Assembly instructions
Sport-Thieme® youth football goal,
3x2/5x2 m, square tubing
Street Soccer goal
Art.-Nr.: 113 5914
113 5927
113 5419
257 7308
0218214 · © 2018 Sport-Thieme GmbH
D-38367 Grasleben · Germany
sport-thieme.com · info @sport-thieme.com
Phone: +49 53 57 181 543 · Fax: +49 53 57 181 921

Assembly instructions
for Art.-Nr. 113 5914/1135927/113 5419/257 7308
1. Scope of delivery
Please check the following content before assembly.
The following indicated quantities refer to 1 goal. In case of a delivery in pairs we double the amount correspondingly.
You can choose between two dierent ground tubes. These instructions apply to both executions (for dierences see points 8.1 and 8.2).
The following drawing oers assistance for the assembly.
2. Assembly drawing:
Bezeichnung Einzelteile:
1 = bar
2 = upright
3 = ground bar
4 = aluminium cast corner joint
5 = small and wide connection angle
6 = net hoop
7 = net hoop brace
8 = round ground tube (cat.no. 1135914/1135419/2577308)
9 = rectangular ground tube (cat.no. 1135927)
10 = hole for ring nut
11 = cap for ground bar
12 = safety system net holder

Assembly instructions
for Art.-Nr. 113 5914/1135927/113 5419/257 7308
3.1 Total content for cat. - no.: 1135914/1135419/2577308 - goal with round ground tube:
1x Crossbar, prole 80 x 80 mm
2x Upright, prole 80 x 80 mm
2x Ground bar, prole 80 x 80 mm, with holes for ground xing, Ø 25 mm
2x Net hoop 1 left, 1right
2x Net hoop brace
1x Round ground tube
2x Aluminium cast corner joint
Only for street-soccer-goal 3.00 x 1.60m (Cat.-no.: 2577308)
1x Net
3x Accessories
Content 1. bag:
36x Safety system net holder
6x Nut 20 mm, thread M6
4x Nut 40 mm, thread M6
12x Safety hexagon socket screw M8 x 20, DIN 7991
10x Safety hexagon socket cylinder screw M6 x 20, DIN 912
8x Safety hexagon screw M8 x 16, DIN 933
2x Black cap Ø 28 mm
2x Hexagon socket screw M6 x 50, DIN 912
2x Ring nut M6 x 50
4x Self-locking cap nut M6, DIN 986
2x Nut M8, DIN 934
14x Washer Ø 7.4 mm, DIN 9021
2x Spring washer A8, DIN 127
8x Plug pin
2x Washer Ø 8.4 mm, DIN 9021
1x Hexagon screwdriver SW5, DIN 911
2x Hexagon screw M8 x 20, DIN 933
1x Assembly instruction
Content 2. bag:
2x White cap, square
Content 3. bag:
2x Wide connection angle
4x Small connection angle

Assembly instructions
for Art.-Nr. 113 5914/1135927/113 5419/257 7308
3.2. Total content for cat. - no.: 1135927 - goal with rectangular ground tube:
1x Crossbar, prole 80 x 80 mm
2x Upright, prole 80 x 80 mm
2x Ground bar, prole 80 x 80 mm, with holes for ground xing, Ø 25 mm
2x Net hoop 1 left, 1right
2x Net hoop brace
2x Aluminium cast corner joint
1x Rectangular ground tube
4x Accessories
Content 1. bag:
36x Safety system net holder
6x Nut 20 mm, thread M6
4x Nut 40 mm, thread M6
12x Safety hexagon socket screw M8 x 20, DIN 7991
10x Safety hexagon socket cylinder screw M6 x 20, DIN 912
8x Safety hexagon screw M8 x 16, DIN 933
2x Black cap Ø 28 mm
2x Hexagon socket screw M6 x 50, DIN 912
2x Ring nut M6 x 50
4x Self-locking cap nut M6, DIN 986
2x Nut M8, DIN 934
14x Washer Ø 7.4 mm, DIN 9021
2x Spring washer A8, DIN 127
8x Plug pin
1x Hexagon screwdriver SW5, DIN 911
2x Hexagon screw M8 x 20, DIN 933
2x Washer Ø 8.4 mm, DIN 9021
1x Assembly instruction
Content 2. bag:
2x White cap, square
Content 3. bag:
2x Wide connection angle
4x Small connection angle
Content 4. bag:
2x Z shaped angle
8x Nut 20 mm, thread M8
8x Hexagon screw M8 x 16, DIN 933
8x Spring washer A8, DIN 127
14x Safety system net holder