Speedtouch IPQoS Configuration Manual

SpeedTouch™608WL and SpeedTouch™620 only
(Wireless) Business DSL Router
IPQoS Configuration Guide
Release R5.3.0
IPQoS Configuration Guide
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Document Information
Status: v0.5 (March 2005) Reference: E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 Short Title: IPQoS Configuration Guide STBUS R5.3.0
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
About this IPQoS Configuration Guide...................... 7
1 Document scope ........................................................... 9
2 Introduction ................................................................. 11
2.1 What is Quality of Service? .......................................................... 12
2.2 Relative versus Guaranteed QoS.................................................. 14
3 Basic QoS Concepts.................................................... 15
3.1 Precedence and TOS .................................................................... 16
3.2 Differentiated Services ................................................................ 18
3.3 Classification and conditioning principles................................... 20
3.4 Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) ................................. 22
4 IP QoS Framework Overview..................................... 25
4.1 Main Framework Components ..................................................... 26
4.2 Resource Management ................................................................. 27
5 Packet Classification and Labelling ........................... 29
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5.1 Classification ............................................................................... 30
5.1.1 Order of classification rules............................................................................ 31
5.2 Labels ........................................................................................... 33
5.2.1 Label parameters explained............................................................................ 35
5.2.2 Using TOS, DSCP or Precedence .................................................................... 38
5.2.3 Forwarding parameters.................................................................................. 40
5.3 Rules ............................................................................................ 42
5.3.1 Rules parameters explained............................................................................ 43
5.3.2 Rule debug commands .................................................................................. 47
5.4 Chains .......................................................................................... 49
5.4.1 Define a relation between chains .................................................................... 51
5.5 Expressions .................................................................................. 52
5.5.1 Expression parameters .................................................................................. 53
6 Meters, queues and IPQoS......................................... 59
6.1 Meters and queues ....................................................................... 60
6.2 The IPQoS command group ......................................................... 61
6.3 EF timers ...................................................................................... 63
6.4 Meter command group ................................................................. 67
6.4.1 Meter config command ................................................................................. 68
6.4.2 Packet flow ................................................................................................. 74
6.5 Queue command group ................................................................ 75
6.5.1 Queue config parameters explained................................................................. 76
6.6 IPQoS Command group ................................................................ 81
6.6.1 Ipqos config parameters explained.................................................................. 82
7 Scenario 1: Residential user....................................... 85
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7.1 Configuring labels and rules for VoIP. ......................................... 86
7.2 Configuring labels and rules for DSCP. ....................................... 90
7.3 Configuring labels and rules for Interactive traffic. .................... 92
7.4 IPQoS configuration..................................................................... 95
8 Scenario 2: Business user with TOS marking. ......... 97
8.1 Labels ........................................................................................... 99
8.2 Rules. ......................................................................................... 103
8.3 IPQoS per PVC ........................................................................... 112
9 Scenario 3: Metering................................................. 115
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
About this IPQoS Configuration Guide
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
About this IPQoS Configuration Guide
In this configuration
This routing configuration guide explains how routes can/must be used in SpeedTouch™ R5.3 products. To explain the use of routes, a distinction is made between standard IP forwarding and packet-based classification.
All examples start from a clean SpeedTouch™ configuration.
Used Symbols
Applicability and
This IPQoS Configuration Guide is applicable to:
SpeedTouch™ 516/536/546/576 Multi-user ADSL gateways.
SpeedTouch™ 585 Residential DSL router.
SpeedTouch™ 620 Business DSL router.
SpeedTouch™ 605 Business Multi-user ADSL gateway.
SpeedTouch™ 608 Business DSL router.
Generally, all these SpeedTouch™620 products will be referred to as SpeedTouch™ in this IPQoS Configuration Guide, unless a specific device is mentioned.
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About this IPQoS Configuration Guide
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
Chapter 1
Document scope
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
1 Document scope
Introduction The SpeedTouch™ Release 5.3.0 has a strong Quality of Service (QoS) base that
allows classification and forwarding of data to a single or multiple ATM VPI/VCIs with each a set of ATMQoS parameters. IP Quality of Service is an extension to this QoS framework. This configuration guide presents:
An introduction on IPQoS
An overview of the IPQoS framework
An overview of the labels, rules and expressions
An overview of the queue, meters and IPQoS commands
Some IPQoS application examples and how to configure them
A “Residential Scenario” using a single LAN segment with different
A “Business Scenario” using multiple LAN segment with different services
and priorities.
