SBench, digitizerNETBOX and generatorNETBOX are registered trademarks of Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH.
Microsoft, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Windows, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,
Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows Server are trademarks/registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
LabVIEW, DASYLab, Diadem and LabWindows/CVI are trademarks/registered trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.
MATLAB is a trademark/registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.
Delphi and C++Builder are trademarks or registered trademarks of Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Keysight VEE, VEE Pro and VEE OneLab are trademarks/registered trademarks of Keysight Technologies, Inc.
FlexPro is a registered trademark of Weisang GmbH & Co. KG.
PCIe, PCI Express, PCI-X and PCI-SIG are trademarks of PCI-SIG.
PICMG and CompactPCI are trademarks of the PCI Industrial Computation Manufacturers Group.
PXI is a trademark of the PXI Systems Alliance.
LXI is a registered trademark of the LXI Consortium.
IVI is a registered trademark of the IVI Foundation
Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
AMD and Opteron are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices.
NVIDIA, CUDA, GeForce, Quadro and Tesla are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation.
General Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Differences between plain cards and digitizer modules inside the digitizerNETBOX .............................................................. 10
Overview of digitizer modules inside the DN2-44x and DN6-44x digitizerNETBOX ............................................................. 11
Different models of the DN2.44x series................................................................................................................................. 12
Additional options for DN2 products .................................................................................................................................... 12
19“ Rack Mount Kit ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
DC Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Different models of the DN6.44x series................................................................................................................................. 13
Additional options for DN6 products .................................................................................................................................... 13
19“ Rack Mount Kit ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
AC Cable Options ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
The Spectrum type plate ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Block diagram of digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x and DN6.44x: ............................................................................................ 16
Block diagram of a single internal digitizer module:.......................................................................................................... 16
DN2 / DN6 Technical Data .......................................................................................................................................... 17
DN2 specific Technical Data.......................................................................................................................................... 23
DN6 specific Technical Data.......................................................................................................................................... 23
DN2 Order Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
DN6 Order Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Opening the Chassis..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Sources of noise ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
Installing 19“ rack mount option for DN2.............................................................................................................................. 27
Installing 19“ rack mount option for DN6.............................................................................................................................. 27
Setup of digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX ....................................................................................................................... 28
Front Panel DN2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Front Panel DN6 .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Detecting the digitizerNETBOX ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Standard Driver Installation............................................................................................................................................ 33
Standard Driver Update ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Compilation of kernel driver sources (option) ................................................................................................................... 34
Update of self compiled kernel driver .............................................................................................................................. 34
Library only ................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Control Center ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
Card Control Center ........................................................................................................................................................... 36
Discovery of Remote Cards and digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX products.................................................................... 37
Wake On LAN of digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX .................................................................................................... 37
Firmware information .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Performing memory test ................................................................................................................................................. 41
Transfer speed test........................................................................................................................................................ 41
Debug logging for support cases .................................................................................................................................... 42
Accessing the hardware with SBench 6................................................................................................................................. 42
General Information on Windows 64 bit drivers............................................................................................................... 43
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, 2005 and newer 32 Bit........................................................................................................... 43
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and newer 64 Bit.................................................................................................................. 44
C++ Builder 32 Bit ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
Linux Gnu C/C++ 32/64 Bit ......................................................................................................................................... 44
C++ for .NET............................................................................................................................................................... 44
Other Windows C/C++ compilers 32 Bit ........................................................................................................................ 44
Other Windows C/C++ compilers 64 Bit ........................................................................................................................ 45
National Instruments LabWindows/CVI........................................................................................................................... 45
.NET programming languages ............................................................................................................................................. 54
Using C#..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Using Managed C++/CLI.............................................................................................................................................. 55
Using VB.NET .............................................................................................................................................................. 55
Using J# ...................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Python Programming Interface and Examples......................................................................................................................... 56
LabVIEW driver and examples............................................................................................................................................. 59
MATLAB driver and examples.............................................................................................................................................. 59
Home Screen ............................................................................................................................................................... 60
LAN Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 60
Power ......................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Embedded Server ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
About IVI........................................................................................................................................................................... 64
General Concept of the Spectrum IVI driver ........................................................................................................................... 64
Supported Operating Systems ........................................................................................................................................ 65
Supported Standard Driver Features................................................................................................................................ 66
IVIScope Supported Class Capabilities............................................................................................................................ 66
IVIDigitizer Supported Class Capabilities......................................................................................................................... 66
IVIFGen Supported Class Capabilities ............................................................................................................................. 67
Find more Information on IVI................................................................................................................................................ 67
General Information on IVI............................................................................................................................................. 67
IVI Getting Started Guides and Videos ............................................................................................................................ 67
Installation of the IVI driver package ............................................................................................................................... 68
Configuration Store ............................................................................................................................................................ 69
General Information...................................................................................................................................................... 69
Initialization of Remote Products........................................................................................................................................... 71
Gathering information from the card..................................................................................................................................... 72
Hardware and PCB version ........................................................................................................................................... 73
Reading currently used PXI slot No. (M4x only) ................................................................................................................ 73
Production date ............................................................................................................................................................ 73
Last calibration date (analog cards only) ......................................................................................................................... 73
Serial number .............................................................................................................................................................. 74
Maximum possible sampling rate ................................................................................................................................... 74
Installed features and options ......................................................................................................................................... 74
Miscellaneous Card Information ..................................................................................................................................... 75
Function type of the card ............................................................................................................................................... 75
Used type of driver ....................................................................................................................................................... 75
Gathering information from the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX ....................................................................................... 77
Analog Inputs.................................................................................................................. 78
Important note on channels selection............................................................................................................................... 79
Setting up the inputs ........................................................................................................................................................... 79
Read out of input features .............................................................................................................................................. 82
Anti aliasing filter (Bandwidth limit)................................................................................................................................. 83
Automatic on-board calibration of the offset and gain settings............................................................................................ 83
Setup of the mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 85
Acquisition cards status overview ................................................................................................................................... 87
Generation card status overview .................................................................................................................................... 87
Data Transfer ............................................................................................................................................................... 87
Standard Single acquisition mode ........................................................................................................................................ 90
Memory, Pre- and Posttrigger ......................................................................................................................................... 90
Example ...................................................................................................................................................................... 90
FIFO Single acquisition mode .............................................................................................................................................. 91
Length and Pretrigger.................................................................................................................................................... 91
Difference to standard single acquisition mode................................................................................................................. 91
Example FIFO acquisition .............................................................................................................................................. 91
Limits of pre trigger, post trigger, memory size ....................................................................................................................... 92
Data organization .............................................................................................................................................................. 96
Sample format ................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Converting ADC samples to voltage values ...................................................................................................................... 97
Applying correction factors when using special clock mode ............................................................................................... 97
The different clock modes .............................................................................................................................................. 98
Details on the different clock modes...................................................................................................................................... 99
