SBench is a registered trademark of Spectrum Systementwicklung Microelectronic GmbH.
Microsoft, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Windows, Windows 98, Windows NT, Window 2000 and Windows XP are tradenarks/registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
LabVIEW, DASYLab, Diadem and LabWindows/CVI are tradenarks/registered trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.
MATLAB is a tradenark/registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.
Agilent VEE, VEE Pro and VEE OneLabare tradenarks/registered trademarks of Agilent Technologies, Inc.
FlexPro is a registered trademark of Weisang GmbH & Co. KG.
General Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Different models of the MI.61xx series .................................................................................................................................... 7
Extra I/O (Option -XMF).................................................................................................................................................. 8
Extra I/O (Option -XIO)................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Spectrum type plate ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Technical Data ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Order information......................................................................................................................................................... 12
System Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Sources of noise ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Installing the board in the system.......................................................................................................................................... 13
Installing a single board without any options.................................................................................................................... 13
Installing a board with digital inputs/outputs.................................................................................................................... 14
Installing a board with extra I/O (Option -XMF) ............................................................................................................... 14
Installing multiple boards synchronized by starhub............................................................................................................ 15
Windows 98 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Version control ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Windows 2000 ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Version control ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Windows XP...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Version control ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Windows NT..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Adding boards to the Windows NT driver ....................................................................................................................... 24
First Test with SBench.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Microsoft Visual C++ .................................................................................................................................................... 28
Linux Gnu C................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Other Windows C/C++ compilers ................................................................................................................................. 29
National Instruments LabWindows/CVI........................................................................................................................... 29
Type definition ............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Include Driver............................................................................................................................................................... 32
Include Driver............................................................................................................................................................... 34
Date of production........................................................................................................................................................ 38
Serial number .............................................................................................................................................................. 38
Maximum possible sample rate ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Installed features and options ......................................................................................................................................... 39
Used interrupt line ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
Used type of driver ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
Powerdown and reset ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Analog Outputs ............................................................................................................... 41
Important note on channels selection............................................................................................................................... 41
Disabling the outputs..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Setting up the outputs.......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Maximum Output Range................................................................................................................................................ 43
Standard generation modes ............................................................................................ 44
General description............................................................................................................................................................ 44
Partitioning the memory................................................................................................................................................. 44
Starting without interrupt (classic mode)........................................................................................................................... 46
Starting with interrupt driven mode ................................................................................................................................. 46
Data organization ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Writing data with SpcSetData........................................................................................................................................ 47
General Information...................................................................................................................................................... 49
Example FIFO generation mode ..................................................................................................................................... 52
Data organization ........................................................................................................................................................ 52
Standard internal sample rate ........................................................................................................................................ 54
Using plain quartz with no PLL........................................................................................................................................ 55
Direct external clock ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
External clock with divider ............................................................................................................................................. 57
Trigger modes and appendant registers .......................................................................... 58
General Description............................................................................................................................................................ 58
Standard Mode............................................................................................................................................................ 61
Standard Mode............................................................................................................................................................ 63
General information and trigger delay ............................................................................................................................ 63
Example program............................................................................................................................................................... 64
Option Extra I/O ............................................................................................................. 65
Digital I/Os....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Channel direction ......................................................................................................................................................... 65
Transfer Data ............................................................................................................................................................... 65
Analog Outputs.................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Programming example ........................................................................................................................................................ 66
The different synchronization options .................................................................................................................................... 67
Synchronization with option cascading ........................................................................................................................... 67
Synchronization with option starhub ............................................................................................................................... 67
The setup order for the different synchronization options ......................................................................................................... 68
Setup Order for use with standard (non FIFO) mode and equally clocked boards ................................................................. 68
Setup synchronization for use with FIFO mode and equally clocked boards ......................................................................... 72
Additions for synchronizing different boards .................................................................................................................... 74
Additions for equal boards with different sample rates ...................................................................................................... 76
Resulting delays using different boards or speeds ............................................................................................................. 76
Pin assignment of the multipin connector ............................................................................................................................... 78
Extra I/O with external connector(Option -XMF) ............................................................................................................... 78
Pin assignment of the multipin cable ..................................................................................................................................... 78
Pin assignment of the internal multipin connector .................................................................................................................... 79
Extra I/O with internal connector (Option -XIO)................................................................................................................ 79
This manual provides detailed information on the hardware features of your Spectrum instrumentation board. This information includes technical data, specifications, block diagram and a connector description.
