SSS Siedle Siedle S 851-0, Siedle SGM 650-0 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
Siedle Scope Scope cordless handset Smart Gateway Mini
S 851-0 SZM 851-0 SGM 650-0
Quick overview 4
Scope handset 5
Display navigation 6
Conrm/navigation buttons:
Functions during a call 7
Softkey: Functions during a call 7
Display symbols 8
Menu structure in the cordless handset 9
System overview 10
Siedle Scope – One for all 11
Safety remarks
Note 13
Electrical voltage 13
Battery safety 13
Medical devices/facilities 13
General information 14
Protect your property! 14
Legal notice 15
Care instructions 15
Contact with liquids 15
Getting started
Checking the scope of supply 16
Charging cradle for the Scope cordless handset 16
Charging the cordless handset 18
Charging and operating times 19
Commissioning the base sta­tion/Smart Gateway Mini 20
Switching on the cordless handset 21
Registering the cordless handset at the base station 21
Display navigation 22
Registering the cordless handset at the base station 23
Log in with an already regis­tered cordless handset 24
Log in via the browser-based user interface of the base
station 25
Deregister handset 26
Setting the language 26
Setting the date and time 27
Basic functions
Switching the cordless handset on and off 29
Switching the keypad lock on and off 29
Triggering the door release 30
Picking up calls 30
Triggering the door release with GAP terminals 31
Ending a call 32
Dial the required number 32
Entering and editing texts 33
Switching handsfree on and off 34
Conrm/navigation buttons:
Functions during a call 35
Activating and deactivating
microphone silencing 36
Setting the volume 37
Flash function 38
Brokering 40
Call forwarding 41
Video image 42
Dening the image excerpt 42
Displaying the door call images 43
Main menu
General 44
Call lists 45
Settings 46
Tones / signals 47
Setting the call volume 48
Adjusting the settings for dif­ferent call types 49
Setting the ring tone 49
Dene the number of call
signals 50
Adjusting the ring tone volume 50
Notications: Signal tone, button tones, battery warning
tone 51
Handset name 52
Registering the cordless
handset at the base station (Smart Gateway Mini) 53
Display – Brightness 54
Speed dial 55
Adding a new speed dial 56
Actuate speed dial 59
Editing/replacing the speed dial 59
Delete speed dial 60
General 61
Switching the eco mode on and off 62
Switching on the registration
mode 63
Enabling the repeater mode 64
Setting the dialling pause 66
Prex – Dialling code (international) 67
Prex – Dening the external line digit 68
Setting the ash time 69
Change PIN 70
Factory setting – Handset 71
Factory setting – Base station 72
Accessing system information 74
Phone directory
General 75
Calling a contact 77
Phonebook options 78
Create new contact 79
Delete contact 80
Copy contact 81
Delete directory 82
Copy directory 83
Edit contact 84
These operating instructions sup­plement/are supplemented by:
• Scope product information (S851-0)
• Scope commissioning instructions (S851-0)
• System manual for the In-Home busVideo
The relevant current edition is located in the download area on
Subject to printing errors.
We reserve modications depending on technical improvements.
Menu – Intercom
General 85
Calling indoor devices 86
Calling a door 87
Switch 88
Enabling the Doormatic function 89
Enabling door call forwarding 90
Triggering the door release 91
Switching off the door loud­speaker 92
Ending a call 92
Base station/ Smart Gateway Mini
General 93
Safety remarks 93
Menu structure User interface 94
Log in as administrator 95
Log out 97
Logging in as user 98
System status 100
Change the password 101
Change the network settings 102
Setting the date and time 103
Change PIN 104
Switching on the registration mode – Register handset 105
Managing cordless handsets –
Changing the name of the
cordless handset 106
Deregister handset 107
Create app users 108
Deleting app users 109
Copying contacts between
cordless handsets 110
Deleting contacts from the
cordless handset 111
Add contact 112
Finding and editing contacts 113
Finding and deleting contacts 114
Update the system 115
Updating cordless handsets
Updating cordless handsets 117
Siedle app for Smart Gateway Mini
General 119
Safety remarks 119
Functions 119
Response in case of restricted connectivity 120
Registering app users 120
Automatic video memory
storage 121
Legal notes 121
Explanation of symbols 121
Cancelling and deleting app users 122
Hotel mode 123
Demo mode 124
Disposal 125
Simplied EC Declaration of
Conformity 125
Index 126
Quick overview
Telephony 30, 32
Triggering the door release 30, 31, 91
Actuate speed dial 59
Calling indoor devices 86
Call door call stations 87
Actuating switching functions 88
Switching Doormatic on and off 89
Activating/deactivating door call forwarding 90
Scope handset
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
1 Loudspeaker
for audio privacy. The loudspeaker for handsfree calls is located at the
2 Display symbols: Status displays of different func-
tions (indicated display symbols are dependent on the settings.)
