SRS Labs FS710 User Manual

Distribution Amplifier
Phone: (408) 744-9040 • Fax: (408) 744-9049
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Copyright © 1997 by SRS, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Revision 2.5 (10/2001)
FS700 LORAN-C Frequency Standard
Condensed Informati on
Safety and Preparation for Use iii Symbols v Specifications vi Abridged Command List viii Quick Start x
Introduction to LORAN-C 1
Signal Characteristics 1 Phase Coding 3 Signal Propagation 3 Blink Transmissions 3 Additional Information 4
LORAN-C Station List 5 FS700 Overview 9
Introduction 9 Antenna 9 Signal Acquisition 9 Locking to LORAN-C 10 Signal Errors 10
Front/Rear Panel Features 11
Front Panel Features 11 Rear Panel Features 12
Front Panel Operation 14
Introduction 14 LORAN Tracking
Overview 14
Tracking Menu 15
GRI Selection 15 Station Selection 15
Search Mode 16 Time Constant 16 Keyboard Lock 16
Status Menu 17
Gain, Signal to Noise 17 Phase 17 Stations Fo und 18 Status Timing 18 Signal Quality 18
Tracking P o int M o nito ring 18 Notch Filters 19 Tuning the Notch Filters 19 Search Problems 20
Tracking Problems 21 Frequency Generation and Calibration 23
Frequency Menu 23
Phase Menu 23
Time Menu 25
Setup Menu 25
Programming the FS700 27
Communications 27
GPIB Communication 27
Front Panel LED's 27
Data Window 27 Command Syntax 27
Programming Errors 28 Detailed Command List 28
Tracking Co ntrol Co mmands 28
Tracking S tatus Co mmands 30
Phase Meter Commands 31
Status Reporting Commands 33
Hardware Test Commands 34
Status Byte Definitions 35
Status Reporting 35
Serial Poll Status Byte 35
Standard Event Status Byte 35
LORAN Status Byte 36
Programming Examples 37
Microsoft C - Example 1 37
IBM Basic - Example 2 39
Test and Calibr ation
Troubleshooting 41
Self Test Errors 41 GPIB Interface Problems 42
Hardware Troubleshooting 43
16-Bit DAC Test 43 RF Circuitry Test 43 Integrator Test 44
Peak Detector Test 44
Performance Tests 45
Introduction 45 Necessary Equipment 45 Tests 45
Start Tests 45 Front Panel Test 45 RF Bandwidth Test 46 Internal Self-Tests 46 Notch-Filter Check 47 10 MHz Oscillator Check 47 Phasemeter Check 48
FS700 Performance Test Record - Scorecard 49
Calibration 50
Necessary Equipment 50 Coarse Oscillator Adjustment 50 Bandpass Filter Alignment 51 Notch Filter Alignment 53
FS700 Circuitry
Circuit Description 55
Front End/ Notch Filters 55 LORAN Front End 55 Microprocessor System 56 I/O Ports and Interrupt Driver 57 Gated Integrators 57 Gated Integrator Pattern RAM 57 A/D, D/A Converters 58 Clocks and Clock Outputs 58 Phase Comparators/Frequency Output 59 Front Panel LED's/Switches 59 Unregulated Power Supplies 59 Power Supply Regulators 60 Active Antenna 60
Typical Specifications 75 Operation 76 Trouble Shooting 76 Calibration 76 Circuit Description 76 Line Voltage Selection 76 Line Fuse 76
FS710 Component Parts List 77 PC Layout 80
Schematic 81 Component Placement on PCB Schematic Circuit Diagrams
Front End/Notch Filters 1/14 LORAN Front End 2/14 Microprocessor System 3/14 I/O Ports and Interrupt Driver 4/14 Gated Integrators 5/14 Gated Integrator Pattern RAM 6/14 A/D, D/A Converters 7/14 Clocks and Clock Outputs 8/14 Phase Comparator/Frequency Output 9/14 Front Panel LED's/Switches 10/14 Unregulated Power Supplies 11/14 Power Supply Regulators 12/14 Spare IC's 13/14 Active Antenna 14/14
FS700 Component Parts List 61
FS710 Am plifier
FS710 – 10 MHz AGC Distribution Amplifier
Introduction 75
Front Panel - Figure 1 75
WARNING: Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this instrument. Use extreme caution whenever the instrument covers are removed.
WARNING: Watch for overhead power lines when installing the FS700's antenna. Contact with power lines can be fatal.
This instrument may be damaged if operated with the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR set for the wrong AC line voltage or if the wrong fuse is installed.
Line Voltage Selection
The FS700 operates from a 100 V, 120 V, 220 V, or 240 V nominal AC power source having a line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Before connecting the power cord to a power source, verify that the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR card, located in the rear panel fuse holder, is set so that the correct AC input voltage value is visible.
Conversion to other AC input voltages requires a change in the fuse holder voltage card position and fuse value. Disconnect the power cord, open the fuse holder cover door and rotate the fuse-pull lever to remove the fuse. Remove the small printed circuit board and select the operating voltage by orienting the printed circuit board to position the desired voltage to be visible when pushed firmly into its slot. Rotate the fuse-pull lever back into its normal position and insert the correct fuse into the fuse holder.
Line Cord
The FS700 has a detachable, three-wire power cord for connection to the power source and to a protective ground. The exposed metal parts of the instrument are connected to the outlet ground to protect against electrical shock. Always use an outlet which has a properly connected protective ground.
