Sperian PANTHER, PUMA, COUGAR Operation Manual

manual. You are required to inspect your SCBA prior to putting it into eld service.
Please refer to the inspection procedures in this manual. DO NOT USE this SCBA un­less you are properly trained and this SCBA has been properly maintained. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, illness, or death.
Copyright Sperian Respiratory Protection USA, LLC April 2008 All Rights Reserved P/N 968808 REV F 10/08
AN ISO 9001
Sperian Respiratory Protection USA, LLC 3001 South Susan St., Santa Ana, CA 92704 Toll-Free 888.APR.SCBA or 714.545.0410 Fax 714.850.0299 www.sperianprotection.com
LIMITED WARRANTY: SPERIAN warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for 12
years from the date of purchase, with the exception of the Puma hood, which is warranted for 2 years; the compressed
air cylinder, which is warranted for 15 years; and the rst stage regulator, which is warranted for the life of the product.
If the SCBA is equipped with a Heads-Up Display, the HUD electronics are warranted for 2 years. During these periods, SPERIAN will repair or replace defective parts, at SPERIAN’s option.
Freight charges to and from the SPERIAN factory shall be paid by the purchaser.
CONDITIONS: To maintain this warranty, this product must be used, maintained, and inspected as prescribed in the
owner’s instruction manual, including prompt replacement or repair of defective parts, mandatory ow tests and over­hauls, and such other necessary maintenance and repair as may be required. Normal wear and tear; parts damaged by abuse, misuse, negligence, or accidents; batteries; and installed accessories which have separate warranties are
specically excluded from this warranty.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: No other oral warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind have been made by SPERIAN, its distributors, or the agents of either of them, that in any way alter the terms of this warranty. EXCEPT AS
The failure to use and maintain this equipment in strict conformance with the appli­cable instruction manual may result in personal injury, illness, or death. The equip­ment’s use in any manner that is not expressly authorized pursuant to the applicable
instruction manual may result in severe adverse impacts to human health.
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1
II. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ............................................................. 1
III. PARTS LIST ................................................................................ 4
IV. DESCRIPTION ............................................................................ 5
A. Backpack and Cylinder ........................................................... 5
B. First Stage Regulator .............................................................. 6
C. Gauge/Heads-Up Display (HUD) ............................................ 6
D. Chest-mounted Gauge ............................................................ 7
E. Second Stage Regulator ......................................................... 7
F. Facepiece ................................................................................ 8
G. Universal Air Connection (UAC) ............................................. 8
V. UNPACKAGING ........................................................................... 9
A. Warranty Card ......................................................................... 9
B. Remove the SCBA from the Packaging .................................. 9
VI. OPERATION ............................................................................... 9
A. Donning ................................................................................... 9
B. Leak Check—TwentyTwenty Plus Facepiece ....................... 12
C. Leak Check—Puma Hood .................................................... 12
D. Exhalation Valve Test—TwentyTwenty Plus
Facepiece and Hood ................................................................. 12
E. Pressurization ....................................................................... 12
F. Universal Air Connection (UAC) Operation ............................ 14
G. Emergency Operation ........................................................... 15
H. Dofng ................................................................................... 15
I. Cylinder Removal and Reinstallation ...................................... 16
J. Transportation ........................................................................ 17
K. Interface Considerations ....................................................... 17
VII. CYLINDER FILLING AND SAFETY ......................................... 17
A. Inspection .............................................................................. 18
B. Filling Procedure ................................................................... 19
VIII. MAINTENANCE ...................................................................... 20
A. Facepiece Cleaning .............................................................. 20
B. Second Stage Regulator Cleaning ........................................ 21
C. Exterior Surfaces Cleaning ................................................... 22
D. Inspection .............................................................................. 22
E. Repair .................................................................................... 22
F. Functional Testing .................................................................. 22
G. Cylinder Maintenance and Recharging ................................. 22
H. Cold Weather Operation and Maintenance ........................... 22
I. Storage ................................................................................... 26
J. Overhaul Frequency .............................................................. 26
K. Additional Information ............................................................ 27
IX. INSPECTION TABLE ................................................................ 28
X. REPAIR TABLE .......................................................................... 29
XI. FUNCTIONAL TESTING TABLE ............................................... 31
XII. CAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ............................................... 32
This manual provides operating instructions as well as cleaning, maintenance, and storage procedures for the SPERIAN Panther™/Cougar™/Puma™ high and low pressure SCBA. You must read and understand these instructions and be properly trained before using the SCBA in a hazardous atmosphere.
