As determined by the
U.S. Department of Energy
August 8, 2005, our president signed into law legislation that established efficiency
standards for commercial clothes washers. These standards become effective January 1,
2007 and mandate that new commercial clothes washers meet certain standards for
BOTH energy efficiency and water consumption. Washers must have a minimum MEF
of 1.26, and a maximum WF of 9.5.
Modified Energy Factor (MEF) — A measure of the energy efficiency. A higher
MEF indicates a higher level of energy efficiency.
Water Factor (WF) — A measure of water efficiency.A lower WF indicates less
water is used.
This new standard has no impact on machines that are currently in service. The legislation
requires that manufacturers produce only machines that are in compliance with the new
standard after December 31, 2006. The regulations only apply to new production
beginning January 1, 2007.
Topload Models
• All current topload washer models with MDC controls (both coin drop and card-ready) are already fully
compliant with the 2007 standards.
• A new electronic control will replace current electromechanical controls on topload washers in 2007. Utilizing
the same design as coin slide Horizon®models, the new control directs the wash cycle and water temperature.
• NetMaster®toploaders will be replaced by a similar-looking model featuring a “small load” button.
In addition, the new model will have a larger tub — increasing the rated cubic foot capacity.
Horizon Models
• All current horizon models, both coin and slide, NetMaster and MDC controls are already
fully compliant with the 2007 standards.
We appreciate this opportunity to inform you of these new government regulations. Please contact
Speed Queen at 1-800-345-5649 or www.speedqueen.com if you have any questions.