In addition, this guide takes you through the process of installing your board and also describes the installation of the delivered driver package
for each operating system.
Finally this manual provides you with the complete software information of the board and the related driver. The reader of this manual will
be able to integrate the board in any PC system with one of the supported bus and operating systems.
Please note that this manual provides no description for specific driver parts such as those for LabVIEW or MATLAB. These drivers are provided by special order.
For any new information on the board as well as new available options or memory upgrades please contact our webside You will also find the current driver package with the latest bug fixes and new features on our site.
Please read this manual carefully before you install any hardware or software. Spectrum is not responsible
for any hardware failures resulting from incorrect usage.
General Information
The MI.61xx series contains 2 different versions of arbitrary waveform generators for the PCI bus. With these boards it is possible to generate
free definable waveforms on several channels synchronously. There are up to four channels on one board with a maximum sample rate of
125 MS/s. The internal standard Syncbus allows the setup of synchronous multi channel systems with higher channel numbers. It is also possible to combine the arbitrary waveform generator with other boards of the MI product family like analogue or digital acquisition boards.
With the up to 512 MSample (512 MByte) large on-board memory long waveform could be generated even with high sample rates. The
memory can also be used as a FIFO buffer to make continuous data transfer from PC memory or hard disk.
Application examples: Automatic test systems, Synthesizer, Supersonics, Signal generators.
6MI.61xx Manual
IntroductionDifferent models of the MI.61xx series
Different models of the MI.61xx series
The following overwiew shows the different available models of the MI.61xx series. They differ in the number mounted generation modules
and the number of available channels. You can also see the model dependant allocation of the output connectors.
• MI.6110
• MI.6111
(c) Spectrum GmbH7
Additional optionsIntroduction
Additional options
Extra I/O (Option -XMF)
With this simple-to-use enhancement
it is possible to control a wide range
of external instruments or other
equipment. Therefore you have 24
digital I/O and the 4 analog outputs
The extra I/O option is useful if an
external amplifier should be controlled, any kind of signal source must
be programmed, an antenna must
be adjusted, a status information
from external machine has to be obtained or different test signals have
to be routed to the board.
The additional inputs and outputs
are mounted on an extra bracket.
The figure shows the allocation of
the two connectors. The shown option is mounted exemplarily on a board with two modules. Of course you can also combine this option as
well with a board that is equipped with only one module.
It is not possible to use this option together with the star hub or timestamp option, because there is just space for
one piggyback module on the on-board expansion slot.
Extra I/O (Option -XIO)
With this simple-to-use enhancement
it is possible to control a wide range
of external instruments or other
equipment. Therefore you have 16
digital I/O and the 4 analog outputs
The extra I/O option is useful if an
external amplifier should be controlled, any kind of signal source must
be programmed, an antenna must
be adjusted, a status information
from external machine has to be obtained or different test signals have
to be routed to the board.
The additional inputs and outputs
are not mounted on an extra brakket, but are available on an internal
connector. The figure shows the position of this connector on the bottom side of the extra I/O piggy-back module. The shown option is mounted exemplarily on a board with two modules. Of course you can also combine this option as well with a board that is equipped with only
one module.
It is not possible to use this option together with the star hub or timestamp option, because there is just space for
one piggyback module on the on-board expansion slot.
8MI.61xx Manual
IntroductionAdditional options
The star hub module allows the synchronisation of up to 16 MI boards.
It is possible to synchronise boards
of the same type with each other as
well as different types.
The module acts as a star hub for
clock and trigger signals. Each
board is connected with a small cable of the same length, even the master board. That minimises the clock
skew between the different boards.
The figure shows the piggyback module mounted on the base board
schematically without any cables to
achieve a better visibility.
Any board could be the clock master and the same or any other
board could be the trigger master. All trigger modes that are available on the master board are also available if the synchronisation star hub
is used.