All SPERIAN-certied technicians are re­quired to remain current on new procedures and parts through SPERIAN’s published
Technical Bulletins, technical manual revi-
sions, and certication seminars.
Maintenance or operating procedures and techniques that may result in per­sonal injury, illness, or death if not carefully followed.
Maintenance or operating procedures and techniques that may result in damage to equipment if not carefully followed.
The Warnings, Cautions, and Notes contained in this
manual have the following signicance:
Maintenance or operating procedures and techniques or information considered impor­tant enough to emphasize.
The user is responsible for establishing that this equipment is suitable for the user’s application. For respiratory protection, this SCBA
must be worn and used as specied in SPERIAN’s instructions. No protective equipment can provide complete pro-
use the Panther SCBA alone for any re ghting or hazardous materials opera­tions; additional protective clothing and
equipment are required for protection.
This SCBA may cease to provide pro­tection if used during excessive heat or ashover conditions harsher than those
in which it has been tested. This SCBA must be utilized under suitable thermal
protective garments during exposure to excessive heat or ashovers. Users
must clean and maintain this SCBA only in accordance with SPERIAN’s in­structions. Accessories or replacement
components not certied for use with
this SCBA may degrade performance or
make this SCBA unsafe, or void NIOSH certication, and must not be used
without SPERIAN’s written
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
consent. The user must read, under­stand, and follow the accessory in­stallation and operation instructions before using this SCBA in a hazard­ous environment. Only SPERIAN com­ponents shall be used with this SCBA.
Failure to comply shall void the war­ranty and NIOSH approval.
Your SPERIAN respirator has been constructed of materials selected after careful consideration for their perfor-
mance, safety, and durability. However, all materials have exposure limitations to ame, extremes of heat and cold, or
to the many chemicals in use today. No materials exist that can be used safely
in all of these environments.
Our engineers cannot predict what will
happen to this equipment in every po­tential environment. Materials can be
chemically attacked if exposed to the
wrong environment and may exhibit excessive corrosion or other forms of
damage. Permeation of gases and liq­uids through the materials could be ex­cessive. Flame or extremes of tempera­ture might cause thermal degradation. Each of these things, or a combination of them, could create conditions in which this SPERIAN equipment would be dangerous to use. This respirator will reduce, but will not eliminate the inhalation of con­taminants. Before allowing anyone to
enter a hazardous environment while
wearing SPERIAN equipment, you
must conduct safe, scientic tests to determine if the environment could
render the equipment unsafe. Results of this testing should be well docu-
mented. Seek the help of a certied
safety professional or industrial hy­gienist. DO NOT USE this equipment if the user would be endangered in any way through environmentally in­duced degradation of the materials in the apparatus. All persons using this SPERIAN breathing apparatus must be made aware of its limitations. We cannot be responsible for any damage to prop­erty, personal injury, or death in which environmental exposure is a contrib­uting factor. This respirator does not protect ex- posed areas of the body. Some con­taminants can be absorbed directly through the skin while others may ir­ritate exposed areas.
Visual indications of material degra-
dation may be identied by charring,
blistering, cracking, crazing, pitting,
chalking, rust, and signicant color
changes, all of which can result in a weakened structure, prohibiting ex-
tended useful service life.
Do not wear this respirator if a satis-
factory t, as determined by a qualita­tive or quantitative t test, cannot be
obtained. See ANSI Z88.2 latest edi­tion and OSHA Respirator Standard (29 CFR 1910.134).
Beards and sideburns will prevent
a good facepiece seal. Do not use this respirator unless you are clean
This respirator must be used in con- junction with a written respirator pro­gram meeting the requirements of the OSHA Standard for Respiratory Protection, 29 CFR 1910.134, avail­able from the U.S. Department of La­bor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The program must include, but not be limited to proce-
dures for evaluating air contaminants
and selecting appropriate respirators, procedures for testing the facepiece-
to-face t of respirators, procedures
for cleaning, disinfecting, inspecting, maintaining, and storing respirators, procedures for determining if workers are physically and medically capable of wearing respirators, and proce­dures for training employees in the use of respirators and in recognizing the hazards associated with contami­nants in the workplace. Do not use this respirator underwater
or for abrasive blasting.
