1.1About Spirent’s Involvement in Wireline Simulation
Thank you for choosing Spirent Communications.
The DLS 6700 ADSL2++ Multi-line Production Wireline Simulator has been designed
to meet the needs of very high volume manufacturers of ADSL2++ bandwidth access
products (DC to 4.5 MHz). The DLS 6700 is used to ensure xDSL copper access products perform correctly before they leave the production floor. The DLS 6700 achieves
a low cost per port by offering 8, 12 or 18 port configurations in a 1 U rack mountable
1.2About the DLS 6700 ADSL2++ Wireline Simulator
The DLS 6700 ADSL2++ Multi-line Production Wireline Simulator simulates the insertion and return loss of a twisted copper cable, sometimes called a wireline.
The “DLS 6700 Series” currently includes the DLS 6726 (26AWG), and will be referred
to as the “DLS 6700” within this document. Specifications for the DLS 6726 have
been derived from North American (ANSI) standards.
Figure 1.1 DLS 6700 ADSL2++ Multi-line Production Wireline Simulator
The DLS 6700 ADSL2++ Wireline Simulator simulates 26 AWG cable for ADSL2++/
ADSL2+/ADSL2/ADSL production and verification testing. It has a reach of up to 24
kft in 1,000 ft increments, and a bandwidth of DC to 4.5 MHz. The unit is fully bidirectional, with all cable characteristics being accurately simulated using passive
The DLS 6700 can simulate up to 18 wirelines per unit. The simulated wireline
lengths are controlled remotely via an RS-232 port.
There are two software methods for controlling the wireline simulator: you can use
the GUI which ships with the DLS 6700, or you can write custom, script-based software to operate your DLS 6700-based test system.
The DLS 6700 Software configures and controls the DLS 6700 ADSL2++ Wireline
Simulator remotely through the RS-232 interface. This software runs on any
One or more wireline simulators can be integrated into a larger test system, limited
by the number of COM ports available on the controlling computer. The configuration
software that ships with the DLS 6700 can access up to 16 com ports.
Figure 1.2 illustrates an example of a typical test setup using the DLS 6700 ADSL2++
Wireline Simulator.
98, NT 4.0 with service pack 4.0 and up, or WindowsTM 2000 compatible
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DLS 6700 Operating Manual
Figure 1.2 Example Test System Setup
1.3About this Manual
Read Chapter 2 "GETTING STARTED" thoroughly before powering up the DLS 6700
ADSL2++ Wireline Simulator.
This manual provides information about the various aspects of the wireline simulator,
such as loop configurations, remote control, warranty, specifications and contact
The configuration software that shi ps wi th the DLS 6700 prov ides y ou wit h full control
over the characteristics of each DLS 6700 simulated loop.
We recommend that you develop your own scripts based on the type of automated
testing that best suits your products.
The common and device specific commands sets used to control the DLS 6700 are
fully explained in Chapter 4 "REMOTE CONTROL".
If you have any questions after reading this manual, please contact your Spirent
Communications sales representative or a member of the Customer Service team.
Please find contact information in Chapter 7 "CUSTOMER SUPPORT" of this manual.
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DLS 6700 Operating Manual
This chapter provides basic instructions on the setup of a DLS 6700 ADSL2++ Wireline Simulator.
2.1Receiving and Unpacking the Unit
Each DLS 6700 chassis has been shipped in a reinforced shipping container. Please
retain this container in case you need to ship the wireline simulator to another location or for repair. The DLS 6700 system contains the following:
• DLS 6700 Series chassis
• 1 AC to DC wall plug-in adapter
• 1 RS–232C inter-connection cable
• 1 DLS 6700 CD (software and related documents)
• 1 Operating Manual on CD
Check that you have received all the items on the list and report any discrepancies to
Spirent Communications. See Chapter 9 "SHIPPING THE UNIT" for information.
2.2Setup Overview
To test:
1) Connect the power cord on the back of the DLS 6700 chassis and switch the
power on.