Standard internal sampling clock (PLL)............................................................................................................................. 99
Clock Setup Granularity and Divider (Special Clock Mode) ............................................................................................... 99
Using Quartz2 with PLL (optional, M4i cards only).......................................................................................................... 101
Trigger modes and appendant registers ........................................................................ 103
General Description.......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Trigger OR mask ........................................................................................................................................................ 104
Trigger AND mask...................................................................................................................................................... 105
Detailed description of the external analog trigger modes ............................................................................................... 110
Overview of the channel trigger registers....................................................................................................................... 114
Detailed description of the channel trigger modes........................................................................................................... 117
Multi Purpose I/O Lines..................................................................................................................................................... 123
Programming the behavior........................................................................................................................................... 123
Using asynchronous I/O ............................................................................................................................................. 124
Special behavior of trigger output................................................................................................................................. 124
Standard Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 125
Limits of pre trigger, post trigger, memory size ..................................................................................................................... 126
Multiple Recording and Timestamps.............................................................................................................................. 127
Standard Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 129
Limits of pre trigger, post trigger, memory size ..................................................................................................................... 130
Gated Sampling and Timestamps ................................................................................................................................. 130
Detailed description of the external analog trigger modes ............................................................................................... 131
General Information.................................................................................................................................................... 141
Principle of operation.................................................................................................................................................. 141
Setting up the Acquisition ............................................................................................................................................ 142
Standard Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 143
Limits of pre trigger, post trigger, memory size ..................................................................................................................... 143
Output Data Format.......................................................................................................................................................... 144
Data organization ............................................................................................................................................................ 144
Available acquisition modes .............................................................................................................................................. 146
Enabling hardware data conversion ................................................................................................................................... 146
Sample format ................................................................................................................................................................. 146
Limits of pre trigger, post trigger, memory size ..................................................................................................................... 147
Converting ADC samples to voltage values.......................................................................................................................... 147
General information ......................................................................................................................................................... 148
Example for setting timestamp mode: ............................................................................................................................ 148
Standard mode .......................................................................................................................................................... 149
Reading out the timestamps ............................................................................................................................................... 150
Data Transfer using DMA ............................................................................................................................................ 151
Data Transfer using Polling .......................................................................................................................................... 153
Comparison of DMA and polling commands.................................................................................................................. 153
Data format ............................................................................................................................................................... 153
Combination of Memory Segmentation Options with Timestamps ........................................................................................... 155
Multiple Recording and Timestamps.............................................................................................................................. 155
Example Multiple Recording and Timestamps................................................................................................................. 155
ABA Mode and Timestamps......................................................................................................................................... 155
ABA mode (dual timebase) ............................................................................................ 157
General information ......................................................................................................................................................... 157
Standard Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 157
Limits of pre trigger, post trigger, memory size ..................................................................................................................... 158
Example for setting ABA mode: .................................................................................................................................... 159
Reading out ABA data ...................................................................................................................................................... 159
Data Transfer using DMA ............................................................................................................................................ 160
Data Transfer using Polling .......................................................................................................................................... 162
Comparison of DMA and polling commands.................................................................................................................. 162
ABA Mode and Timestamps......................................................................................................................................... 163
Option Star-Hub (M3i and M4i only) .............................................................................. 164
Setup of Synchronization............................................................................................................................................. 166
Setup of Trigger ......................................................................................................................................................... 166
Run the synchronized cards ......................................................................................................................................... 167
SH-Direct: using the Star-Hub clock directly without synchronization.................................................................................. 168
General Information.................................................................................................................................................... 169
Principle of operation.................................................................................................................................................. 169
Setting up the Acquisition ............................................................................................................................................ 170
Standard Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 170
Limits of pre trigger, post trigger, memory size ..................................................................................................................... 172
For cards with 12bit, 14bit and 16bit ADC resolution (firmware V14 and above): ............................................................. 172
For cards with 8bit ADC resolution, 32 bit data mode (firmware V14 and above): ............................................................. 172
For cards with 8bit ADC resolution, 16 bit data mode (firmware V14 and above): ............................................................. 172
Output Data Format.......................................................................................................................................................... 172
Data organization ............................................................................................................................................................ 173
General Information.................................................................................................................................................... 175
Setting up the Acquisition ............................................................................................................................................ 176
Standard Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 176
Limits of pre trigger, post trigger, memory size ..................................................................................................................... 177
For cards with 12bit, 14bit and 16bit ADC resolution:.................................................................................................... 177
For cards with 8bit ADC resolution: .............................................................................................................................. 177
Information Set Format ...................................................................................................................................................... 178
Data organization ............................................................................................................................................................ 178
Acessing the Embedded Server .......................................................................................................................................... 180
Access to NTP (Network Time Protocol) ......................................................................................................................... 180
Accessing the cards .................................................................................................................................................... 181
Spectrum Knowledge Base .......................................................................................................................................... 184
Temperature sensors ......................................................................................................................................................... 185
Temperature read-out registers ..................................................................................................................................... 185
Temperature hints ....................................................................................................................................................... 185
44xx temperatures and limits ....................................................................................................................................... 185
Details on M4i/M4x cards I/O lines .................................................................................................................................. 186
Multi Purpose I/O Lines............................................................................................................................................... 186
Interfacing with clock input .......................................................................................................................................... 186
Interfacing with clock output......................................................................................................................................... 186
This manual provides detailed information on the hardware features of your Spectrum instrument. This information includes technical data,
specifications, block diagrams and a connector description.
In addition, this guide takes you through the process of installing and recognizing your hardware and also describes the installation of the
delivered driver package for each operating system.
Finally this manual provides you with the complete software information of the hardware and the related driver. The reader of this manual
will be able to control the instrument from any PC system with one of the supported operating systems and one of the supported operating
software packages.
Please note that this manual provides no description for specific driver parts such as those for IVI, LabVIEW or MATLAB. These drivers manuals
are available on CD or on the Spectrum website.
For any new information on the board as well as new available options or memory upgrades please contact our website
www.spectrum-instrumentation.com. You will also find the current driver package with the latest bug fixes and new features on our site.
Please read this manual carefully before you install any hardware or software. Spectrum is not responsible
for any hardware failures resulting from incorrect usage.
General Information
The DN2.44x series allows recording of up to 8 channels and the DN6.44x series even up to 24 channels in the high speed high resolution
segment. Due to the proven design a wide variety of 14 and 16 bit digitizerNETBOX products can be offered. These products are available
in several versions and different speed grades making it possible for the user to find a individual solution.
The digitizerNETBOX products can be used with maximum sample rates of up to 130 MS/s, 250 MS/s or 500 MS/s using either two, four
or eight (SE) channels with the DN2.44xx models and with 12, 16, 20 and 24 (SE) channels using the DN6.44x models. The installed memory up to 4 GSample per DN2 digitizer unit or up to 12 GSample per DN6 digitizer unit will be used for fast data recording and can completely be used by the current active channels. If using slower sample rates the memory can be switched to a FIFO buffer and data will be
transferred online over Ethernet to the PC memory or to hard disk.
The series of digitizerNETBOX products are remote powerful digitizer instruments with GBit Ethernet connection following the LXI Core 2011 standard. The
proven internal digitizer modules, a stable chassis, an embedded remote controller, sufficient air cooling and standard BNC connectors form an unique instrument that opens a lot of new application areas.
The digitizerNETBOX can be either directly connected to a PC or Laptop or it
can be connected to a company/institute LAN and can be accessed from any
PC within that LAN. Using the digitizerNETBOX offers the following benefits and
new possibilities compared to digitizer plug-in cards:
• Use a powerful digitizer without opening the PC and without mounting hardware inside the PC.
• Share the digitizer within a group of engineers that only need the instrument
from time to time.
• Place the digitizer directly near the signal sources and control it remotely from the desk.
• Use the instrument at different location without moving a complete system. One just needs the digitizerNETBOX, a few cables and a Laptop.
• Use the digitizer as s mobile data acquisition device with the DC power option (DN2.xxx only).
(c) Spectrum GmbH9
Internal Digitizer ModulesIntroduction
Internal Digitizer Modules
The digitizerNETBOX products internally consist of either digitizer modules that are accessed and programmed in a similiar way as the Spectrum digitizer cards themselves.
