Spirit E-210-310, SP-210-310 User Manual

LP Gas Grill Owner’s Guide
LP Gas Grill Owner’s Guide
E -210/310 SP -210/310
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open fl ames.
3. Open lid.
4. If odor continues, keep away from the appliance and immediately call your gas supplier or your fi re department.
Leaking gas may cause a fi re or explosion which can cause serious bodily injury or death, or damage to property.
1. Do not store or use gasoline or other fl ammable liquids or vapors in the vicinity of this or any other appliance .
2. An LP cylinder not connected for use shall not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
WARNING: Follow all leak-check
procedures carefully in this manual prior to barbecue operation. Do this even if the barbecue was dealer-assembled.
NOTICE TO INSTALLER: These instructions must be left with the owner and the owner should keep them for future use.
WARNING: Do not try to light this appliance without reading the “Lighting Instructions” section of this manual.
89525 07/14/06 LP
Failure to follow the Dangers, Warnings and Cautions contained in this Owner’s Manual may result in serious bodily injury or
death, or in a fi re or an explosion causing damage to property.
Do not store a spare or disconnected liquid propane cylinder under or near this barbecue. Improper assembly may be dangerous. Please carefully follow the assembly instructions in this manual. After a period of storage, and/or nonuse, the Weber® gas barbecue should be checked for gas leaks and burner obstructions
before use. See instructions in this manual for correct procedures.
Do not operate the Weber® gas barbecue if there is a gas leak present.  Do not use a fl ame to check for gas leaks. Combustible materials should never be within 24 inches of the back or sides of your Weber® gas barbecue.  Do not put a barbecue cover or anything fl ammable on, or in the storage area under the barbecue. Your Weber® gas barbecue should never be used by children. Accessible parts of the barbecue may be very hot. Keep young
children away while it is in use.
You should exercise reasonable care when operating your Weber® gas barbecue. It will be hot during cooking or cleaning and
should never be left unattended, or moved while in operation.
Should the burners go out while in operation, turn all gas valves off. Open the lid and wait fi ve minutes before attempting to
relight, using the lighting instructions.
Do not use charcoal or lava rock in your Weber® gas barbecue.  Never lean over open grill or place hands or fi ngers on the front edge of the cooking box. Should a grease fi re occur, turn off all burners and leave lid closed until fi re is out. Do not enlarge valve orifi ces or burner ports when cleaning the valves or burners. The Weber® gas barbecue should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis.  Liquid propane gas is not natural gas. The conversion or attempted use of natural gas in a liquid propane unit or liquid
propane gas in a natural gas unit is dangerous and will void your warranty.
Do not attempt to disconnect any gas fi tting while your barbecue is in operation. Use heat-resistant barbecue mitts or gloves when operating barbecue. Keep any electrical supply cord and the fuel supply hose away from any heated surfaces. Combustion byproducts produced when using this product contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Do not use this barbecue unless all parts are in place. The unit must be properly assembled according to the instructions
outlined in the “Assembly Instructions”.
Use the regulator that is supplied with your Weber® gas barbecue.  Do not attempt to disconnect the gas regulator or any gas fi tting while your barbecue is in operation. A dented or rusty liquid propane cylinder may be hazardous and should be checked by your liquid propane supplier. Do not
use a liquid propane cylinder with a damaged valve.
Although your liquid propane cylinder may appear to be empty, gas may still be present, and the cylinder should be
transported and stored accordingly.
If you see, smell or hear the hiss of escaping gas from the liquid propane cylinder:
1. Move away from liquid propane cylinder.
2. Do not attempt to correct the problem yourself.
3. Call your fi re department.
Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Weber) hereby warrants to the ORIGINAL PURCHASER of this Weber® gas grill that it will be free of defects in material and workmanship from the date of purchase as follows:
Aluminum Castings, 25 years Casting Paint, 2 years no burn-off Porcelain Lid Section, 10 years Stainless Steel Lid Section, 25 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Burners Tubes, 10 years no rust through Porcelain Enameled Cast Iron Cooking Grates, 5 years no rust through or burn through Porcelain Enameled Flavorizer® Bars, 3 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Cooking Grates, 7 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Flavorizer® Bars, 7 years no rust through or burn through All Remaining Parts, 2 years
when assembled and operated in accordance with the printed instructions accompanying it. Weber may require reasonable proof of your date of purchase. THEREFORE, YOU SHOULD RETAIN YOUR SALES SLIP OR INVOICE. This Limited Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of parts that prove defective under normal use and service and which on examination shall indicate, to Weber’s satisfaction, they are defective. Before returning any parts, contact the Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact information on our website. If Weber confi rms the defect and approves the claim, Weber will elect to replace such parts without charge. If you are required to return defective parts, transportation charges must be prepaid. Weber will return parts to the purchaser, freight or postage prepaid. This Limited Warranty does not cover any failures or operating diffi culties due to accident, abuse, misuse, alteration, misapplication, vandalism, improper installation or improper maintenance or service, or failure to perform normal and routine maintenance, including but not limited to damage