2) Connect the serial cable from the control computer to the back of the
3) Connect digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM) equipment to one
of the “Output” ports at the back of the DLS
4) Connect customer premise equipment (CPE) equipment to the corresponding
“Input” port at the back of the DLS
5) Start the DLS 6700 Software.
6) Connect the control software to the DLS 6700. From the list of available serial
ports on your computer (listed in the “Interfaces and Identification” panel of
the main window), choose the one attached to the DLS 6700 you want to con
trol. Press the Start Online button. This will open the DLS 6700 control window, allowing you to adjust the length of each wire line.
7) Adjust the line lengths for the test loops.
8) Begin testing.
See the following sections for detailed information.
2.3Cabling Requirements
Cabling, switches and other equipment are needed to connect the DSLAM, the loop
simulator, and the CPE. Cables should be kept as short as possible so minimum noise
is coupled into the cables. Recommended cables are the CAT5 UTP. Since the length is
typically short (e.g., 2 feet), this does not affect measurements.
Computer screen and power supplies radiate in ADSL frequency bands. This noise
may be generated by either internal or external power supplies. When the noise levels
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DLS 6700 Operating Manual
are greater than -140 dBm /Hz, they will limit the ADSL2++ performance and influence the test results. These devices should be placed at a distance from the test setup
or even switched off.
The interconnection wiring for the “Output” and “Input” Ports should be physically
separated as crosstalk can occur between cabling. Configure the cables so that they
are not touching and the cable connecting to the DSLAM and CPE are separated as
much as possible (at least 15 cm).
2.4Front Panel Indicators
The DLS 6700 chassis has 2 LEDs which indicate the power and remote status.
The Power LED indicates when the unit is on, and doubles as an error status indica-
The Remote LED indicates when the DLS 6700 has received a command from the
control computer.
DLS 6700
Multiline Production Wireline Simulator
Figure 2.1 DLS 6700 Front Panel
2.4.1Reading Remote and Power Status
The POWER LED turns green when the power is turned on. The power LED blinks red
if it fails its self-test, or solid red if it detects an internal error.
The REMOTE LED is off after a power-up or a reset. When the unit receives the first
remote message, the REMOTE LED turns green if the command is valid or turns red if
an error is detected. An invalid command or an out -of-range value will cause an error.
The REMOTE LED stays red until the error flags are cleared (see the command *ESR?
for more details). When the REMOTE LED is red, the unit can still communicate as
normal, but you should investigate why the error occurred. Chapter 4 "REMOTE CON-TROL" shows examples on how to read the ESR register, clear the error flags and
make the REMOTE LED green once error conditions have been resolved.
2.5Rear Panel Connections
All connectors for the DLS 6700 are located on the rear panel (see Figure 2.2 "DLS
6700 Back Panel")
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500 mA Max
12V DC
Figure 2.2 DLS 6700 Back Panel
1) Power Input: Connect to an AC wall adapter power source
2) RS–232 (DCE) Serial Connector: Connect to a computer for remote control
3) RJ - 11 “Output” : (8, 12 or 18, depending on model) Connect to DUT (usually DSLAM devices).
4) Ground Connection: Connect to earth ground (optional)
5) RJ - 11 “Input”: (8, 12 or 18, depending on model) Connect to DUT (usually
CPE modems).
2.5.1Connecting to Power
Connect the unit via the wall plug-in adapter (provided with the unit) at the back of
the unit to an AC power supply appropriate for your specific country. Please see Chap-ter 10 "SPECIFICATIONS" for more details.
The power LED will turn on when the power is connected.
Before operating the unit, please refer to Section 11.1.5 "Connections
to a Power Supply", to ensure that the correct AC/DC adapter is used.
Please refer to Chapter 11 "SAFETY" for more details.
2.5.2Connecting to Analog Devices with RJ-11 Connectors
In a typical setup the Telephone Exchange (Central Office) equipment would be connected to an “Output” Port, and the customer site equipment to the corresponding
“Input” Port of the DLS 6700 wireline simulator. The pinout of the RJ-11 female connector is shown in Figure 2.3.
