Sperian Panther Hip-Pac P9684 Series, Panther Hip-Pac P9686 Series, Panther Hip-Pac P9685 Series, Panther Hip-Pac 9649 Operation Manual

P9684 SERIES 5- and 10-Minute Escape
P9685 SERIES 15-Minute Escape
P9686 SERIES HP 10-Minute Escape
9649 SERIES HP 10-Minute Escape
DO NOT USE this respirator until you completely read and understand this instruction manual. You are required to inspect your respirator prior to put-
ting it into eld service. Please refer to the inspection procedures in this
manual. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to serious personal injury, serious illness, or death.
© Copyright SPERIAN May 2003 All Rights Reserved P/N 963018 REV B 12/13
AN ISO 9001
Sperian Respiratory Protection USA, LLC 3001 South Susan St., Santa Ana, CA 92704 Toll Free (800) 873-5242 www.sperianprotection.com
Panther HIP-PAC
Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
III. DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
IV. PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
V. USE INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A. Air Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
B. Quick Coupler Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
C. Donning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
D. Fit Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
E. Emergency Exit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
F. Emergency Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
G. Dofng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
H. 21 Series Facepiece Drink Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
VI. MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
A. Conventional Facepiece Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
B. Hood-style Facepiece Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
C. Second Stage Regulator Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
D. Exterior Surfaces Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
E. Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
F. Repair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
G. Functional Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
H. Cylinder Maintenance and Recharging . . . . . . . . . 14
I. Cold Weather Operation and Maintenance . . . . . . . 17
J. Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
K. Overhaul Frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
L. Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
VIII. INSPECTION TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
IX. REPAIR TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
X. FUNCTIONAL TESTING TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
XI. CAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
This manual provides instructions for the use and main­tenance of the SPERIAN Panther HIP-PAC™ pressure­demand supplied-air respirator and self-contained breathing apparatus, P968450 Series, P968470 Series, P968500 Series, P9686 Series, and 9649 Series. The Panther HIP-PAC is intended for supplied-air entry into hazardous atmospheres, and emergency exit using the
ve/ten/fteen-minute cylinder in the event of a remote
air supply failure. You must read and understand this
manual and be trained in the proper use of the Pan­ther HIP-PAC before wearing it in a hazardous envi-
The Warnings, Cautions, and Notes contained in this
manual have the following signicance:
Maintenance or operating procedures and techniques that may result in seri­ous personal injury, serious illness, or
death if not carefully followed.
Maintenance or operating procedures and techniques that may result in dam­age to equipment if not carefully fol­lowed.
NOTE Maintenance or operating procedures and techniques or information considered important enough to emphasize.
The SPERIAN Panther HIP-PAC consists of a rellable cylinder, valve and pressure gauge assembly, rst stage
regulator, second stage regulator, facepiece, waist belt, and regulator hose. The cylinder stores 8 cubic feet of air at 2216 psig for the 5-minute apparatus, 15.2 cubic feet of air at 3000 psig for the 10-minute apparatus, 17 cubic feet of air at 4500 psig for the 10-minute appara­tus, and 24 cubic feet of air at 3000 psig for the 15-min­ute apparatus. The cylinder valve controls air pressure to the regulator, and houses a safety relief device and a cylinder pressure gauge. The regulators reduce the cylinder pressure or remote air pressure and supply a
ow to the facepiece. A check valve in the low pressure air line hose prevents inward leakage of contaminated
air when disconnected from the air supply.
• The employer is responsible for estab­lishing that these respirators are suit-
able for the user’s application.
• No respirator can provide complete protection from all conditions. Use
extreme care for all emergency opera-
tions. Do not use the Panther HIP-PAC
for interior structural re ghting, abra-
sive blasting, or under water.
• The pressure within the Panther HIP-
PAC remains positive under most work-
ing conditions, but as with all respira-
tors, negative pressure excursions are possible. Conditions when a respirator
can experience negative facepiece pres-
sures include, but are not limited to: 1) the respirator is improperly worn, 2) the respirator is not used in accordance with the instructions, or 3) the respira-
tor is over-breathed during heavy work rates. The HIP-PAC will provide reduced protection when operated in a negative
pressure mode.
• Your SPERIAN respirator has been constructed of materials selected for
their performance, safety, and durabil­ity. However, all materials have limita-
tions to exposure to extremes of heat
and cold or to the many chemicals in use today, and could be degraded by exposure beyond their limitations, cre-
ating conditions in which this SPERIAN
equipment would be dangerous to use.
