TO: All Spicer
Model 80 bill of material 605445 (years 1990 - 1991.5) could have been built as a 35spline (ear ly v er sio n) or a 37-spline (la te version) axle a ssembly. The early v er sio n
had metal flow ( poros ity) wh er e the spin dle is welded to t he tube. This w ill cause a
clearance problem if 37-spline axle shafts are used in the early version housing.
If you need to replace these parts, the o nly way to determine which spline
components you need is to visually inspect your original parts. The current axle
shafts and inner parts kits for the two spline types are as follows:
Number of Splines In ner Parts Kit Axle Shaft
35 Spline 707063X 43286-1
37 Spline 707185X 43651-1
Light Axle Distributors
Joe Hoppe
Product Manager
Spicer Light Axle Products