Weber-Stephen Products Co., (Weber) mediante el presente documento le garantiza al COMPRADOR ORIGINAL de esta barbacoa o asador de gas Weber® que la misma estará libre defectos en cuanto a materiales y a mano de obra a partir de la fecha de compra según lo siguiente:
Aluminum Castings, 25 years Casting Paint, 2 years no burn-off Porcelain Lid Section, 10 years Stainless Steel Lid Section, 25 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Burners Tubes, 10 years no rust through Porcelain Enameled Cast Iron Cooking Grates, 5 years no rust through or burn through Porcelain Enameled Flavorizer® Bars, 3 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Cooking Grates, 7 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Flavorizer® Bars, 7 years no rust through or burn through All Remaining Parts, 2 years
cuando se ensambla y opera de acuerdo a las instrucciones impresas que lo acompañan. Weber pudiese requerir prueba razonable de la fecha de compra. POR LO TANTO, DEBERÁ GUARDAR SU RECIBO O FACTURA DE VENTA. Esta garantía limitada está limitada a la reparación o reemplazo de piezas que se resultasen defectuosas bajo uso y servicio normal y las cuales al examinarse indiquen, a la plena satisfacción de Weber, de que efectivamente son defectuosas. Antes de devolver cualquier parte, contacte al Representante de Atención al Cliente en su área, cuya información de contacto la encontrará en nuestro sitio web. Si Weber confi rma el defecto y aprueba el reclamo, ésta elegirá reparar o reemplazar tal pieza sin cargo alguno. Si usted tiene que retornarnos las partes defectuosas, los gastos de transporte deben ser prepagados. Weber retornará las partes al comprador con transporte o franqueo prepagado. Esta Garantía Limitada no cubre ninguna falla o problema de operación a causa de accidentes, abuso, mal uso, alteración, uso en aplicaciones indebidas, vandalismo, instalación inapropiada o mantenimiento o servicio inapropiados, o por no llevar a cabo el mantenimiento normal y rutinario, entre los que se incluyen, pero sin limitación, los daños causados por insectos dentro de los tubos
caused by insects within the burner tubes, as set out in this owner’s manual. Deterioration or damage due to severe weather conditions such as hail, hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes, discoloration due to exposure to chemicals either directly or in the atmosphere, is not covered by this Limited Warranty.
There are no other express warrants except as set forth herein and any applicable implied warranties of merchantability and fi tness are limited in duration to the period of coverage of this express written Limited Warranty. Some regions do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so this limitation may not apply to you. Weber is not liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages. Some regions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Weber does not authorize any person or company to assume for it any other obligation or liability in connection with the sale, installation, use, removal, return, or replacement of its equipment; and no such representations are binding on Weber. This Warranty applies only to products sold at retail.
WEBER-STEPHEN PRODUCTS CO. Customer Service Center 1890 Roselle Road, Suite 308 Schaumburg, IL 60195 USA
For replacement parts call: 1-800-446-1071
quemadores, según se detalla en este manual del propietario. Esta Garantía Limitada no cubre el deterioro o daños a causa de condiciones de tiempo inclementes tales como granizo, huracanes, terremotos o tornados ni tampoco la decoloración por exposición a sustancias químicas bien sea por contacto directo o por las mismas contenidas en la atmósfera.
No existe ninguna otra garantía expresa que no sean las las acá indicadas y cualesquier garantías implícitas de comerciabilidad y aptitud de uso están limitadas en duración al tiempo de cobertura de esta expresa Garantía Limitada por escrito. Algunas regiones no permiten limitación alguna en el tiempo que una garantía implícita pueda durar, por lo que esta limitación pudiera no aplicarle a usted. Weber no se hace responsable de cualesquier daños especiales, indirectos o emergentes. Algunas regiones no permiten la exclusión o limitación de daños incidentales o emergentes, por lo que esta limitación o exclusión pudieran no aplicarle a usted. Weber no autoriza a persona o empresa alguna a asumir en su nombre ninguna obligación o responsabilidad en relación con la venta, instalación, uso, retiro, devolución o reemplazo de sus equipos, y ninguna tal representación será vinculante para Weber. Esta Garantía aplica solo a aquellos productos vendidos al por menor.
WEBER-STEPHEN PRODUCTS CO. Customer Service Center 1890 Roselle Road, Suite 308 Schaumburg, IL 60195 USA
Para partes de repuesto llame a: 1-800-446-1071
Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Weber) garantit par la présente à L”ACHETEUR D”ORIGINE que ce gril à gaz Weber® sera sans défaut de matériau ou de fabrication à partir de la date d’achat selon les modalités suivantes :
Aluminum Castings, 25 years Casting Paint, 2 years no burn-off Porcelain Lid Section, 10 years Stainless Steel Lid Section, 25 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Burners Tubes, 10 years no rust through Porcelain Enameled Cast Iron Cooking Grates, 5 years no rust through or burn through Porcelain Enameled Flavorizer® Bars, 3 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Cooking Grates, 7 years no rust through or burn through Stainless Steel Flavorizer All Remaining Parts, 2 years
quand l’appareil est assemblé et utilisé en suivant les instructions imprimées qui l’accompagnent.