• Before allowing anyone to enter a
hazardous environment while wear-
ing SPERIAN equipment, the employer must conduct safe, scientic tests to
determine if the environment could ren-
der the equipment unsafe. Results of
Panther HIP-PAC
this testing should be well docu-
mented. Seek the help of a certified
safety professional or industrial hy-
gienist. DO NOT USE this equipment
if the user would be endangered in
any way through environmentally in-
duced degradation of the materials in
the apparatus.
• All persons using this SPERIAN respi­rator must be made aware of its limita-
tions. We cannot be responsible for any
damage to property, personal injury, or
death in which environmental exposure is a contributing factor.
• SPERIAN cannot predict what will hap-
pen to this equipment in every potential
environment. Materials can be chemi-
cally attacked if exposed to the wrong environment and may exhibit corrosion or other forms of damage. Permeation
or penetration of gases, liquids, or par-
ticles through the materials could be
excessive. Extremes of temperature
might cause thermal degradation. Each
of these things, or a combination of
them, could create conditions in which this SPERIAN equipment would be dan­gerous to use.
• This respirator must be used in con­junction with a written respirator pro-
gram meeting the requirements of the
OSHA Standard for Respiratory Protec-
tion 29 CFR 1910.134, available from the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The
program must include, but not be lim-
ited to, procedures for evaluating air
contaminants and selecting appropriate
respirators, procedures for proper use of respirators, procedures for testing the facepiece-to-face t of respirators, procedures for cleaning, disinfecting,
inspecting, maintaining, and storing
respirators, procedures for determining
if workers are physically and medical-
ly capable of wearing respirators, and procedures for training employees in
the use of respirators and in recogniz­ing the hazards associated with con-
taminants in the workplace.
• The air supply must meet the guide­lines of the Compressed Gas Associa-
tion (CGA) pamphlet G-7.1, Grade D Air,
as appropriate.
• DO not wear this respirator if a satis­factory t, as determined by a qualita-
tive or quantitative t test, cannot be
obtained. See ANSI Z88.2, latest edition,
and OSHA 1910.134. Beards and side-
burns will prevent good facepiece seal.
Do not use this respirator unless you
are clean shaven.
• This respirator does not protect ex­posed areas of the body. Some contam-
inants can be absorbed directly through the skin while others may irritate ex­posed areas. This respirator does not
provide protection from splash of haz­ardous liquids, ying objects, hazard-
ous rays, or harmful noise. Always wear
proper head, ear, and eye protection.
• This respirator is designed for use in temperatures above -30°F.
• When using this respirator at tempera­tures of 0 to -30°F, the rst stage regu-
lator must be wrench tightened on the
cylinder valve, and anti-fog solution, P/N 951015 or 951016, must be applied to the inside of the facepiece lens.
• The Panther HIP-PAC has a rated ser-
vice time of 5, 10, or 15 minutes. Under average conditions, you will have up to 5, 10, or 15 minutes in which to escape from a toxic environment. Stress and
exertion may cause extra air consump-
tion and reduce the service time. Know escape routes in advance and the time required to travel them.
• Compressors, storage cylinders, valves, regulators, ttings, and other
hardware must be large enough to de-
liver the air volume required by all us-
ers at peak demand.
• This respirator will reduce, but will
not eliminate the inhalation of con-
taminants. Some sensitive individuals
may experience health problems when
exposed to even minute amounts of
contaminants. This respirator will not
prevent health problems for those indi-
• Do not modify this respirator in any
• This respirator must only be worn
and used as specied in SPERIAN’s in-
structions. Always read and follow the
instructions listed in the Material Safe-
ty Data Sheet for the chemicals that are present in the work area. Selection and use of these respirators must be done
in accordance with ANSI Z88.2, latest edition, and the applicable OSHA stat­utes.
• Do not use SPERIAN respirators, ac­cessories, and associated equipment in atmospheres which may contain con-
taminant concentrations above the low-
er explosive limit (LEL). Intrinsic safety certication of electronic components
does not eliminate potential danger
from ignition in these atmospheres.
