Sportspower TR-0121FZB-12, TR-0121FZA-12 User Manual

Trampoline must be used with enclosure that is properly installed and maintained
Assembly, Installation, Care, Maintenance, and User Instructions
TR-0121FZA-12 TR-0121FZB-12
DO NOT attempt somersaults or flips. Paralysis or death can result if you land on your head or neck!  No more than one person on the trampoline at a time. M ul t ipl e us er s i ncr ease the risk o f inj ur y.  Use trampoline only with mature, knowledgeable supervision.
These instructions are important to minimize chances of injury. Please read each of them
thoroughly before you assemble and use this trampoline. Retain this manual for future reference.
Maximum weight of the user shall NOT exceed 220lbs/100kg for this product.
Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern Time
Sportspower Ltd.
Level 20, Parkview Centre, 7 Lau Li Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Corporate Office 1-800-497-6106
Daily Pre-Inspection:
or cracks
NO SOMERSAULTS OR FLIPS – PARALYSIS OR DEATH can result if you land on your hea d or neck!
No more than ONE user at a time (maximum weight - 220 lbs/100 kg).
Do not use if in a cast or have previous leg, arm, head, neck or
back injury.
>Inspect legs for proper attachment or cracks >Inspect netting for tears and sagging >Inspect for loose or damaged springs >Inspect mat for tears or worn stitching >Inspect frame for sagging
Inspect prior to use – check that the legs are properly attached an d stable on the ground; no loose
springs; mat and enclosure net are in proper place and in good condition with no tears.
Do not allow children less than six (6) years of age to use.
Remove all hard or sharp objects including jewelry, eyeglasses, sunglasses or hairclips before
Do not use without the consent of your physician, if
quality materials and craftsmanship, providing fun and exercise in the enjoyment of your own backyard. It i s v er y i m por tant that t he owners an d users of t hi s t ram pol i n e have adequate k nowl e dge of tec hniques and rules f or proper use . I n particular, children must be supervised at all times by a knowledgeable and mature adult while using the trampoline. Take precautions to prevent access to the trampoline by children when there is no adult supervision. Also restrict access to any unauthorized users without your consent. Care full y r ead and un der s t and all o f t he i ns tructio n s a nd warnin gs in th e Us er Manual bef ore assem bling and usin g this pr oduct. I t is the r esponsi bili ty of the owner o f this tr ampoli ne to en sure t hat all users o f this pr oduct are full y in form ed o n t he pr oper use and th e inher ent ris ks of jum pin g on a tr ampol in e. Fai lur e to do s o ca n res ult in serious injury or death. In particular, under no circumstances should you attempt or allow flips, somersaults or any similar conduct. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or death, even when landing in the middle of the mat. Also, do not allow more than one person on the trampoline under any circumstances. Use by more than one person at the same time increases the cha nc e o f inj ur y. To reduce risks associated with users falling off the trampoline, enclosure netting must be properly installed and used at all times. The trampoline enclosure must be closed during use to prevent the user from falling off the trampoline. Your t ram poline e nc l osure netti n g i s m anufac tur e d w i th U V r es is t ant mater ial. Des pi te this, exposure to harsh elements (sunlight, wind, moisture, animals, etc) will weaken the netting. The netting and mat must be inspected prior to every use and maintained regularly as detailed in this User’s Manual. Please also ensure proper placement of this product to avoid injuries. It is essential that the intended site for this trampoline is completely flat and level. If the ground is uneven, this could cause movement in the frame and stres s on th e j oined s ect ions o f t he fram e t ha t could damage the t r ampoline and/or can ca use s er i o us injury. Do not position this trampoline on hard surface such as concrete, tarmac or paving. Suitable surfaces include flat dirt or grass, sand or play area covered with an appropriate depth of play bark material, with no obstruct i o ns above, below or near th e product.
Wind can cause the trampoline to be lifted off the ground and become airborne. This can present a danger to individ ual s and to pr operty. Winds c a n b e especial ly stron g in ope n ar ea s , f oo thi l ls , mountains, loc a ti o ns subject to hurricanes and tornadoes, areas between homes that create wind tunnels and anywhere else where local weather conditions can create high winds. We recommend that you anchor the trampoline or otherwise secure the trampoline to prevent it from moving as a result of the wind. One possible way to anchor the trampoline is to secure t he tram polin e to a c oncret e foo ting u nder e ach leg. We rec ommen d cons ultin g a loc al lice nsed contrac tor to best determine how the anchor system should be constructed for your specific conditions. The licensed contractor can also advise you of other options such as below ground installation. Even with anchors, a trampoline can be lifted, just like anything else, by strong winds. If the winds are anticipated to be very strong, the trampoline should be disassembled and stored away safely until the weather conditions improve. Damage from the wi nd or oth er s ever e we ather is not c over ed by th e man ufac tur er’s w arr anty. Beca use t he m anu factur er warranty does not cover wind or weather related damage and damage can be caused to your property or the property of others by a windblown trampoline, it is strongly advised that you provide site specific anchoring through a licensed local contractor. Only genuine Sportspower replacement parts sold through our authorized dealer are recommended. Replacement parts from other sources may not have been designed, tested or manufactured to Sportspower standar ds . Because o f this, Sp or ts p ow er c annot g uar antee the per for m an c e an d safety of the pr o duct when non genuine replacement parts are used. The use of non-genuine Sportspower replacement parts may affect any warranty claim on the product, as allowed by the law in your jurisdiction.
Sportspower warrants its products against defects in material and workmanship. Extended warranty is also offered to those customers registering their products at within 14 days from the date of purchase. Please refer to our warranty policy at the back of this manual for details.
Thank you for purch asing a Sports pow er prod uct ! This tram poli ne was des i gned an d manufactured with
The pro duct m ust not be us ed in w indy c ondi tions a s wind c an ca use u nexpec ted mov ement of th e pro duct.
Use trampoline only with mature, knowledgeable adult supervision. Do not attempt or allow somersaults. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or
death, even when landing in the m i ddle of the mat.
Do not allow more than one person on the trampoline. Use by more than one person at the same time
increases the chance of injury.
Before you start to assemble… .................................................................................................................................... 1
Before using the product… ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Import ant War nings ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Import ant Ins tr uc tions for Enclosur e Net ti n g an d M at ................................................................................................ 6
Trampoline and Enclosure Parts List .......................................................................................................................... 8
Hardware Parts List....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Assembly and Installation Instructions .......................................................................................................................10
Trampoline Frame Assembly ..................................................................................................................................11
Trampoline Mat Assembly .......................................................................................................................................15
Frame Pad Assembly ...............................................................................................................................................19
Spinner Flash Litezone Assembly...........................................................................................................................20
Trampoline Enclosure Assembly ............................................................................................................................23
Disassembly of the Trampoline and Enclosure .........................................................................................................31
Moving the Trampoline and Enclosure ...................................................................................................................31
Care and Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................32
Proper Use Instructions ...............................................................................................................................................33
Learning the fundamental trampoline skills ............................................................................................................35
Product Warr anty .........................................................................................................................................................37
Use trampoline only with mature, knowledgeable adult supervision. Do not attempt or allow somersaults. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or
death, even when landing in the middle of the mat.
Do not allow more than one person on the trampoline. Use by more than one person at the same time
increases the chance of injury.
Carefully read and understand all of the instructions and warnings in this manual before assembling and using this product. It is the responsibility of the owner of this trampoline to ensure that all users of this product are fully informed on the proper use and the inherent risks of jumping on a trampoline. Failure to do so can result in serious injury or death.

