Drive Axles
Information Bulletin
Bulletin Type: Service/Parts Information
Topic: New Design Piloted Input Adjuster Released for D170 and D190 Models
Affected Models: All D170, D190, D590 Carrier Assemblies
As of August 1, 2006 all Dana D170, D190 and D590 forward carrier assemblies will be manufactured with a piloted input
shaft adjuster and input cover design. This change was made to address premature retainer bolt failures and excessive
radial play between the input adjuster and cover. The piloted design can be visually identified by the portion of threads
that have been removed from the adjuster and cover and replaced by a pilot. Additionally the current 8mm input adjuster
retaining capscrew has been replaced with a 12mm stud and jam nut. A part number reference listing is shown at the end
of this bulletin, pictured below are the new parts and detailed replacement procedures.
Cover Pilot
Revised Edition
New Piloted Input Adjuster Design New Piloted Input Cover Design
Repair Procedure:
1. Block the wheels of the vehicle front and back.
2. Remove the driveline from the input yoke.
3. Measure input radial play, if it is greater than .010” , replace assembly
4. De-stake the input nut and remove.
5. Using the proper puller to remove the input yoke assemble.
6. Remove PDU cover bolts.
7. Remove the power divider cover assembly.
8. Before installing the new piloted cover, clean any old sealant from the carrier surface.
9. Apply a 1/8” bead of RTV to the carrier making sure you go around each bolt hole.
10. Install new piloted cover assembly
11. Turn the adjuster in until it is snug.
12. Back the adjuster off one to two notches.

INFORMATION BULLETIN – ABIB-0608R1 - New Design Piloted Input Adjuster Released for D170 and D190 Models
13. Measure end play, set to .001” to .005”
14. Install new retaining stud, make sure it is aliened to an adjuster slot and torques to 20 ft. lbs.
15. Install retaining stud jam nut and torque to 65 ft. lbs.
Torque Stud to 20 ft. lbs. Torque Jam Nut to 65 ft. lbs.
16. Install new input seal.
17. Reinstall yoke assembly
18. Install new input nut, torques to 800 – 1000 ft. lbs.
19. Stake input nut
20. Reinstall Driveline.
131221 Cover – D170 model 514357 NLA
131328 Cover – D190 model 514356 NLA
513881 Kit – Input Cover D170 514357 NLA
513879 Kit – Input Cover D190 514356 NLA
131217 I/P Adjuster & Cup Assy – D170, D190 NEW KIT Order 514357 or 514356 based on model
131373 Capscrew – D170/D190 models 131373 Remains active for service, use w/ old cover parts only
514357 Kit - D170 Input Cover NEW Includes: 131686,131692,131693,131685,131374 (qty10)
514356 Kit - D190 Input Cover NEW Includes: 131687,131692,131693,131685,131374 (qty12)
131686 D170 Input Cover - NSS 514357
131687 D190 Input Cover - NSS 514356
131685 I/P Adjuster & Cup Assy – D170, 190
131692 Stud NEW
131693 Nut NEW
NSS – Not Sold Separately
For Service
Order New
New I/P Adjuster cannot be used with “Original” design
covers. Best to stock the new kits above
For spec’ing or service assistance, call 1-800-621-8084 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
sit our web site at: http://www.VSLFHUSDUWV.com
Or vi
Dana Holding Corporation
ABIB-0608r1 Copyright Dana Holding Corporation, 2008 Dana Spicer Service Parts Division
February 2008 All Rights Reserved. P.O. Box 321
Printed in U.S.A. www.dana.com 7ROHGR2KLR