Spheros DBW 230, DBW 160, DBW 300, DBW 2020, DBW 350 Workshop Manual

Water heaters Workshop Manual
DBW 160 DBW 230(2020) DBW 300 DBW 350
Status: 07/2010
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Contents and purpose .......................................................................................................................... 101
1.2 Applicability of the manual.... ... ... ... ....................................................................................................... 101
1.3 Meaning of accentuations..................................................................................................................... 101
1.4 Further documentation to be used........................................................................................................ 101
1.5 Safety information and regulations....................................................................................................... 101
1.5.1 General safety regulations......................................................................................................... 101
1.6 Legal requirements regarding the installation.................... ... ... .... ... ... ... ................................................ 102
1.7 Suggestions for improvements and modifications ................................................................................ 103
2 General Description
2.1 Combustion air fan................................................................................................................................ 204
2.2 Motor..................................................................................................................................................... 204
2.3 Fuel pump............................................................................................................................................. 204
2.3.1 Nozzle-block preheater.............................................................................................................. 205
2.4 Heat exchanger .................................................................................................................................... 205
2.5 Combustion chamber............................................................................................................................ 206
2.6 Control unit ........................................................................................................................................... 206
2.7 Flame sensor........................................................................................................................................ 207
2.8 Electronic ignition unit with ignition electrodes ..................................................................................... 207
2.9 Temperature limiter /thermal fuse......................................................................................................... 208
2.10 Control thermostat................................................................................................................................ 208
2.11 Fan thermostat...................................................................................................................................... 209
2.12 Circulation pump................................................................................................................................... 209
3 Function Description
3.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 301
3.2 Operation.............................................................................................................................................. 301
3.2.1 Activation................................................................................................................................... 301
3.2.2 Heating operation...................................................................................................................... 301
3.2.3 Deactivation............................................................................................................................... 301
3.2.4 Malfunction cut-out................. ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ............................................................................. 301
4 Technical data
Electrical components..................................................................................................................................... 401
Fuel .............................................................................................................................................................. 401
Contents DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
5 Troubleshooting
5.1 General................................................................................................................................................ 501
5.2 General fault symptoms....................................................................................................................... 501
5.3 Troubleshooting – quick diagnostic...................................................................................................... 503
5.4 Fault symptoms........................ .... ........................................................................................................ 504
5.4.1 Heater does not start when being switched on......................................................................... 504
5.4.2 Heater repeatedly switches into malfunction mode approx. 30 s after bein g switched on ....... 505
5.4.3 Heater requires several attempts to start ................................................................................. 506
5.4.4 Heater turns off by itself during operation................................................................................. 506
5.4.5 Heater creates black smoke..................................................................................................... 507
5.4.6 Heater creates white smoke................................ ..................................................................... 508
5.4.7 Heater cannot be switched off.................................................................................................. 508
6 Function Checks
6.1 General................................................................................................................................................ 601
6.2 Settings................................................................................................................................................ 601
6.2.1 Adjusting CO
contents ............................................................................................................ 601
6.3 Checks of individual components ........................................................................................................ 602
6.3.1 Check of flame-sensor resistance ............................................................................................ 602
6.3.2 Check and adjustment of ignition electrodes............................................................................ 603
6.3.3 Check of electronic ignition unit................................................................................................ 603
6.3.4 Check of fuel pump................................................................................................................... 603
6.3.5 Check of burner motor.............................................................................................................. 604
6.3.6 Check of solenoid valve............................................................................................................ 604
6.3.7 Check of nozzle-block preheater.............................................................................................. 604
7 Wiring diagrams
7.1 General................................................................................................................................................ 701
8 Service and Maintenance
8.1 General................................................................................................................................................ 801
8.2 Heater servicing................................................................................................................................... 801
8.3 Vehicle servicing.......................................... ... ..................................................................................... 801
8.4 Heater test run..................................................................................................................................... 801
8.5 Maintenance work................................................................................................................................ 801