Before use in welding operations, the SCBA must be equipped with a black facepiece, a welding shield, and upper and lower bibs. This SCBA is designed for storage in temperatures from -30°F to +160°F. SPERIAN respirators, accessories, and associated equipment should not be used in atmospheres which may contain contaminant concentrations
above the lower explosive level (LEL). Intrinsic safety certication of elec-
tronic components does not eliminate potential danger from ignition in these atmospheres.
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
The pressure within the SPERIAN
facepiece remains positive under
most working conditions, but as with all SCBAs, negative pressure excur­sions are possible. Conditions when
an SCBA can experience negative
facepiece pressures include, but are not limited to: 1) the SCBA is improp­erly worn, 2) the SCBA is not used in accordance with the instructions, 3) the SCBA is improperly maintained, or
4) the SCBA is over-breathed during heavy work rates. The SCBA will pro­vide reduced protection when oper­ated in a negative pressure mode. Some sensitive individuals may ex-
perience health problems when ex-
posed to even minute amounts of con­taminants. This SCBA will not prevent health problems for those individuals. Persons sensitized can have a se- vere reaction to chemicals at levels well below accepted health levels
such as the OSHA Permissible Expo­sure Limit (PEL), ACGIH® Threshold Limit Value (TLV®), or NIOSH Recom­mended Exposure Limits (REL). Do
not use this SCBA if you have been sensitized from previous exposure or believe that you may be sensitive or
allergic to any chemical (e.g., isocya­nates, latex, etc.). Do not alter or modify this SCBA in any
manner. Modifying this SCBA will void NIOSH certication and may create a
condition in which the SCBA would
not provide the intended protection. Some individuals are sensitive to
chemicals (e.g., isocyanates, latex,
oil mists, etc.) or may have some
type of respiratory disorder (e.g.,
asthma, chronic obstructive airway disease, etc.). If you are sensitive to any chemical or have a respiratory disorder, you may have a severe reac­tion at contaminant levels well below accepted health levels, such as the
OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL), ACGIH® Threshold Limit Value (TLV®), or the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits (REL). Many chemi­cals (e.g., isocyanates, mercury, etc.)
have no physical warning properties
and you cannot taste or smell the con-
taminants even though they may be
present in the facepiece. This SCBA will reduce, but will not eliminate, the possibility of contaminants entering
the facepiece and causing a severe
reaction. Do not use this respirator under these conditions.
Discontinue use if you experience skin irritation or discoloration. You must read, understand, and fol- low all warnings, instructions, labels, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), etc., for the materials you are using (e.g., paints, hardeners, insecticides,
varnishes, etc.). You must also read,
understand, and follow all warnings, instructions, etc., listed in the MSDS for any contaminants that may be or are present in the work area. An impact to the second stage regu-
lator when the cylinder valve is open may inadvertently activate the First-
Breath-On mechanism, causing air to ow from the regulator and diminish­ing the air in the cylinder.
ONLY grasp the cylinder valve hand- wheel to open or close the valve; DO
NOT pick up or carry a cylinder by the handwheel, drop a cylinder on the handwheel, or bump the handwheel,
as this may cause the cylinder valve to inadvertently open, which may lead
to the cylinder becoming airborne under the thrust of air released from the valve, causing injury or death. AL­WAYS pick up and carry an air cylin­der by the cylinder body.
DO NOT over-torque the air cylinder valves. ALWAYS verify that the hydro-
static test facility performing your cyl-
inder testing DOES NOT over-torque the cylinder valves when they rein-
stall them. SPERIAN SCBA air cylin-
der valves must be tightened with a torque wrench to a torque value of 70 ft-lb. The torque wrench must have a range of no more than 0 to 175 ft-lb
and an accuracy of at least ±4 ft-lb (a
variation of no more than 6%).