• Some individuals are sensitive to
chemicals (e.g., isocyanates or paint hardeners, latex, oil mists, etc.) or may
have some type of respiratory disor-
der (e.g., asthma, chronic obstructive
airway disease, etc.). If you are sensi­tive to any chemical or have a respira-
tory disorder, you may have a severe reaction at contaminant levels well below accepted health levels, such as
the OSHA Permissible Exposure Lim-
it (PEL), AIHA Threshold Limit Value
(TLV), or the NIOSH Recommended Ex-
posure Limits (REL). Many chemicals (e.g., isocyanates, mercury, etc.) have
no physical warning properties and you cannot taste or smell the contaminants
even though they may be present in the respirator facepiece. This respirator will
reduce, but will not eliminate the possi-
bility of contaminants entering the face-
piece and causing a severe reaction. Do not use this respirator if you have been sensitized from previous exposure or
believe that you may be sensitive or al-
lergic to any chemical until you obtain
clearance from a medical doctor.
• Users must clean and maintain this
respirator only in accordance with
SPERIAN’s instructions. Accessories not offered by SPERIAN may degrade
performance, and will void NIOSH cer-
• The respirator facepiece assembly
contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Discontinue use if you ex­perience an allergic reaction.
• Discontinue use if you experience skin
irritation or discoloration.
Panther HIP-PAC
Figure 1A. Low Pressure HIP-PACs
2216 psig & 3000 psig
Figure 1B. High Pressure HIP-PAC, 4500 psig
IV. PARTS LIST (See Figure 1A for low pressure 2216 psig & 3000 psig HIP-PACs and Figure 1B for high pressure 4500 psig HIP-PAC.)
Panther HIP-PAC
1 968416 Classic Facepiece, Standard, Black
968417 Classic Facepiece, Small, Black 2120XX Series 21 SeriesFacepieces w/ Drink Tube** 2220XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces* 2320XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces**
2420XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces** 2520XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces** 2620XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces**
2720XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces** 968005 Puma Hood, Standard, Red, Small Nose Cup 968006 Puma Hood, Standard, Red, Medium Nose Cup 968007 Puma Hood, Standard, Red, Large Nose Cup
2 968443 Regulator Assy., First and Second Stages, without
Quick Disconnect
968441 First Stage Pressure Reducer with Quick
961793 Second Stage Regulator with Quick Disconnect
3 968510 Harness Assy., 5 and 10-min., Kevlar
968515 Harness Assy., 15-min., Kevlar 975230 Harness Assy., 5 and 10-min., Nylon
4 975081 5-minute, 2216 psig, All-Aluminum Cylinder and
Valve Assy.
975154 10-minute, 3000 psig, All-Aluminum Cylinder and
Valve Assy.
968512 15-minute, 3000 psig, Hoop-wrapped Cylinder and
Valve Assy.
5 975089 Gauge, 2216 psig
975189 Gauge, 3000 psig
6 961289 Regulator Reciever
* No longer available but still holds current approval. See Matrix for detailed part
numbers and descriptions.
** See Matrix for detailed part numbers and descriptions.
Air Supply Hoses and Air Line Coupling Kits
Lightweight 3/8" PVC Air Supply Hoses w/out Air Line Coupling Kit
930801 25 feet 930802 50 Feet 930804 100 Feet
High Performance 3/8" Neoprene Air Supply Hoses w/out Air Line Coupling Kit
930870 10 Feet 930861 25 feet 930862 50 Feet 930864 100 Feet
Air Line Coupling Kits - Female/Male quick disconnect for 3/8" hoses
930810 Foster 930820 Schrader 930830 Hansen 945007 Hansen Stainless Steel, Two-way Shutoff 930852 Snap-tite