Accessing the digitizerNETBOX by software therefore is nearly identical to accessing the same plug-in cards.
Throughout the manual all programming and software usage will be described for the internal digitizer modules.
Differences between plain cards and digitizer modules inside the digitizerNETBOX
Trigger Input BOnly available as part of option BaseXIOAvailable as standardAvailable as standard
Reference Clock Input
Option BaseXIOOption can be ordered with purchaseNot availableNot available
Option Star-HubOption can be ordered and allows to connect
Option Star-HubOption can be ordered and allows to connect
Standard Memory512 MSamples per card512 MSamples per module512 MSamples per module
Maximum Memory512 MSamples per card512 MSamples per module512 MSamples per module
Only available as part of option BaseXIOAvailable as standardAvailable as standard
5 or 16 cards
(for 8bit / 16bit samples)
(for 8bit / 16bit samples)
8 cards
2 GSamples per card: M4i.44xx
2 GSamples per card: M4i.44xx
either 6 or 16 cards
DN2.20x, DN2.46x, DN2.47x,
DN2.48x, DN2.49x
Option installed internally in all digitizerNETBOXes
with two internal modules
1 GSamples/512 MSamples per module
(for 8bit / 16bit samples)
2 GSamples/1 GSamples per module
(for 8bit / 16bit samples)
DN2.22x and DN2.44x
Option installed internally in all digitizerNETBOXes
with two internal modules
4 GSamples per module in DN2.22x
2 GSamples per module in DN2.44x
4 GSamples per module in DN2.22x
2 GSamples per module in DN2.44x
Option installed internally in all models
with two internal modules
1 GSamples/512 MSamples per module
(for 8bit / 16bit samples)
2 GSamples/1 GSamples per module
(for 8bit / 16bit samples)
Installed inside digitizerNETBOX
DN6.22x and DN6.44x
Option installed internally in all models
4 GSamples per module in DN6.22x
2 GSamples per module in DN6.44x
4 GSamples per module in DN6.22x
2 GSamples per module in DN6.44x
Installed inside digitizerNETBOX
Option installed internally in all models
10digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
IntroductionInternal Digitizer Modules
Overview of digitizer modules inside the DN2-44x and DN6-44x digitizerNETBOX
DN2.441-0216 Bit2 x SE130 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4410-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.441-0416 Bit4 x SE130 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4411-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.441-0816 Bit8 x SE130 MS/s2 modulesM4i.4411-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN2.442-0216 Bit2 x SE250 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4420-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.442-0416 Bit4 x SE250 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4421-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.442-0816 Bit8 x SE250 MS/s2 modulesM4i.4421-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN2.445-0214 Bit2 x SE500 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4450-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.445-0414 Bit4 x SE500 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4451-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.445-0814 Bit8 x SE500 MS/s2 modulesM4i.4451-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN2.447-0216 Bit2 x SE180 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4470-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.447-0416 Bit4 x SE180 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4471-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.447-0816 Bit8 x SE180 MS/s2 modulesM4i.4471-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN2.448-0214 Bit2 x SE400 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4480-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.448-0414 Bit4 x SE400 MS/s1 moduleM4i.4481-x8-INST02 GSamplesno option
DN2.448-0814 Bit8 x SE400 MS/s2 modulesM4i.4481-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN6.441-1216 Bit12 x SE130 MS/s3 modulesM4i.4411-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.441-1616 Bit16 x SE130 MS/s4 modulesM4i.4411-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.441-2016 Bit20 x SE130 MS/s5 modulesM4i.4411-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN6.441-2416 Bit24 x SE130 MS/s6 modulesM4i.4411-x8yesINST22 GSamplesno option
DN6.442-1216 Bit12 x SE250 MS/s3 modulesM4i.4421-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.442-1616 Bit16 x SE250 MS/s4 modulesM4i.4421-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.442-2016 Bit20 x SE250 MS/s5 modulesM4i.4421-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN6.442-2416 Bit24 x SE250 MS/s6 modulesM4i.4421-x8yesINST22 GSamplesno option
DN6.445-1214 Bit12 x SE500 MS/s3 modulesM4i.4451-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.445-1614 Bit16 x SE500 MS/s4 modulesM4i.4451-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.445-2014 Bit20 x SE500 MS/s5 modulesM4i.4451-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN6.445-2414 Bit24 x SE500 MS/s6 modulesM4i.4451-x8yesINST22 GSamplesno option
DN6.447-1216 Bit12 x SE180 MS/s3 modulesM4i.4471-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.447-1616 Bit16 x SE180 MS/s4 modulesM4i.4471-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.447-2016 Bit20 x SE180 MS/s5 modulesM4i.4471-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN6.447-2416 Bit24 x SE180 MS/s6 modulesM4i.4471-x8yesINST22 GSamplesno option
DN6.4481214 Bit12 x SE400 MS/s3 modulesM4i.4481-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.448-1614 Bit16 x SE400 MS/s4 modulesM4i.4481-x8yesINST02 GSamplesno option
DN6.448-2014 Bit20 x SE400 MS/s5 modulesM4i.4481-x8yesINST12 GSamplesno option
DN6.448-2414 Bit24 x SE400 MS/s6 modulesM4i.4481-x8yesINST22 GSamplesno option
Resolution Single-Ended
Max SpeedNumber of
Module Type
Aux signals
on Module
Memory per
Max memory
per module
As an example: a DN2.441-08would be recognized and programmed inside the software as 2 cards of M4i.4411-x8 and 1 Star-Hub.
The auxilary signals (such as clock, trigger, etc.) are connected to one card only, which is the one carrying the Internal Star-Hub. That device
must be addressed for any external clock, trigger, etc. related setup.
(c) Spectrum GmbH11
Different models of the DN2.44x seriesIntroduction
Different models of the DN2.44x series
The following overview shows the different available models of the DN2.44x series. They differ in the number of internally mounted digitizer
modules and the number of available channels.
• DN2.441-02
• DN2.442-02
• DN2.445-02
• DN2.447-02
• DN2.448-02
• DN2.441-04
• DN2.442-04
• DN2.445-04
• DN2.447-04
• DN2.448-04
• DN2.441-08
• DN2.442-08
• DN2.445-08
• DN2.447-08
• DN2.448-08
Additional options for DN2 products
19“ Rack Mount Kit
The rack mount kit allows to mount the
digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX into a standard 19“
rack. The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX DN2 recquires two height units of the 19“ rack.
Multiple digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX products can
be mounted one on top of the other.
It is not possible to mount two digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX DN2 products side by side into one 19“ slot.
DC Power Supply
The DC power supply option is factory mounted and allows the connection of a DC source directly to the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX.
12digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
IntroductionDifferent models of the DN6.44x series
Different models of the DN6.44x series
The following overview shows the different available models of the DN6.44x series. They differ in the number of internally mounted digitizer
modules and the number of available channels.
• DN6.441-12
• DN6.442-12
• DN6.445-12
• DN6.447-12
• DN6.448-12
• DN6.441-16
• DN6.442-16
• DN6.445-16
• DN6.447-16
• DN6.448-16
• DN6.441-20
• DN6.442-20
• DN6.445-20
• DN6.447-20
• DN6.448-20
• DN6.441-24
• DN6.442-24
• DN6.445-24
• DN6.447-24
• DN6.448-24
Additional options for DN6 products
19“ Rack Mount Kit
The rack mount kit allows to mount the
digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX into a standard 19“ rack.