Weber peut demander une preuve raisonnable de la date d’achat. PAR CONSÉQUENT, IL FAUT GARDER LE REÇU OU LA FACTURE. Cette garantie limitée ne couvre que la réparation ou le remplacement des pièces qui s’avèrent défectueuses en condition normales d’utilisation et de service et qui présentent un défaut selon Weber. Avant de renvoyer des pièces, veuillez contacter le Représentant du service à la clientèle de votre région à l’aide des coordonnées disponibles sur notre site Internet. Si Weber confi rme le défaut et approuve la réclamation, Weber choisira de remplacer ces pièces gratuitement. S’il vous faut renvoyer des pièces défectueuses, les frais d’expédition doivent être payés d’avance. Weber renverra les pièces à l’acheteur en port payé.
Cette garantie limitée ne couvre pas les défauts ou diffi cultés de fonctionnement causés par un accident, par un usage abusif, par un mauvais usage, une modifi cation, une utilisation, installation
Bars, 7 years no rust through or burn through
ou maintenance ou un entretien non conforme, par vandalisme ou par le manque de maintenance normale et routinière, y compris mais non limitée aux dégâts provoqués par des insectes dans les tubes des brûleurs, comme indiqué dans le manuel du propriétaire. Les détériorations ou dommages causés par des intempéries telles que grêle, ouragan, tremblement de terre, tornades et les décolorations causées par des produits chimiques soit en contact direct soit dans l’atmosphère ne sont pas couverts par cette garantie.
Il n’existe aucune garantie expresse hormis celles indiquées ici et toute garantie implicite de qualité marchande et d’adaptation à l’usage est limitée dans le temps à la durée de la couverture de cette garantie expresse limitée. Certaines provinces ne permettant pas de restriction sur la durée d’une garantie implicite, il est possible que cette restriction ne s’applique pas dans votre cas. Weber n’est pas responsable pour les dommages particuliers, indirects ou consécutifs. Certaines provinces interdisent l’exclusion ou la limitation des dommages fortuits ou consécutifs, par conséquent cette limitation ou cette exclusion peuvent ne pas s’appliquer à votre situation. Weber n’autorise aucune personne ou compagnie à prendre en charge pour Weber toute autre obligation ou responsabilité en rapport avec la vente, l’installation, l’utilisation, l’enlèvement, le renvoi ou le remplacement de son matériel et la responsabilité de Weber ne sera en aucune façon engagée par une représentation de ce genre. Cette garantie ne s’applique qu’aux produits vendus au détail.
WEBER-STEPHEN PRODUCTS CO. Service à la clientèle
1890 Roselle Road, Suite 308 Schaumburg, IL 60195 États-Unis
Pour les pièces de rechange, appelez : 1-800-446-1071 www.weber.com
10 11
E/SP -210, E-310
3XX1001 - Spirit® Gas Grill LP 071406
41 42 43 44
14 15
17 18
25 26
27 28
29 30
31 32 33
49 50 51
52 53
54 55
62 63 64
65 66
1. Hinge Pin
Pasador de bisagra Axe d’articulation
2. Left Endcap
Capacete izquierdo Capuchon d’extrémité gauche
3. Shroud
Cubierta Protection
4. Handle
Asa Poignée
5. Warm-Up™ Basket
Canasta Warm-Up Panier Warm-Up
6. Warming Rack
Parrilla para calentar Grille de réchauffage
7. Cooking Grates
Parrilla para asar Grilles de cuisson
8. Flavorizer® Bars
Barras Flavorizer Barres Flavorizer
9. Cooking Box
Cámara para asar Cuve
10. 1/4-20 Keps Nut
Tuerca de enclavamiento (Tuerca
de enclavamiento de 1/4” x 20)
Écrou Keps (1/4 x 20)
11. Slide-Out Bottom Tray
Bandeja del fondo Plateau inférieur amovible
12. Work Surface
Superfi cie de trabajo Plan de travail
13. Catch Pan Holder
Soporte de la bandeja para recoger el exceso de grasa Support de lèchefrite
14. Left Rear Trim Assembly Arm
Brazo de la estructura de ajuste
trasera izquierda
Bras de la garniture arrière gauche
15. 1/4 - 14 x 5/8 inch Bolt
Pernos de 5/8” (Pernos de 1/4” x 14 x 5/8”) Boulons de 5/8 po (1/4 x 14 x 5/8 po)
16. Left Trim Piece
Pieza de ajuste izquierda Garniture gauche
17. Left Front Trim Assembly Arm
Left Front Trim Assembly Arm Bras de la garniture avant gauche
18. 1/4 - 20 x 2 1/4 inch Bolt
Pernos de 2 1/4” (Pernos de 1/4” x 20 x 2 1/4”) Boulons de 2 1/4 po (1/4 x 20 x 2 1/4 po)
19. Fuel Gauge Hardware
Elementos de Medidor del gas Boulonnerie de Jauge de combustible
20. Condiment Basket
Canastilla de condimentos Panier à condiments
21. Panel Hardware
Elementos de Panel Boulonnerie de Panneau
22. Left Frame Panel
Tablero del bastidor izquierdo Panneau du cadre gauche
23. 1/4 - 20 x 1 inch Bolt
Pernos de 1/4” (Pernos de 1/4” x 20 x 1/4”) Boulons de 1/4 po (1/4 x 20 x 1/4 po)
24. Nylon Washer
Arandela de nilón Rondelle en nylon
25. Caster Frame
Bastidor para los rodillos Châssis des roulettes
26. Door Bushing
Buje de puerta Bagne de porte
27. Caster
Rodillo Roulette
28. Bottom Shelf
Estante inferior Plateau inférieur
29. Left Door
Puerta izquierda Porte gauche
30. Wheel
Ruedas Roues
31. Hubcap
Tapacubos Couvre-moyeux
32. Handle
Asa Poignée
