PractiSPIN is an evaluation and demonstration system that can be used with several
STMicroelectronics motor driver integrated circuit devices. The system consists of a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) program which runs on an IBM-PC under windows, a
common ST7 based interface board that communicates with the PC and the practiSPIN
software via a serial COMM port, and a device specific evaluation or target board that
connects to the ST7 interface board via a standard 34 pin ribbon cable interface, as shown
in Figure 1. The target PCB connects to the motor or motors and to a user supplied DC
power supply generally in the range of 12 to 48 Vdc.
The practiSPIN system is designed to operate the device being evaluated (the target device)
under control of the practiSPIN software. Depending on which target device is being used,
the practiSPIN software can operate the device to drive a stepper motor, 1 or 2 DC motors
or a brushless DC (BLDC) motor.
To illustrate the operation of the practiSPIN system, we will look at one typical device
supported by the system.
The L6207 includes two independent full or H bridges with separate logic inputs and current
control functions.
The two bridges are designated A and B and their output pins designated as OUT1A,
OUT2A, OUT1B, and OUT2B. These outputs are controlled independently by logic inputs
IN1A, IN2A, IN1B, and IN2B respectively.
A logic high or low on any of these inputs will drive its corresponding output to the positive
supply rail or to ground. Both of the A outputs will be forced to an off (high impedance) state
if the ENA pin is taken logic low, as will the B outputs if ENB is taken low. The L6207 is thus
controlled by six logic inputs: IN1A, IN2A, and ENA controlling bridge A and IN1B, IN2B, and
ENB controlling bridge B. Each bridge also has an analog control signal, VREFA and
VREFB, which control the current.
1.1 Target board
The L6207 target board gives access to the bridge A and B outputs at connectors CN3 and
CN4 respectively.
When driving a stepper motor, the two wires from one of the motor windings will connect to
CN3 and the other winding will connect to CN4. Swapping between the two connectors or
swapping the polarity at a given connector will only reverse the sense of motor direction. DC
supply power in the range of 12 to 48 Vdc is connected at CN1. The polarity marked on the
board silkscreen must be strictly observed! The eight control signals are taken from the 34pin ribbon header (CN5) and are driven by the control interface PCB via a short flat cable.
1.2 Control interface board
The control interface PCB is based on an ST72F264 microcontroller. The micro includes a
UART and communicates with the practiSPIN software via 9 pin D connector P1 employing
a standard RS232 interface.
The micro is based on flash memory and its firmware includes a write protected boot-loader
routine that allows the practiSPIN software to update or change the operating program in the
ST7 as required for different target boards. 5 Vdc power for the board is received via the 34pin ribbon cable from the target board or can be directly supplied at J2 if jumper WJ1 is
removed. The eight control signals for the target board are generated by the ST7 micro. The
six logic signals are generated directly by six of the eight pins of port B while the two analog
current references (VREFA and VREFB) are generated by pulse width modulated (PWM)
signals generated by the ST7 along with an offset adjusting circuit controlled by
potentiometer R18.
System overviewAN1794
Figure 2.ST7 interface board
AN1794Starting practiSPIN
2 Starting practiSPIN
Since the practiSPIN system is capable of supporting several driver IC's and driving different
types of motors the user must first select the type of motor to be driven and the driver IC that
will be evaluated.
1.Target board set up: configure the jumpers/switches on the target board and the ST7
interface board as described in the paragraph for the specific evaluation board being
2. Control board - PC connection: connect the ST7 interface board to a serial COMM port
of the PC via a standard (straight through) 9 pin D connector cable.
3. Power up: energize the power supply.
4. Start practiSPIN software: on the PC, start the practiSPIN program.
5. Motor type selection: on the first screen of the practiSPIN software, the user can select
the appropriate type of motor for the device under evaluation. Click on the appropriate
motor type.
6. Communication settings: click the drop down list under "port selection" and select the
COMM port being used. Baud rate and other communication parameters are fixed on
both sides of the link and do not need to be set.
7. Establish COMM link: click the "Connect With ST7 Hardware". At this point the
practiSPIN software will transmit several commands to the ST7 to initialize the
processor. The practiSPIN software will read the revision code of the firmware currently
stored in the flash memory of the ST7 and determine if the correct version of firmware
resides in the ST7. If the practiSPIN software detects that a firmware update is
necessary, either because there is an old version of firmware or the firmware currently
in the flash memory is not the correct firmware for the motor type selected, one or more
dialogue boxes will appear asking if the program should proceed with the update.
