Quick Reference Guide
Sale (Inserting a Chip Card)
Step 1. You can start a Chip and PIN sale transaction in one of two ways:
• Select SALE from the Idle Screen and insert a Chip Card into
the terminal’s Chip Card reader or into the optional PIN Pad.
• Insert the Chip Card straight into the terminal’s Chip Card reader
or into the optional PIN Pad.
Step 2. Type in the SALE AMOUNT in pence or cents (in Republic of Ireland
/ ROI) and press Enter.
Example: Typing in 1000 would equate
to a value of £10.00 (€10.00 in ROI).
Step 3. The customer must type in their PIN (Personal Identification
Number) on the terminal keypad or the optional PIN Pad. After the PIN
has been typed in, the customer should press Enter.
The terminal will now attempt to connect to your Acquirer.
The terminal will then display a response. If the transaction is
APPROVED, the Approval Code will then be displayed and the
terminal will print the Merchant Copy of the receipt.
Step 4. Remove the card and tear off the Merchant Copy of the receipt
and press OK/Enter. The terminal will then print the Customer Copy
of the receipt and display the response again.
Step 5. Tear off the Customer Copy and hand it to the customer along
with their card. Then press Enter to return to the idle screen.
Refund (Inserting a Chip Card)
Step 1. Relect REFUND from the Idle Screen and swipe the Supervisor Card
when prompted.
Step 2. Press OK/Enter to acknowledge that the terminal has accepted the
Supervisor Card.
Step 3. Insert the customer’s Chip Card into the terminal’s Chip Card
reader or into the optional PIN Pad.
Step 4. Type in the REFUND AMOUNT in pence or cents, and press Enter.
Example: Typing in 1000 would equate
to a value of £10.00 (€10.00 in ROI).
The terminal will now attempt to connect to your Acquirer. The
terminal will then display a response. If the transaction is
APPROVED, the terminal will display REFUND ACCEPTED and the
terminal will print the Merchant Copy of the receipt.
Step 5. Remove the card and tear off the Merchant Copy of the receipt.
Step 6. The Merchant Copy of the receipt must be signed and the terminal
will ask if the signature is correct.
If you press YES/Enter to confirm, the terminal will print the Customer
Copy of the receipt and display REFUND ACCEPTED.
Press Enter to return to the idle screen.
Sale (Keyed Entry, for Customer Not Present)
Step 1. Select SALE from the Idle Screen
Step 2. N.B. On some software versions and congurations, amount
entry is after Step 5.
Type in the SALE AMOUNT in pence or cents, and press Enter.
Example: Typing in 1000 would equate
to a value of £10.00 (€10.00 in ROI).
Step 3. Carefully enter in the card number on the front of the card. As you
type, you will notice that the message at the top of the screen
changes to ENTER CARD NUMBER and the number begins to appear
in the box on the screen. Once the number has been typed in
correctly, press Enter.
Step 4. Type in the EXPIRATION DATE and press Enter.
Step 5. You will then be asked if the card is present. Press NO/Clear to
continue or Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Step 6. Type in the 3 digit security code on the back of the card (4 digits
on the front of the card for American Express) and press Enter.
Step 7. Type in the numbers from the Post Code of the card’s registered
address and press Enter.
Example: GU21 5SB In this case you would enter the Post Code as 215.
Type in the house/building number of the card’s registered address
and press Enter.
The terminal will now attempt to connect to the Acquirer.
Step 8. Now you must decide if you are willing to continue with the
transaction based upon the Acquirer response displayed.
If you press NO/Clear, the terminal will print out the Reversal Copy
of the receipt and connect to the Acquirer to reverse the
transaction. If successful, the terminal will display REVERSAL
Press Enter to return to the idle screen.
If you press YES/Enter, the Approval Code will be displayed and
the terminal will print the Merchant Copy of the receipt.
Step 9. Tear off the Merchant Copy of the receipt and press OK/ Enter.
Step 10. Tear off the Customer Copy and press Enter to return
to the idle screen.
Please refer to User Manual on User Documents
CDROM for instructions including all screen prompts.
Settlement, X and Z Reports
Step 1. Ensure the Idle Screen is displayed. Then press the SETTLE button
on the keypad.
Step 2. Swipe the Supervisor Card when prompted.
Step 3. If your terminal is configured with multiple Acquirers, select the
Acquirer you want to settle (ALL HOSTS is recommended).
The terminal will connect to the selected Acquirer(s) and print
out the Settlement report(s). The Settlement totals will then be
reset to zero.
Responses from host will be: Totals Agree, Totals Disagree, Totals
Unconrmed or Cannot Conrm (Refer to manual for explanations)
X and Z Reports
PLEASE NOTE: The Supervisor Card and/or the local password (default
is 0000) is required to access these reports.
To access the reports menu, ensure the idle screen is displayed. Then press
the REPORTS button on the keypad.
X Totals. This is a running report that can be printed off at any point
during the day. It displays the total number and total value of
transactions performed for each Acquirer since the last Z report was
done, but does not reset the totals.
Z Totals. This report can be done at the end of each business day or
working week. It performs the same function as an X Totals Report
but then resets the reports totals in the terminal back to zero.
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