Application note
How to relate LMOS device parameters to RF
This second installment of a two-part paper series on LDMOS technology (see
Understanding LDMOS Device Fundamentals, AN1226) will explain LDMOS circuit-level
performance through MOS intrinsic device characteristics. Understanding current laterally
diffused Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (LDMOS) technology is necessary to optimally use
these devices in high-power RF circuitry. RF circuit designers must come to an
understanding of the relationship between circuit performance and device characteristics
beyond first-order approximations. These higher-order device relationships can offer insight
into many common device parameters and their interdependencies and, more importantly,
enable the design engineer to monitor the semiconductor manufacturing process more
In general, for LDMOS devices and MOS field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) the channel is
of primary importance. The channel is the inversion layer created within the body of the
device that electrically connects the source and drain, as described in the first part of this
series. The channel dimensions and its doping determine the forward transconductance
) and contribute to the body-related capacitances that ultimately influence RF power gain
and frequency response. The body-doping profile is critical for device ruggedness and
reliability. Since the introduction of LDMOS devices for high-voltage commercial RF
applications, device dimensions have evolved from supermicron to submicron in only a few
short years.
This progress is indicative of future LDMOS generations and it should be noted that the
reduction in device size below one micron has not necessarily followed traditional scaling
Specification sheets for RF MOSFETs include many parameters that will be explained in the
context of circuit design and performance criteria. The order in which these device
parameters are presented here is not indicative of relative importance.
July 2007 Rev 3 1/6

Breakdown voltage AN1228
1 Breakdown voltage
The saturated-drain-source breakdown voltage (BV
) of a MOSFET device is specified at
a particular value of current with the drain biased and the gate, as well as the source,
shorted. BV
tracer displays for LDMOS breakdown. A BV
can take many forms as represented in Figure 1 which shows the curve
curve can have a soft breakdown with
multiple breaks in the curve which is indicative of non-uniformities in the stress within the
inter-digitated cell structure.
Figure 1 shows a BV
curve with characteristics that are typical of a device exhibiting
punch-through due to an improper body-doping profile. There are four significant areas on
this curve - the low, mid, high and breakdown drain-voltage regions which reflect leakage,
punch-through, space-charge-limited current and avalanche current respectively. Figure 1
also shows a curve with a very sharp break where the current suddenly increases. There
are two significant regions on this curve - pre-breakdown and post-breakdown. Prior to
breakdown, leakage current exists that could be from many sources, such as the normal ptype, n-type (pn) junction leakage due to recombination and generation of carriers in the
quasi-neutral region of the junction. The breakdown-voltage regime is the avalanching of
carriers due to the electric field being greater than the critical electric field (approximately
V/cm). Under these conditions an electron can be accelerated by the electric field.
Due to elastic and inelastic scattering this electron acceleration can generate more than one
carrier and thus a multiplication scheme transpires.
Figure 1. Typical breakdown curves of a LDMOS transistor
Operating near BV
is a reliability risk since the device sustains high-stress conditions.
Under these conditions the high-energy carriers can alter the device characteristics by
creating, filling and emptying interface traps. For an LDMOS device, if this avalanche
condition exists under or near the gate, the hot carriers can penetrate the gate oxide as well
as alter the on- and off-state characteristics. Typical problems due to this avalanching
include threshold-voltage drift and increased gate leakage. While evaluating devices for this
parameter, large variations are indicative of inconsistencies in device fabrication. For RF
circuit design a general rule of thumb states that the BV
operating voltage in order to support variations in RF voltage.
should be 2 to 2.5 times the