Accept the updates and the practiSPIN software will automatically update the firmware.
The system will then initialize the settings to the last stored settings and open the
appropriate practiSPIN software for the selected motor type.
8. Calibrate current setting: when communication is established the user has the option to
adjust the offset and maximum current settings. If this is the first time you use the
system, calibration may be needed to adjust out the offset in the reference bias
circuitry. Calibration ensures that the reference voltage provided to L62XX IC follows
the practiSPIN software current settings. Calibration is a two-step process; first the
offset is adjusted then the maximum current is set.
a) To null out the offset, click on CALIBRATE ZERO then adjust R18 (on ST7 board)
until voltage at Vref pin(s) of the L62XX device is zero. Measurement points on
each board are listed in the set up section for each target board.
b) The maximum current, corresponding to 100% current setting in the practiSPIN
software, can be adjusted using the Vref potentiometers on the target board. If the
potentiometers are set to full scale (clockwise) the reference applied to the input of
the device is typically about 0.88 V. The full-scale peak current is equal to
Vref/Rsense where Rsense is the composite value of the sense resistor on the
board. To set the maximum current, click on CALIBRATE MAX and trim the Vref
potentiometer(s) on the EVAL62XX board to set the desired reference. If you plan
to use microstepping, consider reducing the maximum Vref to the real peak value
you will use, allowing setting the software current controls near to 100%, avoiding
poor Vref resolution.
Stepper motor driveAN1794
3 Stepper motor drive
After the system has established the connection to the interface board, it will initialize the
settings to the last stored settings and open the appropriate GUI for the selected motor type.
For the Stepper motor, the system can operate in either a constant speed or positioning
(indexing) mode. The constant speed mode can easily be used to see that the system is
3.1 Constant speed mode
1.Speed control screen: a large blue button at the bottom of the screen should read,
"switch to INDEXING MODE". If the button reads, "switch to SPEED CONTROL
MODE", click the button once to go to speed control mode.
2. Stepping mode: in the stepping mode box, select either Normal or Half Step.
Microstepping mode is only available when using the L6208.
3. Device selection: in the device selection box, select the device being evaluated.
4. direction: in the direction box, click the toggle switch to pick forward or reverse. This is
somewhat arbitrary since we probably don't know what the direction sense of the motor
will be. Once the motor is running, toggle this switch to reverse the motor direction if
desired. To reverse the meaning of the forward and reverse designations, disable the
motor (orange disable button at bottom of screen) and then swap the motor wires at
either CN3 or CN4.
5. Decay mode: only the L6208 allows the selection of fast or slow decay. Set the toggle
switch to slow decay.
6. Accel rate: set the accel rate to about 1000 steps per second per second (steps/sec2).
In the practiSPIN system all motion parameters are given in terms of the basic units of
steps and seconds: position in steps, velocity in steps/sec, and accel/decel in
steps/sec2. In order to relate these settings to rotations, RPM, and RPM/second it is
necessary to know the number of steps (or half steps) per rotation for the stepper motor
being used. A common value is 200 steps or 400 half steps per rotation.
7. Running speed: set running speed to about 100 steps/sec.
8. Decel rate: set decel. rate to about 1000 steps/sec2.
9. Accel current: set accel current to about 25%. This is an initial guess as to the required
setting and may need further adjustment. Generally higher accel rate settings require
higher accel current settings so that the stepper motor does not start to "slip poles" and
fall behind the desired position. Since we have initially set the acceleration rate setting
quite low, 25% is probably adequate.
10. Running current: set the running current to 25%. In practice the running current can
often be set to a lower value than the accel current since the torque requirement is
generally less during the constant speed part of the move. A lower running current
setting can help to keep the device and the motor running cooler.
11. Decel current: set the decel current to 25%. Since friction aids in decelerating the motor
it may also be possible to set the decel current lower.
12. Holding current: set the holding current to 25%. Whenever the motor is stopped (after a
run,) this level of current will circulate in the motor so that it will hold position against
any mechanical disturbance.
AN1794Stepper motor drive
In the case of a strong static load (perhaps a gravity load of some sort) it may be necessary
to increase this setting. If not much holding torque is required, then the setting can be
reduced so that operating temperatures can be held to a minimum.
Note:Holding current will be turned off (bridge completely disabled) whenever the disable button
is clicked.
13. Run: make sure that the motor is free to turn in either direction and click the run button.
The motor should quickly come up to speed ((100 steps/sec) / (1000 steps/sec2) = 0.1
sec.). To change the motor direction, click the direction toggle switch. If the motor does
not run click the stop button, increase all four current settings to 50%, and click run
button. If the motor still does not run an oscilloscope and current probe should be used
to observe the motor current.