8.5.1 Swinging the burner head open and closed ............................................................................. 802
8.6 Visual inspections / installation specifications 803
8.6.1 Connection to the vehicle's cooling system.............................................................................. 803
8.6.2 Connection to the vehicle's fuel system.................................................................................... 803
8.6.3 Combustion air supply.............................................................................................................. 805
8.6.4 Exhaust pipe............................................................................................................................. 805
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 Contents
8.7 Removal and installation....................................................................................................................... 806
8.7.1 Heater, removal and installation................................................................................................ 806
8.7.2 Replacing the temperature limiter.............................................................................................. 806
8.7.3 Replacing the control thermostat............................................................................................... 806
8.7.4 Replacing the fan thermostat..................................................................................................... 806
8.7.5 Replacing the thermal fuse........................................................................................................ 806
8.7.6 Replacing the burner head........................................................................................................ 806
8.7.7 Replacing the electronic ignition unit......................................................................................... 806
8.7.8 Replacing the flame sensor....................................................................................................... 806
8.7.9 Replacing the combustion chamber.......................................................................................... 807
8.8 Start-up................................................................................................................................................. 808
8.8.1 Bleeding the coolant circuit........................................................................................................ 808
8.8.2 Bleeding the fuel-supply system................................................................................................ 808
9.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 901
9.1.1 Measures on components in disassembled condition............................................................... 902
9.1.2 Carrying out modifications......................................................................................................... 902
9.2 Disassembly and assembly.................................................................................................................. 907
9.2.1 Replacing the temperature limiter.............................................................................................. 907
9.2.2 Replacing the control thermostat............................................................................................... 907
9.2.3 Replacing the fan thermostat..................................................................................................... 909
9.2.4 Replacing the thermal fuse........................................................................................................ 909
9.2.5 Replacing the control unit.......................................................................................................... 909
9.2.6 Replacing the burner head........................................................................................................ 909
9.2.7 Replacing the motor .................................................................................................................. 911
9.2.8 Replacing the high-pressure nozzle.......................................................................................... 912
9.2.9 Replacing the nozzle-block preheater....................................................................................... 912
9.2.10 Replacing the electronic ignition unit......................................................................................... 912
9.2.11 Replacing the flame sensor....................................................................................................... 912
9.2.12 Replacing the ignition electrodes............................................................................................... 912
9.2.13 Replacing the fuel pump............................................................................................................ 914
9.2.14 Replacing the solenoid valve..................................................................................................... 914
9.2.15 Replacing the combustion chamber.......................................................................................... 914
9.2.16 Thermostat of the nozzle-block preheater................................................................................. 914
9.2.17 Replacing the heat exchanger................................................................................................... 916
9.2.18 Replacing the nozzle block........................................................................................................ 917
9.2.19 Replacing the combustion air fan.............................................................................................. 917
10 Packaging / Storage and Shipping
10.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 1001
A Appendix
Regular maintenance of heater....................................................................................................................... A-2
List of Figures DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
List of Figures
301 Function sequence (heaters with control unit 1553)...................................................................................... 302
501 General fault symptoms ............................................... .................................................................................. 501
701 Au tomatic wiring diagram, DBW 160 with control unit 1553 and switch, system variants and pin allocation 702
702 Automatic wiring diagram, DBW 230/300 with control unit 1553, 24 volts..................................................... 704
703 Automatic wiring diagram, DBW 300/350 with control unit 1553, 24 volts..................................................... 706
704 Application ex ample for DBW 160/230/300, 12 and 24 volts, operation with timer and battery switch.......... 708
801 Swinging the burner head open and closed................................................................................................... 802
802 Example of heater installation in a bus .......................................................................................................... 804
901 Replacement of temperature limiter, control thermostat, fan thermostat and thermal fuse ........................... 908
902 Replacement of the control unit..................................................................................................................... 910
903 Replacement of the burner head.................................................................................................................... 910
904 Replacement of the motor.............................................................................................................................. 911
905 Replacement of nozzle block, nozzle-block preheater, high-pressure nozzle and flame sensor................... 913
906 Replacement of the thermostat of the nozzle-block preheater....................................................................... 915
907 Replacement of the solenoid valve................................................................................................................ 915
908 Replacement of the combustion chamber and the heat exchanger............................................................... 916
909 Replacement of the combustion air fan.......................................................................................................... 918
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 1Introduction
1.1 Contents and purpose
This workshop manual serves to support trained person­nel in the repair of coolant heaters DBW 160/230/300 /350.
The heater may only be operated with the specified fuel (diesel) and only with the type of electrical connection specified for the respective model.
