Application note
SD2932 RF MOSFET for 300 W FM amplifier
This application note gives a description of a broadband power amplifier operating over the
frequency range 88 - 108 MHz using the new STMicroelectronics RF MOSFET transistor
Table 1. Typical achievable performances
Parameter Performance
Device 1 X SD2932
Frequency 88-108 MHz
Vdd 50 V
Idq 200 mA
Pout 300 W
Gain >19 dB
Input return loss < -11 dB
Drain efficiency >70%
July 2007 Rev 3 1/7

Amplifier design AN1229
1 Amplifier design
1.1 Input matching network
Typical input gate-to-gate impedance of SD2932 at 100 MHz is Zin = Rs + jXs = 2 - 2.6 j,
and can also be expressed as the combination of parallel resistance and reactance using
the following formulas:
Equation 1
⁄ 4.14jΩ–==
+• 5.38Ω==
Rp Rs 1
Equation 2
Therefore, in order to achieve good input matching performances over the frequency range
88-108 MHz the unbalanced 50 Ω is to be transformed into an impedance with a value as
close as possible to Rp of 5.38 Ω.
From the circuit schematic given in Figure 6 , we can see that the input matching network is
based on a two section balun (1:1 balun in cascade with a 9:1 balun transformer) which
transforms the unbalanced 50 Ω to a balanced 5.56 Ω (2 x 2.78 Ω / 9:1 ratio). The first
section, a 5" long - 50 Ω coaxial cable and the second section, a two 3.9" long - 25 Ω flexible
coaxial cables with ferrite core NEOSIDE, are connected as described: a 10 nH inductor
(L1) is connected between the two gates to compensate SD2932 input parallel reactance
1.2 Input matching network tuning
Figure 1. Input Impedance of 1:1 balun in cascade with 4:1 balun
S11 (dB)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Frequency (MHz)

AN1229 Amplifier design
Figure 2. Input Impedance of 1:1 balun in cascade with 9:1 balun
S11 (dB)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Frequency (MHz)
SD2932 input matching network was tuned in order to achieve the best compromise in
terms of power gain (Gp) and input return loss (Rtl) over the frequency range 88 - 108 MHz.
Best results were achieved by adding a 10 pF chip capacitor (C1) between RFIN and the
1 nF blocking capacitor (C2).
1.3 Output matching network
The output impedance of each side is a combination of the output capacitance Coss (
195 pF) and the optimum load resistance which can be determined as follows:
Equation 3
0.85 Vd d•()
------------------------------------ -
2 Pout•
0.85 2500•
------------------------------ -
2 150W•
The total optimum load, seen by SD2932 (drain to drain), is 2 x 6.02 = 12.04 Ω. Therefore, a
simple two section balun (1:1 balun in cascade with a 4:1 balun transformer) is used to
transform the unbalanced 50 Ω to a balanced 12.5 Ω (2 x 6.25 Ω) which is very near to the
total optimum load resistance.
The first section, a 5" long - 50 Ω flexible coaxial cable, and the second section, two 5" long
- 25 Ω flexible coaxial cables, are connected as described in Figure 6.
To compensate for the output capacitance Coss of SD2932 , a 40 nH inductor (L2) is
connected between the two drains. This LC network (L2 & Coss) is a high pass filter with a
resonance frequency calculated at 10 % below the minimum operating frequency:
Equation 4
-------------- -=
(per side)
180p F
Equation 5
Frequency of resonance
0.9 88MHz 80MHz=•=
Equation 6
L2 Coss 2 pi F••()••
1 L2 44nH=→=