The FS700's vertical antenna should be installed on the roof of a building. Watch for power lines when installing the antenna.
Furnished Accessories
- Power Cord
- Operating Manual
Environmental Conditi ons
Temperature: +10° C to +40° C (Specifications apply over +18° C to +28° C) Relative Humidity: <90% Non-condensing
Line Fuse
Verify that the correct line fuse is installed before connecting the line cord. For 100 V/120 V, use an 1 Amp fuse and for 220 V/240 V, use a 1/2 Amp fuse.
Temperature:-25° C to +65° C Humidity: <95% Non-condensing
FS700 Antenna Installation Instru ctions:
New FS700 Antenna Installation Instructions:
The new style PVC base LORAN-C antenna used with the FS700 LORAN Receiver comes with a 6" galvanized pipe nipple and 2 U-bolt clamps for mounting. After securing galvanized pipe with U-bolts, the antenna base can be screwed onto the pipe nipple and the BNC connector can be connected to the lead-in cable. The piece of supplied special heat shrink tubing should be applied over the cable connection and heated with a heat gun or other heat source to weatherproof the connection.
The new antenna does not have an internal attenuator as with the old style antennas. If excessive signal strength is encountered, consult the factory.
All metal antenna attachments should always be connected to a good earth ground. In areas where lightning is encountered, a lightning arrester(s) should be used in the antenna lead-in cable.
Receiver Specifications
Sensitivity Will lock with signal-to-atmospheric noise level of -10 dB or better. LORAN Output Filtered and gain controlled antenna signal, typically 6 V peak-to-peak. Station Search All available stations pre-programmed. Auto-Seek finds and tracks
strongest station.
Notch Filters 6 adjustable 30 dB notch filters, 3 at 40 - 90 kHz, 3 at 110 - 220 kHz. Antenna 8 Foot Active Whip with 30 dB switchable attenuator, bandpass filter,
and FET preamp in weatherproof housing.
Freq uency Specif ications
Frequency Stability
Long Term 10 Short Term 10
10 MHz Outputs 4 outputs, 1 Volt peak-to-peak sine wave into 50 W. Internal Oscillator
Standard Option/01
Frequency 10.000 MHz 10.000 MHz Type AT Cut Ovenized SC Cut Ovenized
Aging 5 x 10 Allan Variance (1 s) 5 x 10
Stability 0-50° C 0.005 ppm 0.005 ppm Phase Noise (dBc) -120 dBc, 10 Hz offset from carrier
, the same as LORAN-C transmitter Cesium clock.
, standard oscillator.
, low phase noise option.
per day 5 x 10
per day
5 x 10
-155 dBc, 100 Hz offset from carrier
-165 dBc, 1 kHz offset from carrier
Phasemet er S pecificati ons
Frequency Output 0.01 Hz to 10 MHz in 1, 2.5, 5 sequence, TTL level.
Can be 50 Ω terminated.
Oscillator Input 1 kΩ, 0.5 V peak-to-peak minimum level. 50 Volts max.
Phase Output 0.01 V/degree, 0 to ±360°. Output proportional to phase difference
between OSC IN and FREQUENCY OUTPUT for frequencies between 100 kHz and 10 MHz.
Phase Resolution
GPIB IEEE - 488 compatible interface. All instrument functions may be
Operating 0 to 50° C. Power 100, 120, 220 or 240 VAC +5% - 10%, 50/60 Hz, 50 Watts. Dimensions 17" x 17" x 3.5". Rack mounting hardware included. Weight 14 lbs.
Commands which may be queried have a ? in parentheses (?) after the mnemonic. The ( ) are not
sent. Commands that may only be queried have a '?' after the mnemonic. Commands which may
not be queried have no '?'. Optional parameters are enclosed by {}. i and j are integers.
Tracki ng Co ntrol Commands
AUTO(?) {i} Sets the search mode to AUTO (i = 1) or Manual (i = 0). FLLT(?) {i} Sets the receiver time constant. GRIP(?) {i} Sets the GRI to i micro seconds. STOP Stops LORAN station tracking. STRT Starts station acquisition. STTN(?) {i} Sets the station to be tracked.
Tracki ng St at us Commands
GAIN? Returns the current receiver gain. INFO? i Returns station search information. LFOS? Returns instantaneous frequency correction. LPHA? Returns current phase of internal clock relative to LORAN-C signal. LSTA? Returns the index of the station being tracked. NSTA? Returns the number of stations found during search. STON? Returns the noise margin of the station being tracked. TIME(?) {h,m,s} Sets/reads the time of day. TLCK? Returns the amount of time the FS700 has been locked. TULK? Returns the length of the last unlock period.
Phasemet er Command s
DLTF? Returns the frequency offset between the FREQUENCY OUTPUT and the
FREQ(?) {i} Sets the frequency of the FREQUENCY OUTPUT. PHSE? Returns the phase difference between the FREQUENCY OUTPUT and the
Status Reporting Commands
*CLS Clears all status registers. *ESE(?) j Sets/reads the standard status byte enable register. *ESR? {j} Reads the standard status register, or just bit j of register. *IDN? Returns the device identification . *PSC(?) j Sets the power on status clear bit. This allows SRQ's on power up if desired. *RST Clears instrument to default settings. *SRE(?) j Sets/reads the serial poll enable register. *STB? {j} Reads the serial poll register, or just bit n of register. SENA (?) j Sets/reads the LORAN status enable register.