1.2 Applicability of the manual
The manual is applicable for the heaters listed on the title page. The heaters mainly differ with regard to their techni­cal data (see Section 4).
1.3 Meaning of the warning and safety notices
In this manual, the signal words DANGER, CAUTION and NOTE have the following meanings:
This heading is used when incorrect compliance or non­compliance with instructions or procedures may result in injuries or lethal accidents.
This heading is used when incorrect compliance or non- compliance with instructions or procedures may result in damage to components.
This headline is used to indicate particularly useful or special information.
1.4 Further documentation to be used
This workshop manual contains all information and in­structions required for the repair of coolant heaters DBW 160/230/300/350. The use of additional documentation is normally not re­quired. If required, the installation instructions and the operating instructions can be used in addition.
1.5 Safety information and regulations
As a rule, the applicable general regulations and instruc­tions concerning accident prevention and work safety must be observed.
"General safety regulations" beyond the scope of these regulations are listed in the following.
The special safety regulations of importance for this manual are indicated in the relevant sections or process descriptions in the form of signal words (warnings, cau­tions, notes).
1.5.1 General safety regulations
For the heaters DBW 160/230/300/350, type approvals according to EC directives 72/245/EEC (EMC) and 2001/ 56/EC (heater systems) have been granted, with the EC approval number:
e1*2001/56*0006xx For installation, primarily the provisions of Annex VII to di-
rective 2001/56/EC must be observed.
Non-compliance with the installation instructions and the notes contained will lead to exclusion of liability by Sphe­ros. The same applies to repairs not carried out by experts or without the use of genuine spare parts. This will result in the invalidation of the General Build-Type Approval of the heater and hence the General Certification (German 'ABE').
The year the heater was initially commissioned must be permanently marked on the type label by removing the relevant year.
The heaters are approved for heating the vehicle engine and the passenger compartment. When the heater is used in vehicles not subject to the StVZO [German road-traffic licensing regulations] (e.g. ships), locally applicable regu­lations must be complied with. The heater may only be installed in vehicles or in inde­pendent heating systems with a minimum coolant volume of 10 litres.
1Introduction DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
The heater may not be installed in the driver's or passen­ger's compartments of vehicles. If the heater is neverthe­less installed in such a compartment, the installation case must be tightly sealed towards the vehicle interior. From the outside, the installation case must be sufficiently vented so that a maximum temperature of 85 °C in the in­stallation case is not exceeded. If this temperature is ex­ceeded, malfunctions may occur.
DANGER Because of danger of poisoning and suffocation, the heater must not, not even with a timer, be operated in enclosed rooms such as garages or workshops without exhaust-gas extraction systems.
Because of explosion hazard, the heater must be switched off at filling stations and filling systems.
CAUTION Wherever flammable fumes or dust can form (e.g. near fuel, carbon, wood-dust, cereal storage sites or similar), the heater must be switched off due to explo­sion hazard. The heater may not be operated in the vicinity of flam­mable materials, such as dry grass, leaves, cardboard boxes, paper etc.
In the vicinity of the control unit, an ambient temperature of 110°C (storage temperature) must not be exceeded (e.g. when paint work is carried out on the vehicle). If the specified temperature is exceeded, permanent damage to the electronics may occur. When checking the coolant level, proceed according to the vehicle manufac- turer's instructions. The coolant in the heating circuit must contain at least 10% of a brand-name anti-freeze agent.
Additives in the heating circuit may not be aggressive against metals, plastics and rubber and may not cause any deposits.
The opening pressure in the vehicle cooling syst em ­usually indicated on the radiator cap – must range between 0.4 and 2.0 bar allowable working pressure (also applies to separate heating circuits).
1.6 Legal requirements regarding the installation
For installation, primarily the provisions of Annex VII to di­rective ECE R122 must be observed.
NOTE: The provisions of these directives are binding in the area of application of the ECE directive and should also be observed in countries without specific regula- tions!
(Excerpt from directive ECE R122, Appendix VII)
7.1 A clearly visible operation indicator in the operator's field of vision must inform about the heater being switched on or off.
