User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
1. About the Module.................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 General............................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Features...........................................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Specifications..................................................................................................................................................3
2. Hardware...............................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Appearance..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Indicators........................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Interface.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Ethernet Interface................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3.2 Host Interface...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 UART Baud Rate............................................................................................................................................7
2.5 Reset Signal.................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Communication Protocol......................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Description......................................................................................................................................................9
3.2 The GS11-EI Communication Flowchart and User Program........................................................................ 9
3.3 Real-time monitoring IP function.................................................................................................................10
3.4 Initialize Communication............................................................................................................................. 11
3.5 User-defind Protocol.....................................................................................................................................12
4. Dimension........................................................................................................................................................... 14
5. Development Board............................................................................................................................................16
5.1 Appearance................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Function........................................................................................................................................................ 16
5.2.1 RS232 Interface.................................................................................................................................16
5.2.2 Baudrate Setting Switch....................................................................................................................17
5.2.3 Reset Key...........................................................................................................................................18
5.2.4 LED....................................................................................................................................................18
6. Configuration Software...................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1 SST-EIP-CFG Introduction..........................................................................................................................19
6.2 Search Equipment.........................................................................................................................................20
6.3 IP Search.......................................................................................................................................................20
6.4 Advanced Configuration.............................................................................................................................. 21
6.5 User Parameter Configuration......................................................................................................................26
7. Configuration Software(EemTest)..................................................................................................................... 30
7.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................30
7.2 User Interface................................................................................................................................................30
7.3 Establish/Disconnect Connection.................................................................................................................31
7.4 Receive/Transmit Data................................................................................................................................. 34
8. Precautions of Operation and Maintenance....................................................................................................... 36
Appendix: How to Read and Write I/O Data............................................................................................................. 37
1. Use I/O Method to Read and Write Data................................................................................................... 37
2. Use MSG Method to Read and Write Data................................................................................................42
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
Read I/O Data............................................................................................................................................. 42
Write I/O Data............................................................................................................................................ 46
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
1. About the Module
Upgrade your UART or serial device to EtherNet/IP device expediently
Ethernet is 10/100M adaptive
Supports EtherNet/IP Class 1 and Class 3 connections
Provide dedicated configuration software, User-friendly configuration.
Setting the IP address via the UART( Optional Features)
[1]. Support the EtherNet/IP communication protocol that follow ODVA standard.
[2]. GS11-EI provides one Ethernet port and one UART interface (included in the 20-pin connector), can realize
[3]. Ethernet is 10/100M adaptive
[4]. The size of input and output buffers can be set by users:
[5]. As an EtherNet / IP server on the Ethernet side, can support 1 EtherNet / IP client to communicate at the
[6]. The serial interface is UART, half duplex, 8 data bits, one stop bit, and no parity, and support 2400,
1.1 General
GS11-EI is an embedded EtherNet/IP module and provides instant EtherNet/IP connectivity via the host
interface which is SST defined. Any device that supports the host interface can communicate with GS11-EI
through UART.
1.2 Features
1.3 Specifications
the EtherNet / IP data and serial data conversion;
The size of input buffer is 256 bytes at most
The size of output buffer is 256 bytes at most
same time, the minimum data update rate is 5ms;
4800,9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 baud rate
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
[7]. Serial port use user-defind protocol, easy to realize serial port communication.
[8]. Power: +3.3VDC (3.14 ~ 3.45V), 190mA
[9]. Environmental temperature: -40 ~ 85℃, humidity: 5% ~ 90%
[10].Dimension (W*H*D): 0.88 in*0.95 in*1.46 in (22.6mm*24.2mm*37.2mm).
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
2. Hardware
No network data transmitting or receiving
Have network data transmitting or receiving
Network activity
Network connecting
2.1 Appearance
2.2 Indicators
2.3 Interface
2.3.1 Ethernet Interface
The Ethernet interface uses an 8-line RJ-45 interface, and the pin definitions are as follows:
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
2.3.2 Host Interface
UART Receive (Input), connect with TXD of host processor or MCU
UART Transmit (Output), connect with RXD of host processor or MCU
The status of GS11-EI (Output), and need a 10K pull-up resistor on user board.
Logic 1: The GS11-EI module is in starting.
Logic 0: The module’s start has been completed. (Include waiting for initialization
state, start the EtherNet/IP protocol stack and data exchange state, etc.)
GS11-EI has a 20-pin socket connector (needle-type), including power, UART and GPIO. The pin position
and definition are as follows:
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
If this pin is pull down to low voltage before starting the module (by using a 1K
pull-down resistor), the module will start with default IP address (, and
this mode is only used to update the firmware.