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
Puma Hood TwentyTwenty Plus
Facepiece Kit
Figure 1. Panther/Cougar SCBA
III. PARTS LIST (See Figure 1)
Facepiece Size Color
1 252021 TwentyTwenty Plus Medium Blue Large
252023 TwentyTwenty Plus Medium Black Large
252010 TwentyTwenty Plus Small Blue Medium
252011 TwentyTwenty Plus Small Blue Large
252012 TwentyTwenty Plus Small Black Medium
252013 TwentyTwenty Plus Small Black Large
252020 TwentyTwenty Plus Medium Blue Medium
252022* TwentyTwenty Plus Medium Black Medium
252030 TwentyTwenty Plus Large D. Gray Medium
252031 TwentyTwenty Plus Large D. Gray Large
252032 TwentyTwenty Plus Large Black Medium
252033 TwentyTwenty Plus Large Black Large
252038 TwentyTwenty Plus Small Blue Small
252053 TwentyTwenty Plus Small Black Small
252040 TwentyTwenty Plus Medium Blue Small
252041 TwentyTwenty Plus Medium Black Small
252042 TwentyTwenty Plus Large D. Gray Small
252043 TwentyTwenty Plus Large Black Small
968005 Hood-style (Puma) Standard Orange Small
968006* Hood-style (Puma) Standard Orange Medium
968007 Hood-style (Puma) Standard Orange Large
2 961709 Cougar/Puma Second Stage Regulator, Standard
961793 Cougar/Puma Second Stage Regulator, Buddy Breather
968801* Panther Second Stage Regulator, HUD
3 968802* Intermediate Pressure Line, HUD
961494 Buddy Breather Hose Assembly, Cougar/Puma
965110 Over-the-Shoulder Buddy Breather Kit
4 968800 Heads-Up Display (HUD), 2216 psig
968877 Heads-Up Display (HUD), 3000 psig
968888* Heads-Up Display (HUD), 4500 psig
5 980642 Gauge, L.P. (2216 psig) (Not Shown)
980643 Gauge, L.P. (3000 psig) (Not Shown)
980641 Gauge, H.P. (4500 psig) (Not Shown)
968818 Accessory Gauge Hose, HUD (Not Shown)
6 961366 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Whistle, 2216 psig
961372 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Warbling Whistle, 2216 psig
961371 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Panther Bell, 2216 psig
961359 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Whistle, 3000 psig
961364 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Warbling Whistle, 3000 psig
961363 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Panther Bell, 3000 psig
961356 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Whistle, 4500 psig
961358 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Warbling Whistle, 4500 psig
961357 Cougar/Puma First Stage, Panther Bell, 4500 psig
910099 Cougar/Puma First Stage, MARK 2 Bell, 2216 psig
910071 Cougar/Puma First Stage, MARK 2 Bell, 3000 psig
910001 Cougar/Puma First Stage, MARK 2 Bell, 4500 psig
968830 Panther First Stage, Whistle, 4500 psig
968831 Panther First Stage, Panther Bell, 4500 psig
968832* Panther First Stage, Warbling Whistle, 4500 psig
968836 Panther First Stage, Whistle, 2216 psig
968837 Panther First Stage, Panther Bell, 2216 psig
968838 Panther First Stage, Warbling Whistle, 2216 psig
968821 First Stage, Mark 2, 4500 psig
968822 First Stage, Mark 2, 2216 psig
7 965801 Cougar/Puma Backpack
965800* Panther Backpack
Nose Cup
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
Pressure (psig) Duration
916103 2216 30 Hoop Glass 915140 2216 30 none Aluminum 915170 2216 30 Full Glass 915165 4500 30 Hoop Glass 916173 4500 30 Full Glass 916140 4500 45 Full Glass 915182 4500 60 Full Glass 916123 3000 30 Full Carbon 917130 2216 30 Full Carbon 917131 4500 30 Full Carbon 917145 4500 45 Full Carbon 917160 4500 60 Full Carbon
TwentyTwenty Plus Facepiece Accessories 962869 Neck Strap Kit 962900 Kit, APR Adapter 962260 Spectacles Kit 962266 Large Nose Cup Kit 962265 Medium Nose Cup Kit 962264 Small Nose Cup Kit 960038 Headnet 964171 Radio Communication System 964172 SmallTalk 964173 Radio Communication/SmallTalk Plus Voice Amplication
964165 Remote Push-to-Talk Kit
940118 Protective Mask Bag 140096 Mask Wipes (100 ea.) 951015 Anti-fog Solution (1 oz.) 951016 Anti-fog Solution (16 oz.) 981806 Anti-fog Wipe 980200 Suit Pass-through Kit 946935 Cylinder Sleeve for LP Hoop-wrapped Cylinder 946937 Cylinder Sleeve for HP Hoop-wrapped Cylinder 941256 Cylinder Sleeve for LP Carbon Cylinder 941257 Cylinder Sleeve for 3000 psig Carbon Cylinder 941258 Cylinder Sleeve for HP 30 Minute Carbon Cylinder 941259 Cylinder Sleeve for HP 45 Minute Carbon Cylinder 941261 Cylinder Sleeve for HP 60 Minute Carbon Cylinder 968670 Chest Strap Kit 964867 Utility D-ring 930801/
02/04/ 61/62/ 64/70