STAT? {j} Reads the LORAN status register, or just bit n of register.
Hardw are Test Commands
(NOTE: These commands are not needed during normal operation.) *TST? Starts self-test and returns status when done.
$ASC i Sets antenna input source. i = 0 = antenna, i = 1 = cal. $DAT? Reads In phase and Quadrature gate data. $GAT i Sets test gate patterns. $INT? i Reads integrator data. $POS i Sets gate position. ATTN i Sets the attenuators to value i. OSCF(?) i Sets the oscillator DAC to i.
When Installing the FS700 for the first time, it i s recommended that th e followin g procedure be carried out. If a problem is encountered, please read the detailed discussion on instrument operati o n (pages 1-46).
1) Make sure that the correct line voltage has been selected on the rear panel power entry module.
2) Install the antenna according to the instructions on pages iv and 9 of this manual.
3) While holding the BSP key down, turn the front panel power switch of the FS700 to the ON position. After a second or two, release the BSP key. This procedure will initialize all data in the FS700’s RAM. Notice that the OVEN LED in the STATUS section is on. It will take 20 minutes for the internal 10 MHz oscillator to stabilize. At that point, the OVEN LED will turn off. (It is not necessary to wait for the OVEN LED to turn off before proceeding.)
4) Press the TRACKING menu button on the front panel. Using the FIELD button, position the
cursor the GRI field and type in the appropriate GRI for your area. (Note that the GRI can also
be selected by scanning the LOCATION field. This is done by using the ARROW keys.)
5) Now you must wait until the OVEN LED goes off (approximately 20 minutes). When the OVEN LED goes off, the SEARCH LED will immediately turn on and the FS700 will start acquiring the
LORAN signal. The search process will take between 15 and 40 minutes. After the FS700 has
successfully locked to the LORAN signal, the LOCK LED will turn on. Now the FS700 is ready
for operation.
LORAN-C is an accurate navigation system that is maintained by the U.S. Coast Guard (LORAN stands for Long Range Navigation). A receiver that measures the arrival times of the signals from three LORAN stations can determine its position with an accuracy of about 1000 feet at a range of over 1000 miles. Because of the desire for good long range position accuracy, the frequency and transmission time of each LORAN transmitter is controlled by a set of Cesium clocks or Hydrogen masers whose frequency accuracy is maintained by the U.S. Naval Observatory. Because the timing characteristics of the LORAN transmission are so tightly controlled, a receiver measuring the signal from a single LORAN station can produce a very accurate frequency output that is traceable to the U.S. Naval Observatory and NIST. LORAN-C transmissions are also highly reliable. The stations are functional more than 99% of the time and signal errors usually last only a f ew minutes.
Signal Characterist ics
Signal LORAN-C stations transmit a pulsed signal at a carrier frequency of 100 kHz. This frequency was chosen for stable propagation characteristics and low ground wave attenuation. The transmissions of the various stations are differentiated by the timing of their pulses. The LORAN transmitters in a specific geographical region are arranged in groups of at least three (the minimum number needed to establish position) to at most 6 stations called chains. The chains are differentiated by the repetition rate of the pulses transmitted by the stations in the chain. This rate is called the Group Repetition Interval, or
GRI. For example, the U.S. West Coast chain has a GRI of 99400 µs
and each station in that chain (4) will transmit its signal once every
99400 µs. If the receiver synchronizes its timing with the desired GRI,
only stations in that GRI will produce a stable signal. Each chain has a master station (labelled "M") and up to four secondary stations (labelled "V", "W", "X", "Y", and "Z"). Once every GRI, each station will transmit a group of eight pulses at the 100 kHz carrier frequency. Each
pulse is about 250 µs long, and the pulses are separated by exactly 1
ms. The master station has a ninth pulse that is transmitted 2 ms after the eighth pulse. This ninth pulse identifies the station as the master. The master station always transmits first in the GRI followed by each
Figure 1
Transmission of LORAN Signals During a GRI
Graph 1
Shape of the Transmitted LORAN-C Pulse
secondary station in a prescribed order. The signals are transmitted so that the pulse groups will never overlap within the reception range of the stations. This is shown in Figure 1. The receiver determines its position from the time differences between the transmissions from each station, and the known positions of the transmitters. If the master station cannot be received, there is no way to identify the stations and also no way to determine the receiver's position.
The Coast Guard controls the accuracy of the LORAN-C system by precisely controlling the transmitter carrier frequency and the pulse emission time. The pulse emission time is controlled by accurately setting the emission time of the third positive zero crossing of the LORAN rf pulse. This point is called the PULSE TIME REFERENCE (PTR), and was chosen as a compromise between adequate signal-to­noise ratio and freedom from skywave interference (discussed below). The shape of the LORAN pulse is shown in Graph 1. By carefully tracking the PTR over long time intervals it is possible to extract the inherent frequency accuracy of the LORAN transmitter's Cesium clock. This is the function of the FS700 LORAN-C Frequency Standard. The FS700 will produce a frequency output with the same long-term accuracy as a USNO controlled Cesium clock as long as a single station in any GRI is receivable.