3 Display
with start screen in operational status
4 Menu-dependent functions/ speed dial entries of the softkeys
(display buttons)
5 Left/right softkey (display buttons):
Select menu-dependent functions, select speed dialI/II
6 Conrm button:
Conrm menu selection
7 Navigation buttons:
Access menus and navigate
8 Door release button: Triggering the door release
9 End call button (red receiver symbol): (Press briey: Reject call,
end call, one menu level back, cancel current function, activate operating status), (press for at least 3 seconds in the operational/ off status: Switching the cordless handset on/off)
10 Buttons (0-9):
Input of numbers, symbols and
letters 11 Hash button: (press for at least 3 seconds in
operational status: keypad lock on/ off), component of control codes (internal/external)
12 Microphone
for discreet and handsfree speech. 13 Star button: (press for at least 3 seconds in oper-
ational status: call tone on/off), input of control codes (internal/external)
14 Dial button/Pick up button (green receiver symbol): (Press
briey: Pick up a call, dial a call number, access call logs)
Display navigation
Door call images
Access to saved door call
Main menu
Access to
• the calls lists
• the phonebook
• the settings
Phone directory
Access to saved telephone
Access to building commu­nication functions:
• Call indoor devices/door
call stations
• Actuate switching func­tions
• Select door call options
(e.g. Doormatic)
Navigation in all menus
The navigation buttons (left, right, top, bottom) shaped in the form of a cross and the conrm button in the centre are used to navigate the menu
structure of the Scope cordless handset.
Cancel OK
Selection is possible using one of the following but­tons:
• Conrm button (navigation)
• Right-hand navigation
• Right-hand softkey
(OK, save etc.).
Main menu Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Call lists
Phone directory
Selected menu points are marked in the display with
two yellow lines. These are shown in grey in the oper­ating instructions.
The left-hand softkey is
most frequently assigned
to the function (back). Pressing the softkey takes
you to the previous menu
level without saving any inputs or changes. The end call button (red receiver symbol) is used for the function (back), if the left-hand softkey is assigned a different function.
Conrm/navigation buttons: Functions during a call Softkey: Functions during a call
To access functions during a call
During an active call, the navigation buttons assume different functions:
• Top navigation button: Microphone on/off
• Left/right-hand navigation button: Receiver/handsfree volume
• Bottom navigation button: Flash button (only during telephone calls)
Press the conrm button during an existing external telephone/internal call. The functions of the navigation buttons are indicated for around 1second in the display. In the case of calls with video transmission, the functions can be selected using the right-hand softkey (options).
Cancel OK
Main menu Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Navigation buttons: To execute functions during a call
42 42 42 42
Microphone silencing
Call volume + Flash function Phone volume -
Alternatively, using the right-hand softkey (options), the following functions are available for selection:
• Receiver/handsfree volume
• Handsfree on/off
• Microphone on/off
• Call forwarding Press the right-hand softkey (options) during an
existing call. The functions are indicated in the Display.
Main menu Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Handsfree on Microphone on Transfer
Display symbols
Overview of symbols Connection quality Doormatic activated
Display of connection quality
from the cordless handset to the base station/DECT repeater in 5steps: Full, good, medium, poor and no reception:
In the Eco mode, this symbol
is shown in green.
The door release is activated
automatically at the door after actuating the call button – the Doormatic can be acti-
vated for a certain door or for all doors.
Missed calls Door calls deactivated
Number of missed public
network and door calls. In this
example, 42 calls have been missed.
