ST7 FLASH STICK and ST7MDTxx-EPB programmers
In-Circuit Programming Considerations
The In-Circuit Communication (ICC) protocol for ST7 makes it possible to in-circuit program your
application to an ST7 XFLASH or HDFLASH microcontroller while the device is mounted on your
application board.
Both the ST7 FLASH STICK and the ST7xxxx-EPB programmers allow in-circuit programming of
supported ST7 Flash microcontrollers. However, when you start developing your application, you
must integrate an ICC connector into your application hardware. To help you implement ICP in the
development of your application, this application note provides a summary of points you should
consider when installing an ICC connector.
To connect to your application board for ICP, you need to install a 10-pin, HE-10
type connector. This connector receives the programming tool’s ICC cable and
relays the required signals to the ST7 that is mounted on your application board.
HE-10 type
Using the In-Circuit Communication (ICC) protocol for ICP requires that a
minimum of 4 and as many as 6 pins of your ST7 be connected to the
programming tool. These connection requirements are illustrated in Figure 1,
below and summarized in Table 1 on page 2.
Figure 1: ICC Interface
September 2004 DOC-AN1813-ICP Rel. 1.1 1/5

ST7 Visual Debug Application Note
Note: When using the ST7MDTS1-EPB, VDD_APPLI is not connected to the ST7. When setting up your
application for in-circuit programming, refer to the ICP Interface diagram in the In-Circuit
Programming section of the ST7SCR Datasheet, instead of the diagram provided in Figure 1.
ST7 pin Connects to
ICCDATA ICC input serial data pin ICCDATA
ICCCLK ICC output serial clock pin ICCCLK
ICCSEL/VPP Programming voltage ICCSEL/VPP
VDD * Device power supply VDD_APPLI
VSS Device power supply (ground) GND
Optional connection for the STICK, see text.
Optional connection for ST7MDTxx-EPB, see text.
Main clock input for external ICCOSC
Table 1: ICC connection requirements
Isolation of ICCDATA and ICCCLK pins
As soon as an ICP tool is plugged into the application board the ICCDATA and ICCCLK pins must
not be used by other application devices, even if an ICC session is not in progress. If the application
uses these pins as inputs, isolation such as a serial resistor must be implemented to prevent other
application devices from forcing a signal on either of these pins. The application board must not
drive current in excess of 1mA.
If the ICCDATA and ICCCLK pins are only used as outputs by the application, no signal isolation is
For ST7 without an ICCSEL pin, during normal operation the ICCCLK pin must be pulled-up
internally or externally (10KΩ pull-up required in noisy environments). This is to avoid entering ICC
mode unintentionally during a reset.
Isolation of the RESET pin
During an ICC session, you must ensure that the programming tool controls the ST7’s RESET pin
so that no external reset is generated by the application. This can lead to a conflict if the application
reset circuitry signal exceeds 5mA (push-pull output or pull-up resistor <1k). To avoid such conflicts,
a Shottky diode can be used to isolate the application reset circuit.
The application pull-down resistor must not be lower than 10kΩ.
ICCOSC pin *
The ICCOSC pin of the ICC connector must be connected to the ST7’s OSC1 or OSCIN pin if the
clock is not provided by the application, or if the application clock source is not programmed in the
option byte. This connection allows you to start your ICP session using the ICP OPT Disable
programming mode. In this mode, the programming tool provides a clock source to initiate
communication with the ST7. The STICK provides a clock source at a frequency of 8MHz; the
ST7MDTxx-EPB clock frequency is 16MHz.
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