Phase Codi ng
LORAN transmissions are Phase Coded to minimize the effects of random noise, CW signal interference, and skywave interference. Some of the pulses in the eight pulse group are transmitted with the carrier signal inverted with respect to the rest of the pulses. That is, some pulses are transmitted with the first cycle of the pulse starting by going negative instead of positive. The phase code repeats in a two GRI period called a Frame. A receiver, such as the FS700, that takes phase coding into account will cancel any interference that occurs on an interval longer than a frame. Also, the phase coding is arranged so that any long delayed skywave interference will also be cancelled. The two GRI pulse groups within a frame are called Group A and Group B and have different phase codings. Additionally, master station frames have a different phase coding than secondary station frames. The phase codings for the various frames are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
Phase Codings of Master And Secondary Stations
Signal Propagation
Group Master Secondary
A ++--+-+- + +++++--+ B +--+++++ - +-+-++--
The transmitted signal from a LORAN transmitter is split into two parts: the groundwave which travels parallel to the surface of the earth, and the skywave, which travels upward through the atmosphere, is reflected by the ionosphere, and returns to earth. Because the height of the ionosphere depends on the time of day, the season, and solar activity, the skywave propagation path and the propagation delay are very unstable. This makes the skywave transmission less than ideal for accurate timing. The groundwave transmission does not suffer these problems and is a very stable source of timing information. However, the groundwave signal is rapidly attenuated by the atmosphere and suffers contamination from the skywave signal which arrives slightly later in time. These considerations limit the groundwave reception range of the LORAN signal to about 1500 miles. At this range the skywave interference will never disturb the position of the PTR.
Bli nk Tran smissions
Additional Information
Occasionally a LORAN transmitter will malfunction so that its transmitted signal is no longer accurate. When this occurs the master station and the affected secondary station begin blink transmissions. The master station will blink its ninth pulse in a coded pattern indicating which secondary is bad, while the secondary station will blink its first two pulses in 0.25 seconds on, 3.75 seconds off pattern. The other pulses in the transmission are unaffected. By checking for blink the FS700 is able to ensure that it is locked to a healthy transmitting station.
More detailed information may be obtained from:
1) United States Naval Observatory, Time Services Division 34 Massachusetts Ave. Washington, DC 20390 (202) 653-1507
Ask to be placed on the LORAN-C chain information mailing list. LORAN-C station propagation delays may also be obtained from:
2) United States Coast Guard Headquarters Washington, D.C. 20593 (202) 267-0283
The LORAN-C specifications may be obtained.
Publication numbers:
LORAN C User Handbook COMDTINST M16562.3 Specification of the LORAN C Transmitted Signal COMDTINST M16562.4
X Fox Harbor, Labrador, Canada
Chain GRI Station Transmitter Location
Newfoundland East 72700 µs M Comfort Cove, Canada
Coast W Cape Race, Canada
W Jan Mayen, Norway
X Berlevag, Norway
W Jan Mayen, Norway
Bo 70010 µs M Bo, Norway
Ejde 90070 µs M Ejde, Faeroe Island, Denmark
X Bo, Norway
Y Vaerlandet, Norway
Z Loop Head, Ireland
X Soustons, France
Lessay 67310 µs M Lessay, France
Y Loop Head, Ireland
Z Sylt, Germany
X Lessay, France
Y Vaerlandet, Norway
Sylt 74990 µs M Sylt, Germany
French SNR 89400 µs M Lessay, France
X Soustons, France
X Lampedusa, Italy
Z Estartit, Spain
Mediterranean Sea 79900 µs M Sellia Marina, Italy
V Salwa, SA
Saudi Arabia North 70300 µs M Afif, SA
W Al Khamasin, SA
X Ash Shaykh Humayd, SA
Z Al Muwassam, SA
W Salwa, SA
X Afif, SA
Saudi Arabia South 88300 µs M Al Khamasin, SA
Y AshShaykh Humayd, SA
Z Al Muwassam, SA
X Shoal Cove, Alaska, USA
Y George, Washington, USA
Z Port Hardy, BC, Canada
Chain GRI Station Transmitter Location
West Coast USA 99400 µs M Fallon, Nevada, USA
W George, Washington, USA
X Middletown, California, USA
Y Searchlight, Nevada, USA
Canadian West Coast 59900 µs M Williams Lake, BC, Canada
North Central USA 82900 ms M Havre, Montana, USA
W Baudette, Minnesota, USA
X Gillette, Wyoming, USA
Y Williams Lake, BC, Canada
V Gillette, Wyoming, USA
W Searchlight, Nevada, USA
X Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
Y Raymondville, Texas, USA
Z Grangeville, Louisiana, USA
South Central USA 96100 ms M Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
W Malone, Florida, USA
X Seneca, New York, USA
Y Baudette, Minnesota, USA
Z Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
Great Lakes 89700 µs M Dana, Indiana, USA
W Grangeville, Louisiana, USA
X Raymondville, Texas, USA
Y Jupiter, Florida, USA
Z Carolina Beach, NC, USA