33. Right Door
Puerta derecha Porte droite
34. Hair Pin Cotter
Pasador de horquilla Goupille bêta
35. Right Endcap
Capacete derecho Capuchon d’extrémité droite
36. Thermometer Bezel Assembly
Ensamblaje biselado para el termómetro Montage de la collerette de fi xation
du thermomètre
37. Thermometer Assembly
Termómetro Thermomètre
38. Handle Hardware
Elementos de Asa Boulonnerie de Poignée
39. Control Panel Knobs
Perilla de control Manette de réglage
40. Control Panel Knob
Perilla de control Manette de réglage
41. Control Panel
Panel de control Panneau de commande
42. Control Panel Hardware
Tornillería del panel de control
(Destornillador Phillips y arandelas Visserie du panneau de commande (vis à empreinte cruciforme et rondelles)
43. Crossover® Ignition Button
Botón del encendedor Bouton d’allumeur
44. Crossover® Tube
Tubo Crossover Tube Crossover
45. Front/Rear Burner
Quemador frontal/trasero Brûleur avant / arrière
46. Center Burner
Quemador Central Brûleur central
47. Manifold Hardware
Tornillería del distribuidor Boulonnerie de collecteur
48. Manifold, Hose and Regulator
Distribuidor, manguera y regulador Collecteur, tuyau et détendeur
49. Rear Panel
Panel trasero Panneau arrière
50. Catch Pan
Bandeja para recoger el exceso de grasa Lèchefrite
51. Disposable Drip Pan
Bandejas recogegotas Barquette jetable
52. Igniter
Encendedor Allumeur
53. Top Frame Assembly
Estructura de bastidor superior Longeron de cadre de châssis
54. Front Panel Hardware
Herrajes del tablero frontal Matériel du panneau avant
55. Fuel Gauge
Medidor del gas Jauge de combustible
56. Control Panel Hardware
Tornillería del panel de control
(Destornillador Phillips y arandelas Visserie du panneau de commande (vis à empreinte cruciforme et rondelles)
57. Right Trim Piece
Pieza de ajuste derecha Garniture droite
58. Condiment Basket
Canastilla de condimentos Panier à condiments
59. Front Panel
Quemador delantero Panneau avant
60. Right Frame Panel Hardware
Elementos de Tablero del bastidor derecho Boulonnerie de Panneau du cadre droit
61. Right Frame Panel
Tablero del bastidor derecho Panneau du cadre droit
62. Wheel Frame Bastidor para las ruedas Châssis des roues
63. Cylinder Glides
Soportes de la bombona Glissières de bouteille
64. 1/4 - 20 x 1 3/4 inch bolt
Pernos de 1 3/4” (Pernos de 1/4” x 20 x 1 3/4”) Boulons de 1 3/4 po (1/4 x 20 x 1 3/4 po)
65. Door Glides
Deslizadores de la puerta Glissières de la porte
66. Hinge Rods
Varilla articulada Tige d’articulation
67. Matchlight Holder
Sujetador de Fósforo Support d’allumage par allumette
Your Weber® gas barbecue is a portable outdoor cooking appliance. With the Weber® gas barbecue you can grill, barbecue, roast and bake with results that are diffi cult to duplicate with indoor kitchen appliances. The closed lid and Flavorizer® Bars produce that “outdoor” fl avor in the food. The Weber® gas barbecue is portable so you can easily change its location in your yard or on your patio. Portability means you can take your Weber move. Liquid Propane (LP) gas supply is easy to use and gives you more cooking control than
charcoal fuel.
• These instructions will give you the minimum requirements for assembling your
gas barbecue. Please read the instructions carefully before using your
Weber® gas barbecue. Improper assembly can be dangerous.
• Not for use by children.
• If there are local codes that apply to portable gas grills, you will have to conform to them. If there are no local codes, you must conform to the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code: ANSI Z 223.1/NFPA 54, or Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1, or Propane Storage and Handling Code, B149.2
• The pressure regulator supplied with the Weber® gas barbecue must be used. This regulator is set for 10.5 inches of water column (pressure).
• This Weber® gas barbecue is designed for use with liquid propane (LP) gas only. Do not use with natural (piped in city) gas. The valves, orifi ces, hose and regulator are for LP gas only.
• Do not use with charcoal fuel.
• Check that the area under the control panel and the bottom tray are free from debris that might obstruct the fl ow of combustion or ventilation air.
• The areas around the LP cylinder must be free and clear from debris.
• Replacement pressure regulators and hose assemblies must be those specifi ed by the outdoor cooking gas appliance manufacturer.
gas barbecue with, if you
These instructions, while generally acceptable, do not necessarily comply with the Canadian Installation codes, particularly with piping above and below ground. In Canada the installation of this appliance must comply with local codes and/or Standard
CSA-B149.2 (Propane Storage and Handling Code).
WARNING: Only use this barbecue outdoors in a well-
ventilated area. Do not use in a garage, building, breezeway or any other enclosed area.
WARNING: Your Weber® gas barbecue shall not be used
under overhead combustible construction.