A “Rate Limiting Scenario” using interface based rate limiting.
Chapter 1
Document scope
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Chapter 2
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Introduction This chapter gives a general description and use of Quality of Service.
In this chapter
Topi c Pag e
2.1 What is Quality of Service? 12
2.2 Relative versus Guaranteed QoS 14
Chapter 2
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2.1 What is Quality of Service?
Definition Quality of Service is the ability for an application to obtain the network service it
requires for successful operation.
Nowadays the total amount of data traffic increases, while new types of data emerge, like: voice data, video data, audio data. These new types of data pose new requirements for data transport, e.g. low latency, low data loss… To meet these requirements, the entire network must ensure them via a connection service guarantee. Such a connection service guarantee can both be applied to connection­oriented networks (connection based) and to packet-oriented networks (data-stream or data type based).
Quality of Service allows specifying a connection service guarantee via a set of connection parameters. Throughout the network, this set of connection parameters will be used to handle the connection data in a way to achieve the connection service guarantee. This handling includes reserving bandwidth, priority based queuing, scheduling, modifying data characteristics, …
Examples of connection parameters include the maximum amount of bandwidth that may be used, the guaranteed amount of bandwidth that will always be available, the maximum delay the data can experience throughout the network, a priority indication,…
Misunderstandings A common misunderstanding about QoS is that QoS is about gaining a superior level
of network service for particular individuals.
The example below illustrates this.
The best illustration of why it is pointless to give enhanced network service to particular individuals is shown by video-conferencing. Imagine John: he sees a horrible quality image of the other video conference participant; but the other participant sees John’s face perfectly. This is obviously not the desired result.
For John to also see a high-quality image, all participants in the video conference need appropriate network service, not only John.
IP QoS provides such service. With IP QoS voice and/or video traffic can get a higher priority then data traffic. This way good voice and video quality is guaranteed.
Note that QoS is no solution for overloaded networks, it only helps to shape bursty peaks on the network. (See Bandwidth versus QoS )
Chapter 2
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Bandwidth versus QoS Quality of Service is really best noticed when the Best Effort service encounters
congestion. So a common question is "why not provide more bandwidth, use Best Effort, and get rid of complicated QoS architectures?"
There are four answers:
First of all, it is less economic to use more bandwidth than to use QoS. Many
congestion problems can be resolved by using QoS.
The second reason is, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks can always fill links. Even
a 10Gbps link can be flooded by ten compromised gigabit ethernet hosts. QoS allows Voice traffic to work perfectly even at the peak of a DoS incident.
The third reason is, a scavenger service (also known as a "worst effort" or "less
than best effort" service) gives Best Effort traffic such as web browsing priority over traffic such as large downloads.
Last but not least, we can use quality of service to ameliorate the effect of TCP
unfriendly traffic, such as unauthenticated video (UDP). This amelioration can prevent congestion collapse of Best Effort traffic due to excessive video load. Using QoS for this function is in no way as satisfactory as modifying video stream and video multicast protocols to become TCP friendly. But using QoS does ameliorate the worst effect of these TCP unfriendly protocols.
Bandwidth does improve the latency for data, but may still require QoS for congestion management and “guaranteed QoS”.
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2.2 Relative versus Guaranteed QoS
Typ es of QoS There are two different approaches to achieve QoS:
Guaranteed QoS:
Measurable connection parameters are specified for certain data or for a connection, for example a guaranteed amount of bandwidth or delay across the network. This allows for an exact specification and measurement of the Quality of Service of data or a connection.
Examples of “guaranteed QoS” are Integrated Services (IntServ) and ATM QoS like VBR and CBR connections.
Relative QoS (also referred to as differentiated QoS):
A priority indication is given as connection parameter to certain data or to a connection, so that this data or connection will be handled with precedence over data or connections with less priority. Obviously this approach guarantees no specified bandwidth or latency, but it is the easiest approach to achieve some level of QoS for high priority data.