Before you start to assemble…

Check the package and make sure you have all of the parts listed in the Parts List section of this user
manual. IF ANY PARTS ARE MISSING, plea se call the Customer Service toll -free number listed on the cover page for assist ance.
Do not install or use the product if any parts are missing or damaged. Store in a safe place until ready to
Make sure that you have plenty of space and a clean dry area suita ble f or the assembly of this trampoline.
IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE INTENDED SITE FOR THIS TRAMPOLINE IS COMPLETELY FLAT AND LEVEL. If the ground is uneven, this could cause movement in the frame and stress on the joined sections
of the frame that could damage the trampoline and/or can cause serious injury.
Three people adults are recommended to assemble this trampoline.  Heavy gloves must be use d to pr ot ec t yo ur ha nds from pinch points during assembly and goggles must be
worn to avoid injuries to the eyes.
N ever modify t he cons tr uc tion or the desi g n of the prod uct. Do no t use any unaut hor i ze d Sportspowe r par t s
with this trampoline.
This pack may contain small parts and is not suitable for children under six (6) years of age to be nearby
during assembly.
IMPORTANT: Save this manual for fut ur e re ference.

Before us i ng the pr o duct…

Use of this trampoline requires constant adult supervision. Use the trampoline only with mature and
knowledgeable ADULT supervision.
Ensure that the trampoline enclosure has been assembled correctly, as per the instructions in this manual
and that the zip and attachment system are fully attache d be f or e use .
Trampolines over 20 in. (51 cm) tall are not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age. There must be no more than one person at a time on the trampoline. Maximum weight of the user shall NOT exceed 220lbs/100kg for this product.
This produ c t is for ho us e hold and famil y domestic us e onl y – It is not for use in schools, playgrounds, rental
or commercial use.