930810 Foster Coupler Kit 930820 Schrader Coupler Kit 930830 Hansen Coupler Kit 945007 Hansen Coupler Kit, Stainless Steel 961438 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 2216
961546 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 2216
961549 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 2216
961439 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 3000
961547 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 3000
961562 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 3000
961441 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 4500
961548 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 4500
961563 SuperCharge Fill Hose, Handwheel and Nipple, 4500
965110 Over-the-Shoulder Buddy Breather Kit 965119 Over-the-Shoulder Buddy Breather Kit with Check Valve
965122 Air Line Adapter Kit
General Accessories
Air Supply Hoses,3/8 inch
psig, 4 foot
psig, 10 foot
psig, 20 foot
psig, 4 foot
psig, 10 foot
psig, 20 foot
psig, 4 foot
psig, 10 foot
psig, 20 foot
(for use with P/N 965122 Kit)
Plus Voice Amplication System
Wrap Material
962600 COMPASS Integrated PASS Device 963820 COMPASS Buddy Breather Kit 963850 COMPASS SAR Attachment Kit 963702 COMPASS and Buddy Breather Kit 963703 COMPASS and Buddy Breather with SAR Attachment Kit 962700 DoublePASS Remote Alarm Module
Fit Testing Accessories, Qualitative (Cougar and Puma) 193140 IAA/Banana Oil Fit Test Kit 100100 Organic Vapor Cartridge, Box of 6 (For Use with P/N
193138 Replacement IAA Solution, 1 oz.
962920 Fit Test Kit, SCBA/APR Adapter (Requires the P/N
962925 Fit Test Kit, Rell 105005 P100 Filters, Box of 10 962848 Probed Lens, TwentyTwenty Plus Facepiece
193140 Fit Test Kit)
Fit Testing Accessories, Quantitative (Cougar Only)
962900 Kit, APR Adapter)
* Shown in Figure 1
The Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA provides the wearer with respiratory protection in hazardous environments, and may be used for entrance into and escape from atmospheres that are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH). The Panther is an NFPA-compliant
SCBA and may be used for re ghting. The Cougar
and Puma are industrial SCBAs and must not be used
in the presence of high heat or open ames.
The Panther SCBA meets all requirements of the NFPA 1981 Standard, 2002 Edition, Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Ap­paratus for Fire and Emergency Services.
See NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Depart- ment Occupational Safety and Health Pro­gram for proper use of SCBAs in the work environment.
A. Backpack and Cylinder
The backpack consists of a lightweight contoured 1. polymer frame with a built-in carrying handle. The cylinder is attached by a lightweight webbing-style band. The Panther harness is made of Kevlar/No­mex straps. The Cougar/Puma harness is made of nylon straps. The chest-mounted pressure gauge is mounted on the right shoulder strap, and the intermediate pressure hose is routed over the left shoulder. The gauge indicates the cylinder pres­sure once the cylinder valve has been opened. The chest-mounted pressure gauge is optional for the Panther SCBA. It is included with the Cou­gar and Puma SCBAs, but is optional for the Cou­gar if a Heads-Up Display is installed.
The air cylinder is a composite construction with 2. an aluminum inner liner overwrapped by a nonme-
tallic ber, and has a maximum working pressure
of 2216 or 3000 psig (low pressure) in 30-minute duration, or 4500 psig (high pressure) in 30-, 45-,
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
and 60-minute durations. An all-aluminum cylin­der is available with a maximum working pres­sure of 2216 psig only.
The backpack must never be used as a rescue device attachment point. ONLY grasp the cylinder valve hand- wheel to open or close the valve; DO
NOT pick up or carry a cylinder by the handwheel, drop a cylinder on the handwheel, or bump the handwheel,
as this may cause the cylinder valve to inadvertently open, which may lead
to the cylinder becoming airborne un­der the thrust of air released from the
valve, causing injury or death. ALWAYS
pick up and carry an air cylinder by the cylinder body. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, illness, or death.
B. First Stage Regulator
The rst stage regulator contains a pressure reducer,
audible alarm, and intermediate pressure hose.
Panther-style First Stage with Alarm3.