The gas must be turned off at the liquid propane cylinder when the Weber® gas
barbecue is not in use.
When the Weber® gas barbecue is stored indoors, the gas supply must be
DISCONNECTED and the LP cylinder stored outdoors in a well-ventilated space.
LP cylinder must be stored outdoors in a well -ventilated area out of reach of children.
Disconnected LP cylinder must not be stored in a building, garage or any other enclosed area.
When the LP cylinder is not disconnected from the Weber
appliance and LP tank must be kept outdoors in a well-ventilated space.
The Weber® gas barbecue should be checked for gas leaks and any obstructions
in the burner tubes before using. (See Sections: “General Maintenance and Annual Maintenance.”)
Check that the areas under the control panel and the slide out bottom tray are free
from debris that might obstruct the fl ow of combustion or ventilation air.
The Spider /Insect Screens should also be checked for any obstructions. (See
Section: "Annual Maintenance.")
gas barbecue, the
WARNING: Your Weber® gas barbecue is not intended to be
installed in or on recreational vehicles and/or boats.
WARNING: Do not use the barbecue within 24 inches of
combustible materials to the back or sides of the grill.
WARNING: The entire cooking box gets hot when in use. Do
not leave unattended.
WARNING: Keep any electrical supply cord and the fuel
supply hose away from any heated surface.
WARNING: Keep the cooking area clear of fl ammable vapors
and liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, etc., and combustible materials.
WARNING: Never store an extra (spare) LP cylinder under or
near the Weber® gas barbecue.
WARNING: The LP cylinder used with your barbecue must
be with a listed OPD (Overfi lling Prevention Device) and a QCC1 or Type 1 (CGA810) cylinder connection. The cylinder connection must be compatible with the barbecue connection.
WARNING: Do not move the Weber® gas barbecue when
operating or while barbecue is hot.
You can adjust the FRONT and BACK burners as desired. The control settings: High (H), Medium (M), Low (L), or OFF (O) are described in your Weber® cookbook. The cookbook uses these notations to describe the settings of the FRONT and BACK burners. For example, to sear steaks, you would set all burners at H (High). Then to complete cooking, you would set FRONT and BACK at M (Medium). Refer to your
cookbook for detailed cooking instructions.
Note: The temperature inside your cooking box for the fi rst few uses, while surfaces are still very refl ective, may be hotter than those shown in your cookbook. Cooking conditions. Such as wind and weather, may require the adjustment of the burner
controls to obtain the correct cooking temperatures.
Preheating - Your Weber an economical low BTU rate. To preheat: after lighting, close lid and turn all burners to high (HH). Preheating to between 500° and 550° F (260° and 290° C) will take 10 to 15 minutes depending on conditions such as air temperature and wind. Drippings and grease - The Flavorizer® bars are designed to “smoke” the correct amount of drippings for fl avorful cooking. Excess drippings and grease will accumulate in the catch pan under the slide out bottom tray. Disposable foil drip pans are available
that fi t the catch pan.
gas barbecue is an energy-effi cient appliance. It operates at
WARNING: Check the bottom tray for grease build-up before
each use. Remove excess grease to avoid a grease fi re in the slide out bottom tray.
WARNING: Turn your Weber® gas barbecue OFF and wait for
it to cool before cleaning.
Outside surfaces - Use a warm soapy water solution to clean, then rinse with water.
CAUTION: Do not use oven cleaner, abrasive cleansers
(kitchen cleansers) cleaners that contain citrus products, or abrasive cleaning pads on barbecue or cart surfaces.
Flavorizer® bars and Cooking grates - Clean with a suitable brass bristle brush. As
needed, remove from grill and wash with warm soapy water, then rinse with water.
CAUTION: Do not clean your Flavorizer® bars or cooking
grates in a self-cleaning oven.
For availability of replacement cooking grates and Flavorizer® bars Contact the Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact information on our web site. Log onto www.weber.com®.
Slide out Bottom tray - Remove excess grease, then wash with warm soapy water,
then rinse. Catch pan - Disposable foil trays are available, or you can line the catch pan with
aluminum foil. To clean the catch pan, wash with warm soapy water, then rinse.
Thermometer - Wipe with warm soapy water; clean with plastic scrub ball. Inside cooking module - Brush any debris off of burner tubes. DO NOT ENLARGE
BURNER PORTS (OPENINGS). Wash inside of cooking box with warm soapy water
and a water rinse. Inside Lid - While lid is warm, wipe inside with paper towel to prevent grease build-up.
Flaking built-up grease resembles paint fl akes.
Failure to follow these DANGER statements exactly may result in a fi re causing death or serious injury.
Stainless steel surfaces - Preserve Your Stainless Steel - Your grill or its cabinet, lid, control panel and shelves may be made from stainless steel. In order to keep the stainless steel looking its best is easy. Simply clean it with soap and water, rinse with clean water and wipe dry. A non-metallic brush can be used for stubborn stains.
IMPORTANT: Do not use wire brushes or abrasive cleaners
on the stainless steel surfaces of your grill, as this will leave scratches.
IMPORTANT: Do no use cleaners that contain chlorine
bleach on the stainless steel surface of your grill.
IMPORTANT: When cleaning surfaces, be sure to rub/wipe
in the direction of the grain to preserve the look of your stainless steel.
