Drive Axles
Wheel Differential Bearing Replacement Process
This procedure should only be followed if a wheel differential bearing cup has been identified as having a cup
that has rotated. It is important that this procedure is followed to insure a proper repair. Refer to Dana Service
Manual AXSM-0056 for any additional carrier set-up information.
Effected Axle Models: D170D/D190D
Parts Needed:
1- 131048 – Threaded bearing cup, plain half – diff. lock
1- 131044 – Threaded bearing cup, flange half
1- 512896 – Forward axle, carrier to housing hardware kit
1- 512897 – Rear-rear axle, carrier to housing hardware kit
1- Loctite 540 ( blue )
1- 513061 – Adjusting tool
Block the front and back of one of the steer axle tires.
2. Drain the axle lubricant into a clean container. This lube will be reused after this repair.
3. Disconnect drive shaft from yoke
4. Disconnect IAD lock out and or wheel differential lock out air lines.
5. Remove axle shaft nuts, washers and the axle shafts.
6. Remove carrier to housing capscrews and discard.
7. Place the carrier assembly in a head stand if available.
8. Measure and record ring gear backlash. We will be setting the backlash back to this setting during reassembly.

9. Now remove the carrier cap capscrews and carrier caps from the plain half and flange half sides.
10. Using the wheel diff. bearing adjustment tool, remove the wheel diff. assembly from the carrier.
Note: The bearing adjustment tool is made up of a threaded rod, two nuts, two washers and two adjustment plates.
Fit one adjustment plate to the plain half threaded cup. Fit the other adjustment plate to the flange half cup. The
adjustment rings will fit into slots of the threaded bearing cups stamped adjustment ring.
11. Connect the adjuster plates using the threaded rod, washers and nuts. Tighten the nuts on the rod to hold the
threaded cups in place. Carefully raise the hoist to remove the wheel differential and ring gear assembly from the

12. Use a rag and solvent to clean the threads of the carrier cap and carrier bore. Also clean the threads of the flange
half side threaded adjuster. The plain half side threaded adjuster will be replaced with new, discard old part.
13. Remove the bearing adjustment tool and replace the threaded cup assembly on the plain half side only.
14. Now reassemble the adjustment tool to hold the threaded bearing adjuster in place so the differential assembly
can be reinstalled into the carrier housing.
Note: There are two ways to make sure that the threaded cups are seated properly. If there is a misalignment,
reinstall the differential assembly at a slightly different angle.
15. Make sure there is no gap between the carrier threads and the cup threads.
16. Make sure that the bearings cage is parallel to the edge of the threaded cup.