The rst stage lowers cylinder air pressure to a. approximately 100 psig. The relief valve ac­tivates to protect the system when the regu­lated pressure exceeds 200 to 225 psig. The Panther-style rst stage regulator is b. equipped with either a whistle, warbling whis­tle, or bell audible alarm. The low pressure SCBA audible alarm activates at 510 to 598 psig (2216 psig system) or 690 to 810 psig (3000 psig system); the high pressure SCBA audible alarm activates at 1035 to 1215 psig (4500 psig system). The audible alarm will continue to sound until air pressure drops be­low 200 psig.
MARK 2-style Bell Alarm4.
The rst stage regulator lowers cylinder air a. pressure to an intermediate pressure of ap­proximately 120 psig. An automatic backup
system maintains a safe ow of air in case of
a malfunction.
The audible alarm operates in two modes, b. ringing at a slow rate when the quantity of air in the cylinder has dropped to approximately 25% of capacity, and ringing rapidly when a
failure occurs in the rst stage system. The
low pressure SCBA bell alarm rings at 510 to 598 psig (2216 psig system) or 690 to 810 psig (3000 psig system); the high pressure SCBA bell alarm rings at 1035 to 1215 psig (4500 psig system); the bell alarm will con­tinue ringing until air pressure drops below 200 psig.
C. Gauge/Heads-Up Display (HUD)
The Heads-Up Display (HUD) may only be used with the 2520XX series Twen­tyTwenty Plus facepiece. If the low battery alert activates (am- ber LED on the backpack- mounted
transducer module ashes every two
seconds) during storage, or if the am­ber LED on the backpack-mounted
transducer module does not ash at all
during storage, the battery must be re­placed before using the SCBA. Activation of the visual alarm (ash- ing red LED) portion of the HUD may or may not coincide with the audible alarm (i.e., bell, whistle, etc.) on the
SCBA. As soon as the rst alarm acti­vates, PROCEED IMMEDIATELY TO A
You must have binocular vision (vision
from both eyes) to see and interpret the display correctly. Your visual acu­ity while wearing the facepiece must meet the requirements set forth by the
authority having jurisdiction over your
operation and/or work place. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, illness, or death.
The Panther SCBA comes equipped with the Heads-Up Display (HUD).
The HUD is optional on the Cougar SCBA, but may only be used with the 2520XX se­ries TwentyTwenty Plus facepiece.
The Puma SCBA cannot be equipped with a HUD.
The HUD is mounted on the second stage regulator. When the second stage regulator is installed in the Pan­ther TwentyTwenty Plus facepiece, the display can be seen through openings in the facepiece nozzle cover. When the cylinder valve is opened, the HUD will ac­tivate automatically, and will indicate the air pressure remaining in the cylinder. The display consists of four green LEDs, representing Full, ¾, ½, and ¼. At full cyl­inder pressure, all four LEDs are lit. As the air pressure in the cylinder decreases, the LEDs turn off one at a time, thereby indicating the air pressure status. When the pressure drops below 50% of cylinder capacity, the
LED representing ½ cylinder capacity starts to ash, and continues to ash for a short time (approximately
20 seconds) before returning to continuously lit. When the pressure drops to ¼ (25%) of cylinder capacity, the
last green LED turns red and begins to ash, thereby
giving the user a visual alarm of low air pressure in ad-
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
dition to the audible alarm located on the rst stage reg­ulator. On a 2216 psig SCBA, the ¼ LED will turn red
and begin to ash between 510 and 598 psig; on a 3000 psig SCBA, the ¼ LED will turn red and begin to ash
between 690 and 810 psig; on a 4500 psig SCBA, the ¼
LED will turn red and begin to ash between 1035 and
1215 psig. When the pressure drops to 10% of cylinder
capacity, the red LED begins to ash noticeably faster and continues ashing in this manner until air pressure
drops below approximately 200 psig, at which time the display will turn off. No lighted LEDs represents zero air pressure.
An external red LED, mounted on the front of the HUD module, warns others of the user’s low air status by
ashing at the same time the ¼ LED is ashing inside the HUD module. The external red LED ashes notice-
ably faster when the pressure drops to 10% of cylinder capacity.
A photodiode is mounted externally on the top of the HUD module. It senses ambient light conditions and adjusts the intensity of the green HUD LEDs to match these conditions. If the ambient light is bright, the LEDs are in bright mode. In no-light or low-light conditions, the LEDs are in dim mode so that they are not distract­ing to the user.