Ring tone silencing is acti­vated for door calls. Calls
from other indoor devices and from the telephone system continue to be acoustically
Keypad lock activated Battery charge status
The keypad lock prevents unintentional operation of the telephone.
Depending on the charge
status of the battery (full, medium, low and almost empty) one of the following symbols is displayed:
Ringtone muting activated Battery charging process
Ring tone silencing is acti­vated for all incoming calls.
The battery is charged.
Microphone silencing activated Handsfree on
The microphone at the Scope is muted. Your conversation partner is unable to listen in.
Press the left-hand softkey
(mouth symbol) in order to
switch on the handsfree func-
tion (only possible during a call/while dialling).
Door call forwarding is activated Handsfree off
Incoming door calls are
forwarded to a previously
dened call number.
Press the left-hand softkey
(mouth symbol with line through) in order to switch off
the handsfree function (only
possible during a call/while dialling).
General information
The display symbols show the status
of the different device functions and are located in the upper and lower
display area. If a function is active, its display symbol is shown. The following display symbols are perma­nently shown:
• Signal quality to the base station (top left)
• Battery charge status (top right)
Menu structure in the cordless handset
Menu level 1 Menu level 2 Menu level 3 Menu level 4
Door call images
Main menu Call lists All calls
Missed door calls Missed calls Accepted calls
Dialled numbers
Phone directory Settings Language
Date / time
Tones / signals Call
Telephone call Door call Storey call Intercom
Handset Door call on
Handset name
Register handset Display Speed dial
System Eco mode on
Registration mode on
Repeater mode
Dialling pause
Flash time
Factory setting Status
Phone directory Intercom Indoor devices
Doors Switch
Door call options Doormatic
Door call forwarding
Highlighted menu items contain sub-menu items.
System overview
Simplied layout showing arrange­ment of the Siedle Scope, Siedle
app for Smart Gateway Mini and the installed Siedle intercom in the
overall system.
BVPC 850-...
BTSV 850-...
BVNG 650-...
Siedle intercom system building installation
Siedle Scope S 851-...
In-Home bus
Scope base station SGM 650-...
Scope handset SZM 851-...
Siedle app for Smart Gateway Mini
Mobile phone with installed Siedle app
Door station
Siedle Scope – One for all
New freedom
Siedle Scope unites the worlds of
audiovisual door communication and landline telephony, providing a
video indoor station and cordless landline telephone in one.
Which means: Wherever you happen to be - in the kitchen, in the bathroom, the garden or the basement, Scope will bring you a
live picture of who is at the door. At
the same time, Siedle Scope is a fully
functional landline telephone with excellent speech quality and a whole range of convenience features.
Scope is characterized by a colour
display and convenient handsfree function. Meaningful symbols and
a clearly arranged menu structure permit simple, intuitive operation.
The mobile video intercom
Scope offers all the functions of a
video indoor station:
• Different ring tones can be set for
- Public network calls
- Door calls
- Storey calls
- Internal calls
• Selection of different ring tones
• Integrated audio and video privacy function
• Internal video memory
• Several functions can be pro­grammed, e.g. establishing internal
calls or control and switching functions such as light switching or
Doormatic activation
• Status indication on screen for
- active speech connection
- active ring tone silencing
- activated Doormatic
• Control of house functions such as light or garage door
The cordless landline telephone
Used as a landline telephone, Scope offers:
• High range and excellent speech
quality thanks to DECT standard:
- up to 300m across open country
- up to 50m in the building
• Eco mode with reduced transmis-
sion output
• Long battery life
• Phonebook, call lists and many
other telephone functions
• Operation possible with and without telephone system.
You can also register the DECT handset of another make at the Siedle Scope base station, provided it is compatible with the GAP standard (GAP-capable terminal). However, only basic functions at
the Siedle Scope (such as telephone
calls, accepting audio door calls etc.) are possible, not the full functional capability of Siedle Scope (e.g. accepting video door calls, central address book management etc.). Manufacturer-specic functions of a GAP-capable terminal (e.g. listening to mailbox messages) are not pos­sible at all or only conditionally.
App link
Scope S851-… allows the Siedle app for In-Home to be connected to iOS devices (iPhone and iPad).
