Introduction 1
Operation 2
Variflow Baffles 3
Model Number Designation 4
Water Wash
Hood and Damper Assemblies 8
Exhaust Duct Sizes 17
Make Up Air 18
Exhaust Calculations
Work Sheet
REV LOW Engineering Manual
The Revlow hood is a revolutionary idea in commercial kitchen ventilator design. Revlow allows
the exhaust flow to be field adjusted over each appliance without affecting the overall efficiency of
the grease extractor. Your kitchen will exhaust the lowest minimum required to ventilate the
appliances located under the hood. After your kitchen is complete, appliances can be relocated,
added, or removed from under the hood! It’s a simple adjustment to fine-tune your ventilator to
provide excellent smoke capture with maximum grease extraction.
What is a REV LOW hood?
The REV LOW hood is available in two types; a water wash and dry grease extractor. The water
wash hood is automatically cleaned in place at the end of each cooking day. The REV LOW dry
extractor is manually cleaned the dry extractor has inserts that are removed daily and washed in
your dishwasher or pot sink.
The Spring Air Systems REV LOW hood is fabricated from stainless steel with No. 4 finish on all
exposed surfaces. All edges are ground and polished. All hoods are manufactured to stringent
quality standards and are guaranteed to enhance the appearance of any commercial kitchen.
minimizes the total exhaust by adjusting the
hood to suit individual appliances.
maximizes your extraction at all exhaust airflows to
capture more grease in hood. It’s not a filter hood!
add, remove or move appliances anytime. VARIFLOW
baffles are easily adjusted without special tools to
balance any cooking bank.
Multiple hoods connected to a single exhaust fan can
be easily balanced.
Spring Air Systems REV LOW Engineering Manual Revision 2.0 -021902
A commercial kitchen cooking line consists of many different appliances depending on the type of
restaurant or institution. In every commercial kitchen the cooking vapours, which comprise of
grease, smoke, and products of
combustion rise off the cooking surface.
Natural convection forces drive the
cooking vapours up towards the back wall
Roof of hood
as shown in figure 1 below. The kitchen
dilution air is entrained into the cooking
vapours and the air mixture generally
Back wall of hood
Optional 3" aiir space
follows the profile of the back and top of
the hood. The mixture of grease, smoke,
products of combustion, lint, dirt and
kitchen dilution air proceed along the roof
Vapours from appliances
of the hood and follow a path down
towards the core extractor slot (the core
extractor slot extends along the length of
the hood). Most of the air mixture enters
the slot and a small amount rolls back into
the hood canopy to meet the main air
stream again.
The REV LOW Hood Model DD-B-F
Figure 1
Optimizing the amount of air mixture that enters the core extractor slot is the key to the REV LOW
system. The REV LOW hood must incrementally maximumize the amount of the air mixture that
enters the slot and minimize the amount of roll back into the canopy as the total amount of the air
mixture deviates along the length of the cooking lineup.
Exhaust Air
Core Extractor
Variflow baffle
Front of hood
Kitchen dilution air
Exhaust duct collar
Top of core extractor
End mullion
Front of core extractor
Variflow Baffle
Shown in full open position
Core extractor slot
Removable Inserts
Grease trough
Core extractor slot
Section View of Core Extractor for DD-B-F REV LOW Hood
Figure 2
The REV LOW accomplishes this complicated process with a unique core extractor profile that
contains a series of specially designed VARIFLOW baffles located along length of the core
extractor. See Figure 2 above. The VARIFLOW baffles are adjusted prior to shipment to allow the
optimum amount of the air mixture to enter the core extractor slot and thereby minimize roll back
into the hood canopy. For instance the VARIFLOW baffles located above a charbroiler are
opened to the maximum 450 CFM/ft position and the VARIFLOW baffles located above ovens or
steamers are closed to the minimum 100 CFM/ft position. This variable adjustment along the
length of each hood provides an exhaust system that truly minimizes the amount of exhaust air to
properly ventilate any kitchen line up.
Spring Air Systems REV LOW Engineering Manual Revision 2.0 -021902
The most important component for the successful operation of a REV LOW hood is the core
extractor that contains the VARIFLOW baffles. The core extractor profile has been designed to
facilitate the smooth flow of cooking vapours and dilution air from the roof of the hood, down
along the front of the core extractor and into the core extractor slot. The VARIFLOW baffles are
located inside the core extractor along the entire length. The VARIFLOW baffles are adjustable
to provide between a 100 CFM/ft to 450 CFM/ft flow rate into the core extractor slot. The
VARIFLOW baffles are adjustable without any special tools by lifting off the core extractor
removable insert and hand adjusting the position of the baffle. Just set the position of the
VARIFLOW baffle to match the appliance located below. See Figure 3 for isometric view of
Section View of REV LOW Water Wash Hood with Detail of Variflow Baffle
Figure 3
A Spring Air Systems Inc.REV LOW Hood system provides numerous benefits to the
owners/operator of a commercial or institutional restaurant.
