SportsArt – 8100 Elliptical Trainer – Incline Calibration Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction, Mechanical Calibration - 1
Mechanical Calibration (Cont.) – 2
Electronic Calibration, Reassembly – 3
Test Incline Operation - 4
SportsArt - 8100 Elliptical Trainer - Incline Calibration Guide
n incline motor, like those in treadmills, makes the 8100 ramp up and down. Incline calibration is required when
the incline gets stuck and won’t operate. If the incline set operat es but clicks, replace a gear in the incline motor
box or replace the whole incline set.
Incline Calibration Instructions
Calibration of an 8100 incline set is just like the calibration of a treadmill incline set. There are two parts -- one
mechanical and one electronic.
Mechanical Calibration
In mechanical calibration, we set the incline motor to the mechanical 0% position.
1. Take off covers by removing screws as shown in Fig. 1 below.
Fig. 1