Thermoset surfaces - Wash with a soft cloth and a soap and water solution. Do not use cleaners that contain acid, mineral spirits or xylene. Rinse well after
cleaning. Thermoset work surfaces are not to be used as cutting boards.
The proper fi lling methods for the fi lling of your cylinder are by weight or volume, as described in NFPA 58. Please make sure your fi lling station fi lls your LP cylinder by weight or volume. Ask your fi lling station to read purging and fi lling instructions on the LP cylinder before attempting to fi ll.
NEVER store a spare LP Cylinder under or near this
NEVER fi ll the tank beyond 80% full.
Your Weber
gas grill is equipped for a cylinder supply system designed for vapor withdrawal. WARNING: Only use this grill outdoors in a well-ventilated
area. Do not use in a garage, building, breezeway or any other enclosed area.
WARNING: Make sure that the LP cylinder valve is closed.
Close by turning valve clockwise.
DANGER Do not use an open fl ame to check for gas leaks. Be sure there are no sparks or open fl ames in the area while you check for leaks. Sparks or fl ames will result in a fi re or explosion which can cause serious bodily injury or death, and damage to property.
Valves are shipped in the OFF position, but you should check to be sure that they are turned off. Check by pushing down and turning clockwise. If they do not turn, they are off. Proceed to the next step. If they do turn continue turning them clockwise until they stop, then they are off. Proceed to the next step.
Some LP tanks have differing top collar assembles. (The top collar is the metal protective ring around the valve.) One series of tanks mount with the valve facing front (a). The other
tanks mount with the valve facing away from the fuel scale (b).
You will need: LP cylinder, a soap and water solution and a rag or brush to apply it.
1) Turn the LP cylinder so the opening of the valve is either to the front, side or rear of the Weber® gas barbecue. Lift and hook the cylinder onto the fuel gauge.
2) Loosen the cylinder lock wing nut. Swing the cylinder lock down. Tighten the wing nut.
To Connect the hose to the cylinder:
3) Remove the plastic dust cover from the valve.
4) Screw the regulator coupling onto the tank valve, clockwise, or to the right. Hand-tighten only.
Note: This is a new type of connection. It tightens clockwise and will not allow gas to fl ow unless the connection is tight. The connection requires tightening by hand only.
WARNING: Do not use a wrench to tighten the connection.
Using a wrench could damage the regulator coupling and could cause a leak.
5) Mix soap and water.
6) Turn on the cylinder valve.
7) Check for leaks by wetting the fi tting with the soap and water solution and watching for bubbles. If bubbles form, or if a bubble grows, there is a leak.
If there is a leak, turn off the gas and tighten the fi tting. Turn the gas back on and recheck with the soap and water solution. If leak does not stop, Contact the Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact information on our web site. Log onto www.weber.com®. Do not use the barbecue.
8) When leak checking is complete, turn gas supply off at the source and rinse connections with water.
You will need: Phillips screwdriver.
1) Remove control knobs.
2) Remove screws with a Phillips screwdriver
3) Pull up igniter button until it sticks in the up position and remove control panel from grill.
4) Replace control panel when Leak Check is completed.
DANGER Do not use an open fl ame to check for gas leaks. Be sure there are no sparks or open fl ames in the area while you check for leaks. Sparks or open fl ames will result in a fi re or explosion, which can cause serious bodily injury or death and damage to property.
WARNING: You should check for gas leaks every time you
disconnect and reconnect a gas fi tting.
Note: All factory-made connections have been thoroughly checked for gas leaks. The burners have been fl ame-tested. As a safety precaution however, you should recheck all fi ttings for leaks before using your Weber Gas Barbecue. Shipping and handling may
loosen or damage a gas fi tting.
WARNING: Perform these leak checks even if your barbecue
was dealer or store assembled.
You will need: a soap and water solution, and a rag or brush to apply it.
Note: Since some leak test solutions, including soap and water, may be slightly corrosive, all connections should be rinsed with water after checking for leaks.
Make sure side burner is off. To perform leak checks: open cylinder valve by turning the cylinder valve hand-wheel
WARNING: Do not ignite burners when leak checking.
Check for leaks by wetting the connections with the soap and water solution and watching for bubbles. If bubbles form or if a bubble grows, there is a leak.
SPIRIT E/SP­210 & 310
1) Hose-to-manifold connection.
2) Regulator-to-Cylinder connection.
WARNING: If there is a leak at connection (1), retighten the
fi tting with a wrench and recheck for leaks with soap and water solution.If a leak persists after retightening the fi tting, turn OFF the gas. DO NOT OPERATE THE GRILL. Contact the Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact
information on our web site. Log onto www.weber.com
3) Valves-to-manifold connections.
4) The hose-to-regulator connection.
WARNING: If there is a leak at connections (2), (3) or (4),
turn OFF the gas. DO NOT OPERATE THE GRILL. Contact the Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact information on our web site. Log onto www.weber.
When leak checks are complete, turn gas supply off at the source and rinse connections with water.
We recommend that you refi ll the LP cylinder before it is completely empty. Removal of the LP cylinder
1) Close cylinder valve (turn clockwise).
2) Unscrew regulator coupling by turning counterclockwise, by hand only.
3) Loosen cylinder lock wing nut and turn cylinder lock up out of the way.