Air Supply Hose Accessories
985237 Gasket for 3/8" hoses 985238 Fitting, Double Male
980003 Spectacles Kit, Classic Facepiece, Wire Frame 964054 Spectacles Kit, Classic Facepiece, NexSpex 962260 Spectacles Kit, all 2020 Series Facepieces , Wire
964044 Spectacles Kit, all 2020 Series Facepieces ,
NexSpex B140095 Lens Cover, Clear, Classic Facepiece 702019 Lens Cover, Tinted, TwentyTwenty Plus 702028 Lens Cover, Clear, TwentyTwenty Plus 951015 Anti-fog Solution, (1 oz.) 951016 Anti-fog Solution, (16 oz.) 981805 Anti-fog Wipes, (Box of 100) B140096 Mask Wipes, (Box of 100) 940172 Neck Strap Kit, Classic Facepiece 962232 Neck Strap Kit, TwentyTwenty Facepiece 962869 Neck Strap Kit, TwentyTwenty Plus Facepiece 961710 Headnet Kit, Classic Facepiece, Standard 961730 Headnet Kit, Classic Facepiece, Small 969019 Headnet Kit, TwentyTwenty and TwentyTwenty Plus
Facepieces 962264 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Small, Clear 962265 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Medium, Clear
962266 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Large, Clear
702064 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Small, Black
702065 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Medium, Black
702066 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Large, Black
968469 Utility "D" Ring Kit
964331 TwentyTwenty Plus Radio Communication System 964332 SmallTalk Plus Voice Amplier Kit 964333 TwentyTwenty Plus Radio Communication/SmallTalk Plus
Voice Amplifer Kit
969083 Remote Push-to-Talk Kit
Upgrade and Conversion Kits
P968453 SAR Upgrade Kit, 5 Minute P968473 SAR Upgrade Kit, 10 Minute
P968535 SAR Upgrade Kit, 15 Minute P968453 SCBA Conversion Kit, 5 Minute P968472 SCBA Conversion Kit, 10 Minute P968540 SCBA Conversion Kit, 15 Minute
Welding Accessories
430000 Welding Shield, Classic Facepiece 430005 Lower Welding Bib, Classic Facepiece
430010 Upper Welding Bib, Classic Facepiece
962244 Air Klic Removal Tool, TwentyTwenty Plus Facepiece
Fit Testing Accessories
962900 APR Adapter/Qualitative Fit Test Adapter 962920 Quantitative Fit Test Adapter (For use with 962900)
Rebuild Kits (You must be a Certied Technician to rebuild these systems)
975245 First Stage Pressure Reducer Rebuild Kit 961572 Panther Second Stage Regulator Rebuild Kit
Panther HIP-PAC
1 968416 Classic Facepiece, Standard, Black
968417 Classic Facepiece, Small, Black 2120XX Series 21 Series Facepieces w/ Drink Tube** 2220XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces* 2320XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces**
2420XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces** 2520XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces**
2620XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces** 2720XX Series TwentyTwenty Plus Facepieces**
968005 Puma Hood, Standard, Red, Small Nose Cup 968006 Puma Hood, Standard, Red, Medium Nose Cup
968007 Puma Hood, Standard, Red, Large Nose Cup 2 964683 First Stage Regulator 3 961793 Second Stage Regulator 4 968686 Harness Assy.
968680 Harness Assy. For use with COMPASS 5 968713 Intermediate Pressure (IP) Hose 6 917250 Cylinder/Valve
917212 Cylinder/Valve, LAFD, Red
917215 Cylinder/Valve, LAFD, Blue
917218 Cylinder/Valve, LAFD, Black 7 964912 COMPASS Kit, LAFD
964914 COMPASS Kit
964916 COMPASS Kit with Auxiliary Coupler 8 961289 Regulator Reciever
* No longer available but still holds current approval. See Matrix for detailed part
numbers and descriptions.