W Caribou, Maine, USA
X Nantucket, Massachussetts, USA
Southeast USA 79800 µs M Malone, Florida, USA
Northeast USA 99600 µs M Seneca, New York, USA
Y Carolina Beach, NC, USA
Z Dana, Indiana, USA
Y Cape Race, Canada
Z Fox Harbor, Labrador, Canada
X Nantucket, Mass., USA
Canadian East Coast 59300 µs M Caribou, Maine, USA
X Raoping, PRC
Y Rongcheng, PRC
67300 µs X Raoping, PRC
Y Chongzuo, PRC
W Veraval, India
X Billamora, India
W Diamond Harbour, India
X Patpur, India
Chain GRI Station Transmitter Location
China East Sea 83900 µs M Xuancheng, PRC
W Petrozvodsk, Russia
China South Sea** 67800 µs M Hexian, PRC
X Solnim, Russia
Y Simferopol, Ukraine
Z Syzran, Russia
Bombay 60420 µs M Dhrangadhr, India
Calcutta 55430 µs M Balasore, India
W Petropavlo, Russia
X Ussuriisk, Russia
Y Kurilsk, Russia\
Z Ohotosk, Russia
** Broadcasting on two diferent GRI
W Kwang-Ju, Korea
X Gesashi, Okinawa
Y Niijima, Japan
Z Ussuriisk, Russia
W Gesashi, Okinawa, Japan
X Marcus Island, Japan
Y Tokatibutto, Hokkaido, Japan
Z Pohang, Korea
X Attu, Alaska, USA
Y Aleksandrovsk, Russia
X Attu Alaska, USA
Y Point Clarence, Alaska, USA
Z Narrow Cape, Alaska, USA
X Narrow Cape, Alaska, USA
Y Shoal Cove, Alaska, USA
Z Port Clarence, Alaska, USA
X Xuancheng, PRC
Y Helong, PRC
Chain GRI Station Transmitter Location
Western Russia 80000 µs M Bryansk, Russia
Eastern Russia 79500 µs M Aleksandrovsk, Russia
East Asian 99300 µs M Pohang, Korea
Northwest Pacific 89300 µs M Niijima, Japan
Russian –American 59800 µs M Petropavlo, Russia
North Pacific 99900 µs M Saint Paul, Pribilof Is., Alaska,
Gulf of Alaska 79600 µs M Tok, Alaska, USA
China North Sea 74300 µs M Rongcheng, PRC
The FS700 LORAN-C Frequency Standard produces a highly stable and accurate 10 MHz output by locking an internal crystal oscillator to the Cesium clock controlled LORAN-C radio transmission. The FS700 system consists of a receiver, containing amplifiers, filters, and data acquisition circuitry, and a remote antenna, with an internal preamplifier. Data acquisition circuitry allows the FS700 to frequency lock its internal oscillator to the third positive zero crossing of the LORAN-C transmission. In addition to providing an ultra-stable 10 MHz output, the FS700 also provides a user selectable TTL compatible frequency output in the range of 0.01 Hz to 10 MHz in a 1, 2.5, 5 sequence. An internal phasemeter circuit allows precise frequency calibrations of other oscillators in the range of 100 kHz to 10 MHz.
The FS700 should be used with the supplied antenna. Do not use another antenna because the antenna box contains filter and amplifier circuits that are necessary to the FS700. Mount the antenna outside, vertically, and preferably on the roof of a building. Connect the antenna to the FS700 with shielded cable up to 1000 feet long. Use either 50 or 75 ohm cable, since the impedance of the cable is not critical. A 100 foot, 50 ohm cable is supplied with the FS700.
Signal Acquisition
After the user chooses and enters the desired GRI, the FS700 will acquire the LORAN-C signal (the SEARCH LED will turn on). First, automatic gain control (AGC) software adjusts the receiver gain so that the signal at all points in the GRI is at full scale (about 6 V pk-pk at the LORAN OUT connector). Next, the entire GRI is searched for the presence of LORAN pulses. After the pulses are found, and the stations identified, the desired station is chosen. This station may be selected automatically to be the largest signal detected, or the user may enter a specific station of choice. After the station is chosen the receiver identifies and matches the phase coding of the selected station.
The FS700 then begins to frequency lock to the entire pulse envelope of the selected station. This initial frequency locking removes any initial
gross frequency offset (up to 2 x 10
) and allows more time for the
determination of the third zero crossing position. When the frequency
offset has been reduced to better than 1 x 10
, the phase offset between the internal oscillator and the LORAN signal is set to zero and the frequency lock is terminated. The FS700 then identifies the location of the third zero crossing of the LORAN pulse. After the third zero crossing has been located, the frequency lock is restarted to lock to the third zero crossing position. At this point the FS700 enters lock mode (the LOCK LED will turn on) and begins tracking the third zero crossing.
The entire search process takes between 15 and 40 minutes depending on the signal-to-noise ratio of the station selected.
It is important to understand that at large distances (>1000 miles) from the LORAN transmitter, the LORAN skywave signal can be many times larger than the groundwave signal. The FS700 can detect and correctly handle this condition until the skywave is abo ut 5 times the gro undwave amplitude. At this point, the FS700 will most likely lock to the skywave. This results in poor long term stability because of the diurnal shifts in the skywave timing. If this occurs, a different station should be chosen.