Administration by means of software
No laborious operation at the tele­phone keypad. Browser-based, plat­form-independent software makes the basic functions simple and con­venient to manage.
For information on the software‘s browser-based user interface, refer to the Scope commissioning instruc-
The Smart Gateway Mini SGM650-0 corresponds to the base station S851-0. For operation of the SGM650-0, the Siedle App for Smart Gateway Mini is required. By extending the SGM650-0 to include a cordless handset SZM851-0, the unit becomes a Siedle Scope S851-0.
Scope of supply
• Siedle Scope cordless handset with
battery (Li-Ion 3.7 V)
• Charging cradle with power supply unit
• Base station with power supply unit
Connecting cable TAE/RJ11
Network cable RJ45 (In-Home)
Network cable RJ45 shielded (LAN)
Commissioning instruction
Product information
• Data carrier (Operating instruc-
tions, Commissioning instruction, Product information)
Additional cordless handsets
You can register further hand­sets at the Smart Gateway Mini SGM650-… (base station) included
in the scope of delivery.
In order to increase the range of the
base station, you can use the DECT repeater DR800-0.
Please note that the repeaters
cannot be switched in series. Otherwise, the network is too sus­ceptible to faults.
In contrast to apps, Scope estab­lishes a cordless connection using the DECT standard for telephony. Siedle has expanded DECT to
transmit video. The result is a mobile video call station whose combination of audio quality, availability, standby time and reliability beats every wire­less LANbased app by some consid­erable margin.
Scope’s design and handling also make it a clear alternative to the app – and therefore an ideal sup-
plement for it. Large mechanical keys with a tactile response, solid materials with precise workmanship, bespoke design and a discernable
weight are all an expression of value
awareness and a design aimed at many years of reliable use, as is the lengthy availability of spare parts, replaceable batteries and long­term operation without the need for maintenance. Once it has been commissioned correctly, Scope will
provide years of discreet service
while smartphones, tablets and their operating systems required constant
Scope also features high levels of
security to prevent manipulation and
eavesdropping. DECT connections are encrypted anyway and do not need the Internet to work. That
reduces possible areas of attack for
unauthorised access.
Siedle Scope – One for all
Read and observe the safety instruc­tions and content of the following
supplied documents before using Siedle Scope for the rst time:
• Product information sheet
• Commissioning instruction
• Operating instructions
Explain the content of the safety instructions and dangers inherent in
using technically complex products
to children and those requiring assistance in a way that is easily
In the event of a power cut, no emergency calls can be made. In the event of a power cut, Siedle
Scope is not operational.
Electrical voltage
Mounting, installation and servicing work on electrical devices may only be performed by a suitably qualied
Use not in accordance with the intended purpose can result in injury.
• Never throw the devices or allow
them to drop.
• Do not use the devices if they
are faulty, for example if the device housing has been damaged (sharp edges or exposed parts)!
• Never hold the cordless handset
with its back against your ear when
you are using the handsfree function or if the cordless handset rings. This
can result in serious damage to your
Safety remarks
Battery safety
Please note the following remarks, otherwise explosions, electric shocks or battery leakage can occur. This can result in res, serious physical injury or damage to the environ­ment.
Keep the battery away from sources of heat and naked ames.
Never expose the battery to high pressure.
Never immerse the battery in water, salt water, other uids or sub­stances of any other type.
Avoid dropping the battery and
protect it from jolting and impacts which could damage the housing.
Otherwise there is a risk of explosion
or battery leakage, which could result in re, injury or damage to the
Only charge the battery in the cordless handset using the provided original charging cradle and the original power supply unit.
• The charging cradle and the power supply unit were developed exclusively for use with the Siedle Scope cordless handset. Do not use with other products or storage
batteries. A risk of overheating and deformation exists which could cause res or initiate electric shocks.
Dispose of the battery responsibly. Cover over contacts using adhesive
strips or other insulating material. Direct contact with other metal objects can result in re and explo-
If a battery leaks and the emerging
substances come into contact with the eyes, mouth, skin or clothing, rinse the affected area immediately
using water and consult a doctor.
