Spida Wall Extruder Operation & Maintenance Manual

1 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
Serial Plates
All enquiries should be directed to: SM2012 Ltd - Known as Spida Machinery
Australia free phone 1800 146 110
America free phone 1888 262 9476
NZ free phone 0800 SPIDAS or +64 7 579 5010
Below is a copy of the serial plate displayed on the back of the machine
This machine must only be used by personnel who have been properly instructed in all aspects of the machine’s safe operation.
Operators must also wear the recommended personal protective clothing and have thoroughly read and understood this manual.
2 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
1 Contents
2 Revision History .............................................................................................................................. 7
3 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 8
5 Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Handling & Transport .............................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Installation .............................................................................................................................. 9
6 Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 11
6.1 Young Persons ....................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Long Hair and Loose clothing ................................................................................................ 11
6.3 Cleaning and Maintenance of Machinery ............................................................................. 11
6.4 Training and Supervision of Wall Extruder Operators .......................................................... 11
6.5 Responsibilities of Wall Extruder Operators ......................................................................... 11
6.6 Operating Speeds and Vibration ........................................................................................... 12
6.7 Machinery Stability and Location.......................................................................................... 12
6.8 Electrical Safety ..................................................................................................................... 12
6.9 Isolation, hold cards and lock out devices ............................................................................ 12
6.10 Noise control ......................................................................................................................... 13
6.11 Manual Handling ................................................................................................................... 13
6.12 Recommended Service Interval ............................................................................................ 13
7 Safe Operation .............................................................................................................................. 14
7.1 User Warnings ....................................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Manual Handling ................................................................................................................... 15
7.3 General .................................................................................................................................. 16
7.4 Operation .............................................................................................................................. 17
7.5 Maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 18
7.6 Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 19
8 Operating Controls ........................................................................................................................ 20
8.1 Wall Extruder Controls .......................................................................................................... 20
8.2 Pneumatic Controls ............................................................................................................... 22
8.3 Pneumatic filter/regulator .................................................................................................... 24
9 Operation ...................................................................................................................................... 25
9.1 Machine Set-up ..................................................................................................................... 25
9.2 Operating Computer ............................................................................................................. 25
9.3 Stations Right/Left/or Both ................................................................................................... 25
3 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
9.4 Guns Top/Bottom/or Both .................................................................................................... 25
9.5 Guns in correct position ........................................................................................................ 26
9.6 Trolley and Carriage Clamps ................................................................................................. 26
9.7 Loading .................................................................................................................................. 27
9.8 Clamping and Firing Operation ............................................................................................. 27
9.9 Air Dump ............................................................................................................................... 28
9.10 Machine Shut-down .............................................................................................................. 28
10 Parts Identification .................................................................................................................... 29
10.1 Top Level Assembly (2002000) ............................................................................................. 29
10.2 Main Frame Assembly (1711100) ......................................................................................... 31
10.3 Nog Trolley Assembly (1711300) .......................................................................................... 33
10.4 Fixed Carriage Assembly (1711200 – L or R) ......................................................................... 35
10.5 Horizontal Stud Clamp Assembly (1711600)......................................................................... 37
10.6 Vertical (Plate) Clamp Assembly (1711800 – L or R) ............................................................. 39
10.7 Floating Carriage Assembly (1711200 – L or R) .................................................................... 41
10.8 Gun Mount Assembly (SMPGMA02) ..................................................................................... 43
10.9 Computer Monitor and Electrical Enclosure Assemblies (0605000 and EEHW) .................. 45
10.10 Progressor Tables (1804420) ............................................................................................ 46
10.10.1 Fence Assembly (SMPGPFA6300) .................................................................................... 48
10.10.2 Gearbox Kit 2 (SMPGPGK2) .............................................................................................. 50
