Spycentre Security 6677 Quick Start Manual

SpyCentre.com Spy Shop - Since 1993 Toll Free # 1-800-292-7748
How to Charge the Battery:
Connect the audio recorder to a PC or USB power supply
2 to 3 hours to fully charge
A flashing light = Charging
NOTE: A solid light will be present when device is connected to a PC
How to Record an audio file:
On the bottom of the device is a On/Off switch
Move the switch to the On position to put the device into Continuous recording mode
When finished recording slide the switch to the Off position
Wait 5 seconds before making another recording
NOTE: If the device runs out of power during the recording, it will finalize and save the file before the battery dies
How to Playback files on a PC:
Connect the to the USB port of the computer
When connected the PC will recognize the device as a removable disk
Open VOICE folder
Double click the file you wish to play
How to Delete the files on a PC:
Open the VOICE folder
Right click on the file you wish to delete and select Delete in the pop up menu
Files can only be deleted through a PC
How to Delete the files on a Mac
Open the VOICE folder
Right click on the file you wish to delete and select Delete in the pop up menu
While the device is still plugged into the Mac go to your trash folder and empty trash.
Note: If the above step is not completed the files will not be fully deleted from the device and you will have a phantom
folder that will contain the deleted files that can only be seen by a Windows Computer
How to set Time/Date stamp:
Connect the device to the USB port of the computer
Double click the Time Setup(
The datetime.cfg Creator will open and Press START to sync the date/time with the PC
A new file will be created called date_time.cfg
Disconnect the device from the PC and create a new recording in order to sync the date and time
Reconnect the device to a PC and if date_time.cfg is not visible the date and time are now set
NOTE: Date and time setup can only be done on a Windows based PC
Memory capacity: 8GB
Recording format: .WAV
Recording capacity: 90 hours
).exe file
Monday - Saturday 10AM to 6PM CST
SpyCentre.com Spy Shop - Since 1993 Toll Free # 1-800-292-7748
NOTE: if a folder does not automatically open when connected to PC, disconnect the device and preform the following
1. Open Control Panel by typing “control panel” in the Search bar
2. Select Programs
3. Under Default Programs, Click “Change default settings for media or devices”
4. Under Removable Devices, select “Open folder to view files”
5. Save
6. Reconnect the device to the PC
Monday - Saturday 10AM to 6PM CST