SM042, Assembly Manual
PCB Version 1.2
Step 1: PCB Top Side
The SM042 DIY Kit contains two boards:
Circuit board 1. (Rear) This board consists of the main powering, VCO and TG circuitry.
Circuit board 2. (Front) This board contains interface circuitry and the linear scaling
circuitry for CV and reference voltage.
Most of the components have to be placed on the top side of both boards, but pinheader connectors and couple of aluminium capacitors are have to be soldered to the
bottom side
The order of assembly briefly can be described like that: Install SMD components,
small diodes, horizontally placed resistors, IC sockets, small capacitors, the rest of
non-mechanical components, then LED, pin-headers and bottom-side capacitors, then
install all chips, power and jumper connectors, the tactile switch, then toggle
switches, potentiometers and jack sockets. The following manual will guide you
through the assembling process in details.
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SM042, Assembly Manual
PCB Version 1.2
Pin 1
Key dot
Order of soldering
Step 2: SMD Components
The AMS1117-5.0 and REF5050 are the only two SMD components in our DIY kit. Place
the AMS1117 chip accurately aligned to its footprint, then solder pins according to the
order given in the picture above. The pin 4 (heatsink) will require long heating up. Don’t
worry about the overheating, this component is designed to be heated seriously! Install
the REF5050 chip oriented as shown on the picture above. Solder one of the pins in a
corner, align the chip well, solder the opposite corner, then the remaining pins.
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SM042, Assembly Manual
PCB Version 1.2
Step 3: Small Signal Diodes
Find the thinnest components: a silicon small-signal diodes. Notice the polarity. The
black stripes indicating the cathodes must correspond with stripes on the PCB. Solder
all diodes to the top side of the PCB, then proceed to step 4.
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Bend a bit
SM042, Assembly Manual
PCB Version 1.2
to the right
Step 4: Resistors
Install the resistors. You can use the above picture as the reference to verify values
before soldering.
Flip the PCB over, trim the pins and reflow and solder everything to the bottom side.
This technique is the best method to accurately and firmly solder axial components, so
it’s recommended to use it with all components allowing you access to the top side.
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SM042, Assembly Manual
PCB Version 1.2
Reverse direction!Pin 1
Step 5: IC Sockets
Insert all DIP IC sockets. Please pay double attention to the correct orientation. The
default orientation for chips in the module is the notch turned to the top, or to the left,
but there are chips with other directions, marked by blue areas in the picture.
These sockets are very slippy, so it’s practical to gently bend their pins towards each
other to help them fixate in the holes while you’re flipping the board over and soldering
them. It’s recommended to solder just two pins in the opposite corners of each socket
and then reflow them while pushing the socket closer to the surface of the PCB. Then
solder the remaining pins.
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