The device then recquires three height units of the 19“ rack.
Multiple digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX products can be mounted one on top of the other.
(c) Spectrum GmbH13
AC Cable OptionsIntroduction
AC Cable Options
As a standard a Central European power cable Cab-Pwr-001 is included in the delivery. Other power cables can be ordered separately to
connect your products with your local power connection system. The following power cable options are available:
001: Central Europe
The standard cable for central Europe is already included in all deliveries of system and box products like digitizerNETBOX. The power cable is suitable for Continental Europe, Central African Republic, United Arab Republic.
Cab-Pwr-001: 180 cm cable to CEE 7/VII
002: US, Japan, Taiwan
The power cable is suitable for US, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Mexico, Philippines, Colombia, Saudi Arabia
Cab-Pwr-002: 180 cm cable for NEMA5-15P
003: United Kingdom, Hong Kong
The power cable is suitable for United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Nigeria, Singapore, Zimbabwe.
Cab-Pwr-003: 180 cm cable to BS 1363A
004: Switzerland
The power cable is suitable for Switzerland.
Cab-Pwr-004: 180 cm cable for SEV type 12
005: Australia, China
The power cable is suitable for Australia, New Zealand, Mainland China, Argentina
Cab-Pwr-005: 180 cm cable for AS 3112
006: India, South Africa
The power cable is suitable for India and South Africa
Cab-Pwr-006: 180 cm cable for IEC 83-B1
007: Denmark
The power cable is suitable for Denmark
Cab-Pwr-007: 180 cm cable for SR 107-2-D
008: Israel
The power cable is suitable for Israel
Cab-Pwr-008: 180 cm cable for SI 32
14digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
IntroductionThe Spectrum type plate
The Spectrum type plate
The Spectrum type plate, which consists of the following components, can be found on the back of all netbox products. Please check whether
the printed information is the same as the information on your delivery note. All this information can also be read out by software:
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX type, consisting of the abbrevaition for the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX chassis
type (DN2 in this example), the model type (496) and the number of channels (16)
The MAC address of the device. The MAX address is fixed and cannot be changed by the user. To check the MAC address by
software one can use the integrated web pages of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX.
The installed complete data acquisition memory of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX. As in our example there are two internal digitizer modules installed the memory is shared between them. Each digitizer module has 512 MSamples.
The serial number of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX itself. This is the serial number also found on the delivery note.
Installed options of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX.
The serial number of the first internal digitizer module.
The serial number of the second internal digitizer module.
The hardware version of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX. The hardware and firmware versions of the installed
digitizer/generator modules are found using the Spectrum Control Center.
The date of production of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX consisting of the calendar week and the year.
Please always supply us with the above information, especially the serial number in case of support request. That
allows us to answer your questions as soon as possible. Thank you.
(c) Spectrum GmbH15
Hardware informationIntroduction
Hardware information
Block diagram of digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x and DN6.44x:
• The number of maximum channels and internal digitizer modules and existance of a synchronization Star-Hub is model dependent.
• The internal module to which the auxilary I/O lines are connected is model dependent. Consult „Internal Digitizer modules“ chapter.
Block diagram of a single internal digitizer module:
16digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
IntroductionHardware information
DN2 / DN6 Technical Data
Analog Inputs
Resolution130 MS/s up to 250 MS/s
400 MS/s and 500 MS/s
Input TypeSingle-ended
ADC Differential non linearity (DNL)ADC only±0.5 LSB (14 Bit ADC), ±0.4 LSB (16 Bit ADC)
ADC Integral non linearity (INL)ADC only±2.5 LSB (14 Bit ADC), ±10.0 LSB (16 Bit ADC)
ADC Word Error Rate (WER)max. sampling rate
Channel selectionsoftware programmable1, 2, or 4 (maximum is model dependent)
Bandwidth filteractivate by software20 MHz bandwidth with 3rd order Butterworth filtering
16 bit (441, 442, 447)
14 bit (445, 448)
Input Path Typessoftware programmable
Analog Input impedancesoftware programmable
50 Ω (HF) Path
50 Ω1 MΩ || 25 pF or 50 Ω
Buffered (high impedance) Path
Input Rangessoftware programmable±500 mV, ±1 V, ±2.5 V, ±5 V±200 mV, ±500 mV, ±1 V, ±2 V, ±5 V, ±10 V
Programmable Input OffsetFrontend HW-Version < V9not availablenot available
Programmable Input OffsetFrontend HW-Version >= V9–100%..0% on all ranges–100%..0% on all ranges except ±1 V and ±10 V
Input Couplingsoftware programmableAC/DCAC/DC
Offset error (full speed) after warm-up and calibration < 0.1% of range< 0.1% of range
Gain error (full speed)after warm-up and calibration < 1.0% of reading< 1.0% of reading
Over voltage protectionrange ≤ ±1V2 Vrms
Over voltage protectionrange ≥ ±2V6 Vrms
±5 V (1 M
±30 V (1 M
Ω), 5 Vrms (50 Ω)
Ω), 5 Vrms (50 Ω)
Max DC voltage if AC coupling active±30 V±30 V
Relative input stage delayBandwidth filter disabled: 0 ns
Bandwidth filter enabled: 14.7 ns
Bandwidth filter disabled: 3.8 ns
Bandwidth filter enabled: 18.5 ns
Crosstalk 1 MHz sine signalrange ±1V≤96 dB≤93 dB
Crosstalk 20 MHz sine signalrange ±1V≤82 dB≤82 dB
Crosstalk 1 MHz sine signalrange ±5V≤97 dB≤85 dB
Crosstalk 20 MHz sine signalrange ±5V≤82 dB≤82 dB
Available trigger modessoftware programmableChannel Trigger, External, Software, Window, Re-Arm, Or/And, Delay, PXI (M4x only)
Channel trigger level resolutionsoftware programmable14 bit
Trigger engines1 engine per channel with two individual levels, 2 external triggers
Trigger edgesoftware programmableRising edge, falling edge or both edges
Trigger delaysoftware programmable0 to (8GSamples - 16) = 8589934576 Samples in steps of 16 samples
Multi, Gate, ABA: re-arming time40 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Pretrigger at Multi, ABA, Gate, FIFO, Boxcarsoftware programmable16 up to [8192 Samples in steps of 16)
Posttriggersoftware programmable16 up to 8G samples in steps of 16 (defining pretrigger in standard scope mode)
Memory depthsoftware programmable32 up to [installed memory / number of active channels] samples in steps of 16
Multiple Recording/ABA segment size, Boxcarsoftware programmable32 up to [installed memory / 2 / active channels] samples in steps of 16
Trigger accuracy (all sources)1 sample
Boxcar (high-resolution) average factorsoftware programmable2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256
Timestamp modessoftware programmableStandard, Startreset, external reference clock on X0 (e.g. PPS from GPS, IRIG-B)
Data formatStd., Startreset:64 bit counter, increments with sample clock (reset manually or on start)
RefClock:24 bit upper counter (increment with RefClock)
40 bit lower counter (increments with sample clock, reset with RefClock)
Extra datasoftware programmablenone, acquisition of X0/X1/X2 inputs at trigger time, trigger source (for OR trigger)
Size per stamp128 bit = 16 bytes
External trigger couplingsoftware programmableAC or DCfixed DC
External trigger typeWindow comparatorSingle level comparator
External input level
External trigger sensitivity
(minimum required signal swing)
±10 V (1 kΩ), ±2.5 V (50 Ω),
2.5% of full scale range2.5% of full scale range = 0.5 V
±10 V
External trigger levelsoftware programmable±10 V in steps of 1 mV±10 V in steps of 1 mV
External trigger maximum voltage±30V±30 V
External trigger bandwidth DC
50 Ω
1 kΩ
DC to 200 MHz
DC to 150 MHz
DC to 200 MHz
(c) Spectrum GmbH17
Hardware informationIntroduction
Trigger edgesoftware programmableRising edge, falling edge or both edges
External trigger bandwidth AC
Minimum external trigger pulse width≥ 2 samples≥ 2 samples
50 Ω
20 kHz to 200 MHzn.a.