14. Stop: click stop to stop the motor.
After the basic operation of the system has been verified, the acceleration rates, top speed,
and current settings can be adjusted to see how the motor responds.
3.2 Indexing mode
The system can be switched to operate in the positioning (indexing) mode by clicking on
"switch to INDEXING MODE". In the indexing mode a new box appears on the right of the
screen. You can enter up to twelve indexed movements in the box and the wait time between
each movement. When started, the software will execute each movement by accelerating up
to the peak speed, moving the required number of steps and then decelerating back to a
stop so that the total distance moved is the number of steps indicated, then wait the
indicated time before starting the next movement. A negative number entered in the relative
position will cause the motor to run in the "reverse" direction.
DC motor driveAN1794
4 DC motor drive
After the system has established the connection to the interface board, it will initialize the
settings to the last stored settings and open the appropriate practiSPIN software for the
selected motor type. For DC motor drive, the system operates in an open loop duty cycle
control mode with cycle-by-cycle current limit.
4.1 Dual DC motor control mode
1.Direction: in the direction box for each motor, click the toggle switch to pick forward or
reverse. This is somewhat arbitrary since we probably don't know what the direction
sense of the motor will be. Once the motor is running, toggle this switch to reverse the
motor direction if desired. To reverse the meaning of the forward and reverse
designations, disable the motor (orange disable button at bottom of screen) and then
swap the motor wires at either CN3 or CN4.
2. Braking: toggle the "Brake when Stop" switch to the OFF position for both motors. This
will cause the motor to coast to rest when stopped, with the bridge placed in a high
impedance state. If desired this function can later be toggled on but some care should
be exercised. Braking will effectively short out the motor armature through two
transistors in the bridge, which could cause excessive current and power dissipation if
the motor and load have a large moment of inertia (thus a large amount or stored
mechanical to be dissipated) or the motor has a very low resistance (resulting in a large
current flow). Most smaller DC motors with several ohms of resistance do not pose a
3. Current: set the current for both motors to approximately 25%. This is an initial guess
as to the required setting and may need further adjustment.
4. Voltage: set the voltage for both motors to approximately 50%.
5. Run: make sure that the motors are free to turn in either direction and click the run
button. the motors should come up to approximately half of the speed that would be
expected at this supply voltage. To change the motor direction, click the direction toggle
switch. If the motors do not run click the STOP button, increase both current settings to
50%, and click RUN button. If the motors still do not run an oscilloscope and current
probe should be used to observe the motor current
6. Stop: click stop to stop the motor.
After the basic operation of the system has been verified, adjust voltage, current, direction
and other parameters to evaluate the system.
AN1794BLDC motor drive
5 BLDC motor drive
After the system has established the connection to the interface board, it will initialize the
settings to the last stored settings and open the appropriate practiSPIN software for the
selected motor type. For BLDC motor drive, the system operates in an open loop duty cycle
control mode with cycle-by-cycle current limit.
5.1 BLDC motor control mode
1.Direction: in the direction box for each motor, click the toggle switch to pick forward or
reverse. This is somewhat arbitrary since we probably don't know what the direction
sense of the motor will be. Once the motor is running, toggle this switch to reverse the
motor direction if desired.
2. Braking: toggle the "Brake when Stop" switch to the OFF position. This will cause the
motor to coast to rest when stopped, with the bridge placed in a high impedance state.
If desired this function can later be toggled on but some care should be exercised.
Braking will effectively short out the motor armature through three transistors in the
bridge, which could cause excessive current and power dissipation if the motor and
load have a large moment of inertia (thus a large amount or stored mechanical to be
dissipated) or the motor has a very low resistance (resulting in a large current flow).
Most smaller BLDC motors with several ohms of resistance do not pose a risk.
3. Current: set the current to approximately 25%. This is an initial guess as to the required
setting and may need further adjustment.
4. Voltage: set the voltage to approximately 50%.
5. Run: make sure that the motor is free to turn in either direction and click the run button.
The motor should come up to approximately half of the speed that would be expected
at this supply voltage. To change the motor direction, click the direction toggle switch. If
the motor does not run click the stop button, increase the current settings to 50%, and
click run button. If the motor still does not run an oscilloscope and current probe should
be used to observe the motor current.
6. Stop: click stop to stop the motor.
After the basic operation of the system has been verified, adjust voltage, current, direction
and other parameters to evaluate the system.
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