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Spectrum Digital, Inc. warrants performance of its products and related software to current
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Please be aware that the products described herein are not intended for use in life-support
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Spectrum Digital, Inc. assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design,
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This equipment is intended for use in a laborato ry test environment only. It generates, uses, and can
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MS-DOS, MS-Windows, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp
This document describes the board level operations of the TMS320LF2407 evaluation
module (EVM). The EVM is based on the Texas Instruments TMS320LF2407 Digital
Signal Processor .
The TMS320LF2407 EVM is a table top card to allow enginee rs and software
developers to evaluate certain characteristics of the TMS320LF2407 DSP to determine
if the processor meets the designers application requirements. Evaluators can create
software to execute onboard or expand the system in a variety of ways.
Notational Conventions
This document uses the following conventions.
The TMS320LF2407 will sometimes be referred to as the LF2407, F2407, or C24XX.
Program listings, program examples, and interactive displays are shown is a special
italic typeface. Here is a sample program listing.
!rd = rw &! strb;
Information About Cautions
This book may contain cautions.
This is an example of a caution statement.
A caution statement describes a situation that could potentially damage your software,
or hardware, or other equipment. The information in a caution is provided for your
protection. Please read each caution carefully.
Related Documents
Texas Instruments TMS320LF2407 Users Guide
Texas Instruments TMS320 Fixed Point Assembly Language Users Guide
Texas Instruments TMS320 Fixed Point C Language Users Guide
Texas Instruments TMS320 Fixed Point C Sour ce Debugger Users Guide
This chapter provides you with a description of the TMS32LF2407
Evaluation Module along with the key features and a block diagram of
the circuit board.
Topic Page
1.0Overview of the TMS320LF2407 EVM 1-2
1.1Key Features of the TMS320LF2407 EVM1-2
1.2Functional Overview of the TMS320LF2407 EVM 1-3
The TMS320LF2407 evaluation module(EVM) is a stand-alone card th at lets evaluators
examine certain characteristics of the LF2407 digital signal processor(DSP) to
determine if this DSP meets their application requirements. Furthermore, the module is
an excellent platform to develop and run software on the LF2407 family of processors.
The LF2407 EVM is shipped with a TMS320LF2407 DSP. The EVM allows full speed
verification of LF2407 code. With 544 words of onchip data memory, 128K words of
onboard memory, onchip flash rom, on chip UART, and an MP7680 Digital to Analog
Converter, the board can solve a variety of problems as shipped. Four expansion
connectors are provided to interface to any necessary evaluation circuitry not provided
on the as shipped configuration.
To simplify code develop and shorten debugging time a number of user interfaces are
1.1 Key Features of the TMS320LF2407 EVM
The LF2407 EVM has the following features:
• LF2407 operating at 30 MIPS with 128K words of zero wait state memory
• 16 channels of 10 bit onchip Analog to Digital Conversion with auto sequencer
• Dual event managers multiple PWM and capture channels on chip
• DAC7625 Four(4) Channel Digital to Analog converter
• On chip UART with RS232 Drivers
• 32K words of on chip Flash ROM
• CAN Interface with drivers
• User Switches and LEDs
• 4 Expansion Connectors (data, address, I/O, and control)
• On board IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Connection for Optional Emulation
• 5 volt power input, (onboard 3.3 volt regulators)
Figure 1-1 shows a block diagram of the basic configuration for the LF2407 EVM. The
major interfaces of the EVM include the target ram, analog interface, CAN interface,
serial boot rom, user leds and switches, RS232 interface, SPI data logging interface,
and expansion interface.
The LF2407 interfaces to 128K Words of zero wait-state static memory. An external I/O
interface supports 65,000 parallel I/O ports. An onchip CAN and RS232 serial port are
available on the expansion connector.
This chapter describes the LF2407 Evaluation module, its key components, and how
they operate. It also provides information on the EVM’s various interfaces. The LF2407
EVM consists of six major blocks of logic.