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DLS 6700 Operating Manual
Pin 2
Figure 2.3 RJ-11 Female Connector
The two center pins of the RJ-11 connector (pin 2, Tip; and pin 3, Ring) carry the
These connections are balanced. We recommend that these leads be shorter than 60
cm if you are using frequencies up to 4.5MHz. It is possible to use longer leads as the
frequency decreases.
The maximum input to any DLS 6700 port must not exceed +/-100 V
or 100 mA between Tip and Ring. Exceeding these limits could damage
the unit.
Pin 3
2.6DLS 6700 Remote Control
The DLS 6700 ADSL2++ Wireline Simulator is configured through its RS-232 serial
port. The reach (length) of each simulated wireline can be adjusted remotely using
configuration software.
You can use the included Spirent Communications’s GUI to configure the DLS 6700;
or you can develop your own custom configuration software using the DLS 6700 command set. This command set is covered in this manual (see Chapter 4 "REMOTE CONTROL"), to assist you in developing custom software and scripts.
2.6.1Connecting the Computer via the Serial Port (RS-232)
Connect one end of an RS-232 serial cable to the RS-232 connector located on the
back panel of the DLS 6700 chassis and the other end to a serial COM port connector
on the computer.
The DLS 6700 GUI supports up to 16 COM ports. It will automatically detect all serial
ports available on the control computer between COM1 and COM16. Only available
COM ports will be listed in the “Interfaces and Identification” panel of the main GUI
window. COM ports that exist on the control PC but are already open will not appear
in this list.
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DLS 6700 Operating Manual
3.1DLS 6700 Software
The DLS 6700 GUI provides you with an interactiv e interface to control the DLS 6700.
This software runs on any Windows
and up, or WindowsTM 2000 compatible computer.
To install the software, run SETUP.EXE from the installation CD if it does not start automatically when the CD is inserted. The user is prompted to specify the directory
where the software should be installed.
3.1.2Starting the DLS 6700 Software
98, NT 4.0 with service pack 4.0
To start the DLS 6700 Control Software, click on the Start button in Windows, select
“Programs > Spirent Communications > DLS 6700”. The program will start and display
this screen:
Figure 3.1 DLS 6700 Control Software
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DLS 6700 Operating Manual
3.2Communications Interface Selection
The DLS 6700 Control Software allows the user to specify a communications interface
for each DLS 6700 chassis to be controlled. Select the appropriate option button for
the desired COM port.
The DLS 6700 Control Software allows the user to choose the COM port which will be
used to control the DLS 6700. Select the COM port using the list box.
The “Interfaces and Identification” panel lists only available COM ports.
If you wish to run multiple sessions of the GUI, you need to launch all
the sessions first before going online with any of the DLS 6700 units.
3.2.1Identify Chassis
You can correlate which DLS 6700 chassis is attached to which COM port using the
“Identify Chassis” button.
Select a COM port from the “Interfaces and Identification” panel, and press the “Identify Chassis” button. The GUI will then atte m pt to f lash the Remote LED on the DLS
6700 unit using the selected COM port. During the identification, the “Stop Identification” button will appear, and all the other buttons will be disabled until the “Stop Identification” button is clicked.
3.2.2Start Online
Once the correct COM Port is selected, click Start Online to use the program to control
your DLS 6700.
3.2.3Start Offline
Click on “Start Offline” to start the program without controlling a DLS 6700 unit. This
is useful for viewing the features of the program where a DLS 6700 unit is not available.
3.3Main Editing Grid
When the program starts, unless Start Offline is selected, the DLS 6700 Control Software reads the DLS 6700 on the specified interfaces to find out which lines are installed
in the unit. The software will determine the gauge, current length, minimum, maximum, and increment lengths, and present the information on the scr een.
The appearance of the Main Editing Grid will depend on what lines are installed in your
DLS 6700 unit. The range and the gauge of the line may be different from that shown
in the diagram.
