SSV Embedded Systems IGW/936-L First Steps

LTE Router
First Steps
SSV Embedded Systems
Dünenweg 5 D-30419 Hannover Phone: +49 (0)511/40 000-0 Fax: +49 (0)511/40 000-40 Email:
Document Revision: 1.4
Date: 2018-08-29
LTE Router IGW/936-L – First Steps
D ocu m e nt R e v is i o n 1 . 4
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Checklist ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 3
2 SAFETY GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................... 4
3 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. 5
4 SIM CARD ......................................................................................................................... 6
5 CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................ 7
5.1 LTE Antenna ........................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Ethernet Link .......................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Serial Ports COM2 and COM3 ................................................................................................ 9
5.4 Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 10
6 OPERATION ................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Booting the IGW/936-L ........................................................................................................ 11
6.2 Accessing the SSV/WebUI .................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Accessing the SSV/WebUI with DHCP enabled ................................................................... 12
6.4 LTE Modem Configuration ................................................................................................... 14
6.5 WAN Configuration .............................................................................................................. 15
6.6 Firewall Configuration ......................................................................................................... 16
6.7 LAN1 Configuration .............................................................................................................. 17
6.8 LAN2 Configuration .............................................................................................................. 18
6.9 Access via Telnet .................................................................................................................. 19
6.10 Access via FTP ...................................................................................................................... 20
7 TECHNICAL DATA ......................................................................................................... 22
8 PINOUT SCREW TERMINALS ....................................................................................... 22
9 LED FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................... 23
10 TROUBLE SHOOTING IP ADDRESS PROBLEMS ....................................................... 24
11 HELPFUL LITERATURE ................................................................................................ 25
CONTACT ............................................................................................................................. 25
DOCUMENT HISTORY ......................................................................................................... 25
LTE Router IGW/936-L – First Steps
D ocu m e nt R e v is i o n 1 . 4
This documentation gives you an overview about the initial operation and the first steps of use with the LTE Router IGW/936-L.
1.1 Checklist
Compare the content of your IGW/936-L start-up package with the checklist below.
If any item is missing or appears to be damaged, please contact SSV!
LTE Router IGW/936-L
1x LTE antenna
Adapter cable with power and RS232 connector
Plug-in power supply
CD-ROM for eSOM/3517
IMPORTANT! You will need further equipment to operate the IGW/936-L! Please refer to chap- ter 3.
1.2 Conventions
bold Important
Pathnames, program code, command lines
Table 1: Conventions used in this document
LTE Router IGW/936-L – First Steps
D ocu m e nt R e v is i o n 1 . 4
Please read the following safety guidelines carefully! In case of property or personal damage by not paying attention to this manual and/or by incorrect handling, we do not assume liability. In such cases any warranty claim expires.
The power supply should be in immediate proximity to the device.
The power supply must provide a stable output voltage between 11 – 28 VDC. The out-
put power should be at least 2.5 W.
Please pay attention that the power cord or other cables are not squeezed or damaged in any way when you set up the device.
Do NOT turn on the power supply while connecting any cables, especially the power cables. This could cause damaged device components! First connect the cables and THEN turn the power supply on.
The installation of the device should be done only by qualified personnel.
Discharge yourself electrostatic before you work with the device, e.g. by touching a
heater of metal, to avoid damages.
Stay grounded while working with the device to avoid damage through electrostatic discharge.
The case of the device should be opened only by qualified personnel.
LTE Router IGW/936-L – First Steps
D ocu m e nt R e v is i o n 1 . 4
To operate the IGW/936-L the following hardware is required:
a valid SIM card with an appropriate mobile tariff. Please refer to chapter 4 to see how the SIM card is inserted.
one Ethernet cross-over cable or two Ethernet patch cables and a switch.
To configure the IGW/936-L a PC with the following features is required:
Windows 7 or higher
Web browser (e.g. Firefox, Chrome)
Telnet/SSH client (e.g. TeraTerm)
FTP client (e.g. FileZilla)
10/100 Mbps Ethernet network controller and TCP/IP configuration
CD-ROM drive
LTE Router IGW/936-L – First Steps
D ocu m e nt R e v is i o n 1 . 4
The internal SIM card of the IGW/936-L can be changed through the slot on the backside.
To insert the SIM card just push it by hand as deep as possible into the slot.
Please note:
Pay attention to the correct orientation of the SIM card like shown in fig. 1!
Then use a screw driver to push it gently further into the slot until you here a soft "click".
Figure 1: Inserting the SIM card
To remove the SIM card just push it gently with a screw driver until you hear a soft "click" (see fig. 2). The SIM card is ejected a few millimeters and can be pulled out easily by hand.
Figure 2: Removing the SIM card
LTE Router IGW/936-L – First Steps
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For a quick and easy start with the IGW/936-L there are a few cable connections necessary.
The following chapters describe how these connections have to be made.
5.1 LTE Antenna
Connect the LTE antenna with the IGW/936-L like shown in fig. 3 and place it where the LTE signal strength is high.
Figure 3: Connecting the LTE antenna
Please note:
The best LTE signal strength is achieved by using two antennas. Please contact SSV if you want to order a second LTE antenna.
LTE Router IGW/936-L – First Steps
D ocu m e nt R e v is i o n 1 . 4
5.2 Ethernet Link
The Ethernet link between the PC and LAN1 of the IGW/936-L can be made on two ways:
Direct with an Ethernet cross-over cable like shown in fig. 4.
With two standard Ethernet patch cables over a hub or switch like shown in fig. 5.
Figure 4: Ethernet link with cross-over cable
Please note: For the Ethernet connection in fig. 4 it is absolutely required to use a cross-over ca­ble. Do not use an ordinary patch cable. Ethernet patch and cross-over cables are in
most cases visual indistinguishable. But the internal wiring is fully different. Mixing up these types of cables leads to LAN errors. Hence pay attention to the label of the cable or packing.
Figure 5: Ethernet link with hub or switch
The IP address of the LAN1 interface is ex-factory set to
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