10.10.3 Guide Profile Trolley Kit (SMPGPTK2) .............................................................................. 51
11 Maintenance ............................................................................................................................. 52
11.1 Maintenance Items ............................................................................................................... 53
11.1.1 Guards ................................................................................................................................ 53
11.1.2 Air Line Lubrication ............................................................................................................ 53
11.1.3 Keep work area clear ......................................................................................................... 53
11.1.4 Inspect Clamps ................................................................................................................... 53
11.1.5 Clamp Sensors .................................................................................................................... 54
11.1.6 Clean Wall Extruder of any build up .................................................................................. 54
11.1.7 Noises or vibrations ........................................................................................................... 54
11.1.8 Emergency Stop Buttons .................................................................................................... 54
11.1.9 Dry Air Supply ..................................................................................................................... 55
11.1.10 Air Supply ......................................................................................................................... 55
11.1.11 Check Filter/Regulator ..................................................................................................... 55
11.1.12 Nog Trolley Assemblies .................................................................................................... 55
4 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
11.1.13 Carriage Assemblies ......................................................................................................... 55
11.1.14 Loose Fasteners and Fixings ............................................................................................. 56
11.1.15 Guide Trolley Slides .......................................................................................................... 56
11.1.16 Bench Top ........................................................................................................................ 56
11.1.17 Maintain Brake Materials................................................................................................. 56
11.1.18 Maintain Wall Extruder .................................................................................................... 56
11.1.19 Nail Guns .......................................................................................................................... 56
11.2 Replacing Guide Trolley Slides .............................................................................................. 57
11.2.1 Reference Distances for Guide Trolley sliders ................................................................... 58
12 Foreseeable Misuse .................................................................................................................. 59
13 Trouble Shooting ....................................................................................................................... 60
14 Distributor & Repairer Contacts................................................................................................ 62
14.1 Agent/Distributor .................................................................................................................. 62
14.2 Automation Repairs .............................................................................................................. 62
14.3 Mechanical Repairs ............................................................................................................... 62
15 Warranty ................................................................................................................................... 63
16 Pneumatic Diagram ................................................................................................................... 65
17 Electrical Drawings .................................................................................................................... 66
18 Training Certificate – Wall Extruder .......................................................................................... 72
19 Wall Extruder Training Check List ............................................................................................. 73
5 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
Table 1, Wall Extruder Specifications ..................................................................................................... 8
Table 2, General Hazards ...................................................................................................................... 16
Table 3, Operational Hazards ................................................................................................................ 17
Table 4, Maintenance Hazards.............................................................................................................. 18
Table 5, Control functions (see Figure 2) .............................................................................................. 21
Table 6, Pneumatic Control functions (see Figure 3) ............................................................................ 23
Table 7, Valve/Filter/Regulator/Dump parts ........................................................................................ 24
Table 8, Parts List – Wall Extruder ........................................................................................................ 30
Table 9, Main Frame Assembly parts list .............................................................................................. 32
Table 10, Nog Trolley Assembly parts list ............................................................................................. 34
Table 11, Fixed Carriage Assembly parts list ......................................................................................... 36
Table 12, Horizontal Stud Clamp Assembly parts list ........................................................................... 38
Table 13, Vertical Clamp Assembly parts list ........................................................................................ 40
Table 14, Floating Carriage Assembly parts list .................................................................................... 42
Table 15, Gun Mount Assembly parts list ............................................................................................. 44
Table 16, Computer Monitor and Electrical Enclosure Assemblies Parts List ...................................... 45
Table 17, Progressor Table Assembly Parts List .................................................................................... 47
Table 18, Fence Assembly Parts List ..................................................................................................... 49