Never dismantle or modify the
Medical devices/facilities
If you use personal medical devices such as pacemakers, check their compatibility with high-frequency electromagnetic radiation in the
DECT range.
• When using in conjunction with
a hearing aid, it is possible for hum­ming or feedback noises to occur. In case of problems, contact your
hearing aid service.
Safety remarks
Protect your property!
Lock front doors or apartment doors during the daytime if there is nobody home. Unlocked doors allow thieves/ burglars to gain easy access to your
The Scope cordless handset must be kept with the same care and security awareness as a house key, as it can also open your front door from the
outside. Ensure that it does not fall into unauthorized hands!
The Siedle app for Smart Gateway Mini can be used from any location as a door release. Keep smart­phones/tablets on which the Siedle app is activated safe from theft.
Protect these devices against unau­thorized usage with a code / password. Always use the latest
protection mechanisms available for your mobile phone.
General information
Use only the original Siedle recharge-
able battery in the cordless handset.
Modern furniture is coated with an
enormous variety of different lacquer and plastic nishes. Constituents of these materials can result in sof­tening of the plastic feet in table-top devices and so impair the surface of
the furniture. Please appreciate that
the manufacturer is unable to accept any liability.
Keep all documentation supplied
with Siedle Scope in a safe place. Check regularly in the download
area of the Siedle website for pos­sible updates. Only hand over Siedle Scope to third parties with complete and up-to-date documentation.
A defective base station, cord-
less handset or charging cradle with power supply unit should
be removed so that it cannot be accessed by users. Decommission
defective devices. Replace defective devices or arrange for their repair
Important installation instruc­tions
This product and its components are not suitable for use in wet rooms,
and are not approved for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres.
• Do not use the charging cradle
and power supply unit in bathrooms or shower rooms.
• Install the base station in a dry and dust-free location away from direct
• Place the base station and cordless handset at least 1 metre away from
other electrical devices.
• Ensure that it is placed far enough
away from sources of interference such as microwave or electrical appli­ances with large metal housings.
Legal notice
Photographs of individuals taken
without their knowledge may not be published or stored in publicly acces­sible video memory facilities. Individuals who have been photo-
graphed without their knowledge are entitled to request that pictures
be deleted based on the right of
persons to their own likeness. Never store pictures of persons you do not know in social networks or
send them by email to others/public
groups. This will infringe their per­sonal rights.
If stored images are used as part of private / criminal law proceedings or in a police investigation, this requires prior clarication with a lawyer or the responsible police authority.
The legally admissible operation and
installation of this device and all its
system components (hardware and software) are the responsibility of the user and not of the device man-
Care instructions
The correct care and maintenance
of Siedle Scope depends on the
selected device surface nish. Incorrect cleaning methods, aggres­sive cleaning agents and abrasive detergents can damage the surface. Observe the latest valid detailed care instructions which can be obtained from the download area at and clean the
indoor device accordingly.
Contact with liquids
In case of intensive contact with or
contamination by liquids (such as water damage due to burst pipes,
dropping the cordless handset into
the bath), follow points 1 to 4 and
contact your service partner without delay.
If the base station, cordless handset,
charging cradle or power supply unit
has come into contact with uid, please carry out the following steps:
1 In case of devices with power
supply unit: Switch off the socket
fuse and take the power supply unit out of the socket. If applicable, con­tact an electrical expert in order to check the electrical installation.
2 In the case of cordless handsets: Switch off the device immediately, take out the battery and leave the battery compartment open. 3 Using your own judgement, posi­tion the device in a way that best allows uid to drain away. 4 Pat the device dry using an absor­bent cloth.
5 Allow the device to dry out for at
least 72 hours in a warm, dry loca­tion (do not use an oven/microwave or similar). 6 Only recommission the device when it is completely dried out and free of contamination from the uid.
Statutory warranty conditions apply.
If the device requires servicing,
contact your specialist dealer or elec­trical installer.
