SM800, Assembly Manual
PCB Version 1.1
Step 1: PCB
The SM800 DIY Kit contains only one board. Most of the components have to be
installed on the REAR side. Short instructions: please assemble the module in the
following order: Solder the SMD chip (as shown on the picture), SMD capacitors, resistors, 330 nF capacitor, power header, configuration header. Push all pins of the configuration header completely into the hole. Solder the electrolytic capacitors, voltage regulators. Important: Trim all pins sticking up inside the potentiometer footprint flush to
the joints with a flush cutters! Clean the PCB. Solder the socket, the switch and the
potentiometer. Wear one nut on the switch. Put two spacers on the pot's threaded
holes. Install the panel. Gently tighten the potentiometer mounting screws through the
spacers by 2-3 turns. Wear and firmly tighten the nuts on the socket and switch. Adjust
the pot mounting screws tension. If you need more details, the following pages will
guide you through this process.
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SM800, Assembly Manual
PCB Version 1.1
Step 2: SMD components
Start with soldering the LM358 chip. Place it as shown in the picture, accurately
aligned to its footprint, then solder just the pin 1. Adjust the orientation of the chip with
a pair of tweezers, keeping the solder melted, then let it cool down and solder the
opposite pin 5. If orientation is alright, solder the remaining pins. Solder the SMD
capacitors the similar way. These components are not polarized.
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