to e.g ST10F276.
If the status window shows other error messages, check that the file "startup.ini" in the selected application directory corresponds to the application parameters, especially for the parameters COMPORTet BAUDRATE. Their default delivery settings are:
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