Customer service in the Furtwangen
+49 7723 63-434
Getting started
Checking the scope of supply Procedure:
Check the scope of supply for completeness. Take the following components
from the scope of supply:
• Product information S851-0
• Commissioning instructions
• Siedle Scope cordless handset with
battery (Li-Ion 3.7V)
• Charging cradle with power supply unit
Charging cradle for the Scope cordless handset
There are 2buttons on the
charging cradle:
• Left-hand button with mouth symbol:
Accepting/ending calls in the hands­free mode
Right-hand button with key symbol:
Release door
Both keys only work if the cord­less handset is located in the charging cradle. Otherwise the two buttons have no function.
Scope of supply S 851-0 Scope of supply SGM 650-0 Scope of supply SZM 851-0
• Siedle Scope cordless handset with
battery (Li-Ion 3.7 V)
• Charging cradle with power supply unit
• Base station with power supply unit
Connecting cable TAE/RJ11
Network cable RJ45 (In-Home)
Network cable RJ45 shielded (LAN)
Commissioning instruction
Product information
Data carrier (Operating instructions,
Commissioning instruction, Product information)
• Base station with power supply unit
Connecting cable TAE/RJ11
Network cable RJ45 (In-Home)
Network cable RJ45 shielded (LAN)
Commissioning instruction
Product information
Data carrier (Operating instructions,
Commissioning instruction, Product information)
• Siedle Scope cordless handset
SZM851-… with battery (Li-Ion
• Charging cradle with power supply unit
Product information
• Data carrier (Operating instruc-
tions, Commissioning instruction, Product information)
Getting started
Charging the cordless handset Remarks:
The cordless handset is delivered
with a storage battery already inserted. Siedle recommends rst
charging the cordless handset for around 3 hours.
The battery is pre-charged in the as-delivered status. The battery may become discharged during storage
and transport. The cordless handset
must be fully charged before rst use (see the “battery charge status“ display symbol).
Procedure: 1 Connect the charging cradle to the power mains. 2 Place the cordless handset in the charging cradle.
Charging and operating times Use only the original Siedle recharge-
able battery in the cordless handset.
The charging and operating times
depend on the degree of usage of Siedle Scope and on the capacity
and age of the battery.
Charging times:
• Recommended initial charge: at
least 3 hours
• Minimum charge prior to commis­sioning: at least 30 minutes
• Standard charge: at least 3 hours
Operating times:
• Standby operation: appr. 100
• Talk time: appr. 5 hours
When using DECT repeaters, the cordless handset continuously com­pares the signal strength of the base
station and the DECT repeater in
order to guarantee the best possible
wireless connection.
This causes the battery to discharge more quickly in the standby and call mode.
If you decommission the cordless handset for any length of time, you should charge the battery rst. If the
cordless handset is not used for a
period exceeding 6 months, discon­nect the battery from the device (for how to remove the battery, see the product information).
During the battery charge process, the battery temperature increases. This is normal and happens for tech-
nical reasons.
During the course of the battery life, the battery capacity diminishes over
a period of years. This is normal and happens for tech­nical reasons.
Getting started
Commissioning the base station/ Smart Gateway Mini
Take the following components from the scope of supply:
• Base station with power supply unit
• Connecting cable TAE/RJ11
• Network cable RJ45 (In-Home)
• Network cable RJ45 shielded (LAN)
• Commissioning instructions S851-0
Commission the base station/Smart
Gateway Mini in accordance with
the commissioning instructions.
To switch on the cordless handset, press the end call button (red receiver symbol) for around 1
If it remains in the idle status for longer than 2minutes, the cordless
handset will activate the power
saving mode automatically.
The display goes out.
A hibernating handset switches back on automatically as soon as it is
placed in the charging cradle.
The display terminates the power saving mode automatically after
around 1 second as soon as it is
removed from the charging cradle.
Switching on the cordless handset
Registering the cordless handset at the base station
The cordless handset is already registered in the set: The left­hand symbol indicates the strength of the connection in the status bar at the top.
If this should not occur, the message Search… will be displayed. You
need to register the cordless handset
at the base station.
The cordless handset supplied as standard in the set is designated
cordless handset1. Other cordless handsets are numbered through in
the order in which they are regis-
tered (cordless handset 2, cordless handset 3, and so on)
To register an additional cordless handset, you have the following possibilities: 1 Register by switching off, waiting
for 5 seconds and switching on the
base station.