Table 19, Gearbox Motor Assembly Parts List ...................................................................................... 50
Table 20, Guide Profile Trolley Assembly Parts List .............................................................................. 51
Table 21, Maintenance intervals ........................................................................................................... 52
Table 22, Common misuse issues ......................................................................................................... 59
Table 23, Trouble shooting ................................................................................................................... 60
6 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
Figure 1, Recommended exclusion zone around the Wall Extruder. ................................................... 12
Figure 2, Wall Extruder controls ........................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3, Wall Extruder pneumatic controls ......................................................................................... 22
Figure 4, Wall Extruder Co-ordinate system ......................................................................................... 23
Figure 5, Valve/Filter/Regulator/Dump assembly ................................................................................ 24
Figure 6, Nog centres adjustment ......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 7, Wall Extruder with guns. ........................................................................................................ 29
Figure 8, Main Frame Assembly ............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 9, Nog Trolley Assembly ............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 10, Fixed Carriage Assembly ...................................................................................................... 35
Figure 11, Horizontal Stud Clamp Assembly ......................................................................................... 37
Figure 12, Vertical Clamp Assembly ...................................................................................................... 39
Figure 13, Floating Carriage Assembly .................................................................................................. 41
Figure 14, Gun Mount Assembly ........................................................................................................... 43
Figure 15, Computer Monitor and Electrical Enclosure Assemblies ..................................................... 45
Figure 16, Progressor Table Assembly .................................................................................................. 46
Figure 17, Fence Assembly .................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 18, Gearbox Motor Assembly .................................................................................................... 50
Figure 19, Guide Profile Trolley Assembly ............................................................................................ 51
Figure 20, Clamp Sensor locations ........................................................................................................ 54
Figure 21, Trolley slide replacement ..................................................................................................... 57
Figure 22, Stop Slider distances ............................................................................................................ 58
Figure 23, Pneumatic diagram .............................................................................................................. 65
Figure 24, Electrical Drawings Part 1 .................................................................................................... 66
Figure 25, Electrical Drawings Part 2 .................................................................................................... 67
Figure 26, Electrical Drawings Part 3 .................................................................................................... 68
Figure 27, Electrical Drawings Part 4 .................................................................................................... 69
Figure 28, Electrical Drawings Part 5 .................................................................................................... 70
Figure 29, Electrical Drawings Part 6 .................................................................................................... 71
7 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
2 Revision History
Rev B:
- Removed various typos throughout the document.
- Rewrote information on pneumatic controls
- Rewrote operation information to make information clearer
- Added in horizontal co-ordinate system to Section 8, to make information clearer
- Renamed 10.5, and updated picture to improve accuracy
- Rewrote some information in the following Maintenance sections, to make information clearer
o 11.1.6 Clean Wall Extruder of any build up o 11.1.17 Maintain Brake Materials
- Added in extra information to Trouble shooting table11.1.6
- Updated Electrical Drawings
8 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
3 Overview
The Spida Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables) is designed to accurately nail timber frames, using pneumatically operated nail guns.
The Wall Extruder must be used per the standard operating procedures set out in this manual. Any actions carried out which are not contained in this manual are not endorsed by Spida Machinery and cannot be warranted.
All operators should read and then sign the register of this manual before operating the Wall Extruder to ensure they are thoroughly familiar with the machine capabilities, limitations and to ensure correct operating procedures are adhered too.
Only those operators that have received training on the correct operation of the Wall Extruder are deemed competent and qualifies to operate the machine.
The Wall Extruder test procedures must be performed at installation and after any maintenance, adjustment, repair or modification of the machine. The test procedure is available on request.
The competent operator must also regularly perform the recommended maintenance procedures and checks detailed in this manual.
All pneumatic lines must be set as to not allow its movement through the nailing area of adjacent machinery.
This manual offers many safety tips, but its purpose is not to provide instruction in all the skills and techniques required to manufacture timber frames safety and efficiently.
Due to improvements in design and performance during production, in some cases there may be minor discrepancies between the actual machine and the illustrations and text in this manual.
4 Specifications
Table 1, Wall Extruder Specifications
Overall Width
5045 mm
Overall Height
1740 mm
Overall Length
7905 mm
Working Height
870 mm
1650 kg
Timber Feed
Air Supply
6-8 Bar (600-800 kPa)
Nail Gun Capacity
273.8 l/min (60 cycles) each
Specifications may change without notice
9 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
5 Installation
5.1 Handling & Transport
Box all additional parts and secure with the machine
Using a single fork truck, lift the machine package underneath using the forklift spaces
Once on the truck, tightly strap the machine.