The transducer module on the backpack has a red LED that acts as a battery status indicator. When the SCBA is in storage (the cylinder valve is not opened), the amber
LED will ash once every 10 seconds to indicate a us­able battery condition. The amber LED ashes every two
seconds to indicate a low battery condition, and it will
cease ashing altogether to indicate a dead battery.
A Duracell Ultra 123 or Eveready En- ergizer EL 123A PBP must be used in the HUD transducer module in order to maintain the intrinsic safety certica­tion of this product. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, illness, or death.
To replace the battery, remove the slotted battery cap located on the top of the transducer module (located on the side of the cylinder band) using a coin or a large,
at-blade screwdriver. Remove the old battery, install a
new battery in the orientation shown on the side of the case, and replace the battery cap.
If the low battery alert activates (am- ber LED on the backpack-mounted
transducer module ashes every two
seconds) during storage, or if the am­ber LED on the backpack-mounted
transducer module does not ash at all
during storage, the battery must be re­placed before using the SCBA. If the low battery alert in the HUD ac-
tivates during actual use (amber LED at the lower right of the display ashes once every second), the SCBA may
continue to be used. The battery must be replaced before the next usage. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, illness, or death.
D. Chest-mounted Gauge
(Optional for Panther SCBA, and Optional for Cougar SCBA if a HUD Is Installed)
The chest-mounted pressure gauge is mounted on the right shoulder strap and may be swiveled 360° for easy viewing. When the cylinder valve is opened, the gauge indicates the air pressure remaining in the cylinder.
E. Second Stage Regulator
An impact to the second stage regula-
tor when the cylinder valve is open may inadvertently activate the First-Breath­On mechanism, causing air to ow from
the regulator and diminishing the air in the cylinder. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, ill­ness, or death.
The pressure-demand second stage regulator is mounted on the facepiece by the SPERIAN AIR KLIC™ system. The mechanism automatically locks in place when the regulator is pushed into the AIR KLIC, and is detached when the release buttons are pressed. To prevent inadvertent air ow, the regulator will not oper­ate until the First-Breath-On mechanism is activated or the manual override button on the front of the regulator
is pressed. The ow of air can be stopped by pressing
the shutoff button. A large red knob on the right side of the regulator controls an adjustable bypass valve. Turn-
ing this knob counterclockwise provides a constant ow
of air.
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
F. Facepiece
The SPERIAN Puma hood-style face- piece : Must be worn in conjunction with an SCBA and used as specied in SPE­RIAN’s instructions. When donned and used with its SCBA, will reduce, but not eliminate, the inha­lation of contaminants. Does not protect against falling objects or projectiles. Does not protect exposed areas of the body.
Must not be worn around open ames. It must not be used for structural re ghting, underwater activities, or abra­sive blasting.
Must not be used unless a satisfactory
t is obtained.
Must not be reused if contaminated.
Must not be altered or modied in any
manner. Requires that the wearer must assure that the neck seal is not compromised by hair or clothing when in use. Requires that after each use and/or cleaning and disinfecting, anti-fog solu-
tion (SPERIAN P/N 951015, 951016, or
981805) must be applied to the inside
of the lens. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, ill­ness, or death.
The Panther/Cougar SCBA will include a “hard” Twen­tyTwenty® Plus facepiece. The Puma SCBA will include a “soft” hood-style facepiece. The silicone TwentyT­wenty Plus facepiece has a special wide lip sealing
surface and ve point silicone headstrap harness or
optional Headnet™ harness. The lens is treated with an abrasion-resistant coating on the inside and outside surfaces of the lens. The nozzle houses a removable nose cup, speaking diaphragm, and exhalation valve. The AIR KLIC is threaded into the nozzle by a ratchet mechanism to prevent leakage and provide a secure mount for the second stage regulator.
The Puma hood-style facepiece is constructed of sev­eral different components. The hood material is a multi-
layered specialty material specically designed for its
resistance to a wide range of chemicals. The hood contains a exible lens made of clear, non-porous vi­nyl. The primary neck seal of the hood-style facepiece is constructed of neoprene rubber, a material used for many conventional type facepieces. A secondary seal is made inside the hood-style facepiece with a silicone nose cup. The nose cup is available in small, medium, or large size. The suspension system secures the hood­style facepiece in place on the user. Anti-fog solution (SPERIAN P/N 951015, 951016, or 981805) may be
applied to the inside of the lens. An AIR KLIC provides a secure mount for the SCBA second stage regulator.
