Servants to the Music
Our record players serve one master — music. Engineering, materials,
even our sleek, no-nonsense industrial design conspire to deliver no
more than the performance that is pressed into the vinyl groove.
And, of course, no less.
Our Turntables
As a medium for capturing music, vinyl remains unsurpassed. To convey its
rich and nuanced potential, a turntable must, at the very least, achieve a high
degree of control over the speed of its platter and the transfer of energy among
its components. Noise is the nemesis, an uncompromised signal emerging
from a silent background the goal.
Spiral Groove turntables rely in part on mass to control noise. Stainless steel
and aluminum lend our ‘tables heft and solidity, an effective rst-line defense
against errant vibration. But mass alone cannot eliminate noise; though the
metals we’ve chosen store and release energy in predictable ways, they need help
in order to dissipate it effectively. We provide that assistance by sandwiching
together the layers of our platform with a proven damping agent.
Mechanical isolation contributes an additional measure of control. Motor,
tonearm, and platter occupy discrete layers within the platform, a tactical separation that prevents noise generated by one mechanism from contaminating
another. This strategic alliance — rigidity, compliance, and isolation — lays
the groundwork for one of the quietest and most responsive turntables on the
market today.
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• Stainless steel platter ring for increased
speed stability
• Inverted sapphire disc/ceramic ball bearing for
low noise and long wear
• Electronically selectable speed control:
33 1/3 and 45 rpm
• Quick-change bayonet-mounted arm board
• Spindle de-coupled from bearing for optimal
mechanical isolation of record
• Platter driven at rotational plane of bearing for
wobble-free revolution
• Low voltage/high torque AC synchronous motor
• Adjustable, sound-damping, stainless steel feet
• Dimensions: 18.5"W x 15"D x 4.5"H
(470 mm x 380mm x 115 mm)
• Weight : ~70 lbs. (~32 kg)
Noise is the nemesis, an uncompromised signal
emerging from a silent background the goal.
Because a turntable’s platter is where the rubber meets the road, its design
is of critical importance. Unlike most other turntables, our ‘tables’ spindle
and platter bearing are decoupled and yet precisely aligned. Severing the
connection between these two critical components dramatically reduces the
transfer of energy between them, lowering still further our ‘tables’ noise oor
while ensuring unparalleled depth and specicity of image.
Moreover, the Spiral Groove platter is driven on the rotational plane of the
bearing, which eliminates wobble. A thick phenolic layer forms the bulk of the
platter, followed by two thinner layers, one of vinyl, the other of graphite. A clamp
made of stainless steel and anodized aluminum snugs the record to the graphite, providing the stylus with an absolutely at work surface. This is a platter to
which you can entrust even your most pampered LPs, over and over again.
Powering the platter is a 12-volt AC motor and outboard analog sine-wave
generator. Toward our goal of maximum control, we build drag into our platter
and then provide enough torque to spin it precisely. Our sine-wave generator
liberates our motor from the fluctuations of wall current and guarantees
accurate rotation at both 33 1/3 and 45 revolutions per minute.
• Aluminum platter ring for increased speed stability
• Inverted sapphire disc/ceramic ball bearing for
low noise and long wear
• Electronically selectable speed control:
33 1/3 and 45 rpm
• Removable arm board
• Spindle de-coupled from bearing for optimal
mechanical isolation of record
• Platter driven at rotational plane of bearing for
wobble-free revolution
• Low voltage/high torque AC synchronous motor
• Adjustable, sound-damping, aluminum feet
• Dimensions: 18.5"W x 15"D x 4.5" H
(470 mm x 380mm x 115 mm)
• Weight : ~50 lbs. (~23 kg)