Regulations regarding the installation in the vehicle
5.3.1 Area of application As stipulated in Section, combustion heaters must be installed according to the provisions of Section 5.3. In class-O vehicles with heaters for liquid fuel, it is assumed that they comply with the pr ovisions of Section
5.3.2 Positioning of the heater Parts of the vehicle body and other components in the vicinity of the heater must be protected from exces­sive heating and possible fuel or oil-induced soiling. Even in the event of overheating, no fire hazard may be caused by the combustion heater. This provision is considered to be complied with if, during installation, rel­evant clearance to all components is maintained, suffi­cient ventilation is provided for or fire-resistant materials or heat shields have been used. In class-M2 and M3 vehicles, the combustion burner may not be located in the passenger compartment. Its installation in the passenger compartment is, however, permissible when it is located in a properly se aled casing which also complies with the provisions of Section The label named in Appendix 7, Section 1.4 or a duplicate must be positioned to allow for easy reading when the heater is installed in the vehicle. The heater must be installed in a location where the risk of injuring persons and damaging items carried is as small as possible.
5.3.3 Fuel supply The fuel-filler neck may not be located in the pas­senger compartment and must be equipped with a tigh tly­sealing cap which prevents fuel from escaping. In heaters for liquid fuel, where the fuel supply is separated from the vehicle's fuel supply, the type of fuel and the filler neck must be clearly marked. On the filler neck, a note must be visible, saying that the heater must be switched off before refuelling it. A corresponding instruction must also be included in the
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 1Introduction
manufacturer's operating manual.
5.3.4 Exhaust system The exhaust outlet must be positioned so that no exhaust fumes can get into the vehicle's interior via venting devices, hot-air inlets or window openings.
5.3.5 Combustion air inlet The air for the heater's combustion chamber must not be drawn in from the vehicle's passenger compart­ment. The air inlet must be protected and positioned in a way that it cannot be blocked by garbage or luggage.
5.3.6 Heating air inlet The combustion air supply may consist of ambient air or circulating air and must be drawn in from a clean area which can presumably not be contamina ted by exhaust gas from the engine, the combustion heater or another source in the vehicle. The inlet opening must be protected by grilles or other suitable means.
5.3.7 Heating air outlet Hot air pipes in the vehicle must be protected and positioned so touching them will not result in injuries or damage. The air outlet must be protected and positioned in a way that it cannot be blocked by garbage or luggage.
5.3.8 Automatic control of the heating system When the engine stalls, the heating system must automatically be switched off and the fuel supply interrupt- ed within five seconds. If a manually operated control device has already been activated, the heating system can remain in operation.
CAUTION: Non-compliance with the installation instruction s and the notes contained will lead to exclusion of liability by Spheros. The same applies to repairs not carrie d out by experts or without the use of original spare parts. This results in the invalidation of the heater's type approval and hence the ECE type approval.
Installation instructions for separate fuel tanks with regard to the fuel supply of coolant heaters in vehicles:
In busses, the installation in the passenger's or driv-
er's compartment is not permissible.
In no vehicle may the fuel-filler neck be located in the
passenger's or driver's compartment.
The fuel tanks must either be equipped with a vent ilat-
ed cap or any other type of ventilation (vent line).
Only caps in compliance with DIN 73400 may be used.
1.7 Suggestions for improvements and modifications
Please address any complaints, improvements or sug­gestions for correction of this technical manual to:
Spheros GmbH Friedrichshafener Straße 9 - 11 82205 Gilching Phone: +49 (0) 8105 7721-201 Fax: +49 (0) 8105 7721-199
1Introduction DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 2 General Description
2 General Description
The Spheros DBW 160, 230, 300 and 350 coolant heaters supplement the vehicle's heating system
to heat the passenger compartment – to defrost the windows, and – to preheat liquid-cooled engines.
The coolant heater functions independently of the vehicle engine and is connected to the cooling system, fuel system and electric system.
The heater is designed for heat transfer a nd is contr olled by a temperature sensor. It's operation is intermittent.
The heaters of the type DBW 160, 230, 300 and 350 com- prise the following main components:
combustion air fan – fuel pump – heat exchanger – combustion chamber – electronic ignition unit with ignition electrodes
Some heater variants are equipped with a nozzle- blo ck preheater.
The heater is controlled by – a control unit
a flame sensor integrated in the device. The control units are fitted laterally at the rear or on the
top, depending on the heater variant.
The heater may comprise a temperature limiter
a thermal fuse a fan thermostat
depending on variant.