Frequency Response M4i.445x, M4x.445x, DN2.445-xx and DN6.445-xx
Internal clock setup granularityspecial clock mode only1 Hz (reduced gain accuracy when using special clock mode), not available when synchroniz-
Clock setup range gapsspecial clock mode onlyunsetable clock speeds: 17.5 MHz to 17.9 MHz, 35.1 MHz to 35.8 MHz, 70 MHz to 72 MHz,
External reference clock rangesoftware programmable≥ 10 MHz and ≤ 1 GHz
External reference clock input impedance
External reference clock input couplingAC coupling
External reference clock input edgeRising edge
External reference clock input typeSingle-ended, sine wave or square wave
External reference clock input swing0.3 V peak-peak up to 3.0 V peak-peak
External reference clock input max DC voltage±30 V (with max 3.0 V difference between low and high level)
External reference clock input duty cycle requirement45% to 55%
Internal ADC clock output typeSingle-ended, 3.3V LVPECL
Internal ADC clock output frequencystandard clock modeFixed to maximum sampling rate (500 MS/s, 250 MS/s or 130 MS/s depending on type)
Internal ADC clock output frequencyspecial clock mode445x models (500 MS/s): ADC clock in the range between 80 MS/s and 500 MS/s
Star-Hub synchronization clock modessoftware selectableInternal clock (standard clock mode only, special clock mode not allowed), External reference
ABA mode clock divider for slow clocksoftware programmable16 up to (128k - 16) in steps of 16
Channel to channel skew on one card< 60 ps (typical)
Skew between star-hub synchronized cards< 130 ps (typical, preliminary)
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... up to 131072 (full gain accuracy)
ing multiple cards
140 MHz to 144 MHz, 281 MHz to 287 MHz
50 Ω fixed
448x models (400 MS/s): ADC clock in the range between 80 MS/s and 400 MS/s
442x models (250 MS/s): ADC clock in the range between 40 MS/s and 250 MS/s
447x models (180 MS/s): ADC clock in the range between 40 MS/s and 180 MS/s
441x models (130 MS/s): ADC clock in the range between 40 MS/s and 130 MS/s
ADC Resolution16 bit16 bit14 bit16 bit14 bit
max sampling clock130 MS/s250 MS/s500 MS/s180 MS/s400 MS/s
min sampling clock (standard clock mode)3.814 kS/s3.814 kS/s3.814 kS/s3.814 kS/s3.814 kS/s
min sampling clock (special clock mode)0.610 kS/s0.610 kS/s0.610 kS/s0.610 kS/s0.610 kS/s
Block Average Signal Processing Option M4i.44xx/M4x.44xx/DN2.44x/DN6.44x Series
Minimum Waveform Length32 samples32 samples
Minimum Waveform Stepsize16 samples16 samples
Maximum Waveform Length1 channel active128 kSamples32 kSamples
Maximum Waveform Length2 channels active64 kSamples16 kSamples
Maximum Waveform Length4 or more channels active32 kSamples8 kSamples
Minimum Number of Averages22
Maximum Number of Averages65536 (64k)65536 (64k)
Data Output Formatfixed32 bit signed integer32 bit signed integer
Re-Arming Time between waveforms40 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)40 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Re-Arming Time between end of average to start of
next average
Firmware ≥ V1.14 (August 2015)Firmware < V1.14
Depending on programmed segment
length, max 100 µs
40 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Block Statistics Signal Processing Option M4i.44xx/M4x.44xx/DN2.44x/DN6.44x Series
Minimum Waveform Length32 samples
Minimum Waveform Stepsize16 samples
Maximum Waveform Length Standard Acquisition2 GSamples / channels
Maximum Waveform Length FIFO Acquisition2 GSamples
Data Output Formatfixed32 bytes statistics summary
Statistics Information Set per WaveformAverage, Minimum, Maximum, Position Minimum, Position Maximum, Trigger Timestamp
Re-Arming Time between Segments40 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
(c) Spectrum GmbH19
Hardware informationIntroduction
Multi Purpose I/O lines (front-plate)
Number of multi purpose linesthree, named X0, X1, X2
Input: available signal typessoftware programmableAsynchronous Digital-In, Synchronous Digital-In, Timestamp Reference Clock
Input: impedance
10 kΩ to 3.3 V
Input: maximum voltage level-0.5 V to +4.0 V
Input: signal levels3.3 V LVTTL
Input: bandwith125 MHz
Output: available signal typessoftware programmableAsynchronous Digital-Out, Trigger Output, Run, Arm, PLL Refclock, System Clock
Output: impedance
50 Ω
Output: signal levels3.3 V LVTTL
Output: type3.3V LVTTL, TTL compatible for high impedance loads
Output: drive strength
Capable of driving 50 Ω loads, maximum drive strength ±48 mA
Current sampling clock > 1.25 GS/s and < 2.50 GS/s : ½ sampling clock
Current sampling clock > 2.50 GS/s and < 5.00 GS/s : ¼ sampling clock
Analog ChannelsSMA male (one for each single-ended input)Cable-Type: Cab-3fa-xx-xx
Clock InputSMA maleCable-Type: Cab-3fa-xx-xx
Clock OutputSMA maleCable-Type: Cab-3fa-xx-xx
Trg0 InputSMA maleCable-Type: Cab-3fa-xx-xx
Trg1 InputSMA maleCable-Type: Cab-3fa-xx-xx
X0/Trigger Output/Timestamp Reference Clockprogrammable directionSMA maleCable-Type: Cab-3fa-xx-xx
X1programmable directionSMA maleCable-Type: Cab-3fa-xx-xx
X2programmable directionSMA maleCable-Type: Cab-3fa-xx-xx
Option digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX embedded server (DN2.xxx-Emb, DN6.xxx-Emb)
CPUIntel Quad Core 2 GHz
System memory4 GByte RAM
System data storageInternal 128 GByte SSD
Development accessRemote Linux command shell (ssh), no graphical interface (GUI) available
Accessible Hardware Full access to Spectrum instruments, LAN, front panel LEDs, RAM, SSD
Integrated operating systemOpenSuse 12.2 with kernel 3.4.6.