** See Matrix for detailed part numbers and descriptions.
Air Supply Hoses and Air Line Coupling Kits
Lightweight 3/8" PVC Air Supply Hoses w/out Air Line Coupling Kit
930801 25 feet 930802 50 Feet 930804 100 Feet
High Performance 3/8" Neoprene Air Supply Hoses w/out Air Line Coupling Kit
930870 10 Feet 930861 25 feet 930862 50 Feet 930864 100 Feet
Air Line Coupling Kits - Female/Male quick disconnect for 3/8" hoses
930810 Foster
Air Supply Hose Accessories
985237 Gasket for 3/8" hoses 985238 Fitting, Double Male
980003 Spectacles Kit, Classic Facepiece, Wire Frame 964054 Spectacles Kit, Classic Facepiece, NexSpex 962260 Spectacles Kit, all 2020 Series Facepieces , Wire
964044 Spectacles Kit, all 2020 Series Facepieces ,
NexSpex B140095 Lens Cover, Clear, Classic Facepiece 702019 Lens Cover, Tinted, TwentyTwenty Plus 702028 Lens Cover, Clear, TwentyTwenty Plus 951015 Anti-fog Solution, (1 oz.) 951016 Anti-fog Solution, (16 oz.) 981805 Anti-fog Wipes, (Box of 100) B140096 Mask Wipes, (Box of 100) 940172 Neck Strap Kit, Classic Facepiece 962232 Neck Strap Kit, TwentyTwenty Facepiece 962869 Neck Strap Kit, TwentyTwenty Plus Facepiece 961710 Headnet Kit, Classic Facepiece, Standard 961730 Headnet Kit, Classic Facepiece, Small 969019 Headnet Kit, TwentyTwenty and TwentyTwenty
Plus Facepieces 962264 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Small, Clear 962265 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Medium, Clear 962266 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Large, Clear 702064 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Small, Black
702065 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Medium, Black
702066 Nosecup Kit, TwentyTwenty, Twenty Twenty Plus
Facepiece, Large, Black
968469 Utility "D" Ring Kit
Item P/N DESCRIPTION Communications
964331 TwentyTwenty Plus Radio Communication System 964332 SmallTalk Plus Voice Amplier Kit 964333 TwentyTwenty Plus Radio Communication/SmallTalk Plus
Voice Amplifer Kit
969083 Remote Push-to-Talk Kit
Welding Accessories
430000 Welding Shield, Classic Facepiece 430005 Lower Welding Bib, Classic Facepiece 430010 Upper Welding Bib, Classic Facepiece
962244 Air Klic Removal Tool, TwentyTwenty Plus Facepiece
Fit Testing Accessories
962900 APR Adapter/Qualitative Fit Test Adapter 962920 Quantitative Fit Test Adapter (For use with 962900)
Rebuild Kits (You must be a Certied Technician to rebuild these systems)
975245 First Stage Pressure Reducer Rebuild Kit 961572 Panther Second Stage Regulator Rebuild Kit
The respirator and hose assemblies are
supplied without quick couplers. The desired quick coupler assemblies must be purchased separately. Instructions for assembling quick
couplers and hoses are provided below in
paragraph V, B, “Quick Coupler Assembly.”
Panther HIP-PAC
• Compressors, storage cylinders, valves, regulators,  ttings, and other
hardware must be large enough to de-
liver the air volume required by all us­ers at peak demand. You are responsible for air quality and compliance with safety and health
codes applicable to your area.
• No more than three (3) lengths of air supply hose shall be used for the 9308 and 93080 series hose, and no more than six (6) lengths for the 9649 series
• The air supply hose inlet must be sup­plied with 80 to 125 psig air pressure.
• The length of air supply hose must be 10 to 300 feet for the 9308 series hose, 25 to 300 feet for the 93080 series hose, and 50 to 150 feet for the 9649 series hose. Do not combine different series of
hoses or coupler assemblies.
• The NIOSH approval applies to the use of the splitter (suit bypass) only as speci ed in the “Special or Critical User’s Instructions.”
• Failure to comply with this Warning
may lead to serious personal injury, se­rious illness, or death.
1. Ensure that the air supply is Type 1, Grade D, or better, as described in the Compressed Gas Associa-
tion Commodity Speci cation for Air, G-7.1. Moisture
content, expressed as dewpoint, shall be maintained at -65°F (-53.9°C) or lower, or less than 24.0 ppm by volume.
2. Set relief valves at a maximum pressure of 150 psig (1.03 MPa).
B. Quick Coupler Assembly
A male coupler from one of the air line coupler kits listed
in the parts list, paragraph IV, must be assembled to the open end of the respirator hose. This operation requires a torque wrench.
1. Respirator Hose a. Remove the shipping cap plug from the respira-
tor hose.
b. Hold the female threaded  tting with a wrench
or vise. c. Apply thread sealant completely around the male
threads of the coupler.
Do not allow the thread sealant to ex-
tend past the last thread of the coupler.
Thread sealant that extends past the
coupler threads can restrict or block air  ow to the user. Failure to comply with
this Warning may lead to serious per­sonal injury, serious illness, or death.
d. Thread the male coupling into the female  tting
on the respirator hose. Torque to 90 5 in-lb.
e. Pressurize and check for leaks with a bubble­type leak detector.
f. If leaks are detected, disassemble and repeat
steps a through e.
g. If the leaks persist, remove the hose from ser­vice and have repairs made by a SPERIAN-certi ed
2. Air Supply Hose - Each length of hose is equipped
with a 1/4 inch female NPT swivel nut at each end and a male-to-male 1/4 inch NPT adapter. The male­to-male adapter may be used to connect two lengths of hose or connect the hose to the air supply. Four approved methods of connecting hose lengths and air supply are illustrated in Figure 2.