Set the UART baud rate (Input), see the following table.
Reset signal (Input), Active low.
Data Exchange (Output), and need a 10K pull-up resistor on the user board.
Logic 1: The module is in non-data exchange state (such as start state, waiting for
initialization state, start the EtherNet/IP protocol stack, etc.)
Logic 0: The module is ready for data exchange.
2.4 UART Baud Rate
UART baud rate settings are as follows:
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
2.5 Reset Signal
GS11-EI RESET (Pin 14) is hardware reset signal input. When the RESET pin is pulled down to GND or low
to 2.88V lasting for 1 millisecond, the module will be forced to reset, and the host must wait for 250 milliseconds
(typical value, after reset the module), and then the host must check the PIN10 (/RUN) and PIN20
(/ DATAEXCH). If the two pins are Logic 0, then the host can exchange data.
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
3. Communication Protocol
3.1 Description
GS11-EI acts as an EtherNet/IP server at the Ethernet side, serial port use user-defind protocol. The EtherNet
/ IP communication and serial communication are completely independent, through the internal input and output
data buffer of GS11-EI to realize data exchange, according to the GS11-EI serial communication protocol, the user
board can complete the input and output data exchange.
The procedure of message transmission is as follows:
3.2 The GS11-EI Communication Flowchart and User Program
Here are the flowcharts of two kinds of IP configuration; users can choose one of them in accordance with
specific conditions. For the chooses of this two kinds, see also the Advanced Parameters section in chapter 6.4.
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
3.3 Real-time monitoring IP function
1. Using configuration software setting IP address mode: The module will obtain an IP again. User needs to
If the GS11-EI is set to DHCP, then the module will monitor its IP when it is running. If IP changed, it will
pull up /DataExch pin to logic 1.Then two cases:
read / DataExch pin state. If it re-becomes logic 0, indicating that the module has obtained IP, and the module
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
can begin to communicate;
2. Using UART setting IP address mode: GS11-EI will wait the user to send the setting IP address message, and
1. Initialize request message--- (user board->module), When you choose to use the serial port (UART) to set the
EtherNet/IP to user-defind protocol
message length is 17 which includes all following bytes except the check sum byte and the length
byte , high-byte first
The default value is 0; when user set GS11-EI via UART that use DHCP to assign IP address, the value
of this byte is 1 *
IP Configuration Mode, 0: Static Configuration; 1: DHCP ;
IP Address, high-byte first
Subnet Mask, high-byte first
Default Gateway Address, high-byte first
Check sum, byte 0+byte 1+…+byte 18
the next step is the same with the first initialization.
3.4 Initialize Communication
Communication mode: user board (host) is the communication initiator, and GS11-EI responses.
Configuration of baud rate: GS11-EI reads these pins BAUD0, BAUD1 and BAUD2 that select the UART
baud rate when it power on or reset.
IP address and other information, you can sent this initialization request message.
when user set GS11-EI module via UART that use DHCP to assign IP address, user board sends above
message(the value of byte 2 should be 1)
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
And then, when GS11-EI does not receive the IP address that assigned by DHCP Server on the network, it
2. Initialize response message--- (module->user board)
Check sum, byte 0+byte 1+byte 2
Check sum, byte 0+byte 1+byte 2
23IP configuration mode does not exist.
4. Extra error code is always 0xFF
will send 0x2E to user board every 1second.
If and only if DHCP Server finished IP allocate, then GS11-EI will send a message that contained IP address,
subnet mask, and default gateway to user board.
For example: GS11-EI sends message to user board: 0C C0 A8 00 BB FF FF FF 00 C0 A8 00 01 95.
The 0x0C is the header and means there are 12 bytes behind, and followed by is a 4 bytes of IP address
(, 4 bytes of subnet mask (, 4 bytes The default gateway (, the last byte
represents checksum.
when user set the GS11-EI module IP address via UART and does not use DHCP, user board sends above
message(the value of byte 2 should be 0), and then the module will send the following message to the user board.
3.5 User-defind Protocol
Communication mode: User board is the communication initiator, and GS11-EI responses.
The request messages contain input data, and the response messages contain output data. The communication
process is as follows:
User Manual
Embedded EtherNet/IP Module
1. Request message (user board -> module)
message length includes all following bytes except the check sum byte , high-byte first
Input data, high-byte first
Check sum, byte 0+byte 1+…+byte n
2. Response message of user-defind protocol (module -> user board)
message length includes all following bytes except the
check sum byte , high-byte first
Output data, high-byte first
Check sum, byte 0+byte 1+byte
Check sum, byte 0+byte 1+…+byte n
4. Extra error code is always 0xFF.