Solderability Tests
Lead-free devices, fr om STMic roelectro nics, are warranted t o pass th e solderab ility te sts, and to form a
reliable solder joi nt with th e b as e m ateri al of the ci r cuit boa rd , u sing Lea ded (Sn-Pb) solder or Lea d-fr ee
(Sn-Ag-Cu) solder. This document describes the context of this assertion.
ST Lead-free devices confo rm t o the EC OPA CK
with the European directive on Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) 2002/95/EU, and with the
IPC/JEDEC 020 standard for resistance to soldering heat and soldering process.
These devices have to be solderable with both Leaded materials and processes, and with Lead-free materials and processes. With a composition close to the ternary eutectic composition (Table 1.), the Tin-
Silver-Copper (Sn-Ag-Cu) alloy is considered as the standard lead-free material. Only Tin-Bismuth coated
devices are not te sted i n Tin- Lead solde r. Thi s is b ecaus e the Tin-B ismuth c oatin g is not r ecomm ended
for mixing with Tin-Lead solder, for board mounting, due to a reliability risk on the solder joints.
Table 1. Solder Composition for Solderability Tests
Solder Composition Range (% weight)
7191395 specification from ST . This , in tur n, co mpl ie s
Tin 94.6 to 96.6
Silver 3.0 to 4.3
Copper 0.4 to 1.1
Tin 60 to 64
Lead 36 to 40
There are two kinds of tests that are applied to evaluate such ability of a surface to be wetted:
■ Dip and Look
■ Wetting Balance
Both tests are well kn own, and applie d, worldwide. H owever, d ifferent metho ds are often us ed (such a s
MIL standard 883-2003, JEDEC J-S TD- 002 , JESD2 2- B10 2 and IEC 60749- 21 ). The on es chosen by ST
are intended to cover the ones that are in most widespread use by our customers.
In these tests, the packages are “aged”, in order to test the solderability under the worst conditions and to
warrant at least 2 years of storage with no significant degradation of solderability.
1/7November 2004

After appropriate ageing, the connections are dipped inside a non-activated flux, then into molten solder.
Then, after cooling and o ptional cleanin g in alcohol, the c onnections are ins pected to verify the critical
area (the one that is to be soldered to the board) of the connection surfaces is covered by fresh solder
(Figure 1.). The test is considered passed if 95% of the surface is covered with fresh solder.
Figure 1. Terminals after Dip and Look Test
The mechanism for forming the solder joint depends on the coating and solder compositions as well as on
the test conditions (as listed in Table 2.).

Table 2. Test Conditions
– 8 hours steam ageing or ageing in humidity chamber at 85°C and 85%rH (Humidity
chamber used for pre-plated components)
– Dry ageing at 150°C: 8 hours for NiPdAu Pre-plated units and 16 hours for solder coated
units (Ageing is non cumulative = to be done on different samples)
Sn-Ag-Cu melted at 245°C
Flux dipping 5 to 10 seconds
Solder dipping
Surface Mount
Leaded Solder
Solder Wave Resistance to Dissolution
8 hours steam ageing or ageing in humidity chamber at 85°C and 85%rH
Insertion Packages or
Through Hole
Note: Non activated flux to be 25% by weight of colophany diluted in isopropanol as per IPC J- STD004.
Lead-free Solder
Leaded Solder
Sn-Pb melted at 220°C
Flux dipping 5 to 10 seconds
Solder dipping
Device that can be soldered by wave soldering
Sn-Pb or Sn-Ag-Cu melted at 260°C
Flux dipping 5 to 10 seconds
Solder dipping 10 seconds ±0.5s
Sn-Ag-Cu melted at 245°C
Flux dipping 5 to 10 seconds
Solder dipping 5 seconds ±1s
Sn-Pb melted at 245°C
Flux dipping 5 to 10 seconds
Solder dipping 5 seconds ±1s
5 seconds ±0.5s for Tin
based connection coatings
10 seconds ±0.5 s for Preplated NiPd(Au) connections
5 seconds ±0.5s for Tin
based connection coatings
10 seconds ±0.5s for Preplated NiPd(Au) connections