SM507AGL RF2.4GHz Laser Mouse
Part 1.0: General Features
- Middle size, best for notebook users or kids
- Totally Wi reles s freed om
- 2.4G Hz FSK Aut o-lin k techn ology
- 34 two w ay R F chan nels
- mous e about 6 ~10 met ers ope ratio n range
- 800/ 1200/ 1600 DP I Optic al prec ision m ini siz e 5 butto n mouse
- 4 leve l power s aving m ode for m ouse
- Auto on /off Rfou tput de sign
- Mous e come wi th 5 stan dard bu ttons
Part 2.0: Physical characteristics
Mechanical Performance
Oper ating f orce of m ouse bu ttons
Oper ating f orce of B rowse r switc hes
Oper ating f orce of w heel sc rolli ng
Mous e : 5 butto ns with s croll ing whe el
Weig ht:
Mous e: 85 10 g (b atter y inclu ded)
Rece iver: 2 1 g
20 10 gf
R F freq uency : 2.4 Ghz ( 2.408 ~2.47 4 Ghz)
R F modu latio n : F S K
Hopp ing typ e : FHSS (f reque ncy hop ping sp read
spec trum)
R F chan nel : 34 ch annel s
R F band width : 2 .0 mHz
Spee d of tran smit: 1 M b ps
R F outp ut powe r : 0 dBm
Rece ive of se nsiti ve: -85 d Bm
Reso lutio ns: 160 0 DPI
Sens or Track ing Spe ed: 30+ i nches / S econd
Batt ery typ e: two AAA Alk aline f or mous e
Batt ery con sumpt ion:
Mous e:
Oper ating M ode: 8 mA
Slee p Mode 1: 0 .64mA (a ft er 12second non -a ct iv e)
Slee p Mode 2: 0 .27mA (after 30se co nd n on -active)
Slee p Mode 3: 1 40uA( after 8 minutes a ro un d no n-active)
Part 4.0: Reliability
Mous e Butto n Switc h Activa tion: 1 ,000, 000 cyc le
Scro ll Whee l encod er Activ ation : 100,0 00 cycl e
Oper ating t emper ature : -5 - 40 deg rees ce lsius
Oper ating h umidi ty: 20% - 9 0%
Part 5.0 System Requirement
Wind ows 200 0, Wind ows xp. W indow s ME.
Wind ows VIS TA
Part 3.0: Electrical Specification
Inte rface : U SB 1.1
Sens or repo rt rate o n mouse : 3000 ti mes per s econd
Oper ation a ngle: 3 60 degr ees
Oper ation d istan ce: 6~1 0 meter f or keyb oard an d
mous e
Rece iver po wer req uirem ent: 5V D C from US B port
REV: 1.00