spiratone auxiliary User Manual

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Auxiliary Fish-Eye lens can be used successfully with just about any camera from 8mm movie to 8X 10" view! In conjunction with normal focal length lenses, the Auxiliary Fish-Eye pro- duces the typical circular Fish-Eye format with 180ยท coverage. The afocal auxiliary design of the
Fish-Eye has many distinct and unique advantages over"prime"Fish-Eye lenses. Among
An almost universal adaptability to a wide va rietyof cameras and prime lenses.
The ability to function with various focal length lenses, yielding, in each particular co mbination, a resultant focal length of .15X the prime focal length. Example: 50mm focal length is converted to 7.5mm, 135mm is converted to 20.25mm and so on.
The normal camera viewing system is used, so that with SLR c arne r a s , the mirror need not be locked up, out of the way, and focusing and composing is done normall~'on 'the groundglass in the usual manner.
In conjunction with the focusing mount of the prime lens, objects as close as
from the front of the Fish-Eye can be brought into sharp focus.
The Auxiliary Fish-Eye lens ~ suitable for virtually all types of cameras inclmttTr;r""'"'''''"'''''.
Super 8mm and 16mm, as well as 35mm
movie cameras;
T. V.
cameras; subminia-
ture cameras; half size and regular size 35mm range finder and single lens reflex cameras; 2-;\-X2-;\-". 4X5", 5X7". 8X10" view and press cameras.
The Auxiliary Fish-Eye lens is not recom- mended for use with wid eang le lenses (result- ing diameter of circular image too small). for lenses longer than 200mm (resultIng speed too slow), some zoom lenses (both dia- meter of circular image and image quality may be unsatisfactory). prime lenses into which Fish-Eye cannot be screwed or bay- oneted (slip-on fittings are not suitable),
lenses with a greatly recessed front element
(may cause vignetting due to increased dis-
tance between prime and auxiliary lens).
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