The cable connection of the boards is automatically recognised and checked by the driver at load time. So no care must be taken on how to
cable the boards. The programming of the star hub is included in the standard board interface and consists of only 3 additional commands.
It is not possible to use this option together with the timestamp or extra I/O option, because the is just space for one
piggyback module on the on-board expansion slot.
(c) Spectrum GmbH9
The Spectrum type plateIntroduction
The Spectrum type plate
The Spectrum type plate, which consists of the following components, can be found on all of our boards.
The board type, consisting of the two letters describing the bus (in this case MI for the PCI bus) and the model number.
The size of the on-board installed memory in MSamples. In this example there are 8 MS (16 MByte) installed.
The serial number of your Spectrum board. Every board has a unique serial number.
The board revision, consisting of the base version and the module version.
A list of the installed options. A complete list of all available options is shown in the order information. In this example the options
’Multiple recording’ and ’Extra I/O with external outputs’ are installed.
The date of production, consisting of the calendar week and the year.
Please always supply us with the above information, especially the serial number in case of support request. That
allows us to answer your questions as soon as possible. Thank you.
10MI.61xx Manual
IntroductionHardware information
Hardware information
Block diagram
Technical Data
Resolution8 BitDimension312 mm x 107 mm
Integral linearity (DAC)± 1.5 LSB typ.Width (Standard)1 full size slot
Differential linearity (DAC)± 1.0 LSB typ.Width (with star hub option)2 full size slots
Output resistance< 1 OhmAnalogue connector3 mm SMB male
Max output swing in 50 Ohm± 3 V (offset + amplitude)Warm up time10 minutes
Max slew rate (no filter)> 0.9 V/nsOperating temperature0°C - 50°C
Multi: Trigger to 1st sample delayfixedStorage temperature-10°C - 70°C
Multi: Recovery time< 20 samplesHumidity10% to 90%
Ext. clock: delay to internal clock42 ns ± 2 nsOffset stepsize< 2 mV
Trigger output delay1 SampleAmplitude stepsize< 1 mV
Crosstalk @ 1 MHz signal ±3 V< -80 dB
Min internal clock1 kS/sPower consumption 5 V @ full speedmax 3.7 A (18.5 Watt)
Min external clockDCPower consumption 5 V @ power downmax 2.3 A (11.5 Watt)
max internal clock125 MS/s125 MS/s
max external clock125 MS/s125 MS/s
-3 dB bandwidth no filter> 60 MHz> 60 MHz
(c) Spectrum GmbH11
Hardware informationIntroduction
Dynamic Parameters
Test - Samplerate125 MS/s125 MS/s
Filter 3
Characteristics5th order Butterworth
-3 dB bandwidth25 MHz25 MHz
SNR ±1 V in 50 ohm-49 dB
THD ±1 V in 50 ohm-42 dB
Filter 2
Characteristics4th order Butterworth
-3 dB bandwidth5 MHz5 MHz
SNR ±1 V in 50 ohm-42 dB
THD ±1 V in 50 ohm-67 dB
Filter 1
Characteristics4th order Butterworth
-3 dB bandwidth500 kHz500 kHz
SNR ±1 V in 50 ohm-72 dB
THD ±1 V in 50 ohm-54 dB
Dynamic parameters are measured at ± 1 V output level and 50 Ohm termination with a spectrum analyser. The samplerate selected is the maximum possible samplerate. Signal frequency is equal to the cut-off frequency of the filter. SNR and RMS noise parameters may differ depending on the quality of the used PC. SNR = Signal to Noise Ratio, THD = Total Harmonic Distortion
Order information
Order NoDescriptionOrder NoDescription
MI6110MI.6111 with 16 MSample memory and drivers/SBench 5.x MI61xx-32MOption: 32 MSample mem instead of 16 MSample standard mem
MI6111MI.6111 with 16 MSample memory and drivers/SBench 5.x MI61xx-64MOption: 64 MSample mem instead of 16 MSample standard mem
MI6xxx-mrOption Multiple Replay: Memory segmentationMI61xx-256MOption: 256 MSample mem instead of 16 MSample standard mem
MI6xxx-gsOption Gated Sampling: Gate signal controls replayMI61xx-512MOption: 512 MSample mem instead of 16 MSample standard mem
MI6xxx-csSynchronisation of 2 - 4 boards, one option per systemMI61xx-upAdditional handling costs for later memory upgrade
MI61xx-128MOption: 128 MSample mem instead of 16 MSample standard mem
MI6xxx-smodStar Hub: Synchronisation of 2 - 16 boards, one option per systemMI61xx-dlDASYLab driver for MI.61xx series
MIxxxx.xioExtra I/O, internal connector: 16 DI/O, 4 Analog outMI61xx-hpVEE driver for MI.61xx series