An external circulation pump is installed in the vehicle.
2 General Description DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
Heater DBW 160
1 Burner head 2 Electronic ignition unit 3 Coolant outlet 4 Control thermostat 5 Fusible link
6 Temperature limiter 7 Fan thermostat 8 Heat exchanger 9 Exhaust outlet 10 Control unit
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 2 General Description
Heater DBW 230, DBW 300 and DBW 350
1 Burner head 2 Electronic ignition unit 3 Coolant inlet 4 Fusible link * 5 Control thermostat * 6 Temperature limiter * 7 Coolant outlet 8 Heat exchanger 9 Fuel return
10 Fuel supply 11 Exhaust outlet 12 Control unit
* for components installed in applicable
heater variants
2 General Description DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
2.1 Combustion air fan
The combustion air fan supplies the air required for com­bustion from the air intake into the combustion chamber.
Heaters are fitted with the following fan types: DBW 160 – side-channel fan, DBW 230 / 300 – radial fan, DBW 350 – two-stage radial fan.
2.2 Motor
The motor drives the combustion air fan via a co up ling and the fuel pump via a gearset.
2.3 Fuel pump
The fuel pump supplies fuel for combustion. It is driven by the combustion air fan motor via a coupling. Inside the fuel pump, the fuel is pressurised to approx. 10 bar (DBW 160
11.5 bar) and is vaporised by the high-pressure atomiser. Fuel supply to the atomiser is controlled by a solenoid valve.
DBW 160
DBW 230 / 300
DBW 350
DBW 160 / 230 / 300 / 350
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 2 General Description
2.3.1 Nozzle-block preheater
The nozzle-block preheater heats the fuel flowing to the high-pressure nozzle.
Heaters without nozzle-block preheaters may show mal­functions at extremely low temperatures. At temperatures < 0° C, the heating element in the nozzle block is actuated via a thermostat.. Heating duration depends on the heat reflected in the combustion chamber, and the heater switches off when the thermostat reaches a temperature of +8° C.
Heaters without nozzle-stock preheaters can be retrofit­ted. For parts required please refer to parts list.
2.4 Heat exchanger
The heat exchanger transfers the heat generated by com­bustion into the cooling system.
DBW 160
Heating element
Nozzle block
DBW 230 / 300 / 350
Heating element
Nozzle block
DBW 160
to DBW 230(2020).32
to DBW
from DBW 230(2020).33 from DBW 300.15 from DBW 350.01
2 General Description DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
2.5 Combustion chamber
The fuel/air mixture is distributed in the combustion chamber where it is burned, thus heating the he at exchanger.
2.6 Control unit
The control unit is the core control element ensurin g th e system function and the monitoring of the combustion.
Control unit 1553
DBW 160
to DBW 300.15
from DBW 230(2020).33 DBW 300.16 DBW 300.62 without flame pipe DBW 350.01
to DBW 230(2020).32
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 2 General Description
2.7 Flame sensor
The flame sensor monitors the flame during the entire combustion process. The flame sensor acts as a photo­electric resistor detecting the absence of a flame or as a photoelectric transistor detecting the presence of a flame and responding to its luminous intensity. Its signals are received and processed by the control unit.
Flame sensor for control unit 1553
2.8 Electronic ignition unit with ignition electrodes
The electronic ignition unit creates the high voltage required to ignite the fuel/air mixture. Ignition is then rea­lised by high-voltage spark-over between the two ignition electrodes.
Ignition electrodes
Flame sensor
2 General Description DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
2.9 Temperature limiter / Thermal fuse
Temperature limiter
The temperature limiter (bi-metal) protects the heater against excessive operating temperatures. The tempera­ture limiter trips when a temperature of 107° C or 117° C is exceeded, turning off the heater. The temperature limiter is resetable or self-resetting.
Thermal fuse
The thermal fuse protects the heater against excessive operating temperatures. It comprises a fusible link that trips at excessive temperatures, turning off the heater.
Heaters can be retrofitted with temperature limiters replacing the thermal fuses.
2.10 Control thermostat
Control thermostat at heater
After reaching operating temperature, closed-loop opera­tion is performed by the control thermostat. The coolant is maintained at a constant temperature by turning the heater on and off. The thermostat closes at 63 ± 5° C and opens at 70 ± 3° C.