4) Lift cylinder off. To refi ll, take LP cylinder to a “Gas Propane” dealer.
WARNING: We recommend that your LP cylinder be fi lled
at an authorized LP gas dealer, by a qualifi ed attendant, who fi lls the cylinder by weight. IMPROPER FILLING IS DANGEROUS.
CAUTION: Place dust cap on cylinder valve outlet whenever
the cylinder is not in use. Only install the type of dust cap on the cylinder valve outlet that is provided with the cylinder valve. Other types of caps or plugs may result in leakage of propane.
SPIRIT E/SP­210 & 310
*The grill illustrated may have slight differences than the model purchased.
Check the fuel level by viewing the color indicator level line on the side of the tank scale.
1) Empty
2) Medium
3) Full
• Liquid Propane (LP) gas is a petroleum product as are gasoline and natural gas. LP gas is a gas at regular temperatures and pressures. Under moderate pressure, inside a cylinder, LP gas is a liquid. As the pressure is released, the liquid readily vaporizes and becomes gas.
• LP gas has an odor similar to natural gas. You should be aware of this odor.
• LP gas is heavier than air. Leaking LP gas may collect in low areas and prevent dispersion.
• To fi ll, take the LP cylinder to an RV center, or look up “gas-propane” in the phone book for other sources of LP gas.
WARNING: We recommend that your LP cylinder be fi lled
at an authorized LP gas dealer, by a qualifi ed attendant, who fi lls the tank by weight. IMPROPER FILLING IS
• Air must be removed from a new LP cylinder before the initial fi lling. Your LP dealer is equipped to do this.
• The LP cylinder must be installed, transported and stored in an upright position. LP cylinders should not be dropped or handled roughly.
• Never store or transport the LP cylinder where temperatures can reach 125° F (too hot to hold by hand - for example: do not leave the LP cylinder in a car on a hot day).
Note: A refi ll will last about 20 hours of cooking time at normal use. The fuel scale will indicate the propane supply so you can refi ll before running out. You do not have to run out before you refi ll.
• Treat “empty” LP cylinders with the same care as when full. Even when the LP tank is empty of liquid there still may be gas pressure in the cylinder. Always close the
cylinder valve before disconnecting.
CAUTION: Place dust cap on cylinder valve outlet whenever
the cylinder is not in use. Only install the type of dust cap on the cylinder valve outlet that is provided with the cylinder valve. Other types of caps or plugs may result in leakage of
• Do not use a damaged LP cylinder. Dented or rusty LP cylinders or LP cylinders with a damaged valve may be hazardous and should be replaced with a new one immediately.
Liquid Propane (LP) Cylinder(s)
• The joint where the hose connects to the LP cylinder must be leak tested each time the LP cylinder is reconnected. For example, test each time the LP cylinder is refi lled.
• Be sure the regulator is mounted with the small vent hole pointed downward so that it will not collect water. This vent should be free of dirt, grease, bugs etc.
• The gas connections supplied with your Weber and tested to meet 100% CSA and ANSI requirements.
gas barbecue have been designed
WARNING: Replacement LP tanks must match the regulator
connection supplied with this barbecue.
Liquid Propane Cylinder requirements
• Check to be sure cylinders have a D.O.T. certifi cation (1), and date tested (2) is within fi ve years. Your LP gas supplier can do this for you.
• All LP tank supply systems must include a collar to protect the cylinder valve.
• The LP cylinder must be a 20-lb. size approximately (18¼ inches high, 12¼ inches in diameter).
Summary lighting instructions are on the control panel.
DANGER Failure to open the lid while igniting the barbecue’s burners, or not waiting 5 minutes to allow the gas to clear if the barbecue does not light, may result in an explosive fl ame-up which can cause serious bodily injury or death.
• The cylinder should be constructed and marked in accordance with the Specifi cations for LP - Gas Cylinders of the U.S. Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) or the National Standard of Canada, CAN/CSA-B339, Cylinders, Spheres and Tubes or Transportation of Dangerous Goods; and Commission, as applicable.
In Canada Liquid Propane Cylinder requirements
Note: Your retailer can help you match a replacement tank to your barbecue.
• The LP cylinder must be constructed and marked in accordance with the specifi cations for LP gas cylinders, T.C.
DOT 4BA240
Crossover® Ignition System
Note: The Crossover® ignition system ignites the Front burner with a spark from the igniter electrode inside the Gas Catcher™ ignition chamber. You generate the energy
for the spark by pushing the Crossover
ignition button until it clicks.
WARNING: Check hose before each use of barbecue for
nicks, cracking, abrasions or cuts. If the hose is found to be damaged in any way, do not use the barbecue. Replace using only Weber® authorized replacement hose. Contact the Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact information on our web site. Log onto www.weber. com®.
1) Open the lid.
2) Make sure all burner control knobs are turned to OFF. (Push control knob down and turn clockwise to ensure that it is in the OFF position.)
WARNING: The burner control knobs must be in the OFF
position before turning on the liquid propane cylinder tank valve. If they are not in the OFF position, when you turn on the LP cylinder valve, the “excess gas fl ow control” feature will activate, limiting the fl ow of gas from the LP cylinder. If this should occur, turn off the LP cylinder valve and burner control knobs. Then start over.