Ethernet specific details
LAN ConnectionStandard RJ45 or Ethernet Buccaneer(R) for screw connection
LAN SpeedAuto Sensing: GBit Ethernet, 100BASE-T, 10BASE-T
Sustained Streaming speedDN2.20, DN2.46, DN2.47, DN2.49, DN2.60up to 70 MByte/s
VISA Discovery Protocol: 111, 9757
Spectrum Remote Server: 1026, 5025
mDNS Daemon: 5353
UPNP Daemon: 1900
Power connection details
Mains AC power supplyInput voltage: 100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz
AC power supply connectorIEC 60320-1-C14 (PC standard coupler)
Power supply cordpower cord included for Schuko contact (CEE 7/7)
Certification, Compliance, Warranty
EMC ImmunityCompliant with CE Mark
EMC EmissionCompliant with CE Mark
Product warranty5 years starting with the day of delivery
Software and firmware updatesLife-time, free of charge
20digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
IntroductionHardware information
RMS Noise Level (Zero Noise), typical figures
M4i.445x, M4x.445x, DN2.445-xx and DN6.445-xx, 14 Bit 500 MS/s
Input Range±200 mV±500 mV±1±2 V±2.5 V±5 V±10 V
Voltage resolution
M4i.448x, M4x.448x, DN2.448-xxx and DN6.448-xx, 14 Bit 400 MS/s
M4i.442x, M4x.442x, DN2.442-xx and DN6.442-xx, 16 Bit 250 MS/s
M4i.447x, M4x.447x, DN2.447-xx and DN6.447-xx, 16 Bit 180 MS/s
Input PathHF path, AC coupled, fixed 50 OhmBuffered path, BW limitBuffered path, full BW
M4i.441x, M4x.441x, DN2.441-xx and DN6.441-xx, 16 Bit 130 MS/s
Test signal frequency1 MHz10 MHz10 MHz1 MHz10 MHz
Input Range±1V±500mV±1V±2.5V±5V±200mV ±500mV±1V±500mV ±500mV
THD (typ) (dB
SNR (typ) (dB)
SFDR (typ), excl. harm. (dB)
SFDR (typ), incl. harm. (dB)
SINAD/THD+N (typ) (dB)
ENOB based on SINAD (bit)
ENOB based on SNR (bit)
Dynamic parameters are measured at ±1 V input range (if no other range is stated) and 50Ω termination with the samplerate specified in the table. Measured parameters are averaged
20 times to get typical values. Test signal is a pure sine wave generated by a signal generator and a matching bandpass filter. Amplitude is >99% of FSR. SNR and RMS noise parameters
may differ depending on the quality of the used PC. SNR = Signal to Noise Ratio, THD = Total Harmonic Distortion, SFDR = Spurious Free Dynamic Range, SINAD = Signal Noise and Distortion, ENOB = Effective Number of Bits.
<-72.6 dB <-77.8 dB <-77.5 dB <-7 7.3 dB <-77.1 dB<-74.5 dB <-73.9 dB <-70.1 dB <-73.5 dB <73.4 dB
Dimension of Chassis without connectors or bumpers L x W x H366 mm x 267 mm x 87 mm
Dimension of Chassis with 19“ rack mount optionL x W x H366 mm x 482.6 mm x 87 mm (2U height)
Weight (1 internal acquisition/generation module)6.3 kg, with rack mount kit: 6.8 kg
Weight (2 internal acquisition/generation modules)6.7 kg, with rack mount kit 7.2 kg
Warm up time20 minutes
Operating temperature0°C to 40°C
Storage temperature-10°C to 70°C
Humidity10% to 90%
Power Consumption
230 VAC12 VDC24 VDC
2 channel versions0.30 A 65 WTBDTBDTBDTBD
4 channel versions0.33 A 73 WTBDTBDTBDTBD
8 channel versions0.50 A 110 W TBDTBDTBDTBD
MTBF100000 hours
DN6 specific Technical Data
Environmental and Physical Details DN6.xxx
Dimension of Chassis without connectors or bumpers L x W x H464 mm x 431 mm x 131 mm
Dimension of Chassis with 19“ rack mount optionL x W x H464 mm x TBD mm x 131 mm (3U height)
Weight (3 internal acquisition/generation modules)12.1 kg, with rack mount kit: TBD kg
Weight (4 internal acquisition/generation modules)12.5 kg, with rack mount kit: TBD kg
Weight (5 internal acquisition/generation modules)12.9 kg, with rack mount kit: TBD kg
Weight (6 internal acquisition/generation modules)13.4 kg, with rack mount kit: TBD kg
Warm up time10 minutes
Operating temperature0°C to 40°C
Storage temperature-10°C to 70°C
Humidity10% to 90%
The digitizerNETBOX is equipped with a large internal memory for data storage and supports standard acquisition (Scope), FIFO acquisition
(streaming), Multiple Recording, Gated Sampling, ABA mode and Timestamps. Operating system drivers for Windows/Linux 32 bit and
64 bit, drivers and examples for C/C++, IVI (Scope and Digitizer class), LabVIEW (Windows), MATLAB (Windows and Linux), LabWindows/CVI, .NET, Delphi, Visual Basic, Java, Python and a Professional license of the oscilloscope software SBench 6 are included.
The system is delivered with a connection cable meeting your countries power connection. Additional power connections with other standards
are available as option.
digitizerNETBOX DN2 - Ethernet/LXI Interface
Order no.A/D
DN2.441-0216 Bit65 MHz2 channels-130 MS/s1 x 2 GS
DN2.441-0416 Bit65 MHz4 channels-130 MS/s1 x 2 GS
DN2.441-0816 Bit65 MHz8 channels-130 MS/s2 x 2 GS
DN2.442-0216 Bit125 MHz2 channels-250 MS/s1 x 2 GS
DN2.442-0416 Bit125 MHz4 channels-250 MS/s1 x 2 GS
DN2.442-0816 Bit125 MHz8 channels-250 MS/s2 x 2 GS
DN2.445-0214 Bit250 MHz2 channels-500 MS/s1 x 2 GS
DN2.445-0414 Bit250 MHz4 channels-500 MS/s1 x 2 GS
DN2.445-0814 Bit250 MHz8 channels-500 MS/s2 x 2 GS
Export Version
16 Bit125 MHz2 channels-180 MS/s1 x 2 GS
16 Bit125 MHz4 channels-180 MS/s1 x 2 GS
16 Bit125 MHz8 channels-180 MS/s2 x 2 GS
14 Bit250 MHz2 channels-400 MS/s1 x 2 GS
14 Bit250 MHz4 channels-400 MS/s1 x 2 GS
14 Bit250 MHz8 channels-400 MS/s2 x 2 GS
Sampling SpeedInstalled
Order no.Option
DN2.xxx-Rack19“ rack mounting set for self mounting
DN2.xxx-EmbExtension to Embedded Server: CPU, more memory, SSD. Access via remote Linux secure shell (ssh)
DN2.xxx-spavgSignal Processing Firmware Option: Block Average (later installation by firmware - upgrade available)
DN2.xxx-spstatSignal Processing Firmware Option: Block Statistics/Peak Detect (later installation by firmware - upgrade available)
DN2.xxx-DC1212 VDC internal power supply. Replaces AC power supply. Accepts 9 V to 18 V DC input. Screw terminals.
DN2.xxx-DC2424 VDC internal power supply. Replaces AC power supply. Accepts 18 V to 36 V DC input. Screw terminals
DN2.xxx-BTPWRBoot on Power On: the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX automatically boots if power is switched on.
Order no.Option
DN2.xxx-RecalRecalibration of complete digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX DN2 including calibration protocol
Standard SMA Cables
The standard adapter cables are based on RG174 cables and have a nominal attenuation of 0.3 dB/m at 100 MHz and 0.5 dB/m at
250 MHz. For high speed signals we recommend the low loss cables series CHF
for ConnectionsConnectionLengthto BNC maleto BNC femaleto SMB femaleto MMCX maleto SMA male
AllSMA male80 cmCab-3mA-9m-80Cab-3mA-9f-80Cab-3mA-3f-80Cab-1m-3mA-80Cab-3mA-3mA-80
AllSMA male200 cm Cab-3mA-9m-200 Cab-3mA-9f-200Cab-3mA-3f-200Cab-1m-3mA-200 Cab-3mA-3mA-200
Probes (short)SMA male5 cmCab-3mA-9f-5
Low Loss SMA Cables
The low loss adapter cables are based on MF141 cables and have an attenuation of 0.3 dB/m at 500 MHz and 0.5 dB/m at 1.5 GHz.