Examples of “relative QoS” are Differentiated Services (DiffServ, DS) and Ethernet VLAN user priority indication.
The guaranteed QoS approach is slightly more complicated than Relative QoS because the connection parameters have to be specified and may be verified throughout the entire network.
In case of relative QoS, data is often specified to belong to a certain Class of Service (CoS) instead of QoS. Treatment and priority of data throughout the network is configured for each supported CoS.
Chapter 3
Basic QoS Concepts
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3 Basic QoS Concepts
Introduction This chapter provides a brief explanation about:
Basic concepts of Quality of Service in general.
Precedence and TOS in general
The Differentiated Services architecture in detail
In this chapter
Topi c Pag e
3.1 Precedence and TOS 16
3.2 Differentiated Services 18
3.3 Classification and conditioning principles 20
3.4 Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) 22
Chapter 3
Basic QoS Concepts
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3.1 Precedence and TOS
Introduction There are two generations of quality of service architectures in the Internet Protocol.
The interpretation of the Type o f S e r v i c e O c t e t in the Internet Protocol header varies between these two generations.
The figure below shows the Internet Protocol header. The Type of Service Octet is the second 8-bit octet of the Internet Protocol header.
First generation Precedence and Type of Service bits.
The initial definition of the Type of Service Octet looked like this:
Most Precedence descriptions are obscure: they relate to message handling priorities of US military communications in the 1960s. The essence is that higher values of Precedence lead to higher levels of network service.
To prevent high link utilisation causing routing traffic to be lost, it is traditional to use Precedence = 7 for interior routing protocols, such as OSPF and RIP and to use Precedence = 6 for exterior routing protocols such as BGP.
The D type of service bit can be a value of 0 to request normal delay, a value of 1 to request a low delay service.
The T type of service bit can be a value of 0 to request normal throughput, a value of 1 to request a high throughput service.
The R type of service bit can be a value of 0 to request normal reliability, a value of 1 to request a high reliability service.
The C type of service bit can be a value of 0 to request normal costs, a value of 1 to request a low cost service.
Version Header
Type of Service Total Length
Identification DM
Time to Live Protocol Header Chuckles
Source Address
Destination Address
Precedence D T R C
The D,T,R and C type of service bit is defined in RFC791 (Internet Protocol)
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Precedence values The table below gives the precedence values:
Second generation The Differentiated Service Code Point is a selector for router's per-hop behaviours.
The fields ECT and CE are spare bits in the IP header used by Explicit Congestion Notification (RFC3168).
As can be seen, the DSCP field supersedes the old Precedence field. So the values of
DSCP provide limited backwards compatibility with Precedence.
This leads to notions of "class", each class being the group of DSCPs with the same
Precedence value. Values within a class would offer similar network services but
with slight differences (used to create different levels of service such as "gold", "silver" and "bronze").
Precedence Purpose
2 Immediate
4Flash Override
6 Internetwork Control
7 Network Control
Note that IP Precedence is obsolete and is only implemented to provide backwards compatibility.
Differentiated Service Code Point ECT CE
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3.2 Differentiated Services
Introduction Differentiated Services (DiffServ) is an architecture which allows service providers to
offer different kinds of services to different customers and their traffic streams. Differentiated Services is a framework for scalable service discrimination and allows an approach to modular IPQoS objectives for the needs of various types of applications.
The premise to DiffServ networks is that routers within the core of the network are capable to forward the packets of different traffic streams in different Per-Hop Behaviours (PHB). The PHB for the packets is indicated by a Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP) in the IP header. The DiffServ architecture does not use any signalling between the routers but all the forwarding behaviour is defined by using the DSCP.
Terminology Before we continue we will explain the abbreviations used in this section.
Behaviour Aggregate (BA):
Is a collection of packets with the same Differentiated Services codepoint, thus receiving the same PHB, crossing a DiffServ node in a particular direction.
Differentiated Services CodePoint (DSCP):
Is the value in the IP header in the DS field, used to select the PHB.
Per-Hop Behaviour (PHB):
Is the forwarding behaviour for the packet applied at DiffServ compliant nodes to a DiffServ BA.
Service Level Specification (SLS):
Is a set of parameters and their values which together define the service offered to a traffic stream by a DiffServ domain.