Lo cking t o LORAN-C
Signal E rrors
Once in LOCK the FS700 keeps the frequency difference between the internal oscillator and the LORAN transmission at a minimum. This is accomplished by using a software frequency-locked loop (FLL). The frequency-locked loop adjusts the internal oscillator's frequency so that the frequency difference at all times is zero. This is different than a phase-locked loop (PLL). A PLL attempts to always keep the phase difference at zero, and may introduce a large instantaneous frequency offset to change the phase. Thus, a FLL will have better phase noise and short-term stability than a PLL. The time constant of the FS700's FLL is set according to the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal, and is generally about 2000- 5000 GRI. The FS700 also has an auxiliary PLL that keeps the phase difference between the FS700 and the LORAN signal small. The time constant for the PLL is much longer than the FLL time constant, and has no effect on short-term stability (the frequency offset due to the PLL averages to zero and is rarely instantaneously
larger than 1-2 x 10
During locking, the FS700 monitors the received signal and checks for error conditions. If an error is detected, the FS700 will halt its FLL (to prevent erroneous frequency adjustments) and wait. If the error condition goes away within 20 minutes, the FLL will restart and will continue as before. If the error does not go away, one of two things may happen. If the search mode is set to manual, the FS700 will terminate its lock. If the search mode is set to auto, the FS700 will attempt to reacquire a station. If the station selection is set to a specific station (not auto station selection), the FS700 will continue to try to acquire the station selected until the station returns to health.
Front Panel Features
1) Power Switch Pressing the power switch turns the FS700 on and off. In STBY
position only, the ovenized oscillator is on. This minimizes warm-up time.
2) Numeric Keypad The numeric keypad allows entry and modification of parameters in the
FS700's menus. Data can be entered in two modes depending on the menu item displayed. In numeric mode (NUM LED on), data is entered as a number with the keypad. The entry is terminated using the execute (EXC) key. Typographical errors may be corrected using the backspace (BSP) key. Pressing BSP with no number displayed will cause the FS700 to return to the previous value. In cursor mode (<> LED on) a menu item is modified pressing the up and down arrow keys (8 and 2). If neither the NUM or <> LED's are lit, then the selected item may not be modified.
3) Field Key In many menus, several selections are displayed. A flashing cursor
denotes the modifiable item. Pressing the FIELD key causes the cursor to cycle through the available choices. If the FS700 is in GPIB remote mode, pressing the FIELD key returns the unit to local mode.
4) Menu Keys The menu keys co ntrol which menu is displayed. Several menus have
more than one screen of data. The various screens of data may be displayed by repeatedly pressing the associated menu key.
5) Status LED's The 5 status LED’s indicate the current status of the FS700. LED Meaning
LOCK The FS700 locks to and tracks a station.
SEARCH The FS700 searches for a station.
ERROR An error has been detected. A relevant error message
will also be displayed. These errors can be signal errors, command programming errors, etc.
OVEN The oven LED is on at power-up which indicates the
internal oven may be cold. The LED stays on for 20 minutes, and AUTO station search does not begin until this warm-up period is over. This LED is lit when the oscillato r uses up mo re than 75% o f its tuning range, (about ±3 Hz).
ANT This LED indicates the antenna is faulty.
6) LCD Display The 32 character by 2 line LCD display shows menu items and
informational messages. If the displayed message is not a menu item,
it is either an error or an informational message. To retrieve the menu display, just press any key.
7) LORAN Output This BNC outputs the amplified and filtered antenna signal. This may
be used in conjunction with the rear panel GRI SYNC and GATE outputs to view the receiver's tracking point. The output is about 6 V pk-pk and will drive a high impedance load.
8) Frequency Output This connector can be set to output a TTL level signal (2.5 V into 50
ohms) at a frequency between 0.01 Hz and 10 MHz in a 1, 2.5, 5 sequence. This output may be terminated into 50 ohms.
9) Oscillator Input This is the input to the FS700's internal phasemeter. The input signal to
the phasemeter should have the same frequency as the FREQUENCY OUTPUT. The input has a 1 kohm input impedance and requires a signal level of about 300 mV pk-pk. This input is protected to 100 VDC and 40 VAC.
10) Phase Output This is the phasemeter analog output. The output voltage is
proportional to the phase difference between the OSCILLATOR INPUT and the FREQUENCY OUTPUT with a coefficient of proportionality of
0.01 V/degree. This output has a range of ±360 degrees (±3.6 V) and expects a high impedance load.
Rear Panel Features
1) Power Entry Module The power entry module contains the FS700's fuse and the line voltage
selection card. Be sure that the fuse rating matches that listed on the rear panel and that the line voltage is set to the local value. To set the line voltage: remove the power cord, remove the fuse, remove the voltage selector card from the power entry module, insert the voltage selector card so that the desired line voltage is visible through the clear plastic window, replace the fuse with a correct rated fuse for the line voltage selected, and reconnect the power cord.
2) IEEE-488 Connector This connector can be used with any standard IEEE-488 (GPIB) cable
to allow computer control of the FS700.
3) GRI SYNCH Output These two outputs may be used in conjunction with the front panel Gate Output LORAN OUTPUT to view the FS700's tracking point. Both outputs
provide TTL level outputs and may have a 50 ohm termination. The GRI SYNC output provides a negative going pulse at the start of each GRI. When the receiver is in LOCK (LOCK LED on) this pulse occurs 500 ±5 ms before the receiver tracking point, and the GATE output brackets the third zero crossing point with a negative going pulse. These outputs may be used with an averaging digital oscilloscope (such as HP 54501A) to view the Loran pulse tracking point. This procedure is detailed in the tracking section of this manual.
4) 10 MHz Outputs These four outputs provide a 1 V pk-pk 10 MHz output when terminated
into 50 ohms. These outputs are individually buffered and are short­circuit protected.