warnings can result in serious injury or death.
Use trampoline only with mature, knowledgeable adult supervision. Do not attempt or allow somersaults. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or
death, even when landing in the middle of the mat.
Do not allow more than one person on the trampoline. Use by more than one person at the same time
increases the chance of injury.
Important Warnings
Carefully read these w arn in gs before u sin g this pr oduct. Failure to follow these
Only one user at any one time! Multiple users can cause loss of control, collision or falls on the trampoline.
This could result in serious injury to legs, arms, back, neck or head.
Do not use the trampoline when under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication, which may impair the
jumper’s judgement.
Always consult your physician before per formi ng any kind of physical acti v i ty. Do not use the trampoline if you have high blood pressure. Do not use the trampoline if you have a medical history of neck or back injuries or mental or physical
conditions that could cause injury .
Do not use if the user has any broken bones (casts) or has recently been in the hospital for extensive
treatments (operations, severe wounds, stitches, back injury or concussion).
Do not use without the consent of your physician, if pregnant. Do not use the trampoline during windy conditions or if the user or the trampoline surface is wet. These
conditions can cause the user to lose control and fall resulting in serious injury.
Damage fr om t h e w ind or ot her s evere weather is not cover e d by the ma nufacturer ’ s warran ty. Because th e
manufac tur er w ar r a nt y d oes no t cover wind or w e ather related dama ge an d d am ag e c a n be cause d to y o ur property or the property of others by a windblown trampoline, it is strongly advised that you provide site specific anchori ng thr o ugh a license d l ocal c on tr actor.
safety instructions can result in serious injury or death.
Use trampoline only with mature, knowledgeable adult supervision.
Do not attempt or allow somersaults. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or
death, even when landing in the middle of the mat.
Do not allow more than one person on the trampoline. Use by more than one person at the same time
increases the chance of injury.
Carefully read these w arn in gs before u sin g this pr oduct. Failu re to f oll ow these
Proper Play Conditions:
Always use the product in a well-lit area. Do not use without lighting during dawn, dusk or in complete
The trampoline must be placed on a surface that is COMPLETELY FLAT AND LEVEL. If the ground is
uneven, this c ould cause movem e nt in the fr am e and coul d cause stress on th e j oined s ect i o ns of the frame that could damage the trampoline and/or can cause serious injury.
DO NOT install or position this trampoline on a hard surface such as concrete, tarmac or paving. Suitable
surfaces ar e gr ass , sa nd or a pl ay ar ea covered wi th an appropri ate depth of play bar k materi al .
Maintain clear space on all sides of the product. Make sure that there are no hazardous objects above,
below or near the trampoline. Such objects include walls, fences, tree limbs/ trunks, electrical power wiring, rocks, sprinkler heads or other recreational objects (i.e. swing sets, swimming pools). Children can be seriously injured by colliding with such obstacles.
Adequate overhead clearance is essential. A minimum of 24 ft (7.3 meters) from ground level is
recommended. Provide clearance for wires, tree limbs, and other possible hazards.
Do not use the trampoline indoors, as this product is intended for outdoor home use only. The pr o duc t m us t n ot b e us e d i n w i ndy conditions as w i n d c a n cause unexpect ed movem ent o f th e product .
Wind can cause the trampoline to be lifted off the ground and become airborne. This can present a danger to individuals and to property. Winds can be especially strong in open areas, foothills, mountains, locations subject to hurricanes and tornadoes, areas between homes that create wind tunnels and anywhere else where local weather conditions can create high winds. We recommend that you anchor the trampoline or otherwise secure the trampoline to prevent it from moving as a result of the wind. One possible way to anchor the trampoline is to secure the trampoline to a concrete footing under each leg. We recommend consulting a local licensed contractor to best determine how the anchor system should be constructed for your spec ific co ndi tions. The lice nse d contrac t or can also advis e y ou of other optio ns such as below gr ou nd installation. Even with anchors, a trampoline can be lifted, just like anything else, by strong wind s. If the winds ar e antici p ated to be very str ong, the tram po l ine should be disassembl ed a nd stored away s a fe l y u nti l the weather conditions improve. Damage from the wind or other severe weather is not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
safety instructions can result in serious injury or death.
Use trampoline only with mature, knowledgeable adult supervision. Do not attempt or allow somersaults. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or
death, even when landing in the middle of the mat.
Do not allow more than one person on the trampoline. Use by more than one person at the same time
increases the chance of injury.
Carefully read these w arn in gs before u sin g this pr oduct. Failu re to f oll ow these
Appropriate Use Conditions:
Children must always be supervised while they are playing on the trampoline and must be instructed not to
use the trampoline in an inappropriate or hazardous manner. Take precautions to prevent access to the trampoline by children when there is no adult supervision.
