John Pritiskutch - Brett Hanson
This paper focuses on the struc tural aspects o f two basic types of RF power MOSFE TS: the DMO S and
the LDMOS. The comparison of the DMOS and LDMOS structures reveals the basic fundamentals of the
RF MOSFET device technology and the challenges that exist to improve their RF performance and
To date, MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) research has predominately
focused on VLSI technology, which has been d riven by computer IC market press ures. VLSI devices
employ physical structures similar to RF power MOSFETs, but VLSI devices utilize much smaller physical
dimensions. The salient differences between RF MOSFETs and VLSI devices are larger channel lengths,
greater junction depths and thicker gate oxides, employed by the former, as required to obtain the high
power needed for most RF applications. Todays power RF applications need higher gain and more power
without complicated peripheral circuitry. The RF market is being driven by the nee d for higher reliability,
gain, linearity and output power requirements that will be constrained by the application’s DC power
supply limitations. Most high power RF applications are using DC supply voltages ranging from 20 to 50
There are two major structural categories of RF MOSFETs in use today. These structures, DMOS
(double-diffused Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) and LDMOS (laterally diffused
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor), have unique beha viors: semiconductor process and geometry dependent.
These acronyms can be confusing, especially since the acronym LDMOS is a concatenation of acronyms
that have been used to designate various aspects of the lateral device and often stands for lateral current
(L) double-diffused MOS (DMOS). These devices can be created in two common types, the PMOS
(p-type MOSFET) and NMOS (n-type MOSFE T), but this paper will foc us on NMOS only. Figures 1 and
2 depict the physical structures of DMOS and LDMOS, respec tively. From these figures, it is apparent
LDMOS is predominately a lateral, surface-effect device, while the DMOS geometry incorporates large
vertical and lateral structures forcing the time and current density of the spatial dependent vector to
contain significant vertical and lateral component.
Both of these MOSFETs are composed of three terminal devices (assuming substrate shorted to source),
commonly identified as t he source, gate and drain, where the voltage on the gate controls the curren t
flowing from the drain to the source. The mos t common circuit configuration for these devices is the
common source (CS) configuration, which is comparable (in some respects) to the common emitter
configuration of the bipolar transistor. Considering this, any frequency-dependent source to ground
connection will introduce negative feedback. Other configurations are used but under the CS
configuration the drain is connected to the high DC voltage while the source is grounded. The gate is used
to induce a field-enhanced depletion region between the source and drain, and thereby creating a
“channel”. The acronym NMOS was derived from the fact that the p-type channel has been inverted,
July 2000

creating an effective n-type material due to the depletion of the holes in the p-type channel. A high
concentration of electrons is left with energy near the conduction band due to the barrier lowering caused
by the gate field, and the electrons can the n accelerate due to the field produced by the drai n to source
biasing. The details of the above mentioned gate-induced channel are critical to MOS operation. The
LDMOS channel is predominately def ined by the physical size of the gate st ructure (ignoring seconda ry
effects due to diffusion vagaries) that overlies the graded p-type threshold adjust, implantation and
diffusion area. The source and drain regions are on the laterally opposing sides of the gate area, and the
diffusion process may produc e an undercut region below th e gate due to the single-step l ate ral di ffusion
process that defines the source and drain regions. The source and drain regions under bias create
depletion regions that are connected by the gate induced depletion region in the p-body, and this
connection defines the “effective channel length” which is a measure of the distance between the source
and drain depletion edges. For NMOS, the depletion region is a region where the high electric field lowers
the energy barrier to the electron conduction band. Once the barrier is lowered sufficiently, current easily
flows between source and drain. LDMOS channel current is controlled by the vertical electric field induced
by the gate and the lateral field that exists between the source and drain.
Figure 1: Basic DMOS Structure
Gate terminal
Source ter minal
N+ source
P Body
Drain-Sourc e depletion width
N Epi
N+ substrate
Drain terminal
Gate Oxide
The depletion region between the source and drain is dependent on the junction doping profiles. In
general, the depletion region will reach farther into a lower doped region than a higher doped region. The
depletion region will extend into the channel region reducing the actual channel length formed by diffusion
to the effective channel length. This creates the possibility of undesired behavior in the form of hot carrier
injection due to the high electric fields, drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL) and short channel effects
(SCE). A carefully designed, lightly doped drain, and threshold adjust p-body (that is graded
appropriately) will mitigate the undesired behavior.
In contrast to the LDMOS , the DMO S structure cons ists of an n-type subst rate on wh ich is grown an nepitaxial layer that forms the large drain region. The gate region is formed on the surface that overlies the
graded p-type body implantation a nd diffusion area. The source re gions are implant ed and diffused on
either side of the gate to form two separate transistors with a common drain region. The depletion regions