MIxxxx-xmfExtra I/O, external connector: 24 DI/O, 4 Analog out, incl. cableMI61xx-lvLabVIEW driver for MI.61xx series
Cab-3f-9m-80Adapter cable: SMB female to BNC male 80 cmCab-3f-9f-80Adapter cable: SMB female to BNC female 80 cm
Cab-3f-9m-200 Adapter cable: SMB female to BNC male 200 cmCab-3f-9f-200Adapter cable: SMB female to BNC female 200 cm
MATLABMATLAB driver for all MI.xxxx, MC.xxxx and MX.xxxx series.
12MI.61xx Manual
Hardware InstallationSystem Requirements
Hardware Installation
System Requirements
All Spectrum MI.xxxx instrumentation boards are compliant to the PCI standard and require in general one free full length slot. Depending
on the installed options additional free slots can be necessary.
ESD Precautions
The boards of the MI.xxxx series contain electronic components that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Before installing the board in your system or even before touching it, it is absolutely necessary to bleed of
any electrostatic electricity.
Cooling Precautions
The boards of the MI.xxxx series operate with components having very high power consumption at high speeds. For this reason it is absolutely
required to cool this board sufficiently. It is strongly recommended to install an additional cooling fan producing a stream of air across the
boards surface. In most cases professional PC-systems are already equipped with sufficient cooling power. In that case please make sure that
the air stream is not blocked.
During longer pauses between the single measurements the power down mode should be called to reduce the heat production.
Sources of noise
The boards of the MI.xxxx series should be placed far away from any noise producing source (like e.g. the power supply). It should especially
be avoided to place the board in the slot directly adjacent to another fast board (like the graphics controller).
Installing the board in the system
Installing a single board without any options
Before installing the board you first need to unscrew and remove the dedicated blind-bracket usually mounted to cover unused slots of your
PC. Please keep the screw in reach to fasten your Spectrum board afterwards. All Spectrum boards require a full length PCI slot with a track
at the backside to guide the board by it’s retainer. Now insert the board slowly into your computer. This is done best with one hand each at
both fronts of the board.
While inserting the board take care not to tilt the retainer in the track.
Please be very carefully when inserting the board in the PCI slot, as most of the mainboards are mounted
with spacers and therefore might be damaged if they are exposed to high preasure.
After the board’s insertion fasten the screw of the bracket carefully, without overdoing.
(c) Spectrum GmbH13
Installing the board in the systemHardware Installation
Installing a board with digital inputs/outputs
Before installing the board you first need to unscrew and remove the dedicated blind-brackets usually mounted to cover unused slots of your
PC. Please keep the screws in reach to fasten your Spectrum board and the extra bracket afterwards. All Spectrum boards require a full length
PCI slot with a track at the backside to guide the board by it’s retainer. Now insert the board and the extra bracket slowly into your computer.
This is done best with one hand each at both fronts of the board.
While inserting the board take care not to tilt the retainer in the track.
Please be very carefully when inserting the board in the PCI slot, as most of the mainboards are mounted
with spacers and therefore might be damaged they are exposed to high preasure.
After the board’s insertion fasten the screws of both brackets carefully, without overdoing. The figure shows an example of a board with two
installed modules.
Installing a board with extra I/O (Option -XMF)
Before installing the board you first need to unscrew and remove the dedicated blind-brackets usually mounted to cover unused slots of your
PC. Please keep the screws in reach to fasten your Spectrum board and the extra bracket afterwards. All Spectrum boards require a full length
PCI slot with a track at the backside to guide the board by it’s retainer. Now insert the board and the extra bracket slowly into your computer.
