This document desc ribes a firmware implementation dev eloped by ST Microelectron ics for a
USB Smart Card R ea der. Thi s fi rmwa re is f or the ST7S CR microc ontrol ler and can be us ed
with the associated Smart Card Reader board available from STMicroelectronics.
It is divided into 4 parts:
– Universal Serial Bus (USB) management: This is the USB library which manages the USB
– Chip Card Interface Device (CCID) implementation: This contains high level functions for us-
ing the USB in compliance with CCID specifications (messages for Bulk-in, Bulk-out, interrupt and class requests)
– Interface Device (IFD) implementation: This contains high level functions for ISO 7816 spec-
ification implementation and the smartcard-specific command interpreter.
– 7816 UART Smartcard Interface (CRD) management: T his contains low level functions for
the hardware management of the 7816 UART Smartcard Inter face (C RD).
The main loop polls USB transactions (functions in Ccid_usb. c) using a state machine
– USB_Polling() function from library for USB low level and endpoint 0 management.
– Receive USB Bulk-out message (CCID part).
– Execute the function corresponding to the Bulk-out message (IFD part).
– Send USB interrupt in message (CCID part) if necessary.
– Send USB Bulk-in response (CCID part).
The Bulk-out/in messages are managed by a state machi ne. When the Bulk-out message reception is completed, the message function is executed and returns only after the c ompletion
of the action to be done in the IFD part. As this may take several 10 ms (e.g. ATR reading), the
response is sent to the host by Bulk- in messa ge. The Bulk-i n/out messa ges are rece ived in
several transactions with a single transaction at every main loop i f the USB endpoint is available.
If there are any interrupt messages, they are sent just before the Bulk-in message is sent.
Specific CCID class requests are managed by the setup management function in the USB li-
brary (USER_USB_setup() function).
The Chip Card In terface Device (CCID) f irmwar e implem entation c onforms to the “Uni versal
Serial Bus Device Class Specification for USB Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices” revision
1.0. It contains two files:
– Ccid_usb.c: This file contains the USB - CCID interface functions used to manage the state
machine that generates Bulk-in/Bulk-out messages.
– Ifd_ccid.c: This file contains the PC_to_RDR_xxx() and RDR_to_PC_xxx() message func-
tions for the CCID.
The following commands are not supported but can be added easily:
– PC_To_RDR_Secure,
– PC_To_RDR_SetDataRateAndClockFrequency,
– PC_To_RDR_Mechanical.
This CCID part uses a 271-byte buffer for all messages. Messages are composed of two
– header (10 bytes: fixed size)
– data (up to 261 bytes).
The size is based on the largest message managed at the short APDU transaction level. Due
to this large size, the ST7S CR can h ave o nly 1 buffe r and cannot s tore more than on e mes sage at a given time.
The CCID _Bu lkOu tMes sage( ) f unctio n u ses sever al B ulk-ou t U SB tr ansac tions to ver ify the
message header and store the entire message in the buffer.
When the message reception is comp leted, the C CID_DispatchMessage() function identifies
the message type and calls the corresponding function (PC_to_RDR_xxx()) for processing.
Then, the IFD par t of the firmw are execut es a c ommand on the ICC if nec essary. This com mand is included in the data field of the buffer. The PC_to_RDR_xxx() function receives from
the IFD the answer to the messag e in the buffer data field and returns an error code to be included in the Bulk-in response.
The RDR_to_PC_xxx() functi on, whic h corres ponds to the PC_to_RDR_x xx() previous ly executed, is launched and enters the correct values for error and status codes in the header.
At this time, the Bulk-in message is ready to be sent. But before the sending, the
CCID_IntMessage() function is executed to detect any hardw are problems or if a slot change
has occurred. In this case, the corresponding interrupt message is sent to the host.
To finish the main loop, the CCID_BulkInMessage() function sends the Bulk-in message as an
answer to the previous Bulk-out message. The message is sent in a process that requires several Bulk-in transactions (same concept as for the Bulk-out process).
In addition, the Abort request is implemented through the CCIDClass RequestAbort() function
called in the USB_Polling() function. For this purpose, the USB_Polling() function is called in
the PC_to_RDR_xxx() function. When this request is received from endpoint 0, a flag is set
and the command sequence number is memorized.