Do not place any loads on top of the machine
The machine should be kept free from road grime and rain, and should be covered at all
times while being transported
The Wall Extruder will be delivered in large component form and will require assembly on site by trained personnel. Due care and attention should be given whilst unpacking the components from their packaging materials. Any damage caused whilst in transit should be noted immediately and Spida Machinery informed. Refer to section 4 specifications for weights of individual components when selecting Manual Handling Equipment required, prior to positioning them on the selected site.
5.2 Installation
It is advisable to forklift the machine package as close to the final assembly point as possible
to reduce manual lifting
The final operating position of the machine must be free from any rubbish or impediments
There must be good lighting in the installation area to allow proper positioning of the
The ground on which the machine rests must not vary by more than 30mm over a 12m x 5m
The Wall Extruder should be leveled using jacking bolts on steel jacking plates. Once level,
machine should be bolted to the floor through holes provided.
Electrical commissioning to be to local standards and be performed by a qualified electrician
The site selected for the Wall Extruder will depend on the ground. The ground chosen should be clean and free of water or possible flooding. The area on which the framework sits must be as even and horizontal as possible. This can be achieved by adjusting the length of the feet. There should be no twist to the framework once the feet have been adjusted to take the ground into account.
The final operating position of the machine should be free of all rubbish or impediments, with general access to all areas of the Wall Extruder for the ease of loading and unloading frames of varying sizes.
With the machine in position, a qualified engineer should be used to connect the pneumatic components to the machine and adjust the air pressure to the required setting (refer to 4 Specifications for pressure settings).
10 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
Check all pneumatic hoses and connectors to ensure that the fittings haven’t worked loose during transportation of the machine. Re-tighten all fittings that appear to be leaking. If leaking persists undo the fittings and apply a sealing compound to the joints in question. Re-tighten the fitting. (Any serious leaking problems during the warranty period should be reported to Spida Machinery). Check the air pressure in the system is sufficient to operate the machine (refer to 4 Specifications for pressure settings).
To check the air pressure, turn the compressor on and allow the pressure to build up. When the controls are activated, normal pressure should read 6-8 bar or 600- 800 kPa. All maximum pressures are factory set and should not be changed.
Check that all safety equipment is functioning properly.
11 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
6 Safety
This section is provided as a guide only, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure compliance with the relevant Health and Safety Regulations applicable to them at the time.
6.1 Young Persons
No person under the age of 15 should be allowed to operate or assist with the operation of machinery.
6.2 Long Hair and Loose clothing
Any long hair or loose clothing must be fully contained to eliminate the risk of entanglement with machinery.
Hearing protection
Respirator or Dust mask
Protective Clothing
Safety footwear
6.3 Cleaning and Maintenance of Machinery
For safe and reliable use, machinery should be regularly cleaned and maintained. During cleaning and maintenance, the Wall Extruder must be isolated from all sources of energy and locked out to prevent unexpected operation.
6.4 Training and Supervision of Wall Extruder Operators
No person should be expected or allowed to operate the Wall Extruder until they have been fully trained and authorised to do so. They must be familiar with:
Actual and potential hazards and appropriate controls.
Correct use and adjustment of guards.
Emergency procedures.
How the Wall Extruder works.
Checks to perform prior to starting.
How to recognise potential faults.
Location of controls and how to Stop and Start the Wall Extruder.
6.5 Responsibilities of Wall Extruder Operators
Operators should:
Check the Wall Extruder prior to use and during operation to ensure it is in sound operating
Report immediately any defects noted to their supervisor.
Use any, and all safety equipment provided.
Not operate any machinery if under the influence of drugs or alcohol, consult a physician or
pharmacist if unsure of any medication.