External control thermostat
Closed-loop operation can also be executed by an exter- nal control thermostat.
After reaching operating temperature, closed-loop opera­tion is performed by the control thermostat. The coolant is maintained at a constant temperature by turning the heater on and off. The thermostat closes at 71 ± 2° C and opens at 78 ± 2° C; alternatively at 62 ± 2° C and 70 ± 2° C.
Heaters with energy-conservation function (temperature conservation) may be fitted with a thermostat closing at 35 ± 2° C and opening at 42 ± 2° C.
Thermal fuse
Reset button
Temperature limiter opens at 107 ± C resetable at 30° C automatic reset at C
DBW 160
DBW 230 / 300 / 350
Control thermostat at heater
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 2 General Description
2.11 Fan thermostat
The fan thermostat turns the vehicle heater's fan on and off at coolant temperatures between 30° C and 40° C. The thermostat closes at 40 ± 3° C and opens at 30 ± 5° C.
Fan thermostat at heater
Fan thermostat in coolant system
2.12 Circulation pump
The external circulation pump circulates the coolant in the cooling system of the vehicle and in the heater. The pump is activated by the control unit and runs througho ut the entire operating period of the heater. Heaters are compa­tible with pumps of the type U 4810 (DBW 160 only), U 4814, U 4851, U 4854, U 4855 or U 4856.
External control thermostat
U 4810
Recommended for heater DBW 160
U 4814
Recommended for heater DBW 230, 300 and 350
U 4851
Recommended for heater DBW 230, 300 and 350
U 4854
Recommended for heater DBW 230, 300 and 350
U 4855 (replaces U 4851) Recommended for heater DBW 230, 300 and 350
2 General Description DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
U 4856 (replaces U 4852) Recommended for heater DBW 230, 300 and 350
U 4852
Recommended for heater DBW 230, 300 and 350
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 3 Function Description
3 Function Description
3.1 General
The heaters are equipped with burners using high-pres­sure atomisers and run in intermittent operation. They are thermostatically controlled (control unit 1553).
3.2 Operation
The heater is switched on and off at the – switch (On/Off) or
by the timer. Its operating mode is shown by an operation indicator in-
tegrated in the timer or by a separate indicator light. Heaters can be fitted with optional nozzle-block pre-
heaters and heater elements for operatio n at extremely low temperatures.
Operation (see Fig. 301)
3.2.1 Switch on
When the system is switched on, the operation indicator lights up. Combustion air fan, fuel pump and circ ulation pump start. After approx. 15 seconds, the solenoid valve opens and fuel is injected into the combustion chamber via the atomiser. At the same time, a high-voltage ignition spark is generated. When the flame sensor detects a flame, it outputs a signal to the control unit which switches the electronic ignition unit off.
If no flame is detected, please refer to 3.2.4.
3.2.2 Heating operation
After reaching operating temperature, closed-loop opera­tion is performed by the control thermostat.
Coolant temperature is then maintained at a constant level by switching the heater on and off. When the tempe­rature exceeds the upper switch point, the solenoid valve shuts of the fuel supply, causing the flame to extinguish. The combustion air fan then runs on for approx. 150 se­conds, switching off automatically. The circulation pump keeps on running during the burner's off-periods, and the operation indicator remains on. When the temperature falls below the lower switch point, the heater is restarted.
3.2.3 Switch off
When the heater is switched off, combustion is stopped. The operation indicator is turned off, and the purge cycle begins. Combustion air fan and circulation pump are switched off after approx. 150 seconds.
The heater cannot be restarted during purge cycle.
3.2.4 Malfunction cut-out
Heaters with control unit 1553
A malfunction cut-out occurs – if no combustion is detected within approx. 30
seconds after the heater is switched on,
if the fuel supply is interrupted for more than 10
seconds during heating operation,
if thermal fuse or temperature limiter detect over-
heating of the heater. The thermal fuse must always be replaced by a fuse of the identical type (observe colour code). Reset the button of the temperature limiter (once the heater has cooled down to below 60° C).
if undervoltage is detected approx. 10 – 25 seconds
after the temperature falls below the switch point.
Once the cause of the malfunction has been eliminated, the heater can be unlocked by switching it off and back on.
