DATE: December 12, 1995
TO: All Spicer® Light Axle Cus tomers
Beginning in December, 1994, a new model numbering system was established for all
new Spicer axles. The new system allows easy identification of an axle assembly by its
metric ring gear pitch diameter. Many of the new axle models can be interchanged with
old models, but t he co mponent parts may not be interchangeable. Please contact DSD’s
Tech Service group to verify the correct service parts numbers.
The list of axle models and their functional interchanges are as follows:
New Model Number Ring Gear Pitch Diameter-mm. Old Model Number
149 149.23 mm M-21
165 165.10 mm M-26
174 174.00 mm M-28
181 180.98 mm M-30
186 186.00 mm Super 30
187 187.33 mm GT-20
194 193.55 mm M-35
198 197.61 mm Super 35
200 200.03 mm M-36
216 215.90 mm M-44
226 226.06 mm Super 44
229 228.60 mm M-50
248 247.65 mm M-60
256 256.00 mm Super 60
267 266.70 mm M-70
273 273.05 mm Super 70
286 285.75 mm M-80
314 314.33 mm M-95
Th e new axle model numb er s are bein g used only for applications tha t re qu ire new ax le model
designs. All other applications will continue to use the old model numb er s.
Geng Zavrel
Produ ct Planning Manger