12 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
6.6 Operating Speeds and Vibration
Machinery should be operated within its designed limitations and for its designed use only, any unfamiliar noise, vibration or failure should be investigated and remedied promptly.
6.7 Machinery Stability and Location
The Wall Extruder should be securely fastened to the structure of the building to prevent movement or toppling over. Location should provide access all around for maintenance and cleaning. Lighting must be adequate to allow operator to clearly see controls and work pieces but not glaring or blinding.
Consideration should be given to the operators work area for product flow and to minimise repetitive actions and unnecessary movement.
An exclusion zone around the Wall Extruder should be maintained to prevent persons not directly involved with the operation of the machine from reaching any part of the machine.
Figure 1, Recommended exclusion zone around the Wall Extruder.
6.8 Electrical Safety
Electrical wiring must be installed and maintained by a suitably qualified person in accordance with relevant regulations.
6.9 Isolation, hold cards and lock out devices
There should be procedures for isolating and locking out the Wall Extruder, for purposes of maintenance and to prevent unintended use should a fault have been identified.
13 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
6.10 Noise control
The normal operation noise of some machines will be more than permitted noise exposure levels. Employers must ensure adequate hearing protection is available and is used by all persons in the affected area.
6.11 Manual Handling
Manual handling should be avoided where possible, use of mechanical lifting and assisting equipment is recommended. Consider using forklifts, hoists, and trolleys to eliminate lifting and carrying components.
6.12 Recommended Service Interval
It is recommended that for optimal performance, the Wall Extruder should be serviced every 6 months. It is also recommended that a service log be kept, as a reminder of when the next service should be due. Spida Machinery performs service runs on a regular basis throughout NZ; however, should the need arise for an early service, or should a service need to be booked in advance, please advise Spida Machinery accordingly.
WARNING! Do not operate the Wall Extruder without having received the
proper instruction in operation and safety from this manual.
WARNING! It is recommended that the employers maintain training records
demonstrating the competencies of each employee
14 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
7 Safe Operation
NOTE: The Wall Extruder is to be operated in accordance with this manual. Deviation from this specified operation may result in incorrect nailing, measuring or injury.
7.1 User Warnings
All moveable parts of the machinery must be set so as not to allow its movement through
the cutting/pressing area of adjacent machinery.
All machine and components should be inspected upon delivery and at weekly intervals for
looseness, fracture, bends, sharp edges or surfaces and any other condition that may contribute to a human mishap or further deterioration of the machine. We suggest a log be kept for this purpose.
When broken, damaged, or loose parts (or any condition that may represent a hazard) are
observed, corrective action should be taken immediately. Inadequate attention to maintain the machine can cause the premature failure of these parts. We suggest this information also be logged.
The electrical boxes should be locked at all times to avoid casual entry by unauthorized
persons, as touching live surfaces is hazardous.
Split, broken, warped, twisted or material with excessive wane should be avoided or used with
caution because of the greater possibility of the material not being held securely during manufacturing processes.
The machine is not to be used for any other purpose than the nailing of timber components.
Keep hands out of moving parts on the machine. Operators should be instructed not to extend
fingers or limbs into or beyond the vicinity of the warning labels. The danger here is obvious – fingers in these areas will risk mutilation.
Be sure the machine is completely free of foreign objects, and that all guards are in place
before connection to electrical and/or pneumatic supply.
Any guards removed for maintenance or adjustments must be replaced before the machine
is put back into service.
Exceeding the capabilities of the machine will void the warranty and could lead to a serious
All Operators should read and then sign the register of this manual before operating the
Wall Extruder to ensure they are thoroughly familiar with the machine capabilities and limitations and to ensure correct operating procedures are adhered to.
Failure to perform the daily and weekly service checks as per the schedule may result in
serious machine damage or a severe accident.
WARNING! This machine must only be operated by personnel who have been
properly instructed in all aspects of the machine’s safe operation. They must also
be wearing the recommended protective clothing and have thoroughly read and understood this operation and service manual.