Traffic Conditioning Specification (TCS):
Is a set of parameters and their values which together specify a set of classifier rules.
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Basic QoS Concepts
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Differentiated Services
A DiffServ domain consists of a set of DiffServ nodes which can provide the common service and which have a set of PHBs implemented on each node. The DiffServ domain has two types of nodes:
boundary nodes at the edges of the domain
interior nodes inside of the domain.
The boundary nodes are the access routers and edge routers that directly peer with customers (either individual users or other ISPs).
Interior nodes only connect to other interior nodes or boundary nodes within the same DiffServ domain.
Both DiffServ node types must be able to apply the appropriate PHB to packets, according to the DSCP. The boundary nodes are required to perform traffic conditioning functionality when the functionality of the interior nodes may be limited.
Boundary nodes act both as DiffServ ingress and DiffServ egress node, depending on the direction of the traffic.
In practice this means that the boundary node makes sure that the TOS/DSCP byte is set correctly.
as boundary nod
Router at ISP as
interior node
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3.3 Classification and conditioning principles
Introduction Packets go through a number of phases as they transit the network: classification,
marking, shaping, policing and queuing. These phases can occur a number of times at each QoS-aware router in the path of the packet.
For example, a host might mark outgoing traffic as "best effort", "scavenger", "discard at edge" or "discard at paid link". The hosts router might then police the host's traffic to ensure that these are the only markings applied to traffic, and remark invalidly marked packets as "best effort".
The traffic conditioners are usually located in DiffServ boundary nodes, so interior nodes do not need to perform any traffic conditioning.
Traffic classification A packet is classified as belonging to a "class of service". This classification is done
by the boundary nodes.
The BA classifier classifies the packets by the DSCP. Classification is based on the value of combination of one or more IP header fields, such as source and destination addresses, source and destination ports, protocol ID and other information like incoming interface.
For example, we might classify data from a VoIP gateway as being "voice" traffic.
Traffic conditioning Traffic conditioning includes metering, policing, shaping and possibly re-marking to
ensure that the traffic stream entering the DiffServ domain conforms to the rules specified in the SLS. The traffic conditioning policies are negotiated between the networks and vary from simple re-marking to complex policing and shaping operations. The traffic conditioner includes meter, marker, shaper and dropper. The packets are directed from the traffic classifier to the logical instance of traffic conditioner.
The figure above shows that the packets travel from the classifier either to the meter or to the marker. The meter measures the rate at which packets of one BA pass the meter. It is used to measure the traffic stream against the traffic profile. The marker adds the packet to the appropriate BA according to the DSCP. The DSCP may be changed by the marker, i.e. re-marked. Shapers shape the packet stream to fit in the used traffic profile. The shaper may also act as a dropper by dropping packets to fit the stream into the profile.
packet stream
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Marking Once classified, a packet is marked to avoid repeated re-classifications. The marking
is made to the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP). The DSCP is trusted by later routers, so that the high cost of classifying traffic occurs only once.
Shaping At the outgoing network edge, traffic is shaped to meet the traffic contract.
Metering At the outgoing network edge, traffic is metered to meet the traffic profile. This
means that the bandwidth can be limited for certain traffic.
Policing At the incoming network edge traffic is measured and traffic in excess of the traffic
contract is either re-marked to "best effort" or discarded.
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3.4 Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP)
Introduction A small bit-pattern, called the DS field, in each IP packet is used to mark the packets
that should receive a particular forwarding treatment. The DS field uses the space of the former ToS byte in the IPv4 IP header and the traffic class byte in the IPv6 header. All network traffic inside of a domain receives a service that depends on the traffic class that is specified in the DS field.
The structure of the DS field is shown below:
A six-bit field, known as the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), in the DS field specifies the PHB for a given flow of packets. The DSCP is composed of the six most significant bits of the DS field. The two least significant bits of the DS field are used for Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) by DiffServ-capable nodes that support ECN. The ECN field contains 2 bits, the ECT bit and the CE bit.
The ECT bit is set to 1 to advertise to the network that the node is an ECN capable node.
The CE bit is set to 1 incase the node experiences congestion.
Per Hop Behaviour Routers look at the DSCP to select a per-hop behaviour, such as a queueing
algorithm and its parameters.