The hood material, vinyl lens, neoprene neck seal, and adhesive all may react
in a different manner when exposed to chemicals or chemical mixtures. You must verify that none of the compo­nents of the hood will degrade against the chemicals or mixtures to which it may be exposed. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal in­jury, illness, or death.
The hood-style facepiece is made of several compo­nents, each having different reactions to chemical en­vironments. It is vital to ensure that you have objective evidence that the hood will be able to maintain its in­tegrity against the expected chemical exposure during operations. This can be accomplished by tests you con­duct or by contacting SPERIAN for further information.
G. Universal Air Connection (UAC)
The Panther SCBA comes equipped with the Universal Air Connection (UAC).
The UAC is optional on the Cougar and Puma SCBAs.
The Universal Air Connection (UAC) and ll hose (pur­chased separately in the P/N 968950 Rapid Intervention
Kit) or SuperCharge ll hose (See Parts List, General Ac­cessories, on page 5.) provide a means for lling SCBA
cylinders during a rescue. An attendant/rescue crew
member must assist with the cylinder lling.
The Universal Air Connection (UAC) is located on the
rst stage regulator body. The UAC is accompanied by a relief valve located on the back of the rst stage regu­lator, designed to vent air to atmosphere when the ll
pressure exceeds the cylinder service pressure in order to prevent cylinder overpressurization. The UAC has a dust plug which must be installed over the coupling at
all times before and after lling operations. The UAC ll hose has the mating ll coupling. A directional ow
control piston is located in the quick disconnect cou­pling to prevent air loss and hose whipping if the hose is installed incorrectly. The quick disconnect coupling is supplied with dust plugs which must be installed when
the ll hose is not in use.
Panther/Cougar/Puma SCBA Operation Manual
The UAC has a dust plug which must be
installed over the coupling at all times before and after lling operations.
DO NOT allow oil, grease, or other con- taminants to come in contact with the quick disconnect couplings. DO NOT use air other than breathing air, Grade D or better, conforming to CGA
G-7.1 Commodity Specication for Air.
The moisture content, expressed as
dewpoint, shall be maintained at -65°F (-53.9°C) or lower, or less than 24.0 ppm by volume moisture content. The SPERIAN UAC or UAC ll hose must ONLY be used to ll compressed
air cylinders. The SPERIAN UAC or
UAC ll hose must NEVER be used:
As a buddy breathing device.1. For SCBA-to-SCBA lling.2. To provide a continuous air supply.3.
Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, illness, or death.
A. Warranty Card
The warranty is void unless the warranty card is returned to the factory within 30 days of purchase.
Fill in the form with the required information.1.
Mail back the completed warranty registration 2. card immediately.
To comply with NIOSH, SPERIAN is required to 3. retain the completed warranty registration card.
Always refer to the equipment serial number if a 4. claim is made.
Cut both of the locking straps that secure the c. SCBA to the transportation cradle. Lift the SCBA from the cradle.d.
Exercise extreme care when identifying
SCBA components. Engraving may in­duce stresses in materials that, over time,
could propagate cracks. Plastic labels, dyno-labels, and stickers may burn.
Wear gloves when handling SCBAs that have been stored in extreme tempera-
tures. Failure to comply with this Warn­ing may lead to personal injury, illness, or death.
See NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program for proper use of SCBAs in the work environment.
A. Donning
Remove the SCBA from its carrying case or 1. stored location.
Hand tighten the rst stage handwheel to the cyl-2. inder valve outlet.
Ensure that the cylinder valve gauge reads in the 3. green (FULL) zone.
Check the cylinder band latch each time; set the cylinder band or strap to match the cylinder. Failure to comply with this Warning may lead to personal injury, ill­ness, or death.
B. Remove the SCBA from the Packaging
Carrying case1.
Remove the carrying case from the box.a. Lift both locking tabs on the case and open it.b. Remove the facepiece from the case.c. Unfasten the Velcro transportation fasteners.d. Lift the SCBA from the case.e.
Carton packaging2.
Remove the facepiece from the box.a. Remove the plastic transportation cradle from b. the box with the SCBA connected to it.
Check the latch on the cylinder band and ensure 4. that the cylinder is secure in the backpack.
Lay the harness out and straighten each strap. 5. All adjustable straps should be extended to maxi­mum length.
There are two methods of donning the SCBA: 6. coat-style, one arm at a time; and over the head. Choice of the method of donning is a matter of individual choice or organizational policy. Both methods are described below.
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