15 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
7.2 Manual Handling
The following is not a comprehensive list. Manual lifting has the potential to be hazardous; so, for a full description of material handling please refer to lifting standards, techniques, and your own company policies.
Ensure material supply is via forklift or other support mechanism
Ensure correct lifting techniques are adopted to transfer material to infeed of nailing line
Suggest use of trolleys or bench at required height and location to minimize handling and
Ensure required PPE is worn
Ensure correct and appropriate lifting techniques are used
Suggest the setup of a material supply via gravity roller transfer system
Avoid twisting torso when moving pre-cut members from transfer system to pressing
surface of table
Only lift components of weight which you assess to be within your limit
Use machinery (forklift) for material decreed to be too heavy or ask for assistance from
another worker
16 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
7.3 General
Table 2, General Hazards
Ask questions if you have any doubts about doing the work safely. Check and adjust all safety devices daily.
Poor Guarding
Ensure all guards are fitted correctly and are adequately guarding guns and moving parts. Make sure guards are in position and in good working order. Do not operate machine without guards.
Poor Housekeeping
Inspect Wall Extruder and surrounding areas for obstructions, hazards, and defects. Remove built-up debris from around machine, electrical leads, pneumatic lines, and power points.
Electrical / Air Supply Faults
Inspect electrical leads and/or pneumatic lines for damage.
Inoperable Safety Switches
Check that start/stop and emergency stop buttons operate effectively.
Incorrect Accessories
Use only the accessories designed for each specific application
Foreign Objects
Check that foreign objects and maintenance tools etc. are removed from the machine before using the machine.
Defective/Damaged parts
Any identified defects must be reported and actioned prior to use of the Wall Extruder.
WARNING! This machine must only be operated by personnel who have been
properly instructed in all aspects of the machine’s safe operation. They must also be wearing the recommended protective clothing and have thoroughly read and understood this operation and service manual.
17 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
7.4 Operation
Table 3, Operational Hazards
Slip, Trip & Falls
Avoid awkward operations and hand positions where a sudden slip could cause your hand or part of your body to move into the nailing line. Electric power cords should be above head level or in the floor in such a way that they are not trip hazards. Floor areas should be level and non-slip. Clean up any spills immediately.
Use good lighting so that the work piece and machine controls can be seen clearly. Position or shade light sources so they do not shine in the operators’ eyes or cause glare and reflections. Ensure that the floor space around the equipment is sufficient to allow the operator to process their work without bumping into other staff or equipment. Keep the work area free of clutter, clean, well swept and well lit.
Clean built up debris from around the machine, electrical leads, pneumatic lines, and power points
Report all defects to the supervisor
Personal Protection
Wear safety glasses or a face shield. Wear hearing protection that is suitable for the level and frequency of the noise you are exposed to in the work area. Wear dust masks when required. Do not wear gloves when operating this machine. Do not wear loose clothing, work gloves, neckties, rings, bracelets or other jewellery that can become entangled with moving parts
Machine Guarding
Make sure all guards are fastened in position. The machine MUST NOT be operated with any of the guards removed. The machine is fitted with steel guards.
Improper Use
Only use the machine for what it has been designed for.
Material Defects
Inspect stock for nails or other foreign materials before nailing. Use only material that the machine has been designed to accommodate.
Operator Technique
Do not impede the movement of the Wall Extruder while in use. Ensure any body parts, clothing, or work tools do not get in the way of moving parts. Only place material once the Wall Extruder is in the home position and has come to a complete halt. Do not move stock from the Nail table until the clamps have been returned to their home position.
Hit by projectiles
The Wall Extruder must be electrically and pneumatically isolated before attempting to clear blockages or material jams. Any small off cut should be removed using a push stick which has been properly constructed. Do not use fingers to remove items which have become entangled in movable parts.
WARNING! This machine must only be operated by personnel who have been
properly instructed in all aspects of the machine’s safe operation. They must also be wearing the recommended protective clothing and have thoroughly read and understood this operation and service manual.
