DATE: Ma r ch 1, 2002
TO: All CVSP Spicer® Driveline Dis tributors
Spicer engineers have always recommended safe manufacturing practices when building or
repairing driveshafts.
Over the years they have stressed building safe driveshafts that ar e ALWAYS the correct
length and never capable of approaching their critical speed. CVSP has distributed tens of
t h ousands of our familiar driv eshaft speed calcula tors, Form no.J310-13, t o you and your
Our engineers have improved our driveshaft speed calculator again; making it even easier to
use. The enclosed, bulk quantity of Form no. J3253 is the latest and most up-to-date
information we have on the relationship between driveshaft style, length, and tube size and
our engineering recommended driveshaft “SAFE OPERATING SPEED/RPM.”
There are new instructions on the use of this calculator, so please make sure your driveline
personnel are br ought up to “speed” . When you beg in us ing this calculator, you will be able
to calculate the SAFE OPERATING RPM of any driveshaft you are wor k ing on.
Please discard your old calculators, Form number J310-13 and begin using the new
calculator, Fo r m number J3253, imme diately. Please pa ss on one o f our n ew, easy to use
calculator s to EVERY one of your customers that build driveshafts.
If you need additional copies of this valuable too l, please contact customer service at 800621-8084 or fax your request to 800-332-6124. If you need more than the set maximum
quantities allowed (25) or would like to cha n ge your initial mailing quan tity for driv eline
literat ure, please contact your CVSP sales representative.
Thomas Koedam
Brand Development Manager
Spicer Driv eline Pr oduc ts
encl: J3253