2 Log in with an already registered cordless handset (switch on the reg-
istration mode). 3 Log in via the browser-based user interface of the base station (switch on registration mode).
Getting started
Display navigation From the start screen, you can open
the individual submenus using the
navigation keys.
• Open the Door call images menu using the top navigation button.
• Open the Main menu using the right-hand navigation button.
• Open the Phonebook menu using the bottom navigation button.
• Open the Intercom menu using the left-hand navigation button.
• Pressing the end call button (red
receiver symbol) takes you up one level from any menu.
• Using the left-hand softkey (Back) or the left-hand navigation
button takes you back to the high­er-level menu – without saving your
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Registering the cordless handset at the base station
(Possibility 1)
Procedure: 1 Briey disconnect the base station from the power mains and reconnect. 2 As soon as the status LED ashes
green at the base station, you have 2 minutes to register the Scope cord-
less handset. 3 Select the Main menu using the
right-hand navigation button.
4 In the Main menu, select Settings. 5 In the Settings menu, select the handset. 6 In the Cordless handset menu, select Register cordless handset. 7 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Select). 8 The active base station is indicated
in the display.
9 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Select). 10 The entry Enter PIN is selected. 11 Enter the current PIN (default
pin 0000).
12 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (OK). 13 A conrmation is displayed. 14 After around 1 second, the Settings menu is displayed.
Mon. 27/04/2015
Back Select
Handset name
Door call on
Register handset
Start screen
Main menu
Register handset
Mon. 27/04/2015
Back OK
Enter PIN
* * **
Getting started
Log in with an already registered cordless handset
(Possibility 2)
Procedure: 1 Have both cordless handsets
ready for operation. 2 In order to activate the registration
mode with a cordless handset, use
an already registered handset.
3 If this is not already displayed, change to the start screen. 4 Select the Main menu using the
right-hand navigation button.
5 In the Main menu, select Settings. 6 Select System in the Settings
menu. 7 Select Registration mode in the System menu.
8 Conrm the entry using the right-hand softkey (Save). 9 You now have around 2 minutes
to register another cordless handset.
10 Register the additional cord­less handset using the following
steps at the base station: 11 If this is not already displayed,
change to the start screen. 12 Select the Main menu using the
right-hand navigation button.
13 In the Main menu, select Settings. 14 In the Settings menu, select the handset. 15 In the Cordless handset menu, select Register cordless handset. 16 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Select). 17 The active base station is indi-
cated in the display.
18 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Select). 19 The entry Enter PIN is selected. 20 Enter the current PIN (default
pin 0000).
21 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (OK). 22 A conrmation is displayed. 23 After around 1 second, the Settings menu is displayed.
Start screen
Main menu
Registration mode on
Start screen
Main menu
Register handset
Handset 2 Mon. 27/04/2015
Back Save
Registration mode on Repeater mode
Eco mode on
Dialling pause
Flash time PIN Factory setting
Mon. 27/04/2015
Back OK
Enter PIN
* * **
Mon. 27/04/2015
Back Select
Handset name
Door call on
Register handset
Log in via the browser-based user interface of the base station
(Possibility 3)
Procedure: 1 Log in at the base station again as Administrator (admin/admin). 2 Click on DECT > base station. 3 Assign a new 4-digit PIN number and make a note of it. 4 All future log-in processes take place using the new PIN number. 5 Click on the square button to
activate the Registration mode.
6 You now have around 2 minutes to register another cordless handset. For more information, see page
1 Register the additional cordless handset using the following steps
at the base station: 2 If this is not already displayed,
change to the start screen. 3 Select the Main menu using the
right-hand navigation button.
4 In the Main menu, select Settings. 5 In the Settings menu, select the handset. 6 In the Cordless handset menu, select Register cordless handset. 7 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Select). 8 The entry Enter PIN is selected. 9 Enter the current PIN (default
pin 0000).
10 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (OK). 11 A conrmation is displayed. 12 After around 1 second, the Settings menu is displayed.
Mon. 27/04/2015
Back Select
Handset name
Door call on
Register handset
Start screen
Main menu
Register handset
Mon. 27/04/2015
Back OK
Enter PIN
* * **
Setting the language Select the menu language in the
Language menu.