They are recommended for signal frequencies of 200 MHz and above.
Order no.Option
CHF-3mA-3mA-200Low loss cables SMA male to SMA male 200 cm
CHF-3mA-9m-200Low loss cables SMA male to BNC male 200 cm
24digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
IntroductionDN6 Order Information
DN6 Order Information
The digitizerNETBOX is equipped with a large internal memory for data storage and supports standard acquisition (Scope), FIFO acquisition
(streaming), Multiple Recording, Gated Sampling, ABA mode and Timestamps. Operating system drivers for Windows/Linux 32 bit and
64 bit, drivers and examples for C/C++, IVI (Scope and Digitizer class), LabVIEW (Windows), MATLAB (Windows and Linux), LabWindows/CVI, .NET, Delphi, Visual Basic, Java, Python and a Professional license of the oscilloscope software SBench 6 are included.
The system is delivered with a connection cable meeting your countries power connection. Additional power connections with other standards
are available as option.
Order no.Option
DN6.xxx-Rack19“ rack mounting set for self mounting
DN6.xxx-EmbExtension to Embedded Server: CPU, more memory, SSD. Access via remote Linuxs secure shell (ssh)
DN6.xxx-spavgSignal Processing Firmware Option: Block Average (later installation by firmware - upgrade available)
DN6.xxx-spstatSignal Processing Firmware Option: Block Statistics/Peak Detect (later installation by firmware - upgrade available)
DN6.xxx-BTPWRBoot on Power On: the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX automatically boots if power is switched on.
Order no.Option
DN6.xxx-RecalRecalibration of complete digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX DN6 including calibration protocol
Standard SMA Cables
The standard adapter cables are based on RG174 cables and have a nominal attenuation of 0.3 dB/m at 100 MHz and 0.5 dB/m at
250 MHz. For high speed signals we recommend the low loss cables series CHF
Sampling SpeedInstalled
for ConnectionsConnectionLengthto BNC maleto BNC femaleto SMB femaleto MMCX maleto SMA male
AllSMA male80 cmCab-3mA-9m-80Cab-3mA-9f-80Cab-3mA-3f-80Cab-1m-3mA-80Cab-3mA-3mA-80
AllSMA male200 cm Cab-3mA-9m-200 Cab-3mA-9f-200Cab-3mA-3f-200Cab-1m-3mA-200 Cab-3mA-3mA-200
Probes (short)SMA male5 cmCab-3mA-9f-5
Low Loss SMA Cables
The low loss adapter cables are based on MF141 cables and have an attenuation of 0.3 dB/m at 500 MHz and 0.5 dB/m at 1.5 GHz.
They are recommended for signal frequencies of 200 MHz and above.
Order no.Option
CHF-3mA-3mA-200Low loss cables SMA male to SMA male 200 cm
CHF-3mA-9m-200Low loss cables SMA male to BNC male 200 cm
(c) Spectrum GmbH25
WarningsHardware Installation
Hardware Installation
ESD Precautions
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX products internally contain electronic components that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge
(ESD). The grounded chassis itself gives a very good protection against ESD.
Before connecting signals to the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX it is recommended to bleed off any electrostatic electricity.
Opening the Chassis
There are no components inside the chassis that need any operating by the user. In contrary there are a lot of components that may be harmed
when operated unproperly by a use.
As Spectrum only gives a warranty on the complete instrument, opening the chassis will make you loose the
Cooling Precautions
The high performance digitizers/generators of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX operate with components having very high power
consumption. Therefore the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX models have sufficient cooling fans.
Make sure that the air inlets and air outlets are free and uncovered and in case of a DN6 ensure that the installed filters at the inlet are cleaned
DN2 airflow:
DN6 airflow:
Sources of noise
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is using electrical components with very high resolution and high sensitivity. The signal inputs will
acquire your signals with a high quality but will also collect spurious noise signals from various sources - especially if using the inputs in high
impedance mode. To minimize this effect the cabeling must be made with care.
Keep away the cables from any sources that may inject noise into the signals like other instruments, crossing
or even worse running in parallel with other cables with high frequency signals on them. If possible use differential signalling to minimize the effectes of injected noise.
26digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
Hardware InstallationInstalling 19“ rack mount option for DN2
Installing 19“ rack mount option for DN2
This option is an extra that has to be ordered separately. It can be ordered with the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX from the beginning
or it can be ordered later on, if it is becomming necessary to mount the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX into a 19“ rack. In any case
the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX comes pre-configured as a standalone unit, which has to menually be converted to the rackmount
configuration by the user.
Step 1
The rackmount option comes with the required Torx T20 size screw driver to un-mount the default screws holding the bumper feet.
Unscrew these 8 Torx T20 screws with the provided screw driver and
keep them together with the un-mounted bumpers for possible later use
in case the rackmount option shall be un-mounted again in the future.
Step 2
Mount the 19“ rack mount extension using the four phillips-head screws
that are also provided with each rack mount extension. Two screws are
required for each rack mounting bracket.
Care should be taken to not overtighten the screws.
Installing 19“ rack mount option for DN6
Installing the rack mount extension for the DN6 series follows the same
principles as for the DN2 models shown above.
Step 1
Unscrew the existing bumper corner pieces with the provided screw
driver and keep them together with the un-mounted bumpers for possible later use in case the rackmount option shall be un-mounted again in
the future.
Step 2
Mount the 19“ rack mount extension using the four phillips-head screws
that are also provided with each rack mount extension. Two screws are
required for each rack mounting bracket. Care should be taken to not
overtighten the screws.
In addition to using the provided rack mount extension for fastening the DN6 device within the 19“ rack, the
user must take additional measures, suitable for the used rack, to provide adequate mechanical support at
the backside of the device.
This support is required for DN6 devices due to their higher weight compared to DN2 devices.
(c) Spectrum GmbH27
Setup of digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOXHardware Installation
Setup of digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX
First of all the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX needs to be connected to both power line and LAN environment:
Connect the power line cable to a matching power source. First connect the cable to the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX, second connect the cable to the power plug. Please check the technical data section to see the requirements for the power supply.
If using a DC power option please be sure to have the external DC power source switched off while connecting the power lines. Only switch on the power supply after all connections have been done and are checked.
Connect the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX to either your company LAN or directly to your PC. Please use a standard Cat-5 Ethernet
cable for the connection. Alternatively an industrial screwed connection is also possible. Please see the technical data section for information
on the alternative connection type.
Front Panel DN2
The right-hand drawing
gives you an overview on
one digitizerNETBOX
DN2 front panel.
Depending on the version
of the digitizerNETBOX or
generatorNETBOX you
have the area 7 may differ
in terms of number of channels or grouping of the
In area 8 a version with
4 BNC connectors is
shown. Other versions with 5 SMA, 6 BNC or 7 SMA connectors are also available. Please see the table below for the different connections.