Carefully inspect and clean all threads to remove foreign material. Foreign ma-
terial entering the air line can restrict
or block air  ow to the user. Failure to
comply with this Warning may lead to serious personal injury, serious illness, or death.
Figure 2. Hose Connections
3. When assembling the quick disconnect  ttings of
the coupler or the male-to-male adapters to the hose,
verify that the hose gaskets are in place and torque to
90 5 in-lb. Thread sealant is not required.
Panther HIP-PAC
4. The air supply connection using the 1/4 inch male­to-male adapter illustrated in Method 2 is also ap­proved for use with Methods 3 and 4.
a. Method 1 is preferred when only one length of hose is required, since it allows the hose to be dis­connected from the air supply.
b. Method 3 is preferred when multiple lengths of hose (maximum of three) are required, eliminating
the cost of quick-disconnect couplers at the hose
5. Pressurize and check for leaks with a bubble-type leak detector. If leaks are detected:
a. Disassemble and repeat steps 3 through 5.
b. If the leaks persist, remove the hose from ser-
vice and have repairs made by a SPERIAN-certied
Always verify that the swivel nut gas-
kets are in place and undamaged before assembly. Missing or damaged swivel nut gaskets may allow contaminants to leak into the system causing illness or
1. Verify that the air cylinder valve is turned off.
2. Verify that the bypass is in the OFF position and that the cylinder gauge reads full.
3. Depress the shutoff button on the second stage regulator.
4. Ensure that the waist belt and hip pad (if used) are
properly positioned on the tank mounting bracket belt
loop. See Figure 3.
5. Insert the air line hose through the rst waist belt loop on the back of the waist belt and the restraint
sleeve located on the waist belt. See Figure 4.
6. Route the second stage hose through the second
loop on the back of the waist belt. Position the second
stage hose so that it routes under your left arm. (If the hose is too tight, adjust the cylinder nearer the small
of your back.)
NOTE The following steps 7-10 do not apply to the 5-minute and 10-minute nylon harness assembly, P/N 975230.
C. Donning
• Always don, remove, and t check the respirator in a safe, uncontaminated
• The regulator must be attached to the Panther HIP-PAC air cylinder before
connecting the air line hose to the air supply. Using the supplied air line with­out the regulator being attached to the cylinder could result in loss of air, caus­ing illness or death.
• Verify that the air cylinder valve is turned off before connecting to the air supply. Using the Panther HIP-PAC with
the air cylinder turned on while connect-
ed to the air supply will cause loss of air
in the cylinder, resulting in reduced es-
cape time in case of an emergency.
• Always disengage the regulator from the facepiece and return it to the waist belt-mounted receiver when not in use. This will prevent contaminants from
entering the regulator outlet port. Dirt, dust, and water may enter the regulator,
causing it to malfunction.
• Failure to comply with this Warning
may lead to serious personal injury, se­rious illness, or death.
Figure 3. Waist Belt and Hip Pad Position
Figure 4. Routing of Hoses
7. Ensure that the regulator receiver is attached to the
waist belt just behind the snap hook.
8. Ensure that the waist belt is laced properly through
the D-ring slide and the snap hook. See Figure 5.
Panther HIP-PAC
Figure 5. Waist Belt D-ring
9. Insert the second stage regulator into the regulator receiver on the waist belt.
10. Open the (optional) shoulder strap to its maximum position. Place the shoulder strap over the left shoul­der and position the shoulder pad on the top of the left shoulder. Adjust the shoulder strap to raise the cylin­der, and to raise the waist belt into position around the waist.
11. Position the cylinder so that the cylinder is located
slightly behind the right hip, latch the belt buckle, and
adjust both the waist and shoulder straps (if used) for comfort. Pull the loose end of the waist strap to tighten.
12. Connect the air line hose to the remote air supply.
When using Foster ttings, always ensure that the
locking sleeves are rotated to the locked position.
13. When donning the respirator without the optional shoulder strap, follow the same procedures except omit step 10.
14. Tighten the AIR KLIC on the facepiece by turning
it clockwise.