18 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
7.5 Maintenance
Table 4, Maintenance Hazards
Cleaning and maintenance preparation
Lock out (pneumatically isolate), and isolate power to the machine before inspecting, changing, cleaning, adjusting or repairing a machine. Do not use compressed air to remove sawdust etc. from machines or clothing.
Operational Buttons
Make sure that Operational buttons are in good working condition and within easy convenient reach of an operator. Buttons should be protected so that accidental contact will not upset the machine.
Emergency Stop Buttons
Make sure that Emergency Stop buttons are in good working condition and within easy convenient reach of an operator.
Incorrect electrical and pneumatic isolation of machine
Machine power must be switched off at the Main Power Switch, and the air locked out at the main isolator, before maintenance or cleaning.
Incorrect tools
Use Correct tools for the job to minimise personal injury and damage to the machine.
Stalled Clamp
Isolate air before attempting to free a stalled clamp
Ensure Guards are fitted correctly, adjusted and in good working order.
WARNING! This machine must only be operated by personnel who have been
properly instructed in all aspects of the machine’s safe operation. They must also
be wearing the recommended protective clothing and have thoroughly read and understood this operation and service manual.
19 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
7.6 Recommendations
That the operator is trained, on induction, of the dangers of accessing the machine operating area.
The electrical system is to be serviced by a qualified electrician only.
That all operators are walked through the operators’ manual, and all potential hazards are identified.
That good housekeeping is maintained at all times to avoid the risk of slips, trips or falls.
That approved eye and hearing protection is used at all times when operating the machine.
That approved dust masks and safety footwear are worn at all times when operating the machine.
That if the machine is not operating as efficiently as specified, the operator notify their supervisor; who in turn takes appropriate action and eliminates the problem if possible.
All guards and safety devices are not to be removed.
It is recommended that a visual exclusion zone be marked on the floor on a one metre (1000mm) perimeter surrounding the working area of the machine; to identify the work space to pedestrians.
WARNING! This machine must only be operated by personnel who have been
properly instructed in all aspects of the machine’s safe operation. They must also
be wearing the recommended protective clothing and have thoroughly read and understood this operation and service manual.
20 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
8 Operating Controls
Before attempting to operate the Wall Extruder, familiarise yourself with the location and function of each control.
8.1 Wall Extruder Controls
Figure 2, Wall Extruder controls
WARNING! Do not operate Wall Extruder without the correct knowledge and
function of each of the controls.
21 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
Table 5, Control functions (see Figure 2)
Fire button (Two Hands No Tie Down)
Activates clamps/guns when both buttons are pressed at the same time
Fire button (Two Hands No Tie Down)
Activates clamps/guns when both buttons are pressed at the same time
Reset button
Resets clamps back to the starting point. Can be activated at any point during operation, up until the guns are fired
Emergency Stops
Stops the machines operation, and resets everything back to their starting positions. These must be deactivated before operations can recommence
Isolation Station switch (Left and Right stations)
Can choose to use only the right station, only the left station, or use both
Isolation Gun switch – Right (Top and Bottom guns – Right side station)
Can choose to use only the top gun, only the bottom gun, or use both. On the right station only
Isolation Gun switch – Left (Top and Bottom guns – Left side station)
Can choose to use only the top gun, only the bottom gun, or use both. On the left station only
Cabinet Door Latch
Use to open or lock the control box cabinet
Pneumatic Brake button
Activates/Deactivates the Carriage Clamp
Trolley Clamp
Allows/Prevents the Nog Trolley from moving
WARNING! Do not operate Wall Extruder without the correct knowledge and
function of each of the controls.
22 Operations Manual – Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
8.2 Pneumatic Controls
Figure 3, Wall Extruder pneumatic controls
WARNING! Do not operate Wall Extruder without the correct knowledge and
function of each of the controls.
+ 52 hidden pages