5) Lock Output This is a TTL compatible output that is high when the receiver is locked
(LOCK LED on). This output is a transistor with a 10 kohm pull-up resistor. This output may be wire-or'd with other similar outputs as long as the current sink capability is greater than 0.5 mA.
6) Antenna Input This is the connector for the remote antenna. The antenna cable may
be up to 1000 ft long. The FS700 must be used with the antenna that is supplied.
7) RS232 Connector This connector is used for RS232 communication.
LORAN Tracking
The parameters controlling the operation of the FS700 are displayed and adjusted in a set of six menus. Each menu may have one or more screens (two line displays) of data. Each screen may contain one or more field (adjustable parameter). Pressing a menu button displays that menu. The screens that belong to a menu may be displayed by repeatedly pressing the menu button. The field that is adjustable is denoted by a flashing cursor bar. The various fields may be selected by pressing the FIELD key.
The data entry mode for each field is indicated by the mode LEDs above the field key. If the NUM LED is lit the data is entered in numeric format using the keypad. Pressing the EXC key terminates the entry. Errors are corrected using the backspace (BSP) key. If the <> LED is lit the field is changed with the cursor keys (up and down arrow keys). If neither LED is lit the display may not be changed.
Occasionally, an error or informational messages will be displayed on the LCD display. The display may be returned to the normal menu display by pressing any key.
The TRACKING and STATUS menus control the FS700's tracking of a LORAN-C station. Adjustable tracking parameters are set in the TRACKING menu, while tracking status is displayed in the STATUS menu.
Overview Most of the FS700's operation is completely automatic. First, choose a
GRI and enter it into the FS700. Refer to the LORAN chain map to choose a GRI that has stations near the receiver. Then, LORAN-C station selection, acquisition, and tracking can begin. Station selection and search mode may be either manually or automatically controlled.
Station selection is the process of choosing a specific station in the GRI for tracking. In AUTO station selection, the FS700 will choose and track the station with the largest signal strength. AUTO selection is the FS700's default mode, and is recommended for general use. The FS700 may be set to track a specific station in the GRI. If the master station is not detected there is no way to identify the stations and manual station selection will f ail. AUTO selection will pick the largest signal even in the absence of the master.
The FS700's search mode controls the starting and stopping of searches, and recovery from signal errors. In AUTO mode the FS700 will begin a search anytime that it is unlocked from a station. While in MANUAL, the searches must be started by pressing the EXC key. The FS700's default is AUTO. After power-on, an AUTO search will begin after the oven oscillator warm-up period expires (the OVEN LED goes off). A MANUAL search may be started at any time. However, if the
oscillator is not fully warmed up the search may fail. When in AUTO, if a signal error forces the FS700 to terminate locking, the FS700 will automatically start a new search. While in MANUAL, a new search must be started by pressing the EXC key.
GRI: 99400 µs Station: X
Location: Middletown, CA USA
Tracki ng Men u
GRI Selection The first field is the GRI to which the FS700 is to lock. Set the GRI to a
Station Selection Station selection is set with the second field. Adjust this setting with the
The first screen has three adjustable parameters and is used to set the station that the FS700 is to track. If the FS700 is tracking a station, changing any of these parameters will cause the FS700 to unlock. To prevent accidental unlocks, a warning message requiring confirmation of the change will be displayed.
value appropriate to the location of the receiver by referring to the LORAN chain map to select the GRI for the nearest stations. The GRI must be set to a value between 40000 and 99990 ms in steps of 10 ms.
up and down arrow keys. The default setting is "AUTO", and the FS700 will automatically choose the station with the largest signal. The FS700 may be be set to a specific station - "M" (master), or one of secondaries. If a chain existed at the chosen GRI when the FS700 was shipped, the actual station names (a subset of V, W,X,Y, and Z) will be displayed; otherwise the secondary may be set to an index of A,B,C, D, or E - the order of transmission of the secondaries. The identification of the secondaries is determined by the timing of the secondaries relative to the master station. For a chain not in the FS700's station list a default set of times will be used- an average of the timings of existing chains. If the unknown chain's timing differs greatly from typical it may not be possible to identify and select a particular secondary. However, the master may always be selected, and AUTO will always select the largest station- regardless of the identification of the secondaries. This allows the FS700 to be set to any possible LORAN station, even if it didn't exist at the time of the FS700's production. Once a station has been chosen, during AUTO station selection the FS700 will display the station identification in parentheses after the word AUTO. For example: AUTO (Y) if Y has been chosen. If the FS700 is set to lock to a specific station and the master station is not found, the selected station will not be identified and the search will fail.
The third field is the station location field. This field displays the location (station name) of the selected station. By scrolling through this list using the up and down arrow keys a station near the receiver may be chosen. All stations that existed at the time of the FS700's production are in this list. If no station exists at the current GRI or station choice
the location message will display that fact. In AUTO station selection the FS700 will display the station location once a station is chosen.