Power On/Offpress while device stoppeddigitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is started
Power LEDLED offno power connected to the device
LAN LEDLED offno LAN connection
Connected LEDLED offDevice is not in use
Arm/TriggerLED offNo trigger detected, device is waiting for trigger event, or not armed at all
LAN Resetpress onceDoes a reset of the LAN settings to default state. The reset button needs to be pressed for 4 seconds to issue
Signal ConnectionsConnect your input signals here. For differential connections use even channels for positive phase and odd
Control Connections
(4 BNC connector
version, for M2i module
based products)
Control Connections
(5 SMA connector
version, for M3i module
based products))
Control Connections
(6 BNC connector
version, for M2p module
based products))
short press while device is runningdigitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is closing the embedded controller and is going into standby mode
long press while device is runningdigitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is aborted and is going into standby. Please only use this stop method
LED orangepower is connected, device is in standby mode
LED greendevice has started and is working
LED redError while trying to get a LAN connection
LED greenDevice is connected to LAN.
LED green flashingDevice is connected to LAN. Flashing indicates LAN ID (see webserver)
LED greenDevice is in use by other PC
LED greenTrigger detected, acquisition is running or already finished
Trig-A I/OTrigger A with programmable input or output. This is the main external trigger
Trig-B InTrigger B, input only. This trigger is referenced in the manual as TRIG_XIO0
Clock I/OClock with programmable input or output
TS-Ref InTimestamp Reference Clock Input
Clock InExternal clock input
Clock OutExternal clock output
Trig-A InTrigger A, input only. This is the main external trigger. The trigger line is reference in the manual as EXT0
Trig-B I/OTrigger B/Multi Purpose X0 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X0
TS_Ref InTimestamp Reference Clock Input
Clock InExternal clock input
Trig InTrigger, input only. This is the main external trigger. The trigger line is reference in the manual as EXT0
X0 OutMulti Purpose X0, output only. Clock output available. The connection is referenced in the manual as X0
X1 I/OMulti Purpose X1 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X1
X2 I/OMulti Purpose X2 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X2
X3 I/OMulti Purpose X3 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X3
if the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is not responding
the reset. The reset command is then issued immediatley independent of the current run state of the device.
channels for negative phase.
28digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
Hardware InstallationSetup of digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX
Control Connections
(7 SMA connector
version, for M4i module
based products))
Clock InExternal clock input
Clock OutExternal clock output
Trig0 InTrigger 0, input only. This is the main external trigger. The trigger line is reference in the manual as EXT0
Trig1 InTrigger 1, input only. This is the secondary external trigger. This line is reference in the manual as EXT1
X0 I/OMulti Purpose X0 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X0
X1 I/OMulti Purpose X1 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X1
X2 I/OMulti Purpose X2 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X2
Front Panel DN6
The right-hand drawing
gives you an overview on
one digitizerNETBOX
DN6 front panel.
Depending on the version
of the digitizerNETBOX
or generatorNETBOX
you have, the area 7 may
differ in terms of number
of channels or grouping
of the channels.
In area 8 a version with
4 BNC connectors is
shown. Other versions
with 5 SMA, 6 BNC or 7 SMA connectors are also available. Please see the table below for the different connections.
Power On/Offpress while device stoppeddigitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is started
Power LEDLED offno power connected to the device
LAN LEDLED offNo LAN connection.
Connected LEDLED offDevice is not in use
Arm/TriggerLED offNo trigger detected, device is waiting for trigger event, or not armed at all
LAN Resetpress onceDoes a reset of the LAN settings to default state. The reset button needs to be pressed for 4 seconds to issue
Signal ConnectionsConnect your input signals here. For differential connections use even channels for positive phase and odd
Control Connections
(4 BNC connector
version, for M2i module
based products)
Control Connections
(6 BNC connector
version, for M2p module
based products))
Control Connections
(7 SMA connector
version, for M4i module
based products)
short press while device is runningdigitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is closing the embedded controller and is going into standby mode
long press while device is runningdigitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is aborted and is going into standby. Please only use this stop method
LED orangepower is connected, device is in standby mode
LED greendevice has started and is working
LED redError while trying to get a LAN connection.
LED greenDevice is connected to LAN.
LED green flashingDevice is connected to LAN. Flashing indicates LAN ID (see webserver).
LED greenDevice is in use by other PC
LED greenTrigger detected, acquisition is running or already finished
Trig-A I/OTrigger A with programmable input or output. This is the main external trigger
Trig-B InTrigger B, input only. This trigger is referenced in the manual as TRIG_XIO0
Clock I/OClock with programmable input or output
TS-Ref InTimestamp Reference Clock Input
Clock InExternal clock input
Trig InTrigger, input only. This is the main external trigger. The trigger line is reference in the manual as EXT0
X0 OutMulti Purpose X0, output only. Clock output available. The connection is referenced in the manual as X0
X1 I/OMulti Purpose X1 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X1
X2 I/OMulti Purpose X2 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X2
X3 I/OMulti Purpose X3 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X3
Clock InExternal clock input
Clock OutExternal clock output
Trig0 InTrigger 0, input only. This is the main external trigger. The trigger line is reference in the manual as EXT0
Trig1 InTrigger 1, input only. This is the secondary external trigger. This line is reference in the manual as EXT1
X0 I/OMulti Purpose X0 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X0
X1 I/OMulti Purpose X1 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X1
X2 I/OMulti Purpose X2 with programmable direction. The connection is referenced in the manual as X2
if the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is not responding
the reset. The reset command is then issued immediatley independent of the current run state of the device.
channels for negative phase.
Ethernet Default Settings
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is started with the following Ethernet configuration:
SettingDefault Setup
Auto IPenabled
Host NameDefault hostname as netbox type + serial numberExample: DN2_465-08_sn8085
(c) Spectrum GmbH29
Detecting the digitizerNETBOXHardware Installation
Detecting the digitizerNETBOX
Before accessing the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX one has to determine the IP address of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX.
Normally that can be done using one of the two methods described below:
Discovery Function
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX responds to the VISA described Discovery function. The next chapter will show how to install and
use the Spectrum control center to execute the discovery function and to find the Spectrum hardware. As the discovery function is a standard
feature of all LXI devices there are other software packages that can find the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX using the discovery function:
• Spectrum control center (limited to Spectrum remote products)
• free LXI System Discovery Tool from the LXI consortium (www.lxistandard.org)
• Measurement and Automation Explorer from National Instrumen
• ts (NI MAX)
• Keysight Connection Expert from Keysight Technologies
Additionally the discovery procedure can also be started from ones own specific application:
#define TIMEOUT_DISCOVERY 5000 // timeout value in ms
// allocate memory for string list
for (uint32 i = 0; i < dwMaxNumRemoteCards; i++)
pszVisa[i] = new char [dwMaxVisaStringLen];
pszIdn[i] = new char [dwMaxIdnStringLen];
memset (pszVisa[i], 0, dwMaxVisaStringLen);
memset (pszIdn[i], 0, dwMaxIdnStringLen);
// first make discovery - check if there are any LXI compatible remote devices
dwError = spcm_dwDiscovery ((char**)pszVisa, dwMaxNumRemoteCards, dwMaxVisaStringLen, TIMEOUT_DISCOVERY);
// second: check from which manufacturer the devices are
spcm_dwSendIDNRequest ((char**)pszIdn, dwMaxNumRemoteCards, dwMaxIdnStringLen);
// Use the VISA strings of these devices with Spectrum as manufacturer
// for accessing remote devices without previous knowledge of their IP address
Finding the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX in the network
As the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is a standard network device it has its own IP address and host name and can be found in the
computer network. The standard host name consist of the model type and the serial number of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX. The
serial number is also found on the type plate on the back of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX chassis.
30digitizerNETBOX DN2.44x Manual / DN6.44x Manual
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