SPI Supplies plasma prep III Operation Manual

SPI Supplies

Plasma Prep III Plasma Cl eaner

Operation Manual

Version 1.0 9/11

SPI # 11055-AB 11055-AX

Structure Probe, Inc. / SPI Supplies
206 Garfield Ave.
West Chester, PA 19380
Toll-free from USA/Canada: 1-(800)-2424-SPI
Phone: 1-(610)-436-5400
FAX: 1-(610)-436-5755
Structure Probe, Inc. / SPI Supplies Street address for UPS, FedEx, DHL, other couriers, trucks 206 Garfield A ve. West Chester, PA 19380
Mailing address P.O. Box 656 West Chester, PA 19381-0656 USA
Toll-free from USA/Canada: 1-(800)-2424-SPI Phone: 1-(610)-436-5400 FAX: 1-(610)-436-5755 E-mail: spi3spi@2spi.com
For further information regarding any of the other products designed and manufactured by SPI Supplies, contact your local representative or directly to SPI Supplies at the address above, or visit www.2spi.com
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The SPI Supplies un it you have purchas ed is guaranteed to be free of def ects in workmans hip on the day of shipment. This warranty covers parts and labor for a period of one year, excluding shipping charges or consumables. Breakage of glassware is specifically excluded from this warranty.
Proper use of your unit, according to the operation manual, should result in trouble-free operation. Any improper use of the SPI Supplies unit through modifications or unreasonable operating procedures will void this warranty.
SPI Supplies instruments are designed for simplicity of installation and operation. This manual provides full and complete inform ation in both these areas. SPI Su pplies therefore ass umes no liability or respons ibility of any kind for damage or injury resulting from incorrect installation or operation of the machine.
If any questions arise, call SPI Supplies from the USA/Canada 1-800-2424-SPI or 1-610-436-5400 for assistance. For all other cou ntries , cont act our near est agent or S PI Su pplies dir ectly. A listing of our agents m a y be fou nd on our website at:
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1 Contents

1.1 Manual Layout

This Operation Manual is divided up into the following major sections, each section dealing with
specific topics, as follows:
Section 1 – Contents Section 2 - Health and Safety
General section which applies to all SPI Supplies products detailing the very important issues of Health
and Safety applicable when using sample preparation equipment.
Section 3 - Introduction
Introduces this manual.
Section 4 - General Description
Identifies each of the equipment items and provides an overview of their functions and how they work.
Section 5 - Installation
Instructions on how this Instrument should be installed and the connections which should be made
between the equipment items.

Section 6 - Operation

Instructions on how to start-up and run the instrument.

Section 7 - Maintenance

Instructions on routine maintenance checks and determining if the system is functioning correctly.
Information on how to identify faults in the system and how to rectify these faults.
Section 8 – Spare parts and consumables Section 9 – Technical Diagrams
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1.2 Section Contents

Section1 – Contents ................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Manual Layout ................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Section Contents ............................................................................................. 5
1.3 Illustrations ...................................................................................................... 6
Section 2 – Health and Safety ................................................................................... 7
2.1 Safety Polic y .................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Servicing .......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Disclaimer ..................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Operators and Service Engineers ................................................................ 7
2.3 Hazard Signals and Signs ............................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Hazard Signal Words – Definition ................................................................ 8
2.4 Good Working Practices .................................................................................. 9
2.5 Plasma Prep III Plasma Cleaner Specific Potential Safety Hazards ............... 9
Section 3 – Introduction ........................................................................................... 11
3.1 Return of Goods ............................................................................................ 11
3.2 Returns Procedure ........................................................................................ 11
Section 4 – Description ............................................................................................ 12
4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Typical Plasma Process ................................................................................ 12
4.3 Technical Specifications ................................................................................ 13
4.4 Equipment Controls and Indicators ............................................................... 14
4.4.1 Front Panel ................................................................................................. 14
4.4.2 Rear Panel ................................................................................................. 15
4.5 Equipment Description .................................................................................. 16
4.5.1 RF Generator ............................................................................................. 16
4.5.2 Vacuum System ......................................................................................... 16
4.5.3 Gas Supply System .................................................................................... 16
4.5.4 Reaction Chamber ..................................................................................... 16
Section 5 – Installation ............................................................................................. 17
5.1 Site Requirements ......................................................................................... 17
5.2 Assembly ....................................................................................................... 17
5.2.1 Installing the Outer Chamber ..................................................................... 17
5.2.2 Engaging the TEM Specimen Stage Adapter............................................. 18
5.2.2 Vacuum Pump Installation .......................................................................... 18
5.2.3 Connecting the Process Gas ..................................................................... 19
Section 6 – Operation ............................................................................................... 20
6.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 20
6.1.1 Initial Pump Down and Operation .............................................................. 20
6.1.2 Loading Samples ........................................................................................ 21
6.1.3 Shut Down Procedure ................................................................................ 21
6.2 Connecting the Plasma Prep III Process Controller ...................................... 22
Section 7 – Maintenance .......................................................................................... 23
7.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 23
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7.2 O-ring Maintenance ....................................................................................... 23
7.3 Cleaning......................................................................................................... 23
7.4 V acuum System Adjustments ........................................................................ 24
7.5 Replacement Parts ........................................................................................ 24
Section 8 – Replacement Parts ............................................................................... 25
Section 9 – Technical Diagrams .............................................................................. 26