15. Verify that the AIR KLIC is secured by trying to
turn it counterclockwise.
ii. If your SCBA is equipped with a neck strap, place the neck strap over your head.
iii. Grasp the lower headstraps as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Grasp Lower
iv. Place your chin in the chin cup and pull the straps over your head.
v. Center the facepiece and atten the head-
strap hub on the back of your head.
vi. Tighten the two lower straps. Do not over­tighten. vii. Tighten the temple straps (Figure 7), then
the top strap, until all the headstraps lie at on
your head.
Figure 7. Tighten Upper Straps
The AIR KLIC must be held securely in the nozzle by the ratchet-and-pawl mechanism. If it is necessary to use a
respirator that has been stored at a tem-
perature below freezing (32°F or 0°C)
prior to using, then DO NOT exhale into
the facepiece until the facepiece has
been properly donned with the nose
cup situated properly on the face and the regulator installed and activated.
Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to serious personal injury, se­rious illness, or death.
16. There are two methods, depending upon which head harness is used, to secure the Classic™ or TwentyTwenty Plus facepiece to the user. Both meth­ods are described below.
a. Standard silicone headstrap:
i. Fully loosen the headstraps.
viii. Perform a leak check as described below.
When properly adjusted, the headstrap
hub should be centered on the back of
your head, and the lower straps should be
below your ears. Make sure that your chin
is properly recessed in the chin cup.
b. Optional Headnet
i. Inspection
Classic Facepiece—Ensure that the three
locking fabric straps located across the forehead
are positioned so that they do not slip out from
under the buckles.
TwentyTwenty Plus Facepiece and 21 Series
Facepiece—Ensure that the three locking fab- ric straps located across the forehead are fully inserted into their slots in the rims and that the
locking aps prevent the straps from pulling out
of the slots.
All Facepieces
ii. Place your chin in the chin cup, pull the elastic adjustment strap over your head, and tighten by pulling evenly on both sides. See Figure 8.
Figure 8. Adjust Headnet
iii. Center the facepiece and fasten the Head-
net with a wiping motion toward the back of
your head. iv. Retighten the elastic adjustment straps. Do
not overtighten. v. Perform a leak check as described below.
Do not adjust the t of the facepiece with the three locking straps at the top of the headnet. Use the two bottom
straps only.
When properly adjusted, the headnet
should be centered on the back of your
head, and the lower straps should be below your ears.
c. Hood-Style Facepiece
Panther HIP-PAC
cleaning and disinfecting, anti-fog solution (SPERIAN P/N 951015, 951016, OR 981805) must be applied to the inside of the lens.
• The Challenge® NXT, PVC lens, neoprene neck seal, and adhesive all may react in a different manner when exposed to
chemicals or chemical mixtures. You must
verify that none of the components of the
hood will degrade against the chemicals or mixtures to which it may be exposed.
• It is vital to ensure that you have objective evidence that the hood will be able to
maintain its integrity against the expected chemical exposure during operations. This can be accomplished by tests you conduct
or by contacting SPERIAN for further information. Listed below are a few, but not necessarily all, chemicals that are known to degrade or destroy the PVC material. Do not use the hood in environments
containing these chemicals:
Carbon tetrachloride
Methyl ethyl ketone
Nitric acid
• Failure to comply with this warning may
lead to serious personal injury, serious illness, or death.
i. Fully loosen the suspension straps.
ii. Grasp the hood-style facepiece by the neck seal and pull the neck seal over your head.
The SPERIAN hood-style facepiece:
• Must be worn in conjunction with an SAR and/or SCBA and used as specied in SPERIAN’s instructions.
• When donned and used with its SAR/ SCBA, will reduce, but not eliminate the inhalation of contaminants.
• Does not protect against falling objects or
• Must not be worn around open ames. It
must not be used for structural re ghting, underwater activities, or abrasive blasting.
• Must not be used unless a satisfactory t
is obtained.
• Must not be reused if contaminated.
Must not be altered or modied in any
• Requires that the wearer must assure
that the neck seal is not compromised by
hair or clothing when in use.
• Requires that after each use and/or
iii. Position the nose cup on your face, then simultaneously tighten the two suspension straps.
D. Fit Check
• Conduct t checks only in a safe, un-
contaminated environment.
• Do not use this respirator in a con-
taminated atmosphere if you do not obtain a satisfactory seal during the t
check. If a seal was not obtained, repo-
sition the facepiece, check the straps, and perform the t check again. Failure
to obtain a satisfactory seal could al­low contaminants to leak into the face-
piece, causing illness or death. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to serious personal injury, serious illness, or death.
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