SDIP32/SO28 Connection Kit for ST7MDT10-EMU3
The SDIP32/SO28 Connection Kit (AC7MDT10-
D32/S28) provides the hardware you need to
connect your ST7MDT10-EMU3 emulator to your
application when debugging applications for ST7
microcontrollers in SDIP32 and SO28 packages.
Connection Kit Contents
■ SDIP32 adapter (DB510) – Allows the
connection of your ST7MDT10-EMU3 emulator
to your application board in place of your ST7.
■ SDIP32-SO28 device adapter (DB359) –
Adapts the SDIP32 adapter to SO28 footprint
of the ST7 on your application board.
For more information...
■ ST7-EMU3 User Manual – Information
common to all EMU3 series emulators
■ ST7MDT10-EMU3 Probe User Guide –
Information specific to ST7MDT10-EMU3
Figure 2. SDIP32 application connection
Pin 1
2. Plug the SDIP32 adapter
into the W2 connector on the
target emulation board of your
3. Align pin 1 indicators, then
insert the pins of the SDIP32
adapter into the socket on the
application board.
Application board
1. Solder socket on to the
application board.
Figure 3. SDIP32 to SO28 device adapter
Figure 1. SDIP32 adapter
SDIP32 adapter (DB510)
November 2005 1/3
SDIP32 adapter (DB510)
SO28 device adapter
Rev 1

Figure 4. SO28 application board connection
1. Solder the connection pins to your
application board in place of your MCU. When
soldering, insert the connection pins into the
device adapter, which serves as a support to
ensure correct alignment.
2. Plug the SDIP32 adapter
into the W2 connector on the
target emulation board of your
3. Align pin 1 indicators, then
insert the pins of the SDIP32
adapter into the SDIP32SO28 device adapter.
Application board
Pin 1
Revision history
Date Revision Changes
14-November-2005 1 Initial release.