• LF2407 external memory
• Digital to Analog Interface
• On Chip Serial Interface
• LEDs and Switches
• On Chip CAN Interface
• Serial boot ROM/ SPI Logging Interface
• Expansion interface
• JTAG Interface
2.1 The TMS320LF2407 EVM Board
The LF2407 EVM is a 3U sized board which is powered by an external 5 Volt only
power supply. Figure 2-1 shows the layout of the LF2407 EVM.
The LF2407 is powered by a 5 volt only power supply which is available with the
module. An on board low drop out 3.3 volt regulator provides the 3.3 volt power. The
board requires 750 milliamps at 5 volts. The po wer is supplied via 2 millimeter jac k J1. If
expansion boards are connected to the mo dule a higher amperage power supply may
be necessary.
2.2 TMS320LF2407 Memory Interface
The EVM includes 64k Words of zero wait-state program ram memory and 64k words
of zero wait-state data ram memory, providing a total of 128k words of off chip static
It is important to remember that internal memory has a higher precedence than the
external memory. For more information on the memory in the device populated in your
EVM card please refer to Texas Instruments TMS320LF2407 Users Guide.
Futhermore, it is important to take into account that external memory is affected by
wait-states. Wait state generation for off-chip memory space (data, program, or I/O) is
done with the Wait State Genera tion Register(WSGR). To obtain zero waitstate off-chip
memory bits in the WSGR must be appropriately programmed. The board pow ers up
with 7 wait-states. The EVM board does not generate wait states via the ready signal
for external program and data memory accesses.
External memory decode is done via U17 a GAL16V8. The generic array de vice selects
the RAM, or on board peripherals. The equations for the GAL are included in Appendix
A. The figure below shows a zero wait state program space memory read followed by
a data space memory write.
There are two configurations for program memory. The selection of these
configurations is done by the position of jumper, JP6. If JP6 is in the 2-3 position
then the DSP is in microcomputer mode and the internal flash memory is enabled
from 0x0000 to 0x7fff. If JP6 is in position 1-2 then the internal FLASH/ROM is
disabled and the entire program address range is ava ilable to external memory.
Shown below are the two program memory configurations:
The I/O map for the TMS320LF2407 EVM is sho wn below:
D/A Converter
2.3 User Switches and LEDs
The TMS320LF2407 EVM has 4 switches and 4 LEDs that are available for user
applications.These devices are I/O mapped at locations 0x0008 and 0x000C
respectively on data bits D0-D3. To access these devices the “IN” and “ OUT”
instructions are used. Refer to sections 2.13 and 2.16 for more detail on these two
2.4 Oscillator Selection
4 Position DIP Switch
Figure 2-5, I/O Space
The TMS320LF2407 EVM is equipped with a 7.37 Megahertz oscillator. The core CPU
receives CLKIN/2 (CPUCLK). After resets the PLL Cloc k Module defaults to CPUCLK/4
yielding approximately a 2 Mhz clkout. The PLL can be programmed to CPUCLK*4
which results in 30 Mhz output clock. The user should refer to the “PLL Clock Module”
section in the TMS320LF2407 User’s guide for more information.
The TMS320LF2407 EVM provides f our (4) 12-bit D/A ch annels. The output is from 0 to
3.3 volts DC. The converter is mapped into I/O address space 0x0000 to 0x0004.
Locations 0x0000 through 0x0003 are used for the data holding registers for channels
1-4 respectively. I/O address 0x0004 is used to transfer values in the holding registers
to the converters. F or instan ce y ou ca n write to the 4 holding registers and tran sfer all 4
to the converters at the same time. Information about programming this converter can
be found in Appendix C.
Table 1: DAC I/O Addresses
I/O AddressChannel #
2.6 Expansion Bus
The TMS320LF2407 EVM has an expan sion bus which brings out all of the signals
from the DSP. This expansion bus allows the user to design custom circuitry to be used
with his application without having to design a CPU card. In addition this interface is
used by Spectrum Digital for all of its add-on modules.
2.6.1 TMS320LF2407 EVM Expansion Connector
Expansion boards interface to the TMS320LF2407 EVM via an expansion bus. This
expansion bus is divided into 4 double row header connectors. This section contains
the signal definitions and pin numbers for each of the connectors.