3.3.1 Controlling the Line
The most direct way to control a DLS 6700 unit is to click on the Spin controls (up and
down arrows) to change the length of the line. This will “step” the length by the ap propriate increment or decrement. Values can also be entered in the Type In entry boxes.
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Chapter 3: DLS 6700 SOFTWARE
Regardless of the method chosen, the program will ensure that the final value is within
the range of the line and will round to the nearest correct step size.
The Grouping feature is a convenient way to set many lines at once. Select the lines
to be modified and then apply a length to the grouped lines.
Figure 3.2 DLS 6700 Main Editing Grid
To specify which lines are in the group, click the checkbox in the Grouped column for
each line that is to be grouped. Use the “Select All” and “Deselect All” buttons to set
and clear ALL the check boxes. Another button, Invert Selection, exchanges the
checked and cleared check boxes.
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DLS 6700 Operating Manual
Once the lines are selected, the length can be changed wit h either the Type-In box or
the Spin control. Click on the “Apply Length to Grouped Lines” button to send the
length to each of the selected lines.
The length setting for the group length only gets applied when 'Apply
Length to Grouped Lines' is pressed, whereas the individual line length
is applied as soon as the value is changed.
3.4Menu Selections
Load - Retrieves a previously stored file of DLS 6700 settings from disk.
Save - Stores the current settings of the DLS 6700 to a file on disk
Exit - Shuts down the program
Identify Units - Flashes the Remote LED on the appropriate unit. When Identify Unit is
clicked, the “Stop Identification” button will appear and it must be clicked before the
user can do anything else.
Shows information on the program such as version number.
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DLS 6700 Operating Manual
The DLS 6700 is controlled via the RS-232 (serial) interface, allowing the integration
of the DLS 6700 into a larger test system. The DLS 6700 remote control is designed
with several standards in mind:
• The Common Commands follow IEEE 488.2.
• The Device Dependent Commands (see Section 4.4 "Device Dependent Com-mands") are based upon the Standard Commands for Programmable Interfaces
• The serial port physical interface follows the EIA RS-232 standard.
4.1RS-232 Serial Interface
The DLS 6700 uses a female DB-25 or an RJ-45 connector, and is configured as a DCE
device. It can therefore be connected directly to a PC serial port.
The RS-232 standard is equivalent to the European V.24/V.28 standards. In this manual we use the term RS-232 to refer to both of these two standards. Generally, the
computer literature will use the words “serial”, “COM1” and “COM2” to refer to the
RS-232 interface. Note that the DLS 6700 cannot use the parallel port of a computer
(the female connector).
To use the RS-232 interface, connect your computer to the DLS 6700 and set the
computer to 9600 bps baud rate, no parity, 8 data bits per character, 1 stop bit and
RTS/CTS hardware flow control.
Do NOT use a null modem with a computer that has a standard COM port configured
as a DTE.
The DLS 6700 stops transmitting data when the R T S line is low , and restart s when the
RTS line is high. The DLS 6700 lowers the CTS and the DSR lines when it cannot
accept data, and raises them when it can. Note that the RTS line is not the usual
“Request To Send” as defined by the RS-232 standard. Y ou can lea v e the RTS line set,
and use only the CTS line.
Most serial port communication programs can be used to control the DLS 6700. Any
ASCII terminal emulator can be used. Configure it to add linefeeds and echo typed
characters locally.
4.1.1 Message Terminators
Messages sent to the DLS 6700 through the serial interface MUST be terminated with
the line feed character (ASCII <LF>, decimal 10, hex 0A). To ensure that no characters are left in the receive buffer of the DLS 6700 from a previous incomplete command, you can send the line feed character by itself before sending new commands.
Messages from the DLS 6700 are always terminated with a Line Feed character.
Note that some languages, such as BASIC, may automatically append a carriage
return and a line feed at the end of messages. The carriage return character is not a
valid terminator, and will invalidate the last command. To avoid this problem, you can
append a semi-colon after a string (after the quotes) when printing to the communication port. Another solution is to append a semi-colon at the end of the command
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