RF Power Amplifier
Owner’s Manual
SpinCore Technologies, Inc.
RF Power Amplifier PA10W
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http://www.spincore.com 2 2014-02-20
RF Power Amplifier PA10W
Table of Contents
I. Precautions ................................................................................................... 4
Connecting & Disconnecting Power Amplifiers.........................................................4
Power Considerations................................................................................................4
II. PA10W – 10 W Power Amplifier Module ................................................... 5
1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 5
2. Electrical Specifications ............................................................................................ 5
3. PA10W RF Module with Deblanking Circuitry ......................................................... 6
RF Input and Output Connectors...............................................................................6
TTL Control Input Connector.....................................................................................7
DC Power Input Connector ......................................................................................8
4. PA10W RF Module Enclosure Options ..................................................................... 9
1) PA10W module in a single bay enclosure (Figure 6)............................................9
2) PA10W module enclosed with iSpin-NMRTM system (Figure 7)........................10
3) PA10W module in Lightweight aluminum enclosure (Figure 8)..........................10
4) PA10W RF in enclosure with Preamplifier Option...............................................11
III. Related Products and Accessories ........................................................ 12
IV. Contact Information ................................................................................. 12
V. Document Information .............................................................................. 12
http://www.spincore.com 3 2014-02-20
RF Power Amplifier PA10W
I. Precautions
Working with RF power amplifiers can be dangerous and even fatal if not handled properly.
Output voltages can reach values greater than 90 V peak-to-peak and can be fatal. Follow these
steps to avoid damaging the amplifier or inflicting serious injuries.
Connecting & Disconnecting Power Amplifiers
When connecting the power amplifier, follow these steps to avoid damaging the amplifier or
inflicting serious injuries.
1) Apply the load to the amplifier (make sure a load is ALWAYS present when working with
power amplifiers).
2) Apply the DC power to the amplifier.
3) Apply the RF input to the amplifier.
Repeat the steps in reverse order when disconnecting the amplifier.
Power Considerations
Make sure the following considerations have been made before applying power to the amplifier.
1) Be sure your load can appropriately dissipate the maximum power being applied by the
2) When applying an RF signal, work with low duty cycles to limit the power being
dissipated. The duty cycle ratio should be below 1% for safe operation.
http://www.spincore.com 4 2014-02-20