Central intercom station ZS 932-3S
for 3 elevators or for 3 entryway
speakers without door release
Central intercom station
ZS 932-0S for wall mounting as:
a) Simple call station in the elevator
engine room.
b) Central intercom station in conjunction with the central intercom
call station accessory ZZS 932-0 and
multifunction modules MFM 932-5S
for monitoring up to 20 elevators.
c) Central call station as described
under “b“ but for up to 10 entryway
speakers with release buttons.
Using accessories, conversion for
table-top or control panel mounting
(see general installation instructions).
1 Open the system telephone
2 Insert the ZZS 932-0 in the
central intercom station ZS 932 and
Remove jumper 1
a) Connect pin “1” of the ZS pcb to
pin “1” of the ZZS 932-0
b) Connect pin “3” of the ZS pcb to
pin “3” of the ZZS 932-0
c) Connect pin “8” of the ZS pcb to
pin “8” of the ZZS 932-0
d) Connect pin “9” of the ZS pch to
pin “9” of the ZZS 932-0
3 Connect up as indicated in circuit
diagram AS-71...
The circuit diagrams are enclosed
with the control unit SZ 911a-...
4 Open the inscription field
5 Comparison to previous versions
6 Schematic diagram ZS 932-0S
7 Schematic diagram ZS 932-3S
• Operating voltage 12 - 14 V DC
• Operating voltage without
ZZS 932-0 appr. 125 mA, with
ZZS 932-0 appr. 145 mA
• Pilot lamp appr. 30 mA
Accessories required for table-top version
1 ZT 932-0/24S Table-top accessory for ZS 932-...
+ MFM 932-5S
1... ZMF 932-0/24S Table-top accessory 2 further MFM 932-5S
1... ZMF 611-10 Table-top accessory each without
connecting cord
Accessories required for table-top version or hollow wall mounting
optionally for flush mounting
or table-top mounting
1 ZUE 611-KS End piece accessory for ZUR ...
1 ZUR 611-01S Mounting frame for ZS 932-3S,
ZS 932-0S
1 ZUR 932-1S Mounting frame ZS 932-...
+ 1x MFM 932-5S
1 ZUR 932-2S Mounting frame ZS 932-...
+ 2x MFM 932-5S
1 ZUR 932-3S Mounting frame ZS 932-...
+ 3x MFM 932-5S
1 ZUR 932-4S Mounting frame ZS 932-...
+ 4x MFM 932-5S
1 ZHB 611-0 Accessory hollow
wall fastener
Accessories required for flush mounted housing
1 GE 611-0 Flush mounted for ZUR 611-01S
1 GE 611-0 Flush mounted for ZUR 932-1S
1 GZ 611-1 housing
1 GE 611-0 Flush mounted for ZUR 932-2S
2 GZ 611-1 housing
1 GE 611-0 Flush mounted for ZUR 932-3S
3 GZ 611-1 housing
1 GE 611-0 Flush mounted for ZUR 932-4S
4 GZ 611-1 housing