Search Mode: Auto Start Station Acquisition (EXC)
Search Mode The second screen has two parameters and controls the starting and
stopping of the locking process. The first field controls the SEARCH MODE. In AUTO search mode the FS700 will automatically begin a station search any time it is unlocked. In MANUAL mode pressing EXC will start the search. If a signal error occurs and the FS700 unlocks, the FS700 will automatically reacquire a station in AUTO mode, while in MANUAL the lock must be manually restarted. The second field controls starting and stopping of locking and searches. If the FS700 is not currently searching or locked, pushing the EXC button will start a search. If the FS700 is searching or locking, pressing the EXC button will stop the lock. In AUTO search mode, a new search will automatically be started once the EXC button is pressed to stop the search. If manual control is desired, the mode should be set to manual.
Receiver Time Constant: 4096 GRI
Time Constant The FS700's tracking time constant is set in the third screen in units of
GRI. The time constant is adjusted using the cursor keys, and can be set between 128 and 16384 GRI. The time constant sets the amount of signal averaging and the time between corrections of the FS700's oscillator frequency. The setting is a trade-off between averaging enough to reduce signal noise, and correcting frequently enough to correct oscillator frequency changes with room temperature, etc. Recommended settings are 2048 GRI with the standard oscillator, and 4096 GRI with option 1. If the signal-to-noise ratio of the station being tracked is poor (< -3 dB), the time constants should be increased by a factor of two or four. In general, there is no reason to reduce the time co nstants below their nominal value.
Tracking Keys Lockout: On Enter Password to Lock Keys:XXXXX
Keyboard Lock The menu items that control the FS700's station tracking may be locked
to prevent unauthorized modification. To lock all items in the TRACKING and CAL menus, enter a password up to 4 digits long. Entering the password again will unlock the menu items. On power-up the keyboard lock is automatically cleared. Other features of the FS700, such as the FREQUENCY OUTPUT and PHASE meter will operate normally while the TRACKING menus are locked.
Receiver Gain: 75dB Noise Margin: 33dB
Status Menu
Gain, Signal to Noise The first screen displays the FS700's gain and signal-to-noise ratio.
The gain is the gain necessary to bring the selected station to full scale signal level. The maximum value is 120 dB. Noise Margin indicates the current LORAN signal quality. A noise margin of 0.0 db is the poorest quality signal useable by the FS700. The maximum value is +55 dB. The gain number is not displayed until after station selection, while the noise margin is not calculated until after the third zero crossing is located.
LORAN Frequency Offset: 2.0 E-11 Phase: 0.2°
Phase The second screen displays the instantaneous frequency offset of the
FS700's oscillator from the LORAN signal. That is, it is the value of the last correction that the FS700 made to its oscillator. The time average of this value is zero. The oscillator has a sensitivity of about 1 x 10
minimum step size. Also displayed is the instantaneous phase of the FS700's sampling gate relative to the LORAN pulse (in degrees). The long-term fractional frequency difference over any time interval may be calculated from the f o llo wing f o rmula:
For example: Suppose at the start of a 24 hour period, the phase is 0.1 degree. While at the end of the time interval, the phase is 0.2 degree. Then the average frequency difference is :
This means that over a 24 hour period the FS700's oscillator is every bit as good as the source in the LORAN transmitter. The transmitter's Cesium clock is accurate to about 1-2 x 10 period.
over the same time
Stations Found (Ident: Amp in dB) M57 V38 W45 X70* Y44
Stations Found The third screen displays the identification and amplitude of all stations
found during the search phase of station acquisition. The amplitudes are displayed in relative dB, and the station that the FS700 is locked to has a "*" next to it. The station identifications will be displayed if the FS700 knows them. If the master station is not found, the identifications will be listed as "?". If there were no stations assigned at the time of the FS700's manufacture the stations will be listed as "M", "A","B", etc., since the station labels are unknown. This display is useful in determining the number and strength of the stations in the receiver's location.
Time Since Lock:12:34:56 Length Last Unlock: 0:00:00
Status Timing The fourth screen displays the amount of time that the FS700 has been
locked to its station. This timer can go up to 32767 hours (3.75 years)before it rolls over back to zero. Also displayed is the duration of the most recent time at which the FS700 was unlocked. If the FS700 has never been unlocked this number will be 0:0:0. However, if the FS700 ever became unlocked and had to reacquire a station, the length of time until it became relocked will be displayed. These two times may be used to determine when the FS700 became unlocked.
Signal Status: A r b n o Press EXC to clear status
Signal Quality The last screen displays information on the quality of the received
signal and any transient conditions that may have occurred. The letters a, r, b, n, and o indicate the status of antenna, rf, blink, noise margin, and oscillator warnings. If the letter is displayed in lower case, the condition has not occurred. If the letter is in UPPER case, the condition has been detected in the past. When a warning condition is detected, the associated status indicator is set. The indicators may be reset by pressing EXC. Relocking the receiver will also reset the indicators. The various warnings are described below in the TRACKING PROBLEMS section.
Track Point Monitoring It is useful (or confidence building) to monitor the FS700's tracking point
(the third zero crossing). This is easily done using a digital oscilloscope that is capable of averaging many signal traces (such as the HP 54501A). The averaging is necessary to reduce the noise on the signal. While the FS700 is locked, the GRI SYNC output on the FS700's rear
panel provides a negative going pulse every GRI 500 ±5 µs before the
third zero crossing. The GATE output provides a negative going pulse that brackets the third zero crossing. To monitor the tracking point, trigger the scope with the GRI SYNC pulse. After the FS700 has locked, display the LORAN OUTPUT and GATE output on the scope
using a 10 µs/div scale with 500 µs of trigger delay. This puts the gate
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