Restrict access to the trampoline by any unauthorized users without your consent. Trampolines are rebounding devices, which propel the user to unaccustomed heights, and into a variety of
body movements. Rebounding off of the trampoline, striking the frame or springs, or improperly landing on the trampoline mat may cause serious injury.
Always s tar t and m aintain your jum p at the center of the tramp oli ne mat in ord er t o reduc e the ris k of l an di ng
on the fram e or spri n gs or fall i n g o ff th e tr am pol ine.
Avoid bouncing too high. Stay low until you can control your bounce and land consistently in the middle of
the trampoline mat.
Ensure th e t r ampoline frame an d spr ings are fully cov er e d by the frame pad to avoi d a ny di r ec t contac t w i th
metal parts.
Do not stand or jump on the springs while using the trampoline. The springs are not designed to support
such stress and weight. This can result in serious injuries and/or product damage. If you see any signs of stretche d or dam a ge d springs , d o n ot use the trampoline until r eplacem e nt springs ar e properl y installe d. Please contact our customer service representatives to order original Sportspower replacement parts.
The trampoline is several feet off the ground. Jumping off the trampoline to the ground or any ot her s urface
may result in injury. Smaller children may need assistance getting up onto or down from the trampoline. Mounting and dismounting properly should be followed as a strict rule. Users should climb onto the trampoli ne by pla cing th eir hands on th e fram e and steppi ng or rolli ng up onto the fr ame , acros s the spr ings and onto the mat. Do not step directly on the frame pad or grasp the frame pad when mounting or dismounting the trampoline. To dismount, jumpers should walk to the side of the mat, bend over and place their hands on the frame, then step from the mat to the ground. Users should always place their hands on the frame while mounting or dismounting.
Do NOT use the trampoline as a springboard to jump onto other objects.
Remove all objects not designed for use with the trampoline f rom the trampoline before use. Do not let
childre n t ake toy s or other it em s o nt o t he tr am p ol i ne.
safety instructions can result in serious injury or death.
Use trampoline only with mature, knowledgeable adult supervision. Do not attempt or allow somersaults. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or
death, even when landing in the middle of the mat.
Do not allow more than one person on the trampoline. Use by more than one person at the same time
increases the chance of injury.
Carefully read these w arn in gs before u sin g this pr oduct. Failu re to f oll ow these
Do not j um p or st ep on to the frame pad as it was not designed to support the weight of a person. Do not use the trampoline while holding or wearing any type of sharp or pointed objects such as jewelry,
watches, rings, eyewear and necklaces before using this product. This will prevent the jewelry from tearing the mat or getting caught in the enclosure netting.
Do not wear loose fitting clothing that may catch or snag during play. Never wear footwear (e.g. shoes) when using the trampoline. Always tie back long hair so that it does not block user’s vision or get caught in the enclosure netting. FRAME PAD S – Frame pads ar e there to pr otect user from any fall or landi ng on the spri ngs and fra me. On
no account should people be permitted to sit or stand on them when the trampoline is in use. You should also mak e sure that s maller users do not use t h e i nsi de edges o f th e p ads as a “ ha ndle” whe n g etting up on to the trampoline.
Never use the trampoline without the frame pad being securely attached. Properly tie down the frame pad
before each use. Improper assembly of the frame pad may lead to injury!
Always check to ensure there ar e no obstructi ons or objects under the tram poline that could cause injury or
obstruct movem ent of j ump mat . Also c heck th at th ere are no pets or ot her people under neat h the tr ampol ine.
Do not jum p on t he tramp oli ne w i t h a snow bo ar d, skatebo ar d , r ol l er bl a de s , bi cy cle or any o ther equipment.
DO NOT hold any foreign objects not authorized by the manufacturer in your hand and DO NOT place any objects on the trampoline while anyone is jumping on it. Please be aware of your surroundings to ensure there are no objects that could cause harm when you are playing on the tram poline.
The frame of your trampoline is made of steel and it will conduct electricity. No electrical equipment (lights,
heaters, ex tension cords, hous eh ol d appliances, etc.) should be permitted in or on the enclosure under any circumstances to avoid the risk of electrocution.
Enclosure Netting and Mat – Appropriate Use Conditions
Children MUST NEVER be left unattended inside the enclosure at any time. The enclosure is ONLY intended to be used to reduce the risk of injury from falling off the trampoline. Do
not intentionally kic k, bounce agai nst, climb on , hang from, jum p ov er or craw l un der the net ting.
Enter and exit the enclosure only through the zipper door. Do not go through the gap between the netting
and the mat. Trying to exit this way poses a risk of strangulation, especially for young children.
The enclosure netting and mat must be inspected prior to each use. If there are any signs of weakness,
you must stop using the trampoline immediately, properly store the trampoline and restrict access by users until a new Sportspow er aut horized replacement netting or pad is installed. Please refer to the Trampoline Net & Pad – Maintenance Requirements section contained in this manual for further details.