3 Function Description DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
Fig. 301 Function sequence (control unit 1553)
82 4 6
2 4
5 7
10-25 s 5-25 s
ca.150 s
10-25 s
5-25 s
ca.150 s
A Operation indicator B Circulation pump C Combustion air fan D Electronic ignition unit E Solenoid valve F Flame sensor G Control thermostat
1 Activation 2 Initial cycle 3 Start 4 Safety delay time 5 Combustion mode 6 Control pause starts 7 Purge cycle 8 Control pause ends 9 Switch-off 10 Heater stops
DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350 4 Technical Data
4 Technical data
Where no limit values are specified, technical data are un­derstood to include standard tolerances for heaters of ±10% at an ambient temperature of +20° C and at nominal voltage.
Electrical components
Control unit, motors for combustion air fan and circulation pump, solenoid valve, electronic ignition unit, heating ele­ment, nozzle-block preheater and timer are designed for 24 volts. The components temperature limiter, flame sensor, temperature sensor and switch are voltage-inde­pendent.
Combinations of circulation pumps and heaters must be selected in accordance with coolant flow resistance
Only the type of fuel indicated on the heater's type label may be used. Commercially available diesel fuels in accordance with DIN EN 590 (diesel fuel) may be used. According to the diesel-fuel standard DIN EN 590, up to 5% of biodiesel additive is also permissible.
At temperatures below 0°C, a commercially available winter diesel fuel should be used. The use of flow improvers or additives is permissible. Adverse effects are not known.
CAUTION: For fuel taken from the vehicle tank, the vehicle manu­facturer's specifications regarding additives apply.
Heater DBW 160 DBW 230 DBW 300 DBW 350
ECE approval number according to R10 (EMC) 025038 ECE approval number according to R122 (heating systems) 000204 000205 000206 000207 Build type High-pressure atomiser Heat flow kW
(13 800)
(20 000)
(26 000)
(30 000) Fuel Diesel fuel as per DIN 51601 Fuel consumption kg/h 1.9 2.5 3.3 3.7 Nominal voltage V – 12 or 24 24 Nominal-voltage range V – 10...14 / 21...28 21...28 Nominal power consumption (without circulation pump)
W 100 (12V)
90 (24V)
110 (12V) 110 (24V)
100 (12V) 130 (24V)
.62: 100 (24V)
170 (24V)
Permissible ambient temperature during opera­tion (heater, control unit, circulation pump)
°C -40... + 60
Permissible storage temperature (heater, control unit, circulation pump)
°C -40... + 85
Permissible operating pressure bar 0.4...2.0 Heat-exchanger filling capacity l 1.1 2.4 Minimum amount of coolant in circuit l 10.00 I CO
in exhaust gas at nominal voltage Vol % 10.5 ± 0.5 CO in exhaust gas Vol % max. 0.2 Bacharach smoke number Vol % < 4.0 Heater dimensions (tolerance ± 3 mm) mm
mm mm
length 584
width 205
height 228
length 681 to .32 length 680 to .50
width 230 to .32
width 240 to .50 height 279 to .32 height 269 to .50
length 681 to .15 length 680 to .30
width 230 to .15
width 240 to .30 height 279 to .15 height 269 to .30
length 725
width 240
height 279 to .10
height 269 from .11
Weight kg 14.5 24 from .33: 22 24 from .33: 22 23
4 Technical Data DBW 160 / 230 (2020) / 300 / 350
Circulation­pump type
Volume flow Nominal voltage
voltage range
Nominal power
Dimensions Weight
l/h V – V – W
U 4810
1600 (at approx.
0.15 bar)
12 or 24 10 …14 / 20 …28 25
94 77
U 4814
5000 (at approx.
0.2 bar)
12 or 24 10 …14 / 20 …28 104
228 100 105
U 4851
6000 (at approx.
0.4 bar)
24 20 …28 209
279 115 110
U 4852
6000 (at approx.
0.4 bar)
24 20 …28 209
284 115 110
U 4854
5200 (at approx.
0.15 bar)
24 20 …28 104
221 100 105
U 4855
6000 (at approx.
0.4 bar)
24 20 …28 210
225 110 115
U 4856
6000 (at approx.
0.4 bar)
24 20 …28 210
229 110 115
+ 56 hidden pages