1. More comfortable kitchen environment.
2. Lower annual heating cost with little or no capital cost increase.
3. Lower annual air conditioning costs and possible reduced capital cost for air conditioning
More Comfortable Kitchen Environment
The Spring Air REV LOW Hood System provides excellent smoke capture using the absolute
minimum net exhaust air from the restaurant. The system can be interlocked with the kitchen
makeup air unit and the building air conditioning units to energize the economizers and provide a
balanced supply and exhaust system. Reduced drafts will provide more comfortable
temperatures throughout the kitchen.
Low Heating Costs
The Spring Air REV LOW Hood System is designed to minimize the net exhaust air from the
building. Less net exhaust means less heating of fresh air or supply air into the building.
Lower Air Conditioning Costs
The Spring Air REV LOW Hood System is designed to minimize the amount of conditioned supply
air required in the store. By reducing the conditioned air into the store, the required air
conditioning load is reduced and the air conditioning operating cost will consequently decrease.
Spring Air Systems REV LOW Engineering Manual Revision 2.0 -021902
Model Number Designation
The Spring Air Systems REV LOW Hood is available in three basic types
1. Continuous cold water spray/hot water wash - “C”
2. Hot water wash - “H”
3. Dry Ventilator - “D”
Each type of hood provides varying degrees of grease extraction efficiency, automatic/manual
wash, and exhaust fire dampers. For a more detailed description of the types of hood exhaust fire
dampers and wash systems refer to the Spring Air Systems “Ventilator Engineering Manual”.
Model No. Description
DD-B-F Single row box canopy, dry extractor with fusible link dead weight fire damper
CD-B-F Single row box canopy, continuous cold water spray/hot water wash ventilator with fusible
CF-B-F Single row box canopy, continuous cold water spray/hot water wash ventilator with fusible
CT-B-F Single row box canopy, continuous cold water spray/hot water wash ventilator with
HD-B-F Single row box canopy, hot water wash ventilator with fusible link dead weight fire damper
HF-B-F Single row box canopy, hot water wash ventilator with fusible link spring loaded fire damper
HT-B-F Single row box canopy, hot water wash ventilator with thermostatic activated spring loaded
DD-BI Island box canopy, dry extractor with fusible link dead weight fire damper, installed back to
CD-BI Island box canopy, continuous cold water spray/hot water wash ventilator with fusible link
CF-B-FI Island box canopy, continuous cold water spray/hot water wash ventilator with fusible link
CT-B-FI Island box canopy, continuous cold water spray/hot water wash ventilator with thermostatic
HD-BI Island box canopy, hot water wash ventilator with fusible link dead weight fire damper,
HF-B-FI Island box canopy, hot water wash ventilator with fusible link spring loaded fire damper,
HT-B-FI Island box canopy, hot water wash ventilator with thermostatic activated spring loaded fire
link dead weight fire damper
link spring loaded fire damper
thermostatic activated spring loaded fire damper
fire damper
back with another Rev-Low hood
dead weight fire damper, installed back to back with another Rev-Low hood
spring loaded fire damper, installed back to back with another Rev-Low hood
activated spring loaded fire damper, installed back to back with another Rev-Low hood
installed back to back with another Rev-Low hood
installed back to back with another Rev-Low hood
damper, installed back to back with another Rev-Low hood
Chart No. 1
Typical Water Wash Application Single Row Wall Mounted REV LOW
Spring Air Systems REV LOW Engineering Manual Revision 2.0 -021902
Model HD-B-F
Figure 4a
Typical Water Wash Application Island REV LOW
Two Model HD-BI
Figure 4b
The type “H” and “C” ventilators require a water wash control panel. Consult the “Ventilator
Engineering Manual” or individual water wash panel specification sheets for the proper water
wash control panel. The water wash control panel is supplied to provide operation of the exhaust
fan, supply unit (Spring Air SFA series), time wash cycle, and fire suppression system.
Water Wash REV LOW Hoods
Automatic Wash: Type “C” and “H:” Ventilators
SPRING AIR SYSTEMS ventilators are available with either automatic or manual wash systems.
All water wash ventilators must be interconnected with a water wash control panel.
The “C” and “H” ventilators have incorporated a water wash manifold into the high efficiency
extractor. Spray nozzles are spaced evenly along the wash manifolds. The hot detergent-water
Spring Air Systems REV LOW Engineering Manual Revision 2.0 -021902
Water wash Manifold
Figure 5
mixture enters the hot water inlet pipe, and travels into the interconnecting pipe to the MANIFOLD
E. The water detergent mixture is sprayed uniformly within the interior of the extractor.
The water/detergent mixture washes the grease, lint and dirt into the
sloping VORTEX BAFFLE that carries the mixture to the end of the
ventilator and into the grease trough.
The mixture travels along the grease trough to the drain. The drain
may be located at either end of the ventilator. Multiple ventilators
may have individual drains factory manifolds to one common drain.
The wash time is adjustable from 0 to 10 minutes. The type “C” is
normally set at 2 minutes while the type “H” is set at 3 minutes.
Depending on the type of cooking equipment the type “C” usually
requires less hot water wash time because of the continuous coldwater spray. During fan and cooking operation, the spray
continuously carries grease, dirt and lint down the drain, which
reduces the daily grease build-up.
The hot water required is approximately .9 gpm/ft. of ventilator at 40
psig (see Chart No.2). The cold-water continuous spray requires
approximately 1.0 gph/ft. of ventilator at 15 psig (see Chart No.3)