There are 10 languages to choose
from: English, German, Spanish, French, Danish, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish and Swedish.
Procedure: 1 If this is not already displayed, change to the start screen. 2 Using the right navigation button, select the main menu. 3 In the Main menu, select Settings. 4 Select Language in the Settings
5 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Select). 6 The language selection is dis-
played. 7 Select the required language with
the navigation buttons (top/bottom).
8 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Save). 9 A conrmation is displayed. 10 After around 1 second, the Settings menu is displayed.
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Back Select
Date / time
Tones / signals
Deregister handset All cordless handsets which are
registered at the base station must be deregistered via the brows­er-based user interface of the base station so that they are no
longer displayed as internal users. If a registered cordless handset is
switched off, defective or has been removed out of the range of the base station/DECT repeater, it is still
shown as an internal user even if it can no longer be reached.
For more information, see page
Getting started
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Cancel Save
Start screen
Main menu
Setting the date and time The date and time are required
in order to show incoming and outgoing calls in the call log and images in the video memory with the correct time.
• Using the navigation buttons (top/bottom), scroll between the
An incorrect entry can be cor­rected with the left-hand softkey
Procedure: 1 If this is not already displayed, change to the start screen. 2 Using the right navigation button, select the main menu. 3 In the Main menu, select Settings. 4 In the Settings menu, select
Date/ time.
5 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Select). 6 The date format selection is dis-
7 Using the navigation buttons (top/bottom), select the date
8 Conrm your selection with the Conrm button.
9 Press the right-hand softkey (Continue), to change to the next
date input. 10 Enter the current date using
the keypad, for example
• 27 for day
• 04 for month
• 2015 for year
11 Press the right-hand softkey (Continue), to change to the next
time input.
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Back Select
Date / time
Tones / signals
Date / time
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Cancel Next
Date format
Start screen
Main menu
Date / time
Date / time
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Yea r
2 7
2 0 51
Using the navigation buttons
(top/bottom), scroll between the
lines. Using the left-hand softkey
(back), it is possible to interrupt the
input and change to the previous view Date.
12 Enter the current time using
the keypad, for example
• 12 for hours
• 30 for minutes
13 Conrm with the right-hand softkey (Save). 14 A conrmation is displayed. 15 After around 1 second, the Settings menu is displayed. 16 The indication of the date and
time at the top right in the display
is updated.
Setting the date and time
Getting started
Date / time
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
Date / time
Handset 1 Mon. 27/04/2015
The keypad lock prevents uninten­tional operation of the telephone.
Procedure: 1 If this is not already displayed, change to the start screen. 2 To lock and unlock the keypad,
hold down the Hash button for about 3seconds.
As long as the keypad lock is active, the lock symbol appears in the status
line of the display.
• The keypad lock can only be activated from the start screen.
• The keypad lock switches off
automatically when you receive an incoming call. At the end of the call, it switches back on again.
If the keypad lock is switched on, it is not possible to dial the emergency call numbers or activate the speed
dial function.
In order to switch the cordless
handset on or off, press the end call button (red receiver button) for
around 3 seconds.
If it remains in the idle status for longer than 2minutes, the cordless
handset will activate the power
saving mode automatically.
The display goes out.
If the display is in the power
saving mode, the rst time a
button is pressed this only reac­tivates the display and has no other function.
Mon. 27/04/2015
Basic functions
Switching the keypad lock on and off
Switching the cordless handset on and off
Picking up calls The call number is visible in the
display, provided the caller has not withheld their number. If you have stored the call number with a name in the Scope phonebook, the name of the caller can be read in the
• Incoming calls are picked up using the pick up button (green receiver symbol).
• If you accept a call using the left-
hand softkey (mouth symbol), the handsfree mode is switched on.
• If the cordless handset is in the
charging cradle, the call can also be picked up using the Speech button
on the charging cradle.
Basic functions
Triggering the door release Procedure:
1 Press the door release button. 2 The door release is actuated for 3
Using the door release button, you can also always actuate the door
release from the door from which the last door call came without the
need for a preceding call.
• There is an additional Door release
button on the charging cradle. However, this only works if the
cordless handset is located in the charging cradle.
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