All commands are aborted until the next PC_to_RDR_Abort command with the correct sequence number is received.
■ void CCID_Init(void)
This function initializes the flags and status variables for the state machine process.
■ void CCID_Init_IT(void)
This function initializes the state machine and switches off the VccCard after a USB reset
done by the PC Host. It can only be called by an interrupt routine.
■ void CCID_Susp e nd_IT(void)
This function initializes the state machine and the card interface hardware after a resume from
USB suspend mode.
■ void CCID_BulkOutMessage(void)
This function manages the state machine during USB Bulk Out message reception. It fills the
message buffer with a maximum of 2 71 bytes.
■ void CCID_BulkInMessage(void)
This func tio n ma nag es the s tate mac hin e duri ng the USB Bu lk In m ess age tr an smiss ion . It
sends the buffer content as a message with a maximum of 271 bytes.
■ void CCID_DispatchMessage(void)
This function identifies the USB Bulk Out received message and c alls the corresponding func tions to process it : PC_to_RDR_xxx() and RDR_to_PC_xxx().
■ void CCID_IntMessage( void )
This function verifies the slot status and sends an interrupt In message if needed.
■ void CcidClassRequestAbort(void)
This function is called from the USER_USB_Setup() function to process an Abort request.
■ unsigned char PC_to _ RDR_IccPowerOn(void)
This fu nction v erifies the PC_ TO_R DR_IC CPOW ERON c omman d form at and cal ls the
IFD_IccPowerOn() function (from Interface Device level). If IFD_IccPowerOn() returns no
error, the message header is filled with the ATR length. This PC_to_RDR function returns an
error code.
■ unsigned char PC_to _ RDR _ IccPowerOff(void)
This functi on ver ifies the P C_TO_R DR _IC CPO WE ROF F com mand fo rm at, switc hes o ff the
smartcard power supply and returns the NOERROR code.
■ unsigned char PC_to _ RDR_GetSlotStatus(void)
This functi on v eri fies t he PC_TO_RDR_GETSLOTSTATUS command fo r mat, v eri fies t he slot
hardware state and returns the corresponding error code.
■ unsigned char PC_to _ RDR _ Xf rB lock(void)
This function verifies the PC_TO_RDR_XFRBLOCK command format, checks the slot status
and returns an error if needed. If there is no error, it calls the IFD_XfrBlock() function (from the
Interface Device level). The message buffer contains the data to be transferred and is updated
by this IFD function. This PC_to_RDR function returns an error code.
■ unsigned char PC_to_RDR_GetParameters(void)
This function verifies the PC_TO_RDR_GETPARAM ETERS command format , checks the
slot hardware state and returns the corresponding error code.
■ unsigned char PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters(void)
This function verifies the PC_TO_RDR_RESETPARAMETERS command format, fills the
message buffer with the default values of the reader parameters and calls the
IFD_SetParameters() function (from the Interface Device level). This PC_to_RDR function returns an error code.
■ unsigned char PC_to_RDR_Set Parameters(void)
This function verifies the PC_TO_RDR_SETPARAMETERS command format and calls t he
IFD_SetParameters() function (from the Interface Device level). This PC_to_RDR function returns an error code.
■ unsigned char PC_to_RDR_Escape(void)
This function verifies the PC_TO_RDR_ESCAPE command format and calls the
IFD_Escape() function (from t he Inter face Device lev el) . Thi s PC_to_RDR func tion retur ns an
error code (from IFD_Escape(), for example).
■ unsigned char PC_to_RDR_IccClock(void)
This function verifies the PC_TO_RDR_ICCCLOCK command format and calls the
IFD_SetClock() function (from the Interface Device level). This PC_to_RDR function returns
an error code (from IFD_SetClock(), for example).
■ unsigned char PC_to_RDR_Abort(void)
This function verifies the PC_TO_RDR_ABORT command format, checks the abort conditions and sets the corresponding flag. It returns the corresponding error code.
This function fills the whole command buffer header including the error code given as input to
prepare the RDR_TO_PC_PARAMET ERS message and call the IFD_GetParameters() function to fill the message data field.
■ void RDR_to_PC_Escape(unsigned char ErrorCode)
This function fills the whole command buffer header including the error code given as input to
prepare the RDR_TO_PC_ESCAPE message.
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