A PHB defines a DiffServ router’s externally observable forwarding behaviour (in terms of buffer/bandwidth resource allocation) related to a BA. This is essentially defined by the queuing/scheduling/buffer management in the forwarding path.
PHBs are implemented in DiffServ nodes by means of some buffer management and packet scheduling mechanism. The PHB definition is not depending on the mechanism that offers the service but in terms of behaviour characteristics relevant to service provisioning policy.
For example, "voice" traffic might select a "strict" queuing algorithm with a parameter of "place in top priority queue".
Standardized PHBs The following specific PHBs and recommended DSCPs for each PHB have been
standardized by the IETF:
Default PHB.
Expedited Forwarding PHB.
Class Selector (CS) PHB.
Assured Forwarding PHB.
Refer to RFC2474 for more information on the definition of the DS field.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Refer to RFC2475 for more information.
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Default PHB The Default PHB is the common, best-effort forwarding behaviour, available in
existing routers as standardized in RFC1812. All IP packets which do not belong to any particular BA are considered to belong to this BA. In practice, the traffic in this aggregate is treated as Best Effort traffic.
The recommended DSCP for the Default PHB is 000000 binary (00 hexadecimal or 0 decimal).
Expedited Forwarding
This service is designed to allow ISPs to offer a service with attributes similar to a "leased line". This service offers the ultimate in low loss, low latency and low jitter by ensuring that there is always sufficient room in output queues for the contracted expedited forwarding traffic.
Expedited Forwarding (EF) guarantees that packets marked with the recommended EF DSCP (101110 binary, 2E hexadecimal or 46 decimal) receive the best treatment (low loss, low delay and low jitter) available on release to the network.
Class Selector (CS)
PHB Group
The Class Selector (CS) PHB Group specifies a PHB which aims to preserve partial backward compatibility with the old IP precedence.
The CS PHB Group is identified by DSCP values with three least significant bits set to zero (xxx000). All CS marked IP packets with larger DSCP values have higher relative order than those with smaller DSCP values.
The table below shows mapping of the IP precedence bits to the Class Selector Codepoints (together with the hexadecimal and the binary value):
For more information on the Default PHB, refer to RFC2474. For more information on the Per Hop Behavior Identification Codes, refer to
For more information on the EF PHB, refer to RFC3246 and RFC3247.
IP Precedence
IP Precedence Label
Class Selector Name
Class Selector DSCP
0 (000) Routine CS0 0 (000000) Best Effort
1 (001) Priority CS1 8 (001000) Class1
2 (010) Immediate CS2 16 (010000) Class2
3 (011) Flash CS3 24 (011000) Class 3
4 (100) Flash Override CS4 32 (100000) Class 4
5 (101) CRITIC/ECP CS5 40 (101000) Express
6 (110) Internetwork
CS6 48 (110000) Control
7 (111) Network Control CS7 56 (111000) Control
Refer to RFC2474 for more information on the definition of the Class Selector PHBs.
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Assured Forwarding
(AF) PHB Group:
The Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB group allows a provider to offer different levels of forwarding assurances for IP packets. The delivery of IP packets is provided in four independently forwarded AF classes (AF1x through AF4x). Each AF class is allocated a certain amount of forwarding resources (buffer space and bandwidth) in a DS node.
Within each AF class, there are three drop probabilities: Low, Medium and High drop precedence (the higher the precedence, the higher the probability the packet will be dropped in case of congestion).
Packets can be selected for a PHB based on required throughput, delay, jitter, loss, or according to priority of access to network services.
The table below illustrates the recommended DSCP coding for specifying the AF class with the drop probability. The AF value, the decimal value and the binary value are shown for each DSCP.
Drop Precedence Class 1
Class 2 AF2
Class 3 AF3
Class 4 AF4
Low Gold
AF11 10 (001010)
Gold AF21 18 (010010)
Gold AF31 26 (011010)
Gold AF41 34 (100010)
Medium Silver
AF12 12 (001100)
Silver AF22 20 (010100)
Silver AF32 28 (011100)
Silver AF42 36 (100100)
High Bronze
AF13 14 (001110)
Bronze AF23 22 (010110)
Bronze AF33 30 (011110)
Bronze AF43 38 (100110)
For more information on the AF PHB, refer to RFC2597.