This is done best with one hand each at both fronts of the board.
While inserting the board take care not to tilt the retainer in the track.
Please be very carefully when inserting the board in the PCI slot, as most of the mainboards are mounted
with spacers and therefore might be damaged they are exposed to high preasure.
After the board’s insertion fasten the screws of both brackets carefully, without overdoing. The figure shows an example of a board with two
installed modules.
14MI.61xx Manual
Hardware InstallationInstalling the board in the system
Installing multiple boards synchronized by starhub
Hooking up the boards
Before mounting several synchronized boards for a multi channel system into the PC you can hook up the boards with their synchronization
cables first. If there is enough space in your computer’s case (e.g. a big tower case) you can also mount the boards first and hook them up
afterwards. Spectrum ships the boards together with the needed amount of synchronization cables. All of them are matched to the same
length, to achieve a zero clock delay between the boards.
Only use the included flat ribbon cables.
All of the boards, including the board that carrys the starhub piggy-back module, must be wired to the starhub as the figure is showing exemplarily for three synchronized boards.
It does not matter which of the 16 connectors on the starhub module you use for which board. The software driver will detect the types and
order of the synchronized boards automatically. The figure shows the three cables mounted next to each other only to achieve a better visibility.
As some of the synchronization cables are not secured against wrong plugging you should take
care to have the pin 1 markers on the multiple connectors and the cable on the same side, as the
figure on the right is showing.
Mounting the wired boards
Before installing the boards you first need to unscrew and remove the dedicated blind-brackets usually mounted to cover unused slots of your
PC. Please keep the screws in reach to fasten your Spectrum boards afterwards. All Spectrum boards require a full length PCI slot with a track
at the backside to guide the board by it’s retainer. Now insert the board and the extra bracket slowly into your computer. This is done best
with one hand each at both fronts of the board. Please keep in mind that the board carrying the starhub piggy-back module requires the width
of two slots.
While inserting the boards take care not to tilt the retainers in the tracks.
Please be very carefully when inserting the boards in the PCI slots, as most of the mainboards are mounted
with spacers and therefore might be damaged if they are exposed to high preasure.
After the boards insertion fasten the screws of all brackets carefully, without overdoing. The figure shows an example of three boards with
two installed modules.
(c) Spectrum GmbH15
Installing the board in the systemHardware Installation
Installing multiple synchronized boards
Hooking up the boards
Before mounting several synchronized boards for a multi channel system into the PC you can hook up the boards with the synchronization
cable first. If there is enough space in your computer’s case (e.g. a big tower case) you can also mount the boards first and hook them up
afterwards. Spectrum ships the boards together with the needed synchronization cable.
All of the possible four boards must be wired with the delivered synchronization cable. The figure is showing an example of three synchronized boards.
The outer boards have a soldered termination for the sync bus. These boards are marked with an additional sticker.
Only mount the cluster of synchronized boards in a row with the dedicated boards on the outer sides.
Mounting the wired boards
Before installing the boards you first need to unscrew and remove the dedicated blind-brackets usually mounted to cover unused slots of your
PC. Please keep the screws in reach to fasten your Spectrum boards afterwards. All Spectrum boards require a full length PCI slot with a track
at the backside to guide the board by it’s retainer. Now insert the boards slowly into your computer. This is done best with one hand each
at both fronts of the board.
While inserting the boards take care not to tilt the retainers in the tracks.
Please be very carefully when inserting the boards in the PCI slots, as most of the mainboards are mounted
with spacers and therefore might be damaged if they are exposed to high preasure.
After the boards insertion fasten the screws of all brackets carefully, without overdoing. The figure shows an example of three boards with
two installed modules.
16MI.61xx Manual
Software Driver InstallationInterrupt Sharing
Software Driver Installation
Before using the board a driver must be installed that matches the operating system. The installation is done in different ways depending on
the used operating system. The driver that is on CD supports all boards of the MI, MC and MX series. That means that you can use the same
driver for all boards of theses families.
