Extension of the SRC DiSEcQ 1 standard for control of
Satellite Channel Router based one-cable LNBs
1 System overview
1.1 Description
ST Micr o el ec t ro nics has introduc ed a ne w de v ice that ta r g ets the LNB, mu lt i- s wit c h and S M ATV
market. T his de vic e, c al led S aTC R-1 (S at ell it e Ch ann el R o ute r), i s ab le to t rans la t e a tr an spon de r
to any lo ca t i on in the sat el lit e b andwidt h ( 9 50 - 2 15 0 MHz). M u lti ple SaTCR d evices co upled wi th
band-pass filters and RF matrix allow to combine transponders from different polarizations and
bands on a single coaxial cable.
The purp os e o f t hi s d oc ume nt i s t o de scri be t he A N20 56 pr oto co l e xt ens ion us ed t o c ontr o l a L N B
based on SCR technology.
1.2 St andard LNB versus S aTCR LNB
A Ku-band satellite can provide up to 4.1 GHz of useful bandwidth (2 polarizations x (12750 MHz
-10700 MHz)). A standard DVB-S tuner can receive frequencies from 950 MHz to 2150 MHz
which means slightly more than 1 GHz bandwidth.
13/18 volts detecto r
22KH z detec tor
To be ab le to r e c eiv e all the available c hannels i n t h e Ku-ban d u si ng a co nventional LNB , a s ettop box has to select the polarization and the local oscillator corresponding to the desired
4 x 2
13/18 volts detecto r
22KH z detec tor
transponder. The polarization is selected by changing the voltage of the LNB supply (13 volts for
vertica l po lar iz atio n, 18 vo lt s for hori zon tal pol ari za tion ) . The lo cal os cil l ator is select ed by addi ng
or not a 2 2 KHz ton e on t he LN B su pply (whe n 22 KHz in on th e hi ghe st LO is se lect ed) . Loc al
oscillator frequency can be 9750 MHz or 10600 MHz depending on the location of the
transponder. If the respective transpo nder is in the lower part of the spectrum (<11700MHz) the
9750 MHz LO is selected, otherwise 10600 MHz LO is selected. The tuner has to be set to the
correct frequency using the following formula:
= F
- F
1/1205 October 2004

With a LNB integrating SaTCR-1 devices, the transponder selection (polarization, LO selection
and frequency translation) is done through a single DiSEqC command named
ODU_ChannelChange (see Section 3.2.1 on page 8)
1210 MHz
1420 MHz
4 x 2
SaTCR twin LNB
First st age of a Sa TCR LNB (u p to the ma trix) is simi lar to a conven tiona l LNB. As a consequ ence ,
the tran sponder fre quency at the input of a SaTCR device is the same as Ftuner with a classical
= F
- F
Then, the SaTC R device sh ou ld t ran slate the tr an s po nder ins ide the bandw id t h o f it s ass o ci ated
band pass filter. To perform that operation, the SaTCR VCO has to be set according to the
following formula:
= F
+ F
= F
- FLO + F
In addition, SaTCR LNB includes new features that allow auto-detection of its parameters.
1.3 What does this mean for the set-top box?
1.3.1 Setup Manual Automatic
The control of a SaTCR LNB requires more parameters than a standard LNB. Those parameters
can be en tered manual ly by t he us er or a utomat ical ly de tected by th e set- top box . Auto mati c setup
is recommended for all set-top boxes including tone detection capabilities (see Section 2.1 on
page 5).
In this mo de , the s et -t op b ox shou ld di sp lay an LN B se t up scr e en w here t he use r shou ld en te r t he
follo wing parameters:
–• LNB type: the type of LNB used (see Table3 on page 11 for SaTCR LNB application type)
–• Local Osc il l at or f req ue nci e s: dep en ding on th e L NB typ e, 1 or 2 f req ue nci e s shou ld be ente r ed
–• SaTCR band-pass filt ers frequencies: depending on the SaTCR appl ication type, up to 8
frequencies should be entered.
In that mode, the set-top box LNB setup screen should contain a button that launches the LNB
auto-detection procedure (see Subsection 2.2: Detecting LNB parameters on page 5) using
ODU_SCRxSignalON, ODU_Config and ODU_LOFREQ DiSEqC commands.

1.3.2 Tuning to a known transponder
Tuning t o a kn own tra ns pon de r is do ne by se ndi ng ODU_ChannelChange DiSEqC com man d ( t o
select the polarization, the local oscillator and to perform frequency shifting) and tuning to the
shifted freq u ency .
This procedure is described more in detail in Subsection 2.3:Searching for a channel on page 7.
1.3.3 Scanning a complete satellite
Bandpass filter located in the LNB has limited bandwidth and this bandwidth can change from one
application to another. In consequence, the most secure solution to scan the complete satellite is
to split the bandwidth into small sections (typically 10 MHz), to shift them using
ODU_ChannelChange DiSEqC command, and to scan them using the tuner as described below:
Frequency shifting
Search range (10 MHz)
Tuner scanning
Satellite scanning
2150 MHz
1.3.4 Standby mode
When the set-top box enters in standby mode or (in case of PVR boxes) when a tuner is not in
use, its associated SaTCR should be set in power-saving mode using ODU_Power_OFF DiSEqC
1.4 How to manage multiple set-top boxes?
When usin g s eve ral set -to p bo xes co nnec ted to the sa me c abl e, the fo llowi ng ite ms shou ld b e
taken into account.
1.4.1 SaTCR allocation
In order to avoid having two set-top boxes or two tuners of the same set-top box trying to use the
same SaTCR, each set-top box tuner should be allocated a dedicated SaTCR. In consequence,
the LNB setup screen will display all SaTCR band-pass filters frequencies and the user will select
one, tw o or mor e of the m depe ndin g if th e set-t op bo x is a st andar d one (singl e tu ner), a PVR (d ual
tuner) or mu lti -tu ne r bo x. W he n in s tal li ng oth er s et -top bo xes , the us er wi ll have to ta ke ca re n ot
using an already a llocated SaTCR device.

1210 Mhz
1420 Mhz
1680 Mhz
2040 Mhz
SaTCR bandpass filter frequency allocation
1.4.2 DiSEqC & power splitters
DiSEq C comma nds shou ld alway s be sent above a 1 8 volts D C (see Subsection 3.1: SaTCR
DiSEqC frames on page 8) in ord er to ensu re p r op er connec t io n t o t h e LNB whe n s et-top bo xe s
are conn ec t e d us in g power split ters.
Sending DiSEqC t hrough power splitters
2 Description of the software architecture
This chapter describes in detail the software routines that should be implemented i nside th e STB
to support SaTCR LNB .
The basic commands need a standard DiSEqC 1 HW only. This ensures compatibility with most
of today deployed boxes. Set-up is done in a manual mode as in today’s boxes. An innovative
approach u si ng an RF tone a s b ack ch an nel c om mun ic at i on allo w s a bid ir e ctio na l c om mun ic at ion
between the STB and the SaTCR LNB whilst keeping compatibility with DiSEqC 1. Set-top boxes
featuring DiSEqC 2 can profit from the bidirectional communication of the DiSEqC 2 protocol as