Failure to follow these instructions to ensure proper operational condition of your trampoline may lead to serious injury or death.
Important Instructions for Enclosure Netting and Mat
1. Maintenance of Trampoline Enclosure Net, Mat and Pad
Enclosure nets and padding are prone to wear and tear like tires on a car. Gradual deterioration of the material w ill occur; the sp eed of which will depend o n the lev e l of ex posure to UV rays, ai rborne pollution and outdoor weather conditions such as rain and wind.
The net and padding needs to be properly maintained and checked by following the Maintenance Schedule set out in these instructions. When the material shows any signs of weakness, you must stop using the trampoline immediately, properly store the trampoline and restrict access by users until a new replacement net or padding is properly installed.
Official Spo rtspow er rep lac ement nets and padding can b e purc has ed b y contacting our author ized customer service by toll free number or email which can be found on the website
2. Maintenance Requirement for Enclosure Net
Your trampoline enclosure netting is manufactured with UV resistant material. Despite this the netting is exposed to the outdoor elements including sunlight, wind, rain and wildlife. The net surrounding the trampoline must be checked prior to each use. This includes, but is not limited to inspecting the net for cracks, excess wear, brittleness, and stretching. A lso inspect all connections and the entire enclosure for overall integrity. The net must be immediately replaced if it shows any signs of wear, damage, stretching, cracking, looseness, brittleness or ot her losses in integrity. The following Maintenance Schedule must be followed:
1 to 3 Months 3 to 6 Months 6 to 12 Months
Inspect the enclosure (net, net hanger , and straps) pr ior to every use.
Thorough inspection for UV damage and prior to every use for net, net hanger and straps.
Thorough inspection before every use on net, net hanger, straps, zippers, ties and strings. Replace after 12 months or earlier if necessary.
How to Inspect the Trampoline Net for Proper Use
Always check the enclosure netting for signs of UV damage, deterioration, brittleness, cracking, and tearing every time before using the trampoline and enclosure.
Step1 - Inspect the enclosure netting before EACH use for wear or tear by pinching and pulling a section of the netting between fingers and pulling downward. Please see diagram below.
If it produces any tear or cracking or ripping sound, then the net is unsafe and MUST be taken down immediately. STOP USING THE TRAMPOLINE ENCLOSURE IF YOU FIND ANY SIGNS OF WEAR OR TEARING ON THE NETTING.
Step 2 - Walk around the whole perimeter of the trampoline to visually check for material deterioration or other damage.
3. Maintenan ce Requirem ent for Trampoline Pad
Walk around the whole perimeter of the trampoline to visually check for material deterioration, tears, looseness, loss of elasticity or other damage in the pad.
It is recommended that you replace the trampoline enclosure net and pad every 12 months. Replace the enclosure net and pad earlier if there are any signs of wear, tear, brittleness, cracking, stretching or any other signs of weakness. New enclosure netting and pad can be purchased through SPORTSPOWER’S authorized service center (toll-free numbers and email address can be found on our

Trampoline and Enclosure Parts List

Key Number Part Pic ture Description Quantity
Trampoline Mat, stitched with
Frame Pad 1
Top Rail wit h Le g Soc k et s 6
Top Rail 6
Leg Base 6
Vertical Leg Extensions with two
(2) holes
Vertical Leg Extensions with
three (3) holes
Spring 72
Trampoline Safety Instruction
Key Number Part Pic ture Description Quantity
Spring Loading Tool 1
New Upper Frame Tube with
Lower Frame Tube with Foam 6
Enclosure Netting 1

Hardware Parts List

Key Number Part Picture Description Quantity
D Wrench 1
E Gap Spacer 12
F Bolt 12
G Large Spring Lock Washer 12
H Cap Nut 12
J Arc Washer 12
K Allen Wrench 1
L Cord 7
O End Cap 6
10 Small Spring Lock Washer 6
11 Tube Cap 6
Self-Locking Screw
Flash LiteZone
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