Chapter 4
IP QoS Framework Overview
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
4 IP QoS Framework Overview
Introduction This chapter presents an overview of the main components of the IP QoS framework
within the SpeedTouch™.
In this chapter
Topi c Pag e
4.1 Main Framework Components 26
4.2 Resource Management 27
Chapter 4
IP QoS Framework Overview
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4.1 Main Framework Components
Graphical overview The figure below shows a graphical overview of the main components in the
upstream datapath.Notice that there are two main blocks, the input and output.
In between these two blocks the IP packets go through a series of processes like firewall, nat etc.
QoS Components The main QoS components are:
Resource Management: The main purpose of this module is to assure that
arriving low priority data cannot consume all the internal memory resources. In case of congestion and resource starvation, this module will deny low priority data from consuming memory resources. The Resource Management module also maps the Layer 2 VLAN user priority to an internal Class.
Classification: The classification module classifies incoming data. Data that
matches the classification criteria will be labelled. A label is only of internal significance and can be used in forwarding and QoS definition. Each label can have an internal QoS class associated with it. Data will experience treatment (queuing and scheduling) according to its QoS class. The SpeedTouch™ Business DSL Router support 16 internal classes which are linked to the 6 queues. The 6 queues are:
The Real Time queue (EF)
The Weight Fair queue 4 (WFQ4)
The Weight Fair queue 3 (WFQ3)
The Weight Fair queue 2 (WFQ2)
The Weight Fair queue 1 (WFQ1)
The Best Effort queue (BE)
IP Forwarding: IP forwarding supports the use of labels to forward classified
data to any IP interface. This allows, for example, to forward data based upon port(-ranges), IP addresses, protocol, source interface, Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), … (see the “Routing Configuration Guide” for more details on routing and forwarding)
IP QoS Queuing, Scheduling and Rate Limiting: This module implements the
internal IP QoS queues and scheduling and maps the internal class (set during classification or set by the Resource management module) to one of these queues. Rate-limiting can be configured for the fixed priority real-time queue. This queue has fixed priority over other queues. This ensures a low latency but could lead to starvation of lower priority queues. By configuring a percentage of the total available interface bandwidth, data from this queue will be limited to this bandwidth in case of congestion.
ATM QoS: The ATM Quality of Service module holds the extensive ATM QoS
features, starting with per ATM VP/VC queuing and shaping, per ATM QoS class queuing and scheduling, performing connection admission control.
rate limiting
IP forwarding
There are 6 queues defined per ATM interface. So each ATM interface can have different QoS settings.
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IP QoS Framework Overview
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4.2 Resource Management
Introduction The RM module reserves memory for four independent traffic classes. Resources are
reserved for each RM-class, both in the upstream and in the downstream direction (8 reservations in total). The figure below shows the Resource Management reservations.
For incoming data towards the IP host, this module copies the VLAN user priority field into the packet internal class indication. The module also sets (or raises) the internal class indication based upon the ATM VP/VC QoS category for reassembled frames.
As a result, incoming low priority UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) traffic will not be able to consume all resources because resources are reserved for VBR (Variable Bit Rate) and CBR (Constant Bit Rate) data. Similarly, low priority VLAN frames won't be able to consume all resources because resources are reserved for high priority (based upon the VLAN user priority field) VLAN frames.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3
Dynamic Memory Pool
Chapter 4
IP QoS Framework Overview
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Mapping to internal
The RM module maps packets to the an internal class depending on ATM QoS, VLAN priority or DSCP settings. The table below shows the relation between these settings. Once the mapping to the internal classes has been completed the packet goes through a number of processes like firewall, nat etc. Finally once the packet is ready for output it will be put in one of the 6 queues based upon its internal class.
Mapping OUTPUT
ATM QoS Category
VLAN User Priority
DiffServ DSCP
Internal Class
Queue Label
VBR-rt 6
(low CDVT)
(low CDVT)
(high CDVT)
(high CDVT)
UBR-mdcr /
Best Effort
UBR BCS 3 - - 3
UBR BCS 2 2 - 2
UBR BCS 1 - - 1
UBR BCS 0 1 - 0
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