1.3 Illustrations

Figure 2.1 – Hazard Warning Symbols ........................................................................ 8
Figure 2.2 – Typical Warning Symbols ......................................................................... 8
Figure 4.4.1 – Front Panel .......................................................................................... 14
Figure 4.4.2 – Rear Panel .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 5.2.1 – Chamber Cross-section ...................................................................... 18
Table 8.1 – Replacement Parts .................................................................................. 25
Figure 9.1 – Logic Flow Chart .................................................................................... 26
Figure 9.2 – Plasma Prep III Plasma Cleaner Chassis Wiring Diagram .................... 27
Figure 9.3 – Plasma Prep III Plasma Cleaner Control Panel Schematic ................... 28
Figure 9.4 – Plasma Prep III Plasma Cleaner RF Control Board Schematic ............. 29
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Safety is very important when using any instrumentation and all users of our equipment should read this section.
This section of the Manual applies to all specimen preparation equipment supplied by SPI Supplies, not just the particular instrument for which the manual refers.
Included in this section are details on warning notations and good working practices.

2.1 Safety Policy

This section contains important information relating to all he alt h an d safety aspects of the equ ipment. As such it should be read, and understood, by all personnel using the instrument whether as an operator or in a service capacity.
SPI Supplies is com mitted to providin g a safe wor king environm ent for its em ployees and thos e that use its equipment.
SPI Supplies regularly reviews its operations to make environmental, health and safety improvements in line with applicable legislation.
The equipment has been designed as a free-standing instrument. SPI Supplies cannot be held responsible for any damage, injury or consequential loss arising from the use of its equipment for any other purposes, or any unauthorized modifications made to the equipment.
All service work carried out on the equipment should only be undertaken by suitably qualified personnel. SPI Supplies is not liable for any damage, injury or c onsequential loss resulting from servicing by unqualified personne l. SPI Supplies will also no t be liable for damage, i njury or consequential loss resulting from incorrect operation of the instrument or customer modification of the instrument.

2.2 Servicing

2.2.1 Disclaimer

All service work on the equipment should be carried out by qualified personnel. SPI Supplies cannot be liable for damage, injury or consequential loss resulting from servicing from unqualified personnel.
SPI Supplies will also not be liable for damage, injury or consequential loss resulting from incorrect operation of the instrument or modification of the instrument.

2.2.2 Operator s and S ervice E ngineers

A normal operator of the equipment not tra in ed i n or qu alif ie d f or ser vice work on the equipment and may cause a hazard to himself/herself or others if such work is attempted. Operators should therefore restrict themselves to the normal operation of the equipment and not remove covers from the electronic equipment or dismantling of the instruments, or otherwise attempt to thwart the intent of the safety interlock system.
Service Engineers who ar e s uitab ly trained to assess and iso lat e e lec tr ica l, mechanical and vac uum hazards should be the only personnel who ac ces s the equipment.
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Do NOT depress button “P” as this will change the program.

2.3 Hazard Signals and Signs

2.3.1 Hazard Signa l Words - Definitions

Warnings are given where failure to obser ve the i ns tr u ction c oul d res u lt i n inj ur y o r deat h to people.
Cautions are given where failure to observe the instructions could result in damage to the equipment associated equipment and process.
Figure 2.1 - Hazard Warning Symbols
Figure 2.2 - Typical Warning sign as shown in this Manual
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2.4 Good Working Practices

as skin oil may cause trouble to the ultimate pressure.
It is essential that good hygienic working practices are adopted at all times especially in an ultra high vacuum or cleanroom environment and are generally of the “Common sense” type. Some simple good practice rules are:
If in doubt don't.  If in doubt ask.  When handling solvents wear f ace mask , gloves, apro n and work only in a well ventilat ed
Mop up any spillages immediately, using procedures appropriate for the spilled material.  When handling or decanting mineral oils wear protective clothing.  Aerosols of mineral oils, such as that produced by gas ballasting, can prove to be hazardous
and an exhaust is recommended.
Before attempting to service electrical apparatus, isolate from the mains.  Treat all unknown substances as hazardous.  Dispose of substances in an appropriate manner.  Use the correct tool for the job.  Keep a straight back and bend from the knees when lifting heavy objects.  Wear protective clothing when using liquid nitrogen.  Affix pressurised gas cylinders firmly to walls or racks. Use the correct regulating valves on
gas cylinders and always transport cylinders using the appropriate specialist trolley.
Obey safety regulations regarding lifts, hoists and machine tools.  Always make sure you understand a procedure well before attempting it for the first time.

2.5 Plasma Prep III Plasma Cleaner Specific Potential Safety Hazards

The following Safety Hazards are specific to the SPI Supplies Plasma Prep III Plasma Cleaner
Be sure to keep all vacuu m parts, especially any O-rings or seals cle an and free from excessive moisture, chips, dust etc. All such parts should be replaced if suspected of damage.
Do not handle any parts to be placed in the glass chamber with your bare hands. Contamination such
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