DANGER: When the “excess gas fl ow control” feature is activated, a small amount of gas is still fl owing to the burners. After turning OFF the cylinder valve, wait at least 5 minutes for the gas to clear before attempting to light the barbecue. Failure to do so may result in an explosive fl ame-up, which can
cause serious bodily injury or death.
SPIRIT E/SP­210 & 310
*The grill illustrated may have slight differences than the model purchased.
3) Turn the cylinder on by slowly turning the cylinder valve counter-clockwise.
WARNING: Do not lean over the open barbecue. Keep your
face and body at least one foot away from the matchlight hole when lighting the barbecue.
4) Push Front burner control knob down and turn to START/HI.
5) Push the Crossover® ignition button several times, so it clicks each time.
6) Check that the burner is lit by looking through the matchlight hole on the front of the cooking box. You should see a fl ame.
WARNING: If the burner does not light, turn the Front burner
control knob to OFF and wait 5 minutes to let the gas clear before you try again or try to light with a match.
7) After the FRONT burner is lit you can turn on the other burner or burners.
Note: Always light the FRONT burner fi rst. The other burner or burners ignite from the FRONT burner.
Push down and turn each burner control knob clockwise to the OFF position. Turn gas supply off at the source.
SPIRIT E/SP­210 & 310
*The grill illustrated may have slight differences than the model purchased.
DANGER Failure to open the lid while igniting the barbecue’s burners, or not waiting 5 minutes to allow the gas to clear if the barbecue does not light, may result in an explosive fl ame-up which can cause serious bodily injury or death.
1) Open the lid.
2) Make sure all burner control knobs are turned to OFF. (Push each knob down and turn clockwise to ensure they are in the OFF position.)
WARNING: The burner control knobs must be in the OFF
position before turning on the liquid propane cylinder valve. If they are not in the OFF position, when you turn on the LP cylinder valve, the “excess gas fl ow control” feature will activate, limiting the fl ow of gas from the LP cylinder. If this should occur, turn off the LP tank valve and burner control knobs. Then start over.
DANGER When the “excess gas fl ow control” feature is activated, a small amount of gas is still fl owing to the burners. After turning OFF the cylinder and burner control knobs, wait at least 5 minutes for the gas to clear before attempting to light the barbecue. Failure to do so may result in an explosive fl ame-up, which can cause serious bodily injury or death.
210 & 310
*The grill illustrated may have slight differences than the model purchased.
3) Turn the cylinder on by turning the cylinder valve counterclockwise.
4) Insert match holder with lit match into the matchlight hole in the front of the cooking box.
WARNING: Do not lean over open barbecue. Keep your face
and body at least one foot away from the matchlight hole when lighting the barbecue.
5) Push Front burner control knob down and turn to START/HI.
6) Check that the burner is lit by looking through the matchlight hole on the front of the cooking box. You should see a fl ame
WARNING: If the burner does not light, turn the Front burner
control knob to OFF and wait 5 minutes to let the gas clear before you try again or try to light with a match.
7) After the FRONT burner is lit you can turn on the other burner.
Note: Always light the FRONT burner fi rst. The other burner or burners ignite from the FRONT burner.
Push down and turn each burner control knob clockwise to the OFF position. Turn gas supply off at the source.
210 & 310
*The grill illustrated may have slight differences than the model purchased.
Burners burn with a yellow or orange fl ame, in conjunction with the smell of gas.
Burners do not light. -or- Burners have a small fl ickering fl ame in the HI position. -or­Barbecue temperature only reaches 250˚ to 300˚ in the HI position.
Burner does not light, or fl ame is low in HI position.
Experiencing fl are-ups:
CAUTION: Do not line the bottom tray with aluminum foil.
Burner fl ame pattern is erratic. Flame is low when burner is on HI. Flames do not run the whole length of the burner tube.
Inside of lid appears to be “peeling.” (Resembles paint peeling.)
If problems cannot be corrected by using these methods, please contact the Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact information on our web site. Log onto www.weber.com
Inspect Spider / Insect Screens for possible obstructions. (Blockage of holes.)
The excess fl ow safety device, which is part of the barbecue to cylinder connection, may have activated.
Is LP fuel low or empty? Refi ll LP cylinder.
Is fuel hose bent or kinked? Straighten fuel hose.
Does the Left burner light with a match? If you can light the Left burner with a match, then check the
Are you preheating barbecue in the prescribed manner? All burners on high for 10 to 15 minutes for preheating.
Are the cooking grates and Flavorizer coated with burned-on grease?
Is the bottom tray “dirty” and not allowing grease to fl ow into catch pan?
Are burners clean? Clean burners. (See Section “Maintenance”.)
The lid is stainless steel, not paint. It cannot “peel”. What you are seeing is baked on grease that has turned to carbon and is fl aking off.
bars heavily
Clean Spider / Insect Screens. (See Section “Annual Maintenance”)
To reset the excess fl ow safety device turn all burner control knobs and the cylinder valve to OFF. Disconnect the regulator from the cylinder. Turn burner control knobs to HI. Wait at least 1 minute. Turn burner control knobs to OFF. Reconnect the regulator to the cylinder. Turn cylinder valve on slowly. Refer to “Lighting Instructions”.
Clean thoroughly. (See Section “Cleaning”)
Clean bottom tray
Clean thoroughly. (See Section “Cleaning”.)
ignition system.
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