Interrupt Sharing
This board uses a PCI interrupt for DMA data transfer and for controlling the FIFO mode. The used interrupt line is allocated by the PC BIOS
at system start and is normally depending on the selected slot. Because there is only a limited number of interrupt lines available on the PCI
bus it can happen that two or more boards must use the same interrupt line. This so called interrupt sharing must be supported by all drivers
of the participating equipment.
Most available drivers and also the Spectrum driver for your board can manage interrupt sharing. But there are also some drivers on the
market that can only use one interrupt exclusively. If this equipment shares an interrupt with the Spectrum board, the system will hang up if
the second driver is loaded (the time is depending on the operating system).
If this happens it is necessary to reconfigure the system in that way that the critical equipment has an exclusive access to an interrupt.
On most systems the BIOS shows a list of all installed PCI boards with their allocated interrupt lines directly after system start. You have to
check whether an interrupt line is shared between two boards. Some BIOS allow the manual allocation of interrupt lines. Have a look in your
mainboard manual for further information on this topic.
Because normally the interrupt line is fixed for one PCI slot it is simply necessary to use another slot for the critical board to force a new
interrupt allocation. You have to search a configuration where all critical boards have only exclusive access to one interrupt.
Depending on the system, using the Spectrum board with a shared interrupt may degrade performance a little. Each interrupt needs to be
checked by two drivers. For this reason when using time critical FIFO mode even the Spectrum board should have an exclusively access to
one interrupt line.
(c) Spectrum GmbH17
Windows 98Software Driver Installation
Windows 98
When installing the board in a Windows 98 system the Spectrum board
will be recognized automatically on
the next start-up.
The system offers the direct installation of a driver for the board.
Let Windows search automatically
for the best driver for your system.
Select the CD that was delivered
with the board as installation source.
The driver files are located on CD in
the directory
The hardware assistant shows you
the exact board type that has been
found like the MI.3020 in the example. Older boards (before june
2004) show „Spectrum Board“ instead.
Version control
The drivers can be used directly after installation. It is not necessary to restart the system.
The installed drivers are linked in the device manager. Below you’ll see how to examine
the driver version and how to update the driver with a newer version.
If you want to check which driver version is installed
in the system this can be easily done in the device
manager. Therefore please start the device manager
from the control panel and show the properties of the
installed driver.
On the property page Windows 98 shows the date
of the driver.
18MI.61xx Manual
Software Driver InstallationWindows 98
After clicking the driver info button the detailed version information of the driver is shown. In the case
of a support question this information must be presented together with the board’s serial number to
the support team to help finding a fast solution.
Driver - Update
If a new driver version is to be installed no Spectrum board should be in use. So please stop and exit all software that could access the boards.
New drivers are available at After down loading the driver unzip it to a temporary folder.
A new driver version is directly installed from the device manager.
Therefore please open the properties
page of the driver as shown in the
section before. As next step click on
the update driver button and follow
the steps of the driver installation in
a similar way to the previous board
and driver installation.
Please select the path where the new
driver version was unzipped to. If
you’ve got the new driver version on
CD please select the
\Driver\Win98_2k_XP path on the
CD containing the new driver version.
The new driver version can be used directly after installation without restarting the system.
Please keep in mind to update the driver of all installed Spectrum boards.
(c) Spectrum GmbH19
Windows 2000Software Driver Installation
Windows 2000
When installing the board in
a Windows 2000 system the
Spectrum board will be recognized automatically on the
next start-up.
The system offers the direct installation of a driver for the
Let Windows search automatically for the best driver for
your system.
Select the CD that was delivered with the board as installation source. The driver files
are located on CD in the directory
Version control
The hardware assistant
shows you the exact board
type that has been found like
the MI.3020 in the example.
Older boards (before june
2004) show „Spectrum
Board“ instead.
The drivers can be used directly after installation. It is
not necessary to restart the
system. The installed drivers
are linked in the device manager.
Below you’ll see how to examine the driver version and
how to update the driver with
a newer version.
If you want to check which driver version
is installed in the system this can be easily done in the device manager. Therefore please start the device manager
from the control panel and show the
properties of the installed driver.
On the property page Windows 2000
shows the date and the version of the installed driver.
After clicking the driver details button the
detailed version information of the driver
is shown. In the case of a support question this information must be presented together with the board’s serial number to
the support team to help finding a fast solution.
20MI.61xx Manual
Software Driver InstallationWindows 2000
Driver - Update
If a new driver version should be installed no Spectrum board is allowed to be in use by any software. So please stop and exit all software
that could access the boards.
A new driver version is directly installed from the device
manager. Therefore please
open the properties page of
the driver as shown in the section before. As next step click
on the update driver button
and follow the steps of the
driver installation in a similar
way to the previous board
and driver installation.
Please select the path where
the new driver version was
unzipped to. If you’ve got the
new driver version on CD
please select the
\Driver\Win98_2k_XP path
on the CD containing the new
driver version.
The new driver version can
be used directly after installation without restarting the system. Please keep in mind to
update the driver of all installed Spectrum boards.
(c) Spectrum GmbH21
Windows XPSoftware Driver Installation
Windows XP
When installing the board in a Windows XP system the Spectrum board will be recognized automatically on the next start-up.
The system offers the direct installation of a driver for the board.
Do not let Windows automatically search for the best driver, because sometimes the driver will not be found on the CD. Please take the
option of choosing a manual installation path instead.
Allow Windows XP to search for the most suitable driver in a specific directory. Select the CD that was delivered with the board as installation source. The driver files
are located on CD in the directory \Driver\Win98_2k_XP.
The hardware assistant shows you the exact board type that has been found like
the MI.3020 in the example. Older boards (before june 2004) show „Spectrum
Board“ instead.
The drivers can be used directly after installation. It is not necessary to restart the
system. The installed drivers are linked in the device manager.
Below you’ll see how to examine the driver version and how to update the driver
with a newer version.
Version control
If you want to check which driver version is installed in the system this
can be easily done in the device manager. Therefore please start the
device manager from the control panel and show the properties of
the installed driver.
22MI.61xx Manual
Software Driver InstallationWindows XP
On the property page Windows XP shows the date and the version of the installed driver.
After clicking the driver details button the detailed version information of the driver is shown.
In the case of a support question this information must be presented together with the
board’s serial number to the support team to help finding a fast solution.
Driver - Update
If a new driver version should be installed no Spectrum board is allowed to be in
use by any software. So please stop and exit all software that could access the
A new driver version is directly installed from the device manager. Therefore please
open the properties page of the driver as shown in the section before. As next step
click on the update driver button and follow the steps of the driver installation in a
similar way to the previous board and driver installation.
Please select the path where the new driver version was unzipped to. If you’ve got
the new driver version on CD please select the \Driver\Win98_2k_XP path on the
CD containing the new driver version.
The new driver version can be used directly after installation without restarting the
system. Please keep in mind to update the driver of all installed Spectrum boards.
(c) Spectrum GmbH23
Windows NTSoftware Driver Installation
Windows NT
Under Windows NT the
Spectrum driver must be installed manually. The driver is
found on CD in the directory
\Install\WinNTDrv. Please
start the „Setup.exe“ program. The installation is performed totally automatically,
simply click on the „Next“
button. After installtion the system must be rebooted once
(see picture on the right side).
The driver is install to support
device. If more boards are installed in the system the configuration of the driver has to be changed. Please see the following chapter for this
Adding boards to the Windows NT driver
one PCI/PXI or CompactPCI
The Windows NT driver
must be configured by the
Driver Configuration utility
to support more than one
board. The Driver Configuration utility is automatically installed with the driver.
The Utility can be found in
the start menu as „DrvConfig“.
To add a new card please follow these steps:
• Increase the board number on top of the screen by pressing the right button
• Change the board type from „Not Installed“ to „PCI Board“
• Press the „Apply changes“ button
• Press the „OK“ button
• Restart the system
Driver - Update
If a new driver version should be installed no Spectrum board is allowed to be in use by any software. So please stop and exit all software
that could access the boards.
When updating a system please simply execute the setup file of the new driver version